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145 Public Reviews Given
146 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I read as if I'm watching a movie, and try to focus on the story as much as I can. If something you wrote stands out in my mind, I'll tell you.
I'm good at...
Story, pacing, diologue.
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, Crime, Horror, Sci-Fi, anything that's good, really, but those are my favorites.
Favorite Item Types
Chapters, short stories.
Least Favorite Item Types
I'm no poet, but sometimes I can pick out a good one.
I will not review...
I'll review anything if you ask nicely. ;)
Public Reviews
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Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: E | (5.0)
The first thing I want to say (I'm about halfway down) is that its sort of confusing. The descriptions are amazing, very professional sounding, but I have no real context to back any of this up. Most of the things you describe require some pre-existing knowledge of how your world works, from the bullwarks, to the mages staffs, to the strangely named "Magi" people, whatever they are. It makes it really difficult to follow anything other than the descriptions, and your summary didn't really help. If I were to give you advice (and this is coming from someone who thinks they suck at writing, but are great at storytelling.) I would say to write a draft of your entire story, putting extra effort on where it ends, then start again. I also noticed that it has been about two years since you started part one, which makes me not really want to spend time on it. I don't think anyone can truly keep on the same mindset after two years, and I doubt that you will finish this story because of that.

I can tell you this with certainty though, you are a much better writer than I am. You can put descriptions and lines together in a really engaging way, and it makes your writing seem really professional. But, you're actual story is just plain confusing. I wont say boring, because I was rather intrigued at first, but the longer I went on, the more I realized that there is no set up, no explanation. Just, here's my story, enjoy the ride. Now, maybe I just haven't gotten far enough into the story to understand, but I don't want to be forced to read "x" amount of chapters before finally getting there, (especially when yours are so long). When people read a story, they immediately look for the hook. The thing that makes them keep reading, and yours doesn't have that. We just kind of get plopped into this situation, with no explanation as to why, and are expected to keep reading to find out if we might like it. That's a waste of your readers time frankly, and expecting this out of them makes it seem like your story can only stand on it's amazing descriptions legs.

Now, my story is quite different. I wrote every single day, from february 19th, until june when I finished. Once I looked over my 300 plus pages, I left unsatisfied, feeling not enough was given, and the story ended strangely. So now, I am about halfway through re-writing the ENTIRE thing, with new and better story elements. No-one has seen my first draft other than me, and that is where I feel your story is still at. When I was at this point, I had no idea really where my story was going, I simply wanted to write. But by the end, I had such a great understanding of what I wanted it to be, that I've spawned the ideas for two more books based on the original storyline that went un-used. Before, I was simply writing, now, I am storytelling, because I know where it's going, where it ends, and why I want to tell this story.

"Hidelwine was a young man of 16 the day the Emperor's City met with a powerful new enemy. It was a cool, misty evening when the mask-shrouded warlock invaded the capital leading another conjurer of magic and a horde of vicious, half-breed warriors. Together, they aimed to pillage the keep below the emperor's palace. In these sacred, ironclad vaults the warlock believed a valuable artifact had been stowed-- a relic he deemed was rightfully his. It had been called many things. The legacy heirloom, the goddess ember, and the life stone were but a few. The true power of this artifact remained a mystery.

Though the warlock and his horde battled fiercely, they never breached the emperor's palace, nor entered the sacred keep. They were overwhelmed by the Imperial legion, a more tactical and finer outfitted army. When they recognized the battle was lost, the warlock fled with his companion and what was left of the half-bred. The Imperial soldiers and scouts tracked their attackers, but they fled at an ungodly pace. The tales say the warlock and sorcerer appeared to glide over the hills, only grazing the land beneath them. Two days on the run, they escaped to the northern shores of the Great Continent, where their longboats had been anchored. From there, the legion scouts watched them sail far across the horizon, toward the black cloud of Godstorm Island. Neither the warlock, nor his minions were heard from again.

It was because of this battle that Hidelwine committed to his passion for the arcane. Despite the warlock's defeat, the siege upon the capital inspired him. And for reasons he would soon tell, it absorbed and possessed him... and never let go. Just days after the failed attack, Hidelwine left the Emperor's City to make refuge in the secluded village of Higherwere, where he would spend the next 20 years studying magic and ancient lore. In that time he created the Arcaven, both as a tribute to the warlock and as a continuation of his work."

I read this part, and it slightly gave me an idea about the main character. but still I'm left wondering about the story.

Here's an example. Although I can see vast differences in your story, if there was a line somewhere saying, "This story takes place in the lord of the rings universe," it would immediately make more sense, Because we'd have a sense of what makes this world unique. Yours is just using pre-existing background (I'm literally waiting for elves and dwarves to pop up, now that you have included orcs as half-breeds.) that half of all fantasy writer keep recycling. Tell us why we should choose your story over the next epic fantasy that pops in every other week. Make us care.

I would give you more edits on things like grammar, but im not very good at that, and your story seems pretty much perfect, so thats why I just gave you my thoughts and opinions.
I hope you don't take what I wrote too harshly, I simply gave you my bitter thoughts. I tend to not sugar coat my opinions, because sugar coating simply takes away from the true feeling behind my opinion.

