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3,537 Public Reviews Given
4,150 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I tend to review using a format that I can comment on plot, characters, setting, atmosphere and dialogue. I also try to point out typos/errors and that sort of thing. This style may change depending on the item!
I'm good at...
I'm better with fiction than anything else. I might be able to have a go at poetry but please don't expect too much!
Favorite Genres
Horror, dark, suspense, thriller, mystery. However, I'm open minded and will read most genres.
Favorite Item Types
Statics - fiction.
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Review of The Cramps (2)  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: After reading the first part of this, I knew I had to continue. So here I am for the second piece.

*Pencil*Storyline: In this second part, we learn that Katy loses her son. It's another really heart breaking piece in which we see her going through a painful labour yet battling on because she wants to see her son.

*People*Characters: I think Katy's strength really shows through in this piece. We realise she has lost her son yet she is still there and still struggling on.

*Home*Setting: This takes place in the hospital. You do really well to set the scene without overloading the reader.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: This piece is really sad again. You do well to tell the reader exactly what happened and then go into more detail explaining the why and how of it.

*Checkg*What I liked:

liquid-grieving - I really liked this way of describing tears.

*Cut**Paste*A few suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*Dr. Blackwell, a particularly interesting woman donning short blonde hair and wearing black knee high boots, black leggings, a hunter green sweater dress, and a lab coat, seemed confident that these contractions could be stopped

When I read this, I felt like it was a bit of an information dump. It slows the pace of the story and interrupts the flow. I would try shortening it a little:

*BulletG*Dr. Blackwell, a particularly interesting woman donning short blonde hair and wearing black knee high boots, seemed confident that these contractions could be stopped

*BulletB*Grief remembered thinking to himself that she was eccentric but exceptionally organizing the chaos

I think this may sound better as:

*BulletB*Grief remembered thinking to himself that she was eccentric but exceptional at organizing the chaos

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Collapse (1)  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I was looking for something to read when I came across this piece, so here I am with a review! The title is very fitting with the description and gives a good sense of what the reader can expect.

*Pencil*Storyline: This is a really well told and heart breaking piece. Katy goes for an appointment at the hospital, a scan during her pregnancy, and finds out that her son 'may not be compatible with life.' I think those chosen words are really important because it's not saying that he won't survive only that it may be harder for him to and it also suggests that there is a choice Katy has to make.

*People*Characters: Katy is a young woman who is facing Grief after learning some bad news about her pregnancy. She manages to hold it together for a while though it doesn't last and she seeks comfort.

I think it's really interesting that you personified Grief, gave him a name and a face, showed him to the reader, even showed him as compassionate.

*Home*Setting: This takes place in her home where she recounts the events of the day. This was done well.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: The tone of this piece was of utter sadness. You let the reader experience her pain and emotional turmoil along with her and keep them hooked and wanting to know more.

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of One final race ~  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hi Kate! I'm here with my final review as part of the package you won in the Power Ball Auction! It was the description of this piece that drew me in.

*Pencil*Storyline: This is a short piece written for a prompt for the Daily Flash Fiction Challenge in which two friends unexpectedly meet. This was a nice piece. It was quite sad as the women come together and reflect on the goals and dreams they once had and considering what they had achieved.

*People*Characters: Jan and Terri are the two characters here. They're old friends and both had big dreams. I think they're as characterised as they need to be for a short piece.

*Home*Setting: This takes place at a lake. You set the scene really well with some great descriptions.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: As I said this piece has an over arching sense of sadness that they haven't achieved their goals.

*Cut**Paste*A few suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG* “Well, here’s the lake, want to race to Canada.” Terri asked,

This could do with having a different punctuation mark.

*Bulletg* “Well, here’s the lake, want to race to Canada?” Terri asked,

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Reaper  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

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*Reading*Initial hook: Hey Jenny! I'm here with a review of this as requested for your Fossil Fuel package with the Power Reviewers gifted by Elle - on hiatus !

*Pencil*Storyline: This follows the story of Kate who lives in some sort of shared accommodation. One day a new man, Luke, moves in and she is rather friendly with him spending many of her nights with him but one day when something is mentioned to her she comes to realise that Luke was never really there (or was never seen by anyone else at all). How creepy! And that he is in fact the Grim Reaper!

I liked this plot story and the fact that it was so close for her; she was with the Reaper and still she remained unscathed.

*People*Characters: Kate is the main character here and she tells the story. I think it might be worth including her name a little earlier in the piece if possible to help characterise her more.

*Home*Setting: This is set in a shared accommodation block. At least, I think that's right. They each have their own rooms and there's communal areas too.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: This piece was definitely creepy and gave me the chills.

