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Review of Forbidden  
Review by JenP
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Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This item has been reviewed by a member of Rainbow Writers

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION: I found no punctuation errors in this piece.

GRAMMAR: I found no grammar or spelling mistakes in this piece.

FLOW: It flowed very nicely. It was an easy read.

What I liked the most: What I liked the most was the fact that you said you would be there for this person. I know how hard it is and sometimes we just need someone to understand.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: As a lesbian myself I completely understand that torment we go through sometimes. Society has gotten better with it but there is still those out there who just don't understand. I encourage you to continue to write.

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Review of Inspiration  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This item has been reviewed by a member of TGDI Group [/center}

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You can use them if you want or not.

PUNCTUATION: As a suggestion I would add punctuation to this piece. This is just a suggestion and need not to be followed.

GRAMMAR: I found no grammar or spelling errors in this.

FLOW: This poem flowed very nicely. You did a great job.

What I liked the most:
I can't pick one thing I like cause I like the whole piece. You did a great job.

I really like this piece. We do build our own fame and everyday we change. I encourage you to continue writing.

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Review by JenP
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This item has been reviewed by a member of TGDI Group [/center}

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You can use them if you want or not.

PUNCTUATION: As a suggestion I would add some punctuation to it. This is just a suggestion and need not to be followed.

GRAMMAR:I found no grammar or spelling errors in this piece. You choose the right words to get your point across.

FLOW: It flowed very nicely. It was an easy read.

What I liked the most:
What I liked the most was the opening stanza. Seeing the world behind your eyes is nice. People don't always look at things through others eyes and they should.

This is a good piece. I have really enjoyed it. I encourage to continue writing.

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Review of Untitled  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*SuitClub* This item has been reviewed by The Knights of the Review Table *SuitClub*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION: I found no punctuation errors in this. A matter a fact it was perfect.

I found no grammar mistakes in this.

FLOW: This poem flowed very nice. It was an easy read.

What I liked the most: What I liked the most was the fact that you expressed yourself truthfully. It's not easy to do but you did it. It's hard when you have so many feelings bottled up and no way to release them.

I really liked this. It's hard when you lose someone you love especially when you consider them your only friend. I encourage you to continue to write. It's a great way to express yourself.

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Review by JenP
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*SuitClub* This item has been reviewed by The Knights of the Review Table *SuitClub*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION: As a suggestion I would put some end line punctuation in this. This is only a suggestion and need not to be followed.

You choose the right words to describe that May afternoon. I found no grammar mistakes in this poem.

FLOW: It flowed very well. I found it an easy read.

What I liked the most: What I liked the most was the statement "I'll polish the stars". I just liked that line. It added alot to the poem.

This is a very good poem. I really enjoyed it. I encourage you to continue writing.

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Review by JenP
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*SuitClub* This item has been reviewed by The Knights of the Review Table *SuitClub*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION: Punctuation seems to be in order. I found no mistakes in this area

You did a great job with this. You choose the right words to get your point across.

FLOW: This poem flowed very nicely. It was an easy read.

What I liked the most: I like the whole poem but I would say that I like the last line the best.

Very good piece. I encourage you to continue to write.

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Review of Swag It Out  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*SuitClub* This item has been reviewed by The Knights of the Review Table *SuitClub*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION: As a suggestion I would add more punctuation to it. I realize that it's a song but some punctuation will help out. This is only a suggestion and need not to be followed.

I found no grammar mistakes in this piece.

FLOW: This piece flowed very nicely. I had no problems reading it.

What I liked the most: What I liked the most is that I could almost hear the music playing while I read it. Very good job.

I really like this song. Like I said I can hear the music playing while reading it.

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Review of We'll Carry On  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Inlove* This item has been reviewed by a WDC Power Reviewer. *Inlove*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION I found all the punctuation in place. It really helped the flow of the poem.

Grammar: I found no grammar mistakes in this poem.

It flowed real nice. It was an easy read indeed.

What I liked the most:
My favorite part is when you say that "Even though misery is upon us, We still have our memories." I really like that.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: This is a very good poem. I encourage you to continue to write. Keep it up.

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Review of I wonder  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This item has been reviewed by a member of TGDI Group [/center}

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You can use them if you want or not.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: I found no mistakes made as far as grammar and punctuation are concerned. You did a great job.

FLOW: This poem flowed very nicely. I like your choosing of words.

This is a very good piece. We sometimes wonder about the people of our past and wonder if they ever think of us. If they did what would they say. This is a very good piece. I encourage you to keep writing.

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Review of Peace  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Inlove* This item has been reviewed by a WDC Power Reviewer. *Inlove*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: I found no problems with the grammar of this poem. You choose the right words to describe what you were doing. However I would add some punctuation to it. This is just a suggestion and need not to be followed.

It flowed very well even without the punctuation. Once again this is only a suggestion.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: I really like this poem. Its a different way of looking at things. Please continue to write.

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Review by JenP
In affiliation with  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*SuitClub* This item has been reviewed by The Knights of the Review Table *SuitClub*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: I found no mistakes as far as grammar is concerned. I would consider added some more punctuation but this is just a suggestion and need not to be followed.

FLOW: This poem flowed very well. It was an easy read.

I really like this poem. The ending is priceless. Kids can say the darn-est things. Kids have a kind heart and really care about the things we take for granted.

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Review by JenP
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*SuitClub* This item has been reviewed by The Knights of the Review Table *SuitClub*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: I found grammar mistakes in this poem. Also the punctuation seems to be in order.

FLOW: This poem flowed fairly well. It was an easy read. I like how ended some of the stanzas the same way.

Very good read indeed. Sometimes we need to tell people what they are doing wrong in order to help them. I encourage you to continue writing.

