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Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
*Cool*Hi, my names Matt. I noticed your story on WDC and thought I'd give you my view on it! Remember, these are just my opinions on your story and no way reflect on your writing itself

*Check4*The Good

There are some fantastic descriptions here. For example:

Mouth slowly parting to reveal a large serpent-like tongue as it's fetid breath seeps between puss stained lips.

I could clearly see the creature you described vividly in my mind. You did a great job with that.

*Check4*The Not So Good

I didn't really feel a lot of tension in the story, almost as if the whole thing was a long description of the creature, but like I said before, you pulled that off very well so I don't think it's too much of a concern. And again, it's just my opinion *Smile*.


Nothing, it all looks perfect.

*Check4*Overall Impression

A good, quick read with great descriptions. I'm curious to read some of your longer work, so I'm sure you'll hear from me again sooner or later. Take care and good luck in the contest!

*Exclaim*Remember, you are the best judge of your own work! These are just my opinions, and as I always say, I could very well be wrong!*Wink*

Your friend from the Abyss,


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Review of Carol singing  
Review by M. R. K
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
*Cool*Hi, my names Matt. I noticed your story on WDC and thought I'd give you my view on it! Remember, these are just my opinions on your story and no way reflect on your writing itself

Hey, I saw your story in the Horror newsletter so I thought I'd check it out.

*Check4*The Good

I think perhaps my favorite part about this was the beggining. The explosion really caught me off guard, and it was very unexpected, so I thought that was pretty clever how you did that.

*Check4*The Not So Good

I did feel this piece could use some work. For one, there is a lot of passive voice. For example:

She was constantly checking her watch. Her moment of joy was closing in. They were driving in the shopping district. It was just past noon and there were not many people on the roads. The lesser the better, thought she.

With all of the "was" describing the actions, it makes it harder for the reader to really plant themselves into the story. Try seeing if you can find other ways to describe the scene. And don't worry, passive voice is something that all writers slip into. I myself do it just about every time, and have to go back through the piece and do my best to cut all of it out *Smile*.

I also found the story to be a little cliche. Aside from the beggining, I pretty much predicted everything that would happen in the story, and I wasn't far off. That's really not your fault, more so the story in that it is something I'm familiar with since horror books/films are my obsession.


Everything looks good technically, I didn't notice anything.

*Check4*Overall Impression

Overall, this is a piece with a clever twist here and there, but otherwise felt a little too familiar with me. I can tell that you have a love for the genre though, so keep on writing, and if there's anything else of yours you'd like me to check out, just let me know. Take care and congrats on being featured.

*Exclaim*Remember, you are the best judge of your own work! These are just my opinions, and as I always say, I could very well be wrong!*Wink*

Your friend from the Abyss,


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#1405280 by Not Available.

Review of The Cats Tail  
Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Captivating story man, I really enjoyed it. I'm sure Alice was proud to have this dedicated to her.

You did a great job with building up the suspense, and I also found Mark to be a well rounded character who, though we hate him at first, eventually begin to feel pity for.

And of course, I have to comment on the ending. It was fantastic. It's very hard to scare me, more or less chill me with a horror story, but I did feel a light tingle vibrating up my back reading your gruesomely descriptive ending *Wink*. Great job.

The only suggestion I can make, and I could very well be wrong on this, is the damage done to Mark's car by the cat. Now, I've never hit a cat before, but I did hit a raccoon once with a Camaro I used to have and it didn't leave a scratch. It could all depend on the situation I suppose, I'm just guessing that it's really only larger animals that can do that much damage to a car.

Otherwise great work Pennywise, and just to let you know, I'll be featuring this story in my forum sometime during the coming weeks if that's alright with you. Take care man.

Your friend from the Abyss,


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Review of Moon Dance  
Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Man, you really should consider yourself a damn good writer. This piece is fantastic, I had to clear my last rating and re-rate it. You've definately made a great improvement with it. Honestly I don't have much else to say other than this is by far one of my favorites of yours. Keep up the great work man.

Your friend from the Abyss,

Review of Evermore  
Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
First off, thanks for entering my contest man! Nice to see you there.

Well, this was one of my favorite entries for the Struck by Lightning FF, and I still love it as it is now.

I like the additions you've made to, they certainly add some more depth to the story. The beggining and ending are pretty much perfect in my opinion. I have to admit, an evil laugh escaped my lips the first time I read the end *Wink*.

One suggestion though:

I didn't notice any spelling/grammar issues, but there is one thing that kept bothering me; your use of the phrase, "business partners". These two characters never have a name, and are constantly referred to as this through the entire piece. I felt that the characters could use a little more structure and a couple more dimensions *Wink*.

