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Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a great chapter! I like the magical doors in the Sky Tree and the test of will that Charmian is put through there. I also like the fact that her friends are going to stick by her even though her spirit stone has been damaged, and Mani's loyalty is truly a remarkable thing to behold!

Here are a few things that I noticed while I read your chapter:

Charmian felt a bit of embarrassment that she wasn't able to locate it on her own, as it was so difficult to see; You might want to show a bit of this instead of telling it.

"Okay, you're in," she said, and he opened his mouth in surprise, though she didn't wait for him to protest, if he was even going to. "Now I just have to find Manabozho..."

I'm going on to the next chapter...
Review of Fallacy  
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Reviewed for the S&G Spinoff Review Contest

What I liked:
This is truly a very powerful story, and the ending is the most powerful part. The story held my interest all the way through and made me want to keep reading to find out more about the people, the place, and the situation.

What I didn't like:
It's not that I didn't like it, but rather a bit of a disappointment that I wasn't able to sense more of the performer's performance. I could see him singing and playing his instrument and hopping around the firepit, but I didn't feel able to share in the performance with those who were so entranced by it. I would have liked to have seen more sensory description as well as maybe a snipet of the words, actions and description of the music of one of his songs to give me a sense of what made the performance so special so that I could judge it for myself.

Your characters are all very clearly drawn and well defined. Each has his/her own personality and quirkiness. They are one of the major strengths of your story.

The inn is nicely described as is the park in which the attack takes place. I would like to get more of a sense of what the streets of the city are like and where it is that Stergi is supposed to live...in the city itself, in a shack on its outskirts, or wherever.

Here are a few technical things that I noticed while reading your story:

In recent years I’ve been known to offer myself as an appetizer, if the trades trade is right.

He was short of height and handsome by most ladies' standards.

“Curses, Stergi, I sure ain’t paying you for the show,” he bellowed his deep voice barely rising above the crowds echoing approval, “get to work or I’ll be sure your pays pay is cut for the money yer’ losing. Now, get!”

A slight grin arose on the robed man's face.

The performer's grin broke into a full-toothed smile, his teeth glistening white even in the dim yellow firelight.

I plan to reach Itamin before the month's out.

“One more night's performance would be my honor.”

After a long conversation, Kiyrown managed to disentangle himself with from Edurum and the rest of the crowd

Examining the pale orb, Kiyrown figured that he had four hours before he was forced to seek shelter.

Interrupting the hummer, he finished the chorus line for them him or her.

Another strangled sigh escaped, and she laid her head in hands murmuring softly.

She knew it was a marvelous thing, and, most importantly, it was directed at her alone.

Kiyrown had walked for a long while, barley barely taking note of his surroundings.

Fiur was awoken awakened by the battle cry.

Kiyrown again tired tried a meek protest, but his words fell on deaf ears.

“I am concerned this night's show may not be all I hope it can be,” She finished.

The ending of the story is great as is, but I can easily see how this piece could be incorporated into a longer work...a novel or a series. Do you have plans of doing anything more with this piece?
Review of Echo of Linkbard  
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Reviewed for The Storyteller Auction

This story opens in the middle of the gold elf's search for Lilliki. Why does he want to find out about it from his distant cousins? What made this ancient place so special?

Magria is an odd sort of human character. Her speech is confusing and seems very primative. Who is she, and why has she agreed to help the gold elf?

Here are a few things that I noticed while I read:

It’s rained soon. What does this sentence mean?

As they grew drew close to the tribe’s settlement, a strange sound took their ears. What do you mean by a strange soundtooktheir ears?

A figure of auburn shades perched like a dainty mountain goat in the branches. The form flitted down, catching each step with the tips of its feet. Your first sentence here was a fragment. I deleted the period and two words to connect the two sentences into one correct sentence.

Are you planning to add more to this piece? Is it part of a series or novel that you are writing? The ending of this piece seems to indicate that there is still much more of this story to come...
Review of The Fledgling  
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: E | (4.0)
Reviewed for The Storyteller Auction

You explain a lot of what I had questions about in the first piece here. Maybe the two stories should be combined into one??

The only thing I am confused about in this story is this -- Is Copper now a bird? Or is she a spirit that had to go through a bird-like phase to become whatever she is now?

Here are a couple of things that stood out as I read:

It was a green smell, a scent common in any forest, but stated in a precise way. I don't understand this sentence -- how can a scent be stated?