*BurstR*Dialogue: I've shown some examples below but I just wanted to clarify... if you use a speech tag which tells the reader how something is said, you generally end speech with a comma and then begin in a lower case letter. If you use an action tag which tells the reader that something is done, you use a full stop and an upper case letter. Other punctuation marks can be substituted in where appropriate.

*Cut**Paste*A few suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*Then he poured us a couple of brandies and said “There is no life after death; there is only death after death. But this does not necessarily mean that death is also the end.”

This just needs a comma before the speech.

*BulletG*Then he poured us a couple of brandies and said, “There is no life after death; there is only death after death. But this does not necessarily mean that death is also the end.”

*BulletB*“ I am not, “ He replied “There is no point spending one’s life fearing something which is inevitable.”

The speech tag that follows the speech means a comma is required at the end and then the beginning of the speech tag should be a lower case letter.

*BulletB*“I am not,“ he replied. “There is no point spending one’s life fearing something which is inevitable.”

*BulletR*“Hello” I said “everything alright?”

Again, as this is a speech tag, there should be a comma at the end of the speech.

*BulletR*“Hello,” I said. “everything alright?”

*BulletV*“Oh hello Kate” She smiled “Sorry to disturb you

This is an action tag which means there needs to be a full stop and then an upper case letter to follow.

*BulletV*“Oh, hello Kate.” She smiled. “Sorry to disturb you

*Bullet*My face darkened “But what about Luke?” I asked urgently “Has he moved out?”

You just need to make sure to punctuate correctly between speech.

*Bullet*My face darkened. “But what about Luke?” I asked urgently. “Has he moved out?”

*BulletG*I’ve not been well. “ I added.

This just needs to be a comma instead.

*BulletG*I’ve not been well, “ I added.

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Breaking the Seal  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (2.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

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*Reading*Initial hook: I'm here as part of the Nuclear Package gifted to you by Nixie

*Pencil*Storyline: This was a really fun and light hearted story you decided to share with us that is based on your time at work with a colleague. I really like that this piece is simply about a miscommunication, or the differences in understanding of certain words. I think this happens far more than we realise due to differences in background and culture. This story really pointed that out for me and I liked it!

I've pointed out a few things below that I think would help improve this piece, however, I do like the idea of it and it made me smile a lot!

*Cut**Paste*A few suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*With short gray hair and a smile that never quit the odor of cigarette smoke that followed her wherever she went could not keep me away.

For me, I think this needs to be two sentences. It doesn't seem to fit together. I would write:

*BulletG*She had short gray hair and a smile that never quit. Even the odor of cigarette smoke that followed her wherever she went could not keep me away.

*BulletB*"I'll go check it out"(I saunter over to this big long truck and greet the gray haired balding truck driver-he opens the door to his truck and comes out to meet with me.

Here you need to end the speech with full stop. I think the actions after that don't really need to be in brackets.

*BulletB*"I'll go check it out." I saunter over to this big long truck and greet the gray haired balding truck driver. He opens the door to his truck and comes out to meet me.

*BulletR*"I don't know what to do with my truck" (I point to the recieving dock area). "I am not sure what to do I've got a seal on the back of my truck and I don't know whether I need to break it.)"

Here, again you need a full stop to end the speech and you don't need the brackets.

*BulletR*"I don't know what to do with my truck." I point to the receiving dock area. "I am not sure what to do. I've got a seal on the back of my truck and I don't know whether I need to break it."

*BulletV*Without thinking about it I told her exactly what the truck driver said to me. The truck driver said that he had a seal on the back of his truck"

You just need an opening quotation mark here and a full stop at the end of the speech..

*BulletV*Without thinking about it I told her exactly what the truck driver said to me. "The truck driver said that he had a seal on the back of his truck."

*Bullet*"A seal in the back of his truck(her eyes lit up rolling as she nodded incredulous) (I was totally caught off guard when I realized she saw something totally different than I did.) (I could conceal my nascent laughter no longer, so much for being serious)
(She stands up like a seal with hands out in front barking like a seal)"

Here you need the closing quotation marks to the speech, plus the correct punctuation. I would also say you don't need any of those brackets, but rather just sentences.

*Bullet*"A seal in the back of his truck!" Her eyes lit up rolling as she nodded incredulous. I was totally caught off guard when I realized she saw something totally different than I did. I could conceal my nascent laughter no longer, so much for being serious. She stands up like a seal with hands out in front barking like a seal.

I would also suggest breaking this piece up into chapters with clear line breaks to make it that little bit easier to read. It will help the reader understand the flow of the story too *Smile*

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with P.E.N.C.I.L.  
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)

This is a P.E.N.C.I.L. Review! *Smile*

*Pencil*Storyline: This chapter threw me a little bit as for the past few you have been alternating between Natalie and Reim and I thought this was Reim's perspective until it mentioned Amy. I would suggest adding Natalie's name in there somehow near the beginning to make it clear to the reader whose point of view it is.