I suppose the best way to put it is, imagine if you were telling this story to someone, and you were the narrator. You'd know the "business partners" names and would probably refer to them with their names in the story, right? Just my opinion though, like I always say, I could be wrong.

Otherwise this piece is excellent. So remember, you have until the end of the contest, (only one more entry needed now I think), to do as much editing as you like, and once it closes I will review the piece again.

Take care and thanks for entering!

Your friend from the Abyss,


Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Haha nice twist at the end. I guess you got me.

This was an interesting little horror tale, I enjoyed it.

Some things I noticed, and remember, these are just my opinions:

I’d be looking at a five years minimum

Here, you should either cut out the "a" or the "s" at the end of "years".

have been six foot under a long time ago but what the Hell? Friends are something a guy like me learned to live without a long time ago.

You repeat "long time ago" twice. Take one of them out so it sounds better.

my throat constricted and. I pissed myself.

Should probably take the period after "and" out.

Otherwise that's it and this is a pretty solid story. I'm probably right to assume that this was written for Pennywise's contest, so good luck in that! I think it has a pretty good chance.

By the way, if you're interested, stop by my forum and contest. I'll post the links at the bottom. Take care.

Your friend from the Abyss,


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Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Poor puppy. First off, thanks for entering my contest Max! I really enjoy reading all of the entries, and I'm glad to see you decided to participate.

Werewolves are my favorite creature, so I always enjoy a good wolf tale.

It was a pretty good idea to tell this story from the point of view of a child and show how much they don't understand about the situation. However, because of this tone, I felt the piece to be a little too much telling instead of showing.

For example, the boy constantly says that he hurts, but I wanted to know why he hurts. What is he going through? What's happening to him? Etc, etc.

Otherwise everything else about this is great, and I especially like the last line *Wink*.

So remember, you have until the end of the contest to do as much editing as you like, (I think there's five entries left now), and when the contest closes, I'll be reviewing your piece again.

Take care friend and thanks for entering!

Your friend from the Abyss,

Review by M. R. K
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a great contest for those things on writing.com that tend to be missed. Keep up the great work!

Your friend from the Abyss,

Review of Jo-Jo the Clown  
Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Man am I glad I decided to treat myself to one of your stories tonight. This story was exactly what I was looking for at the moment.

I don't know what it is about your prose, but you always manage to create strong images in my mind. It's really only the great authors that can ever consistently pull that off, and so far you've done it every time.

Thanks for the great read man. This story really brought back my fear of clowns. And you know what? Children don't much like clowns anymore *Wink*.

Your friend from the Abyss,

Review of The Groupie  
Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Yeah, I would not want to be that guy. Creepy little story, especially picturing those mannequins. That was a nice touch.

Couple suggestions:

musicians and wants a brush with celebrity.

There should probably be an "a" between "with" and "celebrity".

and her enormous tits were barely contained by her form-fitting T-shirt

"enormous tits" sounds kind of funny right here and made me laugh. Try using a word that amplifies her beauty instead of making her look like a plastic surgery whore. Maybe something like "perky breasts" or "bulging tits". Don't know if bulging sounds better, but it might work better than enormous. Eh, it's up to you to decide, after all, it's just my opinion *Smile*.

Either way, I think this will do pretty good in the contest. Good luck and let me know how it goes!

Your friend from the Abyss,


Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This is another great forum, and I always enjoy reading the posts. I'm probably going to feature this and the film forum soon in my Horror Appreciation forum.

Your friend from the Abyss,

Review by M. R. K
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a pretty cool concept for a contest, and I always enjoy reading the entries. Keep up the good work with it!

Your friend from the Abyss,

Review by M. R. K
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
I think the concept of this forum is great, but I really do wish that more people used it as a means for discussion rather than just introducing themselves.

Your friend from the Abyss,

Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This is a great forum and a good idea. I love chatting about horror flicks. Just wish there were more of us out there posting on this forum.

Your friend from the Abyss,

Review of Mommy, why...  
Review by M. R. K
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Creepy little story. No suggestions here. I also thought you kept the dialogue pretty realistic, and I really felt for the narrator in just a few words. You've got some talent *Wink*. Thanks for the read.

By the way, check out my forum and contest if you're interested. The links are at the bottom.

Your friend from the Abyss,


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Review of =8=  
Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Another fantastic story. I was really impressed with some of the imagery you inspired with this piece. Kate's character is both chilling and creative. The red hourglass, that was really pretty inventive. And, I have to admit, I didn't see anything coming. I had no idea what would happen next, and that's always a good thing.

I did feel that the scene where Jeff wakes up happened a little too quickly. I felt like there could have been more suspense in that scene, but then, that's just my opinion *Smile*.

Otherwise great job friend. I really enjoyed this. And by the way, spiders were another childhood fear of mine, so thanks a lot *Wink*.

