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Review of Hairror Stories  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
lol, this was very interesting i must say. Very interesting. Even more so when i looked back at the top and saw that they were all true!
Well, i have to say one thing - being a guy, i'm glad we don't have this type of problem too much. But then again, i only just got a new hair style (after having the same one for 10 odd years), so i guess maybe we do.
I suppose one thing you forgot to add in here is when you strike lucky, and find a hairsyle you really like - that gives you the confidence to walk out into the world.
Anyway, well written, crazy, funny, brilliant.
Keep up the good work
Write on!
Review of Grim Tidings  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Interesting story, I enjoyed the medieval touch to it. It seemed well written enough, and apart from a few mistakes was almost perfect. My only suggestion would be for you to reduce the number of people attacking him from ten to more like five. Ten is too much, even for Alec. The other men he is not fighting would not just be sitting there. They would be surrounding him, and with only one sword he could not have fended them all off. Certainly his horse would have been killed.
Apart from that though it was a good read, well written and fun. Keep it up
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Great stuff! :D Being absolutely terrified of those things myself, I have to say your chaaracter had alot of nerve! Especially to take one that is completely pitched black! Yikes!!! The worst i've done was the gold rush at movie world on the gold coast of Australia - and it only had one thirty foot drop.
Anyway, this was well written, fun to read, and left a great message at the end. It showed that she really got something out of the experiance. So once again, great stuff.
I don't think you really needed the plot/setting/end bit at the start though, you established that well enough in the story.
Overall, a great read! Write on!
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
LOL, that was epic awesomeness! I especially liked the mary getting knocked up by the cable guy!:P This is a really funny way to make a story if you ask me, because whenever a reference to a movie was made the entire story was immediately there in my head (well, the ones i knew anyway)! Great stuff, got me laughing a few times. Well done!
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Review of Hit Man  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I dunno, i liked the last story I read better. I think this would have been better executed if you'd taken more of it from Charlie's pov, purely to get his reaction to the events at the end. I would have liked to knwo how he felt at his business partner betraying him like that. I immediately liked his character, from the way he kept cool to pull over when he was shot. This really did make me want to stick with him more.
Still, it did work quite well as it was. I just didn't really enjoy the hunt mans pov - he didn't seem quite real enough for me.
Overall though it was pretty great. Good job
Write on!
Rated: E | (5.0)
When i first started reading this, i wasn't sure if it was going to be one of those 'horror' stories, or whether it would be as it is - sweet and memorable. To be honest, i'm glad it had a sweeter ending, i'm sort of sick of the nasty supernatural these days (well, maybe not - i do watch alot of that show 'supernatural').
But this was a great story, and i loved the happy ending. It even had a special meaning to me (as it would be to most people) - our loved ones will always be with us.
I did have a question though, was the timeline indicated by the boat an actual example of the time they lived in, or more of a fantasy? Curiousity compells me to ask :D

Anyway, great story!
Write on!
Review of The Mailman  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Certainly an interesting point - although i can't say i've ever had a serious distrust of the post service :P. Still though, you executed the reason for the distrust well with the flash back to the past. My only point to make with that was that it took me a few seconds to realise there'd been a transition (my fault really).
Anyway, I liked how people seemed to like this guy, and that he obviously wasn't afraid to go out on a limb to help peopple.
Overall a good, enjoyable story.
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Review of Devonshire  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Wow, that was really neat! Pretty awesome stuff:D This definately deserved to win the story of the week.

I think the bit i liked the best was how MArtin developed during the story - he went from a lazy disgusting slob sort of person to a pretty great guy. And in the end, what he did wasn't for himself, but for the creature. I think that was probably the best bit - that and the happy ending!

Apart from a few little mistakes i noticed in passing, this story was pretty perfect. Wonderful descriptions, well flowing sentences and dialogue. Great stuff!

Write on!
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow, this was great!