Much of this chapter centres around conversation had between Natalie, Amy, Seph and Chris around Blue (the nickname they've given for Reim). While this is fine I think perhaps it would benefit from some more insight into feelings/emotions. It would give the chapter an extra depth.

*People*Characters: We are beginning to get to know Seph and Chris here. Seph comes across as light hearted and tries to make light everything. Just to let you know he seems to cackle an awful lot, it might be worth having some word changes. Chris on the other hand, comes across as being quite moody and sullen. He doesn't seem to like Reim at all and isn't willing to open his mind.

*Home*Setting: This again takes place in the inn and you set the scene in the beginning of the chapter.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: This chapter is a little slower. It focuses more on character building and story development and explanation.

*BurstR*Dialogue: I've pointed out as many speech tags as I was able. There are still a few towards the end of the story that I haven't pointed out, just so you know!

*Cut**Paste*Line by line suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*Their armor wasn't entirely uniform, some having differences here and there that personally suited to them.

I don't think you need the word 'to' here.

*BulletG*Their armor wasn't entirely uniform, some having differences here and there that personally suited them.

*BulletB*A large, old looking book

This just needs a hyphen.

*BulletB*A large, old-looking book

*BulletR*As it turns out a town like Mirada, which much more foot traffic and diverse visitors,

Should this be 'with'?

*BulletR*As it turns out a town like Mirada, with much more foot traffic and diverse visitors,

*BulletV*I loud thump jerked my attention from the book,

This should be 'a'

*BulletV*A loud thump jerked my attention from the book,

*Bullet*"Like, right now, I bet she has no idea we've been talking about her. That's how spacey she gets." Amy said,
*Bullet*"Like, right now, I bet she has no idea we've been talking about her. That's how spacey she gets," Amy said,

*BulletG*"So, what's that book that has you so captivated?" He asked.
*BulletG*"So, what's that book that has you so captivated?" he asked.

*BulletB*"Oh, it's a compilation of various research notes about energy forms." I answered,
*BulletB*"Oh, it's a compilation of various research notes about energy forms," I answered,

*BulletR*Seph sighed and took a swig from a dark bottle I assume was some kind of beer.

This should be 'assumed' as it's written in the past tense.

*BulletR*Seph sighed and took a swig from a dark bottle I assumed was some kind of beer.

*BulletV*"They're energy forms, Natalie." He said,
*BulletV*"They're energy forms, Natalie," he said,

*Bullet* "Chris." Seph snapped,
*Bullet* "Chris!" Seph snapped,

*BulletG* "Oh, spirits, don't encourage her, Seph." Amy whined.
*BulletG* "Oh, spirits, don't encourage her, Seph," Amy whined.

*BulletB*"It's about as hard as it is to keep your mouth shut around boys." I shot back,
*BulletB*"It's about as hard as it is to keep your mouth shut around boys," I shot back,

*BulletR* "Uh-huh." I said.
*BulletR* "Uh-huh," I said.

*BulletV*"I did in fact." He replied
*BulletV*"I did in fact," he replied

*Bullet*"Well, energy forms don't really view family the way we do." I answered.
*Bullet*"Well, energy forms don't really view family the way we do," I answered.

*BulletG*"Woah, woah, Natalie, you can't just make up words on me like that." Amy said.
*BulletG*"Woah, woah, Natalie, you can't just make up words on me like that," Amy said.

*BulletB*"They're not made up words, just big words." I argued.
*BulletB*"They're not made up words, just big words," I argued.

*BulletR*It's awkward when your in a body that's older than the one your father is in.

This should be 'you're' which is an abbreviation of 'you are'

*BulletR*It's awkward when you're in a body that's older than the one your father is in.

*BulletV*"That might be a bit too much rationale there, Natalie." Seph said.
*BulletV*"That might be a bit too much rationale there, Natalie," Seph said.

*Bullet*and so we can't fully understand it and all the workings behind it." Seph explained.
*Bullet*and so we can't fully understand it and all the workings behind it," Seph explained.

*Bulletv* "Well, in that case, the energy form in question might refer to himself as 'son of generic hero A.'" Seph answered.
*Bullet* "Well, in that case, the energy form in question might refer to himself as 'son of generic hero A,'" Seph answered.

*Bulletv*"You mean people he's killed, or cities he's destroyed." Chris growled.
*Bullet* "You mean people he's killed, or cities he's destroyed," Chris growled.