My opinion wasn't "maybe your story could use work, but its still really good!"
It was "You need to change this asap," and that's how I presented it. If you ever write a Prologue of some sort, i would be glad to read it, because you are a fantastic writer, and I think there is massive potential if you can find the right story to propel that skill along. That's why I'm still going to give you five stars. Because for what this is, it is truly perfect.

Thanks for the read.
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This was really interesting to read. Im beginning to think that blue eyed guy is the same one from the bar. The story seems intriguing, Id definitely like to know what happens next. It really is a twist with the parents forgetting about his kids, and the detectives, its left me not knowing whats going to happen next. I thought I had it figured out in chapter 1, but you really twisted me around with that beginning.

The only thing i was going to say, is that you should say snuk instead of sneaked, but spell check quickly reminded me thats not a word.

The pacing is also very good, and I remember really liking the description of lucy's nervousness around her dad in the doorway and the detectives, I could really feel what you meant.

So one question is why does the driver call Mills, but lucy thinks hes talking to her? a little confusing.

Good luck and keep writing!

I hope my reviews help, im not the best at spotting grammar mistakes and things like that, but Im trying to get better.
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Just thought I'd give out a review in return. If you want me to look at something else, I'll check it out too. I wasn't sure what your newest story was, so I chose this!

Things that stuck out to me:
I don't know if it's my imagination, but I think his hand tightens around my waist."
This sentence felt strange to me for some reason. maybe,
"It could've been my imagination, but It felt like his hand tightened around my waist."

“Don't worry its fine, I'll just go and get it off.” Dont people in the U.k. call it the loo?
you should say "I'll just go to the loo and get it off."

So i wasn't entirely sure what you meant in the end with this,"All the glass doors are chained shut, just like the complex ones." it may be a culture difference but I cant decide weather you mean, a complex, like an apratment building, or something difficult, not simple. kind of confusing for me.

Things I liked:
The descriptions of the pills and how everybody needs one was literally terrifying. Especially the blue-eyed man trying to force your character to take one.
Also the descriptions were really good. We share a trait of very detailed puking scenes in our stories lol.

It was very interesting to read, i'm wondering now if she is in dance club purgatory or something like that. Seems like she switched worlds after leaving the club without a pill.

I'll check out more chapters soon.