This plot had pretty much everything - action, fear romance, danger. Great stuff, although so far we haven't quite been shown where it is going. Of course, the stranger is far from done with. At first I suspected she would be kidnapped and the adventure would spring from that. I'm lost as to what will happen next, but that's ok! I like a story i cannot predict:D

Her friends seems really rather crazy - or rebellious. Her mind set would certainly be a bit more normal in today society, rather than then. However, Crystal's view was perfect, although she too seems to have a bit of fire in her belly.
It was interesting that you've used the slaves as such a powerful element in here. Although that was the way it was in those days, you may want to lighten it a little. I dunno for sure (not being american and all), but some might find it a bit offensive - even if thats how it was. Of course, if you have them come to realise the slaves are people it would be a bit of a cliche... Soooo, do what you think is best lol. It's all you can do. I just thought i'd point it out:P

The frantic chaos fo the party was very vivid in my mind. All your details were well developed and flowed into teh story perfectly. WEll done

Just one thing i really picked up:
She nodded; she had not known how they would get to the Place de Negres she had not expected this
"But" or some other word is missing.

Overall a great work, well done!
Write on!
Review of Gnome Sweet Gnome  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
That was so cute, fuzy and heart warming!!! Seriously, beautiful picture you painted. I loved how you built up the start with all the stress in your characters life - and then took it all away after a brief panic attack. It was really neat, something i really like to see in a story. Apart from a few tiny spelling mistakes, brilliant!
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Review of Nigochiaaa ... !  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hmm, this was a pretty neat story - you certainly managed to explain the game well without spending entire paragraphs in the explaining. All the intricacies of the game were merged well with the story itself, making it flow and read brilliantly. I especially liked the action parts, and where the girls came and began their mischeif.
Your characters were also neat, they were vivid in my mind and their anger, excitement and the like was well conveyed throughout.
Great writing here my friend!
Write on!
Review of Breeding Hate  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Brilliant piece in my opinion. I've read quite a bit about the palistinian and israel conflict lately, but this was one brought a more personal feel to the whole thing. It makes you imagine - what if it was me? How you you feel? It really brought it all into reality for me. I just wish it would be over - just wish all war could be over. Unfortunately that never seems to be a likely thing.
Other than that, you had some really great descriptions in there, your characters were vivid and well described and the scenes literally exploded before my eyes. You've managed to paint a great picture with your words.
Keep writing great stuff like this, write on!
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hmmm, an interesting read to say the least. The little blurb at the end also helped the reader to gain better insight into your reasons for writing this, which was good. Apart from a few grammatical errors and a few too many repeat words it was perfect. The bit i liked best was when he talked about his sister, because it suddenly threw his situation into a whole new, devastating light. It really drew the reader in and made them want to reach out and help this person.
The detail you lavished into imagery was also pretty awesome, especially the bit about the sunbeams :D I could picture everything perfectly in my head.
Write on!
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Cold, just cold man :P. Assasins sure do seem to be your thing don't they, ah well, assassins are fun. Anyway, i loved the descriptions you used here. I mean, that first paragraph was just awesome - you really managed to drive the picture of your character into your readers mind. Well done on that. This was also really easy to follow, and had just that perfect touch of foreshadowing (i think thats the word) to the events to come. And the final dialogue worked well as well. Keep up the good work
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Review of How Toys Are Made  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Ho ho ho, Merry christmas! Well done on this story by the way, i really felt i got to know Danny during the breif time i read about him. I also loved how you managed to merge the elves and santa with thhe real life companies that market the products (not a microsoft fan? :P)
The only thing i thought could possibly have used a bit of improvement was detailing how exactly the elves looked, what their emotions were like from the features of their faces. I know we all sort of know what elves look like, but if you describe at least the main character it should that much more reality too it.
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Review of The Last Prayer  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hmm, very interesting. Not written in the usual style but still an intriguing tale. I think it could have done with a little more action/feeling too it. For instance, when the characters wife died i didn't feel too sad, i didn't feel his greif. However, that was one of the few let downs to be honest, as on the whole it was a good read. I'm always interested in the wars of the past, especially fiction about them. Simon Scarrow has some good books surrounding the roman legions.
Alright, good story.
Write on!
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Nicely written, this is a very good story! You've managed to put alot of emotion and bonding into such few words, and for that i commend you. I'm also pleased that you chose to mention they were hunting for meat, not trophies. That made your characters much more likable to the reader. Good descriptions, so good I wonder if this was a real experiance! I always like it when people can do that, make it seem so real they leave the reader questioning whether it had actually happened to the writer. Well done!
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Review of Misplaced Love  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Lol, i'm a rooster, nice! I liked that part :P Anyway, you wrote this very well i must say, great descriptions and i can very easily see those conversations happening. It would be interesting to see whether Dante ever gets the girl, very interesting indeed. You also managed to convey the kind of person Dante was very nicely, which i also liked. Excellent story!
write on!
Rated: E | (5.0)
**This is being reviewed as part of your reward for runnerup reviewer of the month**
Ha, this was really good, especially for something you had to write in one day. It even gave me a bit of a chuckle. I liked how you used his predicament to detail his life and stuff. It really gave the reader a nice insight into how it had come about, what his personality was like, how he thought of his life and the like, and that really made it all the more real. And it was well written!
Keep up the good work
Write on!
Review of PROLOGUE  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hmmm, definately seems like a good start for a prologue. Could use some splitting up a bit with paragraphs though, then it would be perfect. Sounds like this could be a good read (for a second it reminded my of 28 days later which i watched last night).
Write on!
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
That was a pretty great story my friend! Was it true? Either way you made a great job of it! Your righting was excellent and i liked how it was talked about outside of the relationship, rather than from one of the two romantics
Poor Hari, i'm afraid he rather reminded of me in situations more than once in my life. I'll have to take note of the lesson he learned.
Anyway, good job on this one!
Write on!
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi, i'm reviewing this for the WDCF story of teh week competition. Sorry this isn't as long as my usual reviews, but with exams coming up i've been rather busy i'm afraid.