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Review of Mirror of Pain  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Inlove* This item has been reviewed by a WDC Power Reviewer. *Inlove*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: I found no grammar mistakes in this poem. However I would add some punctuation to it. This is just a suggestion and need not to be followed.

This poem flowed very well. It was an easy read.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: I really like this. Our anger can control us but the key is to not let it. It's hard when someone hurts you so bad that you don't know what to do. I encourage you to continue writing as it's a great way to release these feelings.

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Review of A Poem Is  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Inlove* This item has been reviewed by a WDC Power Reviewer. *Inlove*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: I found no grammar or punctuation mistakes in this poem. You did a great job.

The flow was very nice. It was an easy read.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: You are right, a poem is all those things. I am mainly a poetry writer and I can appreciate what you are saying in this. I encourage you to continue writing. You did a great job on this.

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Review by JenP
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*SuitClub* This item has been reviewed by The Knights of the Review Table *SuitClub*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: I found no grammar or punctuation errors in this. A matter a fact they were perfect.

FLOW: This piece flowed very nicely. I had no problems reading this.

I really like this. You took a simple tv show and turned into a great poem. What a great job. It is survival of the fittest in this world sometimes especially in the wild. Keep on writing.

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Review of Missing You  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*SuitClub* This item has been reviewed by The Knights of the Review Table *SuitClub*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: The punctuation is great in this poem. Makes it flow better. There is one spot where i should be I. Thats the only mistake I found.

FLOW: This poem flowed nicely. It was easy to read.

I have lost many people in my life so I kinda know how you feel. I encourage you to keep writing as it's a great way to honor the memory of the ones that we lost.

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Review of Dark Rose  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Inlove* This item has been reviewed by a WDC Power Reviewer. *Inlove*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: I only found one spelling error in this. When you said "happines" it should be "happiness". That was the only mistake I found.

This flowed very nicely. You really had me hanging on to every word.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: This is a great piece of writing indeed. I was surprised by the ending. You did really good with this piece. I encourage you keep writing.

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Review of Sleep's Image  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*SuitClub* This item has been reviewed by The Knights of the Review Table *SuitClub*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: I found no grammar errors in this piece. I would add some more punctuation to it. This is just a suggestion.

FLOW: It flowed very nicely and it was easy to read.

Night time is always the hardest to deal with but also it can be the most enlightening if you think about it. The world slows down and so does your mind and body. A time to do soul searching or spend quality time with the one you love.

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Review of My Riddle  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Inlove* This item has been reviewed by a WDC Power Reviewer. *Inlove*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: I found no punctuation errors in this and no grammar mistakes. Everything was perfect.

It flowed very nicely.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: This is a very nice riddle that you wrote for school. I really like it. I wouldn't change a thing about it. Sadly life does keep moving even when we want it to stop. In encourage you to continue writing.

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Review of Personalized idol  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*SuitClub* This item has been reviewed by The Knights of the Review Table *SuitClub*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: The grammar was great but I would add some punctuation to it. It will help it flow better. This is only a suggestion.

FLOW: It flowed very nicely even without the punctuation. It will flow better after you add some punctuation to it.

This is a good poem. I encourage you to add to it and add some punctuation to it. These are only my thoughts and you need not to follow them.

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Review of Children of Babel  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*SuitClub* This item has been reviewed by The Knights of the Review Table *SuitClub*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: I found no errors in this as far as grammar and punctuation are concerned.

FLOW: This poem flowed very nicely. I had an easy time reading this poem.

This is a great piece. I never compared the twin towers to Babel but a good comparison. Yes, he is dead but he still his loyal followers. I encourage you to continue writing.

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Review by JenP
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Sun**ButterflyO* A "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Member to Member Raid Review!*ButterflyO**Sun*

DISCLAIMER: I am a author just like you. You may use my suggestions or disregard them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMER: I found no mistakes as far as grammar and punctuation. A matter a fact they were perfect.

FLOW: This poem flowed very nicely. It was very easy to read.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: You know, to the government we are just numbers. To the world we are also just a number. We are not people to them. On the other hand to the people whom love us we are everything. I really liked this poem. I encourage you to continue to write.

*Sun**ButterflyO* A "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Member to Member Raid Review!*ButterflyO**Sun*
Review of Malang  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Sun**ButterflyO* A "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Member to Member Raid Review!*ButterflyO**Sun*

DISCLAIMER: I am a author just like you. You may use my suggestions or disregard them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMER: I found no mistakes in this as far as grammar and punctuation. A matter a fact I found the punctuation made it easier to follow.

FLOW: This piece flowed very nice. It was easy to understand and follow.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: This is a great poem. The only suggestion I may make is to break it up into stanza's. This is only a suggestion and need not to be followed.

*Sun**ButterflyO* A "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Member to Member Raid Review!*ButterflyO**Sun*
Review of Untitled  
Review by JenP
In affiliation with  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*SuitClub* This item has been reviewed by The Knights of the Review Table *SuitClub*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: I found no grammar and punctuation errors at all. A matter fact they were great.

FLOW: It flowed very nicely. There was one point where you repeated "unwanted" but it made sense that you repeated it.

This is a very good piece. I encourage you to keep writing. As far as a title, what about "Dead Man Walking". Just a thought. I have no more ideas.

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Review by JenP
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*SuitClub* This item has been reviewed by The Knights of the Review Table *SuitClub*

DISCLAIMER: I am an author just like you. My suggestions are just that... suggestions. You need not to follow them.

PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: I found no grammar or punctuation mistakes. As far as that is concerned it is perfect.

FLOW: It flowed real nice. I like how you divided it up with pictures. This not only made it easier to read but added something to the story.

I really like this piece especially as a science person myself.Science is very neat. I remember going and entering science fairs myself as a teenager. I encourage you to continue to write your experiences. It's a great way to share them.

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