Good luck, and keep writing.
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
You know, ill give you an example. Vanilla ice cream in a crystaline glass. The presentation may be great, but in the end, its still just vanilla ice cream. Thats how your story feels. Its really welly written, like damn, you could swear azatia and zaraphonia and all that really were apart of history. But its like reading a history book. Whats the hook, seeing the king rebuild his enpire? Not very interesting. I keep waiting for a magical crown, or prophet from god with amazing powers or somthing interesting, but they never come. When I said that you need more originality, i mean like, Something that doesnt exist in our world. (and no, exotic city names dont count) I saw that you want this to be FIVE novels. Holy shit, I can barely make it through two chapters. I dont want to be an asshole, but thats just how i feel! It seems like your lazing it up, and not creating anything!
I hope you make something of your own, if you do, id be glad to read it, because you have skill as a writer.
Good luck and keep writing!
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: 18+ | (2.0)
I thought it was slow and boring. You seem to have talent as a writer, but are wasting it on this story. I mean, they argue about the daughter for sooooooooo long. and I have no idea what is going on. The only diversity in the story comes from different names, and without background, thats all they are: names. The reason i put down the story is because ive read it a thousand times before. Kingly politics this, woman are things that. just very old school, like lord of the rings, the bad parts of lord of the rings. If it was shorter, And included something besides varied names, maybe, I wouldve liked it? there was one part I liked, you said how the king saves his temper for only those closest to him, very telling of his character, but thats the best Ive got. Id say come up with a story thats more original, something from you, then start again.
Good luck, and keep writing!
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Really good, I read the whole thing. although, you should have said "fucking!!!" Kyle was so annoying! Im sad that its over, the trailer park atmosphere, the descriptions, especially like about stabbing kyle with the branch lmao! I swear ive met people like this in real life, cracks me up the way you describe them. For this being your longest piece, Im surprised, it was great.
Review of My Nephew  
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good. Can tell you love your nephew.
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Its really flawlessly written, and the story is pretty interesting. The one problem I have is that I cant see the dogs. Are they wolves? are they golden retriever's wearing armor? Maybe humanlike dog-people? I have no clue because you never describe them (Or maybe I missed it) and as a result, I just imagine cute pets running around like B.A.'s. Orher than that very interesting. You can see your professionalism in the great flow you're lines have.
Review of The Void  
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
i definately enjoyed this. in my personal opinion, it should be left as is, no expansion. but that ending! leaves so many possibilities.
Good luck and keep writing!
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was really good! i really enjoyed the characters, it was soo good, so take my criticisms lightly but i have a few things i think you might want to think about.
the beginning caught me off guard and immediatley made me feel like i was being told a story rather than reading one. Once the story got going though it really was interesting to read, i loved the main characters name echo and also the dragon was described very well. in my head i heard the dragons voice as deep and foreboading, but thats just me.
I was really put into your tale , although the rocky start held it back, once it got going I wanted more.
Good luck and keep writing!
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: E | (2.0)
Im not sure what this story is about, but after 3,000 words im convinced its a camping simulator. seriously though, you could have explained every worth while piece of information in a few lines. this entire chapter should be cut, unless this is all its trying to be. The writing style was fine, although the characters could use some more fleshing out.
Good luck and keep writing!
Review of Why in the World?  
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: E | (3.5)
very good, the reading was flawless and libked very professionally. the subject matter is a bit off for me but it still presents a great idea and answers it thoroughly. seems a bit self centered to assume the universe was created solely for you though? haha.
Good luck and keep writing.
Review of Ithareal  
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
it was good but too short and vivid. Youre a great writer, but the story was bland.
Good luck and keep writing!
Review of Water  
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: E | (3.5)
pretty good. it was slow to read though, and could use some fine tuning. maybe waters of time washing away the past would fit better?
Good luck and keep writing!
Review of Dragon Tamer  
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: E | (4.0)
very detailed, but it can be confusing at times. i feel like ill never truly get a grip on the story until i read it twice, which is slightly off putting for the first read. i actually read chapter 3 first, and understood the story better than whats happening here, which is odd considering its the third chapter. spoon feed the info slowly over time, too much gets dropped all at once.
i was amazed by chapter 3, i was confused by chapter 1. not that its bad, just confusing to read.
i still think with some fine tuning it could be somthing great.
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
so, my assumptions on the story, are that the main character is lesbian. it seems very lightly implied in this chapter, but my suspicions are lesbian.
The writing at times feels a little list-ey, like you're writing a shopping list.
at the end of this i felt like i was reading a diary, because no really interesting hook was introduced.
this isn't exactly my type of story, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Good luck, and keep writing!
Review of The Dream  
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: E | (3.5)
it was good, but confusing. it being a dream makes more sense, but the ending dropping out like an explanation from the offer left a bad taste.
if this is just the beginning of a book, I reccomend just ending the chapter without that last bit.
the decription of space and the door were very good.
Keep writing, and good luck!
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
its good, but ya know. its from a movie, so how can i really review this honestly? the writing was good though, really set me at the table.
Good luck, and keep writing!
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: E | (5.0)
really really good. it needs some fine tuning, but the story is enough to make me want to buy it!
i hope this gets published, because it deserves to be.
my favorite line was
"I used to love the first snowfall on Telhon, watching the dragons cavort in the falling flakes."
has a real poetic feel to it, that made somthing normally scary (dragon) peaceful and mysterious.
my only gripe was Neo. everytime i heard that i picture the matrix, i think you should change his name, can be very distracting.
overall really good though, i wish you good luck, i think this has real potential to be a series of books. Good luck, and keep writing!
Review of AWAKEN  
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: E | (4.5)
really good.
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: E | (2.0)
i hate myself for doing it, but halfaway down the page, i became so bored that i was forced to skip to the last paragraphs.
while i was reading, i kept searching for somthing interesting, but it just didnt stick out, this felt like someones diary, and a very boring persons diary at that. as i dont know where youre going with this story at all, i recommend you shorten this first chapter, or get rid of it. Most of what i read could be summed up in a few sentences, and you seemed to repeat her dread many times over.
Im someone who prefers books like hairy potter, or house of the scorpion. from the first page of those books, you know what you're getting in to, here, i have no clue.
could be mystery, could be a love story, or could be a crazy fantasy epic, i have no idea. id say try and make your idea more clear, so that people can understand what type of book they're reading. one thing i did with my book, was write the entire thing first with no edits, no matter how terrible it sounds, just get your rough story down on paper, dont try to convince yourself its worth writing by nailing the introduction, it wont work. afterwards change it as much as you want.
good luck, and keep writing.
Review of Chapter One  
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: E | (3.5)
i wasnt too interested in this story really. Youre a very good writer, and this piece is good, other than the rush ending and lack of descriptions. i think you should come up with somthing more interesting than just a book that makes things happen in real life, because youre a great writer as a technical term. from a storyrelling perspective, not quite as much. also piper seems to young for her character traits, like searching up on the internet. seems to young for some reason to me.
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
haha pretty strange. pretty trippy writing style, felt like an acid trip put into words. saying i liked it would be too far, but its very entrancing to read. hope you write more. one tiny criticism, is that the dee dum dum parts could be changed to be more easy to read. they slopped up the piece and made it hard to read fluently. good luck and keep writing!
Review of O.U.C.H.  
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
read like a pamphlet. it was definitely entertaining to read, but lacked story. in the end the writing style was good. some parts confused me like the "ru" in rue. had to reread a couple times to understand those parts which messed up the flow of the story. good luck and keep writing!
Review by J.M. Arlen
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
ahhh, so interesting. i love the writers block part, really rung true with me. writing was amazing and the story was gripping. was so disappointed when i scrolled up and saw "chapter 1" i want to know the rest!!!
keep writing, youre great.
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