An interesting little story, that reminded me alot of global warming to be honest. But it also reminded me of my favourite childhood story (but for the life of me i can never remember its name: you know, the one with the foxes and all the other animals have to move to a new forest). This was well written, with some great descriptions and good portrayal of these brave little moles fighting to survive in a world that is inexplicably changing beyond their control. Well done with this!
Write on!
Review of Chapter 1-3  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Remember, this is your story, everything i’ve said below are just suggestions!

The Adventures of Marty Mask
Chapter 1

plot: Interesting plot here, obviously Marty is some sort of undercover police officer. It will be interesting to see how David handles this, erm, surprising revolation. Its also interesting how your world is made of animals and the like. However, I think it could have been more interesting if you were to remove the guns and things, and instead have them use their own bodies as weapons.
characters: You’ve got a few neat characters here so far. This Marty is interesting.
grammar: Not many problems that i could see
style/voice: I like the way you’ve portrayed your world, you’ve got a very original tone of voice in your story that makes me want to keep reading.
setting: I thought you could have used a bit more descriptions of the settings and the like, but overall quite good.
overall: Your story is an interesting and very original one. I’m interested to see where this is going. Another thought is that the city could be divided into three levels – the third being underground (As a lot of animals live underground). Anyway, i enjoyed reading this. Write on!

Comments below in bold:
The story begins in the humble dwelling of David Wilkins the cat, who lived on the sixth floor of an apartment building which was set in the very heart of the booming metropolis Geltempo City. David back was black and grey striped coat. His front side was white which ran up along his body until it ended in a splash between his eyes.
- long fur or short? Colour of his eyes? Any scars? Just because he’s a cat doesn’t mean he shouldn’t have lots of description
Geltempo City was divided into two sections. These sections were not divided all on land but rather vertically, from top to bottom. There was Upper-Level Geltempo which began about seven hundred feet up and was mostly dominated by birds and other flying beast(s). Metal sidewalks with guardrails stretched out from building to building forming complex lattice throughout Upper-Level for those who were to tired to, or couldn't(,) fly. Under Upper-Level was Ground-Level Geltempo were all the land bound creatures, such as David, dwelled. Most of the creatures in Geltempo kept to their own respective levels (though cats, who were very fond of high places, often visited, went on vacation to, or lived in Upper-level) allowing all the inhabitants to coexist, for the most part, peacefully.

Today was not David's day. His girlfriend no longer able to put up with his
unemployment had recently broken up with him. Also, he was barely able to scrape by on his rent this month.

His (he) had crashed on the couch that night and turned on the TV, not really caring what was on, and begun to give himself a cat bath when a knock sounded at his door.

A raccoon was standing in the doorway when he answered it. Though he was of an average build, he cut a very tough figure. His left ear stood taller than his right which looked like half of it had been hacked off. A strong smelling cigar hung limply from his mouth sending a lazy trail of smoke into the air.
- Once again, there can be other descriptions here. Was his tail long or short? Striped? etc

"I heard you were looking for a roommate." He said.