Sunlight played off her every hair, each curling thread shinning like a child’s smile. Nice, sweet image*Smile*

You have a very nice story working here. Keep working on adding to it! It can be really great*Smile*
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I like this poem a lot. My cousin came back from Viet Nam wounded, and I shudder to think that he is the only one from his troop who returned alive. Your poem captures the wounded veteran's private suffering that the world never gets to see.

Here are a couple of things I noticed while reading:

The roof is illuminated Do you mean ceiling?

You I had the world at your my feet. The shift to the second person pronoun here is jarring since most of your readers will not have been in a war.

Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Wow! This is a vivid depiction of what a soldier must go through during front-line action in a war...and, it is horrifying!

The one thing that I noticed as I read your piece is that the soldier never hears the explosion of the incoming missile, grenade, or whatever it is. Is this because it is a dream, or what? Just curious...
Review of Alone  
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Really good poem about how it feels to be so much in pain that you don't care to do anything but slip away into dreamland where the pain cannot reach you.

Here is one very minor technicality I noticed while reading:

nothing and noone no one

Other than this, you might want to insert some punctuation into the poem where you would like the reader to pause a bit...

for example:

You could put a comma at the end of line one to stress the isolation that the pain causes.

Then, put ellipsis markings (...) at the end of line two to separate the desire for escape from the nagging demands of every day living.

I would also put ellipsis markings at the end of the second to last line to create a dramatic pause to again emphasize the loneliness of the sufferer.

Keep right on writing!!
Review of Part 48: Echoes  
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This story just gets better with every chapter!

Will Charmian be able to defeat the evil being that has taken over Chakenapok before the dark tendrils overtake her spirit stone? Will defeating him/her be enough to clear her spirit stone of the evil darkness?

I can hardly wait to see the next part that you post here...
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow!! Another very powerful chapter!! Once I started reading it, I could not stop! The after-battle with the thing controlling Chakenapok was awesome!

Since the controlling being yelled "I KILLED HIM!" -- does this mean that Nokomis is controlling him?? Has she turned bad?

I like the way Thomas took control of the situation and had Pakwa help him get Charmian through the Fairy Arch, but I'm confused about why Moon Wolf didn't go through, too. Does he maybe remember something about the Arch from when Ocryana supposedly killed him?

On to the next section...
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Whoa!! What a chapter this is!!

I like the dream battle between Charmian and Chakenapok. I'm not really clear on what happened to the double spirit stone, and I'm sure Charmian isn't clear on it either. I got a cold shiver when I read the last two lines of this chapter! And, I can't wait until you finish more of this piece so that I can continue to follow the story!!

Here is a small technicality that I noticed while reading:

She couldn't hold her smile, at as his sudden change in appearance unnerved her; yet she bit back a cry of fear and instead held out her hands again.

I'll be back to read more when you add to this story!!!
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Okay...what has just fallen out of the sky? Could it be Manabozho?

I like Charmian's theory about how to deal with Chakenapok. And, I like the idea that she discussed her idea with her closest friends, but I'm not sure why she would rather have Thomas there than Moon Wolf or the demons themselves.

Another point I'm not clear on is why Dakh and Sikt Natha do not speak to Charmian much in this story. After all, they resided in her head throughout much of the first story. I would have thought there was a special bond between them that would have shown itself long before this in this story.

Here is something else that I noticed while reading:

He isn't completely up with everything that's going on, but I know he'd be worried if I he found out I'm trying this.

Let's move on to the next chapter...
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very good chapter, indeed!

You have woven Moon Wolf back into the story in a nearly seamless manner, and I like the way you showed Chakenapok, at the end of the last chapter, watching Charmian and her friends and then show Manabozho watching Charmian from a tree along her path. You tense the reader up and then release the tension in a red herring sort of way that had been mastered by Hitchcock in his films. Beautifully done!

Here is something I noticed while reading:

And I assume it's not Tal Natha, because he didn't know about him, either. The use of the masculine pronouns to refer to two different people is a bit confusing here

Onto the next chapter...
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Another really good chapter!

Why doesn't Charmian get in touch with either Manabozho or his grandmother to tell them of her suspicions about Chakenapok?

Is there anyway that Charmian can block the person who is watching her from doing it?

Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow!! Powerful chapter!! I wonder if any of the tribal villagers saw the action between Charmian and Moon Wolf???? If they had, I'm sure she'd be a shoe in for the Mide!!

You never cease to amaze me with your ability to grab hold of the reader and draw him/her into your story in a very powerful way! It's like the real world slips away and all that exists is the world of your story...not many writers are capable of doing that in a sustained way throughout a story of this length!