Your friend from the Abyss,

Review by M. R. K
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I saw this in the horror newsletter, and I'm glad I did. Your creative story brought back memories of when I first discovered ticks. I really feared those things when I was a kid, and got a little paranoid every time I went to my grandparents house in Wisconsin. Thanks for the memories *Smile*.

The whole of the story was very well written, and I especially love the name of the Dyno Mites and the scene where the narrator tries to pull one off of Lupin.

The only thing that bothered me was the very last paragraph. I sort of felt like I wanted more, but then, perhaps it's a perfect ending for the story. Sort of leaves you imagining what the fictional world of Dino Mites will become.

Thanks for the read. I think I feel an itch...

Your friend from the Abyss,


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#1404674 by Not Available.

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Review by M. R. K
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
First, thanks very much for entering the contest Bryce. Your tale was an interesting read, and I enjoyed it. However, I think the last portion sort of threw me off a little bit.

Your story is chilling, told with a Lovecraftian sort of style, epsecially as your characters make their way through the boathouse. And then the shadow people show up, and it loses me. I think part of the problem, is the revealing of the shadow people is far too brief. They appear and take the grandmother, then are gone, all within about two paragraphs. You had the suspense building up, and then for me it just seemed like sort of a let down. But that is only my opinion, and I always say that I could very well be wrong *Wink*.

I also have a few editorial suggestions.

“What’s does it say?” she asked softly

"what's" should probably be "what".

Brandon turned the photo over to find hand written names of Mildred Schilling, Oscar Lex and Rose Schumacher

Not really a big deal, but I think this might sound better if there were a "the" between "find" and "hand".

A rush of cold are burst in from the dark outdoors into his cottage sending flakes of snow swirling through the air.

"are" should probably be "air".

A the bottom of the stairs,

"A" should be "at".

Other than that, this is a VERY well written tale. My rating is only based on the story itself, not your talent as a writer. You have an excellent way with prose, and as I said, I did greatly enjoy most of this story and feel that you are one of the better writers I've read on the site.

I also really do love your style. It's almost like a twist on Lovecraft, not quite the same with a little bit of Bryce thrown in there.

Okay, so remember, you have until the end of the contest to do as much editing as you like, and I'll be reviewing the piece again once the contest closes.

Take care Bryce, and thanks again very much for the entry. I hope anything I said was helpful *Wink*

Your friend from the Abyss,

Review of Little reaper  
Review by M. R. K
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello again Nira. I enjoyed this piece. It's a touching, sad story, and I could sense that you put a lot of your heart into it, and I admire that. I think if some of the semi-violent parts were toned down a bit, and the story were made to be a little less sad, this could be a great children's tale to explain Death. Growing up, we all have a fear of it, and anything that can help to alleviate that fear is a blessing.

Though once again I liked the story itself, I felt it could use some touching up.

He looked up at his familiar face, cracked and faded as it was, still held that grim determination.

Here I think you're missing a word in between "was" and "still".

Who’s life would he abruptly end.

This sentence needs a question mark at the end instead of a period *Wink*

He said his face concerned as he looked at the boys face.

Again, the same word being used closely together. Try subbing face with a word like "features" or something of that sort.

She lives in the united states

"united states" should be capitalized.

He hurried threw the smog filled streets filled with frozen rats and repulsive items

"threw" should be "through".

He mother was crying beside her holding her hand.

"He" needs to be a "her" *Smile*

He saw her pain and for a secent a sudden agony rippled threw him.

"secent" should be "second"

She looked up into his face a smile on her face

Again, "face" used twice.

They walked threw the streets slowly.

"threw" should be "through".

I alos noticed the "where" and "were" problem again, though it appears much less often in this piece.

Thanks for the read Nira. Take care and good luck in your writing, I think you have some great potential with these two stories. Drop by my port or email anytime. Take care.

Your friend from the Abyss,


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#1405280 by Not Available.

Review by M. R. K
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hey Nira! First, I'd like to say that I thought this was a pretty cool idea, and it actually was pretty unexpected when Lilia is consumed by the birds. At first, I thought she might be some sort of hero in the story. Despite the interesting plot though, I feel this story does need some touching up.

First and most importantly, many times in your story, you describe the situation with the word, "was". Don't worry, just about all authors do it now and then, check out my port and you'll see that in many instances I do the same.

Using the word "was" is not always a bad thing, and is sometimes the best word choice possible. But when overused, it can bring a passive voice to your piece, and you don't want that.

For example:

It rose above a rather large town, and was once a beacon of hope for the long dead inhabitants of the town

In this line, it may sound better written something like this, "It rose above a rather large town, once a beacon of hope for the long dead inhabitants, now nothing more than the faint white glow of forgotten dreams".