If he could some how get behind himself, David would have kicked himself hard for not cleaning up the place. Realizing that he couldn't afford to be just scraping by on the every month, he put an ad in the newspaper for a roommate. He tried to keep the place clean, but it had been two weeks and no one had contacted him about it. And gradually he began to let the place slip back to its usual messiness.

"Okay then, um.. Come in." He said

The raccoon strolled in and stuck out his paw.

"Marty Mask"

"David Wilkins" David answered accepting it. He winced a little when he felt Marty's viselike grip.

"Gee, I wish you had called before you came here. I would have tried to get the place ready."

"So what? This is what it'll be looking like if I start living here." Marty said kicking aside a pizza box. Then sensing David's agitation he smiled and said. "Don't worry, when you see how messy I am you'll be ready to kick me out. So are you going to show me around?"

David gave him a quick tour of the apartment. He(instead of he, marty, since you just used David in the previous sentence, making it confusing) decided to accept the offer and move in. The next week he began to move is stuff in. He had a box full of miscellaneous objects and a large oak desk. Looking at the clothes he usually wore, a faded t shirt and some slightly ragged looking jeans, he didn't strike David as exactly a fashion fanatic, but the bulk of his possessions were clothes. He brought in at least five boxes full of clothes.

He helped Marty cram the last of it in his closet and got a glimpse of the type of clothes they were. He had clothing for every type of occasion you could think of. He had everything from very expensive tailor-made suits to dirty looking holey clothes that looked like something only a street bum would be caught wearing. David commented on his enormous wardrobe. Marty's only responded by saying that he needed a wide variety of clothes to choose from in his line of work.

David didn't know exactly what Marty's occupation was but after a week or two he began to grow very curious. Very often beasts of various species knocked on his door asking to talk with Marty Mask. He tried asking Marty about it but he was again elusive in his answer by only saying that they were his clients.

No matter how late he arrived at the apartment at night, Marty would always be up at the crack of dawn to take his morning walk. Then he would fix a pot of coffee and some breakfast while he turned on the morning news. That was about around the time David woke up. About around ten o'clock after this morning ritual he began working.

He would then often disappear off somewhere in the city, wearing one of his
various outfits. Sometimes he came back as late as after midnight. When he came back, he would shut himself up in his room/office and demand total quiet. After an hour or two if it wasn't too late and he didn't get any more clients, he would come out and watch TV for the rest of the day.

David's curiosity turned into alarm when one day, about a month after Marty moved in, he spied him getting ready to leave the house dressed in a waiter uniform and loading a revolver and slipping it in a holster concealed in his coat.

Now the crime rate all throughout Geltempo City was very high especially around the area David lived in. It was something that Geraldo Spike, Geltempo's Ground-Level porcupine mayor, spent countless hours trying to think of a solution for, or at least something that would at least temporarily stop the seemingly endless barrage of complaints that pored in every day. There were plenty of gangs ravaging the streets at night and there were even a few organized crime groups headed by much older and sinister beasts then the juvenile delinquents that only dealt in petty crimes. David knew there was no place in Geltempo that was completely safe from crime but David definitely wasn't going to share his apartment with a criminal.
- I dunno, in such a shifty city I would wonder whether Marty is carrying a gun for protect

The next morning he woke up with the resolve to confront Marty and demand to know exactly just what his job was but he had already left on his morning walk. So he began to make breakfast as he waited for him to return. It was then (when) a furious pounding sounded at the door. When he went to open it, he almost fainted as he was assailed by a blast of fowl breath and flecks of spit.


It was then that the huge horned lizard realized that David wasn't a raccoon.
"Where's the raccoon?"

"Look buddy, Marty said he doesn't talk to any clients before 10 o'clock and I'll tell you another thing, I don't appreciate you banging on my door like that and spraying your slobber all over me especially this early in the morn-"

"Now you listen to me fleabag, when that raccoon gets here, you tell him that Bart said that when we catch up with him, me and my whole gang is gonna make a cap out of him!"

David was beginning not to like this lizard. "Now you listen to me reptile, I don't know who you are or what your problem with Marty is but if you come here banging on my door and calling me a fleabag again, I will give you a good slashing! Now get lost and buy yourself a mint while you're at it." He growled at him fully displaying his claws. He hissed at him and was about to slam the door in his face when they both heard a voice from the hallway.

"Ernie, what a pleasant surprise. You came (you = to) see me I understand?"
Ernie whirled around to see Marty strolling leisurely up to the door.

"You!" He shouted after he recovered from his surprise. "I told you to stay out of my business and I still find out that you've been snooping around my house again, probably got it infested with fleas, and I know you were spying on me at the restaurant."

"Well if that's what you're so worked up about then I have some good news and not so good news for you, The good news is I found out all I needed to know and I will not be anywhere near your filthy house again. So you can rest easy, But the not so good news is you'll only be able to rest easy for a few hours because pretty soon you'll probably be arrested for the murder of Gregory Slithers."

When Marty said that last part Ernie stepped back in surprise. Which David would have preferred he didn't because it brought the lizard over the threshold and into his apartment.

"Well I suppose that means you found out." Ernie snarled. He suddenly shoved past Marty. At first David thought he was trying to run away. But he stopped behind Marty and reached in his coat and pulled out a gun. He pointed in Marty's face who had just whirled around.

"Alright both of you get your paws up and get in the apartment now!"
Marty's face betrayed no emotion as he slowly raised his paws in the air and stepped in the apartment.

"I was just going to beat you up but I see I'm going to have to do more than that now! Hey cat!" He said pointing the gun at David. "Get those paws up."

"Look I-I don't know w-what this is a-all about." David stammered quickly. "B-but I'm j-just his roommate. I don't have any t-thing to do with-"


Suddenly Marty lunged forward and grabbed the claw that was clutching the gun.

"Get your flea-ridden paws off me you mammal scum!" Ernie grunted as they struggled for control of the gun. The gun went with off a loud bang but Marty was able to push Ernie's arm so that the bullet flew harmlessly to the right breaking a lamp.

The shot seemed to galvanize David into action. Popping his claws out, he slashed at Ernie across the face. Crying out in pain, Ernie dropped his gun and clutched at his wound. With almost blurring speed Marty picked the gun up and before he knew it Ernie was staring down the barrel of his own gun.
{b]- maybe replace a few guns with ‘weapon’ and the like to avoid repeats

"Make one move and I put a bullet right through your head." Marty said.

Suddenly the door busted and a doberman cop in plan clothes and three other dogs in uniforms burst through the door with guns in their paws.

"Alright everyone freeze! GPD!!." The doberman shouted.

, "Well Anya, You took your time getting here, as usual." Marty said to the doberman.

"Maybe I was hoping scale-face over here might plug you." Anya said motioning for a golden retriever to put Ernie in cuffs. The lizard knew that the game was up so he initiated his body's most primitive defense mechanism, he hit the dog squarely in the face with a steam of blood he shot from the corner of his eye. As the dog let go of him to frantically wipe his face, he made one last desperate dash for the door, but he never made it past Anya who bought the butt of her gun down hard on Ernie's head. With a grunt Ernie fell over and crashed into David's glass coffee table shattering it into a million tiny pieces.

"Let's see if you can cuff him right this time." She growled at the retriever. She turned to Marty. "As for you, you got a lot of explaining to do."

David was staring in horror at his coffee table, which now laid in ruins. It was a birthday present from his mom. She would not be happy to see it gone the next time she visited.

"See," Marty said. "Told you I was messier than you are."
- lol, nice one!

Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey there! I’m reviewing this wonderful story for the WDC Frontliners story of the week competition. Just to let you know, everything I say is just my opinion, its up to you as the writer to make the real decisions! Write on!

Wow, I loved this! At first the writing style was a little hard to follow, but it got better as I went along. Somehow it really worked! Your lines flowed well from one instant to the other, which made it very easy to read (despite the unique style of writing). Your voice in the story was fantastic, and the descriptions and imagery for each beast were, although brief, wonderfully insightful. The only things that I would really comment on was that you’ve forgotten to put spaces after your commas, and that full stops could be used to replace some of your commas. This is simply because some of your sentences would be more effective if split.
Overall this was a great piece of work. Write on!
Comments on your writing are in bold below, corrections in brackets:

Once in the long ago a butterfly was born,( )from the lowly caterpillar who crept upon the ground,( )into himself in anguished shame he drew his ugliness,( )wrapped in self pity he hibernated on a high Oak branch.
- I’m fairly sure the ‘once in the long ago’ was deliberate, but as a first introduction it can be a little confusing. As I’ve said, this unique style works well overall, but the first part tends to trip you over a little.

Time to think and suffer was what he felt was needed to set his thinking right,( )his tears slid around him creating a shield from the cruel world,( )hardening in pity to hide his wounded heart from those dressed in beauty unlike him.

He had no feathers shinning in the sun,( )he had no fins or fur,( )no long and stately legs like the doe and buck,( )no soft long ears and glistening eyes,( )he could no(t) swim or build,( )he had no song to share like the birds above.
- It may be deliberate, but you’ve forgotten to put a space between each of your commas and the next word.
- Also, in some of your paragraphs I would use some full stops. For instance, instead of ‘eyes, he could not swim’ a full stop may be more useful.

What then have I to offer in a world that values worth,too many legs and scaly skin that looks a sickly green,food for the Jays children is not exactly what I wish,far too close to the ground I slink,and feed upon the trees.
- Instead of worth, perhaps beauty? Magnificence? Splendour?

Tufts of bristly hair that never match,no pretty words or touching cuteness do I offer,no,oh,no there is no(,) use my life just does not matter,so here I stay hidden from sight until this life is over,so as to not offend my Creator.

The ant works hard to build his hill and fill it with many children,the grasshopper leaps from leaf to leaf in happy laughter,the bear and elk provide the food and shelter for the People,beaver and otter share the waters.

Wolf is much like man and lives in families,panther stalks the night in his glowing stealth and beauty,the trees and plants share of themselves to bring the People plenty,why then I wonder was such as I ever created?

Sadly his dreams were filled of all that he was not,as he slept the time away in his tight wrapped nest of hardened tears,breaking his own sweet heart wishing he was something else,until one day of deep spring warmth.

Once in the long ago a butterfly was born,from his cracking shell he drew his helpless body,wondering why he was forced from his only protection,wet and crawling,creeping toward the heat along the branch.

Why were the others gathered there to watch his shameful emergence,why could he not stay for ever is his safe and dark home,until he heard the humans as they caught their breath,why were they starring at him as if he were a gift?

Suddenly he felt the need to spread his wings,fluttering softly to catch the evening breeze,what wings was the next thought,whatever is the matter,and then he was lifted high upon the winds,across the water he floated oh,my he was amazed.

Who is that beautiful creature,there is no way that can be me,it is he thought in happiness this is why I was created,he knew inside so deep without any need for telling,each human that he passed count sight of him a blessing!

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Review of A Long Night  
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello there, I'm reviewing this for the story of the week competition over at WDC Frontliners. Please remember that everything i've said is just my opinion: I'm still rather new here and so i'm still getting the hang of reviews.
I'm practising line by line reviews right now, so bare with me.

plot: Good plot, your main character has obviously moved to Saris from L.A recently, and his friction with his partner adds a rather interesting mix to the murder investigation.
characters: Both of your characters are convincing and well described, however i didn't really feel for them. They were good, but they seemed to lack a certain personality until right near the end.
grammar: No complaints
style/voice: I like your tone of voice for your writing, its unique and makes the reader continue reading. Good work on this!
setting: Once again, brilliant setting. The burned building is vividly described, the bodies clear in my mind.
overall: Overall this was a compelling story that held the readers interest to the end. Pity that there is no resolution to the case, but in a way that is fine: it was more about establishing what had happened than who had done it. I enjoyed reading this, and good luck for the story of the week competition.
Write on!

Line by lines are in bold below:

I parked the old silver Crown Victoria near the curb and turned the lights off. The officers had finished roping the area off and were now escorting half a dozen reporters away from the premises. A fire truck lit up the evening sky with flashing lights as a handful of volunteers repacked their gear. I shook my head at the pathetic scene. Sardis, Mississippi was nothing like L.A.
- Good first paragraph, does make me wonder why the scene was ‘pathetic’ though. What is so different here as to in L.A?

My older partner began rummaging through the glove compartment. An irritated sigh escaped her full lips as she regarded me with cool ebony eyes that matched the dress suit she wore tonight. "I suppose the gloves are in the trunk again, Michael. Why do you that?"
- Don’t know if ‘full’ is necessary in ‘full lips’. It just seems to break up the flow a little.