*Bulletv* "Oh, I read a little about the pupil thing." I said,
*Bullet* "Oh, I read a little about the pupil thing," I said,

*Bulletv*"Okay, so if nothing else, he had this Dohken guy as his family." Amy said.
*Bullet* "Okay, so if nothing else, he had this Dohken guy as his family," Amy said.

*Bulletv*"You don't think he killed his own master, do you?" She asked.

*Bullet* "You don't think he killed his own master, do you?" she asked.

*Bulletv* "Wow, he really is a badass." Amy added.
*Bullet* "Wow, he really is a badass," Amy added.

*Bulletv* "Watch your mouth." Chris snapped.
*Bullet* "Watch your mouth," Chris snapped.

*Bulletv*"Yes, well, badass he may be, there's not a chance in hell he was a match for Dohken." Seph continued.
*Bullet* "Yes, well, badass he may be, there's not a chance in hell he was a match for Dohken," Seph continued.

*Bulletv* "Don't be. He's being a jerk." Amy supplied,
*Bullet* "Don't be. He's being a jerk," Amy supplied,

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf P.E.N.C.I.L. Group:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with P.E.N.C.I.L.  
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)

This is a P.E.N.C.I.L. Review! *Smile*

*Pencil*Storyline: We're back with Natalie for this chapter and it's already clear that it's her voice. The way she thinks is quite distinctive and strikes me as almost 'teenage'.

The second paragraph strikes me as a little odd. Out of everything she has lost she compares her room to the inn. Perhaps it would be more realistic for her to think of her parents first, her friends, the town. I want to get inside her mind and really understand how that loss is affecting her. Let the reader be inside her mind.

In this chapter she is reunited with her friend Amy whom she believes was caught in White Meadow. The two talk, share stories and converse. It's nice to see them back together and brings a bit of normality back into it for her.

*People*Characters: As I mentioned above, I think perhaps her thinking is a little out of order. Personally, I think the first thing I would be thinking about and grieving over is the loss of my parents/friends so maybe this is something she would focus on. Just a thought.

*Home*Setting: This takes place in the inn where she is offered a room to stay in free of charge. You give the reader the information about the room all at once. I do think it's important to know what it looks like but perhaps try to break it up and add it into the story a little more. For example, we could see her lying on the little bed or putting a cup on the beside table or having to switch the lamp on when it got a little dim.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: There is a sense of being reunited in this piece and I think you did it really well.

*Cut**Paste*Line by line suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*I was sill so tired though,

Just a little typo.

*BulletG*I was still so tired though,

*BulletB*I slowly sit up and shrugged my shoulders.

This should be 'sat' as it's written in past tense.

*BulletB*I slowly sat up and shrugged my shoulders.

*BulletR*Miss./Mrs./Ms. Lisa had good taste in clothing,

I'm wondering why you have all of these titles in here. I would say, if you need to use one, just use one but perhaps you don't and you could just refer to her as Lisa.

*BulletV* “Oh wow… I haven’t eaten in almost a full day.” I mused.
*BulletV* “Oh wow… I haven’t eaten in almost a full day,” I mused.

*Bullet* “Yeah, she walked in here this morning, looking as homely and forlorn as you please.” Lisa voice said.

This needs a comma as it's a speech tag but also an apostrophe s to indicate possession.

*Bullet* “Yeah, she walked in here this morning, looking as homely and forlorn as you please,” Lisa's voice said.

*BulletG* “Help? What kinda help? She arrived here by herself.” Lisa asked.

Perhaps here you don't need the speech tag. Or if you would like to keep it, I might suggest changing it a little as the last thing said was a statement rather than a question.

*BulletG* “Help? What kinda help? She arrived here by herself,” Lisa stated.

*BulletB*since she’s still being hunted.” The man answered.
*BulletB*since she’s still being hunted,” the man answered.

*BulletR*"Don't feel bad. He won't even tell me, and I was there." Amy's voice answered.
*BulletR*"Don't feel bad. He won't even tell me, and I was there," Amy's voice answered.

*BulletV* "Oh, uh, you as well, Mr. Seph." I said.
*BulletV* "Oh, uh, you as well, Mr. Seph," I said.

*Bullet*I wasn't sure if he was doing it to be funny, or if they actually stilled bowed

Just a little typo here.

*Bullet*I wasn't sure if he was doing it to be funny, or if they actually still bowed

*BulletG* "Oh, spirits, no." Seph answered
*BulletG* "Oh, spirits, no," Seph answered

*BulletB*Hey, bill me for whatever they need, okay?" He said to Lisa.
*BulletB*Hey, bill me for whatever they need, okay?" he said to Lisa.

*BulletR*"Pft. Such a show off." Amy said.
*BulