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Review of Demonic Fury  
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
*Exclaim*REMEMBER: Anything I say here is my opinion. But YOU are the write, so do with my words what you wish!

I will be reviewing this piece as I read it and then also giving you my general sense of the piece after I read through it. So, bear with me if this review starts to get a bit lengthy.

My Thoughts As I Read...

*Star*The first line starts the piece very strongly! Great job!

*Idea*She raised her hands, the skies opened up, and the young man was swept up by a tornado.
Although this sentence does its job, I think you can better it by being more descriptive of what it was like for the young man to be swept up by the tornado. There can be some powerful imagery there. Tap into it.
Reading on to the next line, I see you described the tornado a little more, but still this isn't what I meant.

She laughed loudly as everything returned back to normal.
*Question*What is "normal" in this case? Instead of saying that it returned to normal, you may wish to describe *what* happened.

Soon, he was back to his old self, and a little bit confused.
I don't think the word "and" is needed here.

He breathed a sigh of relief, as he gathered his sword up, and started walking back toward his house.
It's great to see punctuation being used in a piece, but I believe you over-used commas here. I don't think any commas are needed in this sentence, actually. (Again, remember these are just MY opinions.)
Also, it would flow better to say "gathered up his sword" (as opposed to "gathered his sword up.") *Idea*On second thought, "gathering" is usually done on more than one thing. So, I'm not sure if you can gather just a sword.

He swung his sword toward them as another guy snuck up behind him and knocked him over the head.
*Note1*"Him" and "he" are used too often in this piece and particularly in this sentence. Try varying this by using nouns to describe the other characters. Maybe give the main character a name and use that sometime. If you don't want to give him a name you can use "the man."

He held his hands over his face as he felt a cool rage take over.
*Question*A "cool" rage? In my experience, anger brings with it a warming of the skin. I can be wrong and there may be certain situations where rage brings coolness. Or, are you conveying something different here?

Soon, all that was left was a fiery skeleton. The men shook in fright as the "creature" stared at them with hatred,burning deep within his skeletal eyes.
*Question* Why is the word creature in quotation marks. This is the second time it was written this way in the piece.
*Note*This is the seond time you stated that the body was a "fiery skeleton." It may improve the writing if you can think of another phrase to use in its place one of these times.

It slowed time down as it pulled out a shiny gold sword with human heads etched into the handle.
I find myself wondering if he had this sword all along. If so, why wasn't it used before. Even if he was peace-loving before this "transformation", the sword could have been used as a warning type of thing, even if not used to harm the men.

It surveyed the man lying unconscious on the ground as it started walking towards him.
*Question* What is "it"?

It made it's way over to the man as it raised it's sword above it's head,suddenly the sound of gun fire rang out as 6 hunters took turns shooting at the"creature".
*Question*This "creature" is the man that started off the story, correct?
*Note1*Add a space after "the" and before creature.

they shook their heads as they sighed.
Don't forget capitalization!

The"creature"made it's way inside a cave as it sat down to rest,the feeling of rage was beginning to subside as the"creature"started to transform back into human form.
This should really be two sentences. If you wish to keep it one sentence, separate the two parts with a semi-colon.

Gerrus Macade was once one of King Feralix's Red Knights he fought bravely to protect the king but soon found himself in over his head.
This should also be two sentences.

Gerrus refused and continued to see Jasmina's daughter anyways,Jasmina finally had enough of their insolence and placed a wicked curse on Gerrus.
I don't believe you need the "s" on anyways.
Also, this again should be two sentences (instead of a comma.)
*Star*The beginning of this piece is starting to make sense. At least, I think it is.
*Idea*You may wish to change one of the "G" names as it can get a little confusing to have a story with two characters with names starting with the same letter.

He shook his head as he tried to get all the images out of his head,he ran out of the cave screaming as Jasmina appeared before him.
Again, two sentences.

Gerrus looked at her with hatred as he replied"Why would I thank you sorceress if it hadn't have been for you I'd still be normal!"
*Idea*My suggestions for punctuation/word usage:
Gerrus looked at her with hatred as he replied, "Why would I thank you, Sorceress? If it wasn't for you, I'd still be normal!"

"You actually want to be normal like everyone else? how pathetic!"
Capitalize the "h" in how.

He drew his sword as he ran at her with all his might,Jasmina blocked his attacks as she shot him with bolts of electricity.
Again this is two complete thoughts and needs to be broken into two sentences.

Gerrus tried to move but it was no use the boulder was much too large for him to move,he sighed a little as he thought about his life.
"no use" is the end of an idea. "to move" is the end of another idea. So separate these with periods of semi-colons.

Gerrus closed his eyes as he felt a cold rage coarse throughout his body,his eyes turned to flames as his skin began to melt off again.
*Idea*Since you've already used the phrase "cold rage" to describe the sensation, maybe you can try something else here. Otherwise, it sounds very repetitive.

Jasmina tried to teleport but the boulder knocked her to the ground,she tried to shoot fire at the skeleton but to no avail as the skeleton grabbed her by the throat.
Where the comma is, there should be a period instead.

Jasmina wiped the dirt off her dress as she stared at the skeleton with a look of disgust
It seems like there'd be more recoup needed than wiping off dirt.

Soon the skeleton creature was gone and Gerrus was back to normal,he stared at his reflection in the water as he remembered the look of fear in Gabriella's eyes.
She was the only thing in his life that had meant something to him and he had lost her,he stared up at the sky as he thought about how dramatically his life had changed.

Again, the commas should be periods.

He closed his eyes as he felt something sharp touch him,he jumped up as 3 men grabbed him by the arms and knocked him to the ground
Spell out the number three instead of writing it as a numeral.

I'm not pointing out the run-on sentences anymore... I've pointed enough out that you can probably find some more on your own. Also, the description of the skeleton/melting skin is used again in the story. Again, this would benefit from a variation in word usage. ((If you need help in understanding run-ons, let me know... I'll do my best to help you with that.))

You have the word "Skeleton" capitalized a few times in here. It needn't be.

They were running in Slow-motion while the Skeleton was still at full speed
Slow-motion doesn't need to be hypentaed or capitalized.

He flew to the caves in the far east of the forest, as he entered the caves and bowed his head"Did you find him?"
*Question*Who's "he" here?

General Reaction:
This could use a looking over to correct repeated run-ons, capitalization errors, and over-used phrases.

The idea of the story was interested, but the writing of it tended to be confusing at times. Using more names and less pronouns may help with this.

I hope this review doesn't sound rude. I really don't mean it to be. I just wanted to review honestly.
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Thank you for writing this. It presents many interesting points to consider. I agree with it wholeheartedly!

I found this piece linked in the rules of a contest, by the way.

You did a great job with your use of ML. It make the item easier to read, and allowed the reader to skip to parts they may be interested in if they don't believe a particlar point "applies to them."

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is assuming that the takers of the poll believe they are pretty to begin with...


The results of this are interesting to me. I expected more "no" answers. It gets me wondering how many people are honest about it.

How many that took this survey are female anyway?

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review of Favorite quotes  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I got about 1/2-way through this and decided I'd be back for a re-visit later. You have a great list here.

I have one comment to make, though. I've found that the coloring makes it a bit annoying (especially when the name of an actor is in color in the middle of a quotation.) I know it adds to the layout, allowing it to be not JUST black, but I think it is a bit distracting as well. Take this how you wish.
Review of Amen  
Rated: E | (3.5)
what presistence and strength you have... and writing tallent!
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Boy is that a strong piece!
You've put much meaning into those few words.
Keep writing, girl!

See ya at the convy!
Rated: E | (4.0)
very nice flow.
the words that come to mind to describe this are "light and airy" *Bigsmile*

keep on writing.
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
I will not eat you today, for I have all ready eaten, but
all ready should be already

Very creative in writing this. *Smile*
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Yeah, they’re mom did send them away to seek their fortunes.
they're should be their

So 3 wondered some more and she find no way to make money.
find should be found

Wow... very strong emotions are written into this piece.
Not very positive, but strong nevertheless.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This piece evoked such STRONG emotions. I'm left here crying at the whole experience.

Thanks for sharing it with everyone.

(and I'm so happy to hear that you've found a meaning after Gina was gone.)
Review of The Door  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
The door, the color of blood, loomed over him like an imaginary monster over a child in their worst nightmare.
Strong imagery... nice job.

AARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! ending... NEEDS an ending!
Review of A Prologue  
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Note/Disclaimer before I begin...
As you know, this is YOUR piece. So... thus, you can choose to do what you wish with it. Everything I say here is my opinion and/or suggestion... and nothing more.

hurry on their way to tell people of good news or of the bad.
I would suggest making "of good news" and "of the bad" follow the same pattern to help with the parallel structure.

I saw people come and I viewed people go.
This is a little akward.

they were giving him was making him lose to much blood
OOOPs.. you used the wrong to/two/too here... it should be too.

What if it is not the news I wanted to hear?
I think you have an agreement problem here (but I could be wrong)... because you have "What if" and then "wanted"

“Sir, I’m afraid we have some bad news,” the doctor in the turquoise smock on stated.
consider changing "in the turquoise smock on" to "wearing the turquoise smock" or just "in the turquoise smock"

Throughout this piece you have many quotations started with a lowercase letter. Yes, I know they are in the middle of sentences, but I believe they should still be capitalized.

waited for more than a hour to get the doctors update again
doctors should be doctor's (if you mean one doctor) or doctors' (if you mean more than one)

I enjoyed reading this (and it was just short enough to keep my attention), but the emotions do not yet shine through very strongly for some reason. Maybe not enough description? Maybe describing more of what is being seen than the thoughts going through the mind of the narrator? I'm not sure.
Keep writing, though!
Rated: E | (4.0)
I think you should add the word 'most' to the questoin so it reads "Which of these well-respected famous people, living or dead, would you most want to spend a day with?" as this way it'll allow the voter to want to spend time with more than one.... *Wink* (but show you the one who is MOST...)

- oh, I said MLK, Jr.... and another thing - -there's a teacher at my high school (of which I grad'd from in 2002... so he's still there) named Bob Dillon... well, it's pronouced the same as Dylan... hehehe.
Review of All I Really Want  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
whether I’m really even here or not,
very cool line!

The poem says a lot... but in a way so its non-graphic. Very well written!
And, I relate SO WELL with the wondering if everything is a dream thing. And WHEN WILL IT END?!

Keep writing!!!
Review of Opposites  
Rated: E | (4.0)
The double-spacing is a little distracting in this poem, but it was still enjoyable.

I am enjoying your writing in general, hon. :)

take care! :)

Review of Reflections  
Rated: E | (4.0)
near a golden valley, where the lilies are in


it looks and flows akwardly having "bloom" as a line of its own!

There are a few other lines like that as well that you may wish to fix.
Review of promises  
Rated: E | (4.5)
If you promise not to leave

I promise not to cry

I especailly liked those lines...
This item was written beautifully... but the spaces between each line leads it to read wiht longer breaks between lines. I am not sure if that was your goal or if you had just wanted to poem to look longer... Other than that, as I said, I enjoyed the poem, as well as much of your other writings!!!

Review of Hope  
Rated: E | (4.0)
The message of this poem are very true. heart-warming. I like how you gave PEOPLE the power in life... not just an uncontrolable force!!! Very strengthening :)
Rated: E | (4.0)
This item is being reviewed on behalf of "Invalid Item run by ricciardo and Tigger thinks of Prancer and *love2NaNoWriMo* 's port has been selected for today's SCAVENGE OF THE DAY.

Although this item has a strong emotional aspect to it, the ending is very confusing to me... what is going on??? Maybe you can build that up a little more to expain to the readers!

But, take care, m'dear... and keep writing... and try to be smilin'
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Pita... this item is SO useful... thank you... I'm going to start showing people this when then get confused with the ML codes!!!! Thank you!!! :)

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