On to the next chapter to see what the newly restored Moon Wolf has to say...
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Great chapter! I was wondering how Charmian would deal with the Mide invitation. You created a scene that I never would have been able to predict! And, I like the way Mani is sticking with her throughout this ordeal.

Here are a few things I noticed while reading:

Thomas stood up there with Cloud, Mani off to the side.

Mani sensed her unease uneasiness and stopped at the mouth of the path leading from the camp, leaving her to continue on her own.

She paused again and stared at them--uncertain even if it was male or female--when they stepped forward in front of the doorflap, holding out a stick in front of them. Your usage of the third person plural as a generic singular pronoun is confusing here. See if you can reword the sentence to either use the masculine/generic third person pronoun or eliminate the pronouns altogether.

The lynx-masked person didn't move from their his spot. If you don't want to use the masculine/generic pronoun, you could end the sentence after the word move.

They stopped beside his wigwam and she had to lean against it before she could fall to prevent herself from falling over.

On to the next chapter...
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The meeting between Justin and Charmian is poignant. It is nice to see that Justin and Little Dove have kept Moon Wolf's pendant on hand and safe for Charmian's return.

I cannot wait to see how Chakenapok uses Augwak to battle Charmian. And, is that his own spirit stone that he holds between his fingers or a bit from the spirit stone of one of the Shadow Wolves?

On to the next chapter to find out...
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very intriguing chapter! I like the interaction between Stick and Charmian and the fact that I get the feeling that she will keep his secret for him. What awaits Charmian at the Lodge? How difficult will her initiation be?

On to the next chapter to find out...
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Good job of getting Augwak and Pakwa back into the story! I'm confused by the changes that have taken place in Pakwa, and I wonder if Augwak hasn't become multitudes worse than he was before.

You remind the reader of Charmian's youth every time someone thinks she has a lover or boyfriend, and this is a good thing since she often acts with a wisdom and knowledge that is well beyond that of most 15 year olds.

Now, what does Moon Wolf want with her...another fight???
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
What is this thing that has attached itself to Charmian and her pack? Why is it stealing her belongings?

Is Charmian's reflection crying because she feels hurt by the loss of her grandmother and confidante?

Here is something I noticed while reading this chapter:

They spotted Charmian walking through the camp, and one or two of them glanced at Stick-In-The-Dirt as if expecting him to say something, yet didn't speak up. Who didn't speak up? Them or Him?

On to the next chapter...
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Okay, the cowrie shell is important, but why can't Stick tell her how or why it is important? Another question I've had for a few chapters now is this: has White Deer reconciled herself with her stepmother? They seem to be getting along pretty well when they dressed Charmian's wounds.

Niskigwun seems to have humanized a bit since we first met him. Are the Michinimakinong supposed to be emotionless creatures? Or, are they just very guarded with whom they reveal their feelings?

On to the next part...
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Has one of the characters taken Charmian's dreamcatcher to fix it? Or has something terrible befallen it?

It is good that Charmian broke down at this point in the story. You have allowed her to release some of the tension that has been building up within her without outlet. I sense that she will be stronger because of this.

Are the Moon Wolf figure and her grandmother somehow connected to each other?

On to the next part to find out...
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Whoa! Moon Wolf is the very last person I would have expected her attacker to be!! Very good plot twist!! This might be the start of the explanation for how a dead child comes back to life to wreak havoc on the Island!! I can't wait to read on!!!!!
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The evil twin is a great idea, but I'd like to see more of what Nokomis did with the child's seemingly lifeless body to be assured that she really did try to dispose of the bad seed. It will be interesting to see how you deal with showing how he managed to survive all these years after having been left for dead by his own grandmother!

Here are a couple of things that I noticed while reading this chapter:

"Four elder brothers... Isn't it Three elder brothers, four brothers altogether?

The question had been a pathetic one, she knew; she could only imagine how horrible it would feel, thinking one had been responsible for their his own parent's death.

On to the next chapter...
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Interesting turn of events! This guy with the flames tattooed on his face seems really creepy. Who is he seeking revenge on and why? How come he has no concern for the Island at all? Why is it that Tal Natha cannot sense his presence?

On to the next chapter to try and find out...
Review by InkyShadows
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Getting into the dream seemed to take Charmian a little while this time, but you filled the time with a much needed comedy routine from the two drunken natives. That scene was both revolting and funny at the same time.

I can't wait to find out just who the dream invader really is...
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