Okay, well, maybe I went a little overboard with the line, but you see what I mean. By not using the word "was", you put yourself more into the story, and often it creates a better picture for the reader.

There are also various instances in the story when you use the word "where", when you should be using the word "were". It's a common mistake, and easily fixed, so don't worry too much about it *Wink*.

It was a hard life they lived but at least they where alive.

In the far east of this town lay a laboratory. It’s chimney smoked all day and all night, but that was the only thing that ever really left the laboratory until then

In this paragraph you use the word "laboratory" twice, and too close to each other. Try shortening one to just saying "lab".

They where the eyes of a killer, and they watched the scientists with increasingly hungry eyes.

Same thing with this line; hungry used twice.

To her immense surprise they took off and came strait at her

I think in this line you meant to say "straight" instead of "strait".

Also, towards the middle of the story, there are many instances where you use the word, "dead". Try eliminating some usage of the word by changing it to something else, or taking out the phrase altogether.

The birds looked at it once and as if realizing what it was, started clawing angrily to get out. They screeched angrily as they pecked and viscously bit into the 5 inch Plexiglas case

Again, "angrily" used twice too close to one another. Try using "hatefully" or a similar word. A thesaurus is always a great tool for a writer, without it, I'd be at a loss for words while writing *Smile*.

Well, that's about it. Again, I really like the concept here, so keep working at it Nira, it has a lot of potential.

Thanks for the read, and I'll be checking out your other story now. Take care friend.

Your friend from the Abyss,


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#1405280 by Not Available.

Review of Lab Boy  
Review by M. R. K
Rated: E | (4.0)
This piece has the distinct voice of the narrator, which I think you pulled off well.

However, it feels a little bit choppy to me, as most of the sentences are quite brief and abrupt, and I found it hard to really be pulled into the story that way.

This story may be work better if it were told through the fear of the child, rather than as a brief account of each day. This is just my opinion though, and I could be entirely wrong *Smile*. Like I said, you do pull the character voice off quite well, and that could be a major strenght to the story.

Thanks for the read Kotaro, and congrats on your win. Take care.

Your friend from the Abyss,


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#1405280 by Not Available.

Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
What a fantastic story. I'm literally almost speechless. I have to admit that at first, I didn't think that I was going to enjoy this tale. Generally, it's difficult for me to engage myself in tales told with this style, but I think you did a perfect job with it, and had me hooked by the first paragraph.

You truly do have a talent for horror mixed with tradgedy, which is my opinion the best way to write it. I can't suggest changing a thing for this piece.

Take care. I'll be looking at your port again. If you're interested, check out my contest and horror forum.

Your friend from the Abyss,


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#1405280 by Not Available.

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Review of Death Wink  
Review by M. R. K
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hey, I was just kind of skimming through horror authors and found your story. What a great read! It deserves the award it received.

I love stories about gambling with death, and this is by far one of the best I've read dealing with the subject. You came up with some interesting characters, and created an original, quite creative little game of death.

I really enjoyed this piece.

The game was a bit confusing to me at first, but I caught on after a bit. Thanks for the read. I'll be visiting your port again.

By the way, if you're interested, come check out my forum and contest. I'd love to have you there.


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#1404674 by Not Available.

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Review of The Damned  
Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I was looking for a short read and your description of this story caught my eye.

What a creative piece of flash fiction. Props for the message contained within the piece, I wonder if there's anyone who didn't notice that.

Haha, I feel like I've sold my soul to the devil just by reading it. Thanks a lot Pennywise.

Seriously though, very nice work man. I'm pretty sure that I saw this before as either a weekly or monthly winner in the Struck By Lightning Horror FF contest. Well, it deserved it.

Thanks for the bedtime story, I'll try to go to sleep without imagining waking up in Hell ;).

By the way, if you're interested, come check out my contest and new forum, I'd love to have you there.

Take care.

Your friend from the Abyss,


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#1404674 by Not Available.

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Review of 'Yes'  
Review by M. R. K
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
What a clever story. Honestly, I don't rate anything with a 5 unless I love the tale.

You created an interesting character with Ernie, which I felt mixed emotions for. You sympathize with him, but at the same time, you realize that he really is losing his mind over Rebecca.

A sense of suspense oozed out of the story. I wanted to find out what he had written in the note, and a smile crept over my lips when I finally got the answer. It really is a pretty clever ending.

One error I noted. I glanced nervously at the clock and then a Rebecca, overly-conscious of her every move.

I think that "a" is supposed to be an "at".

Then I showered and dressed and, after taking my medication, prepared a special note card

I loved the way you threw the thing about his medication in there as if it wasn't important at all. That's a sign of clever writing.

All in all great job, and I'll definately be taking a look at your port again.

Please drop my contest and forum, I'd love to have you there.


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