The woman's level voice, mixed with the local southern drawl, made it hard for me to focus. "Sorry, Marie-Ann. That's usually where I keep the big guns. I like to have everything I need in one spot." I shrugged before reaching down and pulling the trunk release. "Old habit."

"Well you're not arresting gang bangers anymore. There's no need to keep putting crap in the trunk." She paused in the act of opening the passenger door. "And don't call me Marie-Ann."

"Then stop calling me Michael."

Marie replied with a curt nod before slamming the door.

While contemplating the fact that I will never understand women, I began searching every pocket of my gray suit for a smoke. The endeavor proved futile, and I stopped when my partner lookup up into my eyes with that cool stare. She handed me a pair of latex gloves and we walked in silence toward what was left of the Dutch-colonial style home.
- ‘when my partner lookup up into my eyes’ = ‘when my partner looked up into my eyes’

The silence irritated me because I recognized the test. She dared me to take the lead. I stopped in the middle of the lawn and exhaled a heavy sigh. Those dark orbs stared into mine once more, but I met the challenge this time. The captain really screwed up with this pairing. "Look Davis, we have the same time in grade and the same rank. Between you and me, I don't care who takes the lead. I just want to solve cases. Now instead of attitude why don't you try telling me what you think? Me? I see an open and shut case. This house was older than my grandmother, God rest her soul."

Marie paused for a moment before exploding into a fit of laughing.
- I think this line would work better if you added in what type of laughter. I get the feeling its meant to be patronising, but from the way it’s written she could almost be happy.

She grabbed my arm, her unpainted nails digging into my slim bicep, and pulled me toward the dilapidated home. It took her a few moments to control her unusual mirth. "Credit is overrated. Your theory is a good one, but the Hansons have always been reclusive, strange. Maybe some nut decided to do the town a favor."
* * *

We stood looking within the remains of a devastated living room in silence for a couple of minutes. Two bodies shared a loveseat centered along the windowless left wall. A child-sized husk occupied one of two chairs along the far wall with a shattered window above it. The small television set to our right continued to spark in sporadic spurts. I shook my head at the mess left behind by Sardis' Finest. "Did they use all the water in the whole damn county?"

Davis let out a soft sigh as she walked into the room filled with charred corpses. "Mick, look at this." She pointed a finger at the remains of a car seat with a newborn still strapped in. Her slim form crouched low and picked up a clear shard from the rubble. "Glass." We both stared at the window. "Someone threw this baby into the fire."

I looked away in disgust and examined the pair on the sofa, kicking over a burned set of slender pipes along the way. "One set of wrists are tied to the arm of the sofa. The other isn't. The bound wrists are smaller. Mrs. Hanson?"

"Looks like a mass suicide."
- Seems a rather naive thing to say, someone was bound to a chair, a baby was thrown through the window. Seems more like murder to me.

I shook my head at her summation. "Then who threw the baby back inside?"

A rustling sound from behind made me reach for my gun. Davis giggled and led the nerdy looking medical examiner in. The kid looked nineteen. I sighed and stepped outside to let him do his job.

The fire department and reporters left during our initial investigation, leaving Davis and I alone with our thoughts. Out of habit, my hands searched each pocket for a Marlboro. I looked toward the car and noticed something odd. "Didn't you close the trunk, Davis?"

Marie took a deep breath while removing her forty-five. "Yea."

We approached the vehicle with care and found the remains of a camera inside the trunk. I thought back to the scene- a burned set of slender pipes.

"A tripod."


I did not bother responding as I tried to see if the thing still worked. An image appeared on the miniature screen but no sound accompanied it. A balding man in jeans and a plaid shirt sat on a leather sofa and spoke into the camera, a serene look on his face as the wife struggled to break free beside him. Hanson looked to the left and jumped from the seat and ran off the screen. Mrs. Hanson's eyes widened in horror as her husband fell back toward the sofa with a shard of glass embedded into his chest. A slender hip in blue jeans stood in front of the lens, obscuring the view. Soon the picture went dark and I resumed breathing.

Davis broke the silence. "Someone escaped, took the camera, and left the others to burn."

"And threw in the baby for good measure."

Davis and I exchanged tired glances. We both knew it was going to be a long night.

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