Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/infowarrior
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50 Public Reviews Given
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Public Reviews
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Haha, this is cute. You did well in the writing itself, for the short story is easy to understand. I could picture a scene like this in a cartoon or live-action family movie. I found this to be a nice read.

Squirrels at times can be funny creatures. Once, in my backyard, there were two squirrels playing around a piece of wood on something that rose and fell like a see-saw. Yeah, I like squirrels. I even got lucky and took a polaroid picture of one. I still have that in a photo album somewhere! *Smile*
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I see you copied me. *Laugh* That's all right though. I'm glad to know the poll I did is a good idea by seeing someone else do it.

Do a crossword puzzle! Those are fun. *Bigsmile* I already did two, based on books that I've read in the past. I'll want to do another one sometime.
Review of Above the law  Open in new Window.
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Powerful, brief, and to the point! I like this a lot. You tell it like it is, and no doubt your article deserves a 5 star rating from me!

I like how you built up to the main point about Hillary Clinton and the crooked FBI. Well written Kristina! You've yet to add a bunch to this folder. *Smile*
Review of A Modern Malady  Open in new Window.
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, this is really good! Definitely truthful, and well written. That's quite a vocabulary for a read! "Our assassin is ourselves" - that's deep. I can actually understand that. Since many have allowed themselves to be conformed into the collective herd, and I'm even aware of the many who allowed those awful microchip implants to be injected into their bodies.

You've got a steady rhyming, although I believe the greatest thing about your poem here is its message.

Many of us shouldn't want anything to do with an Orwellian World, NOR zombie apocalypse. I am doing all I can to influence positive change in humanity myself.

I think I will invite you to my group. *Smile* We info-warriors must network together to resist the fascists.
Review of The Chair  Open in new Window.
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh wow, that is neat! I wonder why I never thought of trying to write like that. This is unlike anything I've ever seen.

The content is easy to understand, and it's simple. It's to be point. You did good here!
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Powerful, and so true! There are crooked people in the practice of medicine who prescribe pills just to mask the pain. There are even pills for people who just can't stand being sad. Joy can't exist without sadness.

Of course, there are those deadly vaccines that are used to cull population. And the medical procedure, abortion! We've killed off more unborn than all the people of World War II.

All this suppresses and oppresses the potential of humanity, for the convenience of others. Ick.

I liked this poem very much. Another great one by you, Ron. *BigSmile*
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Yay I did it! It's nice to come across another FF7 fan. Well done in putting this together. It actually took me time to look hard and find everything on the list.
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I've been an avid watcher of this show for so long... Good search! It was actually sort of challenging to find all the words. Some of them stared back at me almost instantly. It's a good balance. Good job!
Review of Rent Trivia  Open in new Window.
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I love this musical, and I found this crossword a bit challenging. I got almost all of them. Couldn't figure out 13 Down. *Laugh* Good job in putting this together. I'll have to see the musical again sometime. Maybe after that I'll get all the answers right. :)
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like this! As I was reading, I pictured myself going through a dark tunnel towards the light, for a brief moment. The message is true, and I don't think there's anything you should change. It's well written. Well done, my friend. *Smile*
Review of That girl  Open in new Window.
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Powerful, and emotional. It does sadden me at times, to know that there are families who split up, and family who just can't treat their kids right at all. If only humanity could improve and be better than a bunch of problematic and/or greedy fools...

This is well written. Very good.
for entry "The Trump-ettes CallOpen in new Window.
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Haha!! This is great. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face. lol, yeah Trump is just as bad as those other politicians. I enjoy the way you wrote this. The "Arica" towards the end - that's really clever!
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is really good! I get what you mean here, since I have seen water droplets roll down freely when it comes to riding in a car or bus. Nice use of imagery. Good luck in the Contest. If you'd like to see my entry...

 Oak Tree Speaks / Word Count 163 Open in new Window. (E)
Several species of animals live off trees! What if one could talk to them?
#2086013 by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I'm glad you find the humor of many things. There are two ways to look at life; as comedy, or tragedy. I choose comedy!

The goofy and silly mistakes we do sometimes, it's good have a chuckle at them.

Yeah, this list had me chuckling. Aww, poor cat in the fridge. Ice cream in the dishwasher?? *Rolling* Mistaking Nair for hair conditioner, oh dear...
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I like your sense of humor here, as well as your imagery, the bees to flowers bit especially! This is a really good piece. I've enjoyed each line! Well written!
Review of Fake  Open in new Window.
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Yes, yes, and yes!! When I first saw those top two lines, I knew I was going to like this poem. I still do! Well written, and to the point. I like that you used a handful of quotations, and that you told it like it is.

The Santa Claus and neighbor's hair part is amusing, and very true as well.

Pretty much the entire American Dream is just that; a dream. Democracy is illusion, and I think you already know that.

Thank you for writing and sharing this! *BigSmile* I've written a handful of political poems. Some of them are satire. I also wrote a funny one about Synchronicity. You might enjoy those!
Review of Oak  Open in new Window.
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is quite a read! I liked how you personified the tree here, and the imagery is well described... I wouldn't know if an oak would know of God or not, to be honest, but it's still an interesting final sentence.

May I suggest editing and varying in punctuation? This entire monologue, the feel of it feels a little monotonous to me. During the storm, for example, you could have italicized and use exclamations for the oak to express a sort of distress, if not fear.

This is good, but this could be a little more greater! Thanks for letting me know about your story. *Smile*
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I found your monologue here enjoyable. I've never read anything like this before. I even relate to this, somewhat! When I have writer's block, I search hard in my mind to grasp at something before coming up short - and then I just move on and wait until something comes to me. (Sometimes, the greatest ideas come out of nowhere. Strange how that works!)

My favorite part has to be when Donna tries to write herself, and thinks up the Transsexual bison idea. That gave me a good chuckle.

Is that quote based on a real one? It's pretty good!

Keep on writing! I'll see your other stories eventually.

Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm surprised no one has rated or reviewed this, after much time has passed.

This deserves a five star rating... Dubya sure did leave us in a hole back in the way early 2000's! In my honest opinion, the only great thing about 9/11 was that it woke up a bunch of people. A handful have looked at the different aspects of that event, and passed the knowledge on for others to gain.

This is really well written. I like how you used the different fonts to represent the two characters in this poem.

"Oh wake up, Laura! It’s long lost!
I’m in the crapper! There’s no cost!
My name is mud! My honor’s spent!
My score’s down 82 percent!"

That's my favorite part, haha.

The rhythm and rhyme scheme goes well. There's a great satirical flair that presents itself here. I find this oldie of yours brilliant, and I'm adding it to my favorites. I'll be sure to remember you, and read more of your writings soon-ish.

Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
There's definitely some truth in there! While reading your poem, I pictured the drawing as more like a painted portrait of this miserable man.

"stained glass of a lonely soul", wow that's deep! Very good. I like. :)
Review by InfoWarrior Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Awww, this is overall lovely. Adorable! Although, poor Cat... The rhyming scheme is nice. The pacing to the melody is right on. I love both cats and horses. They're such wonderful, intelligent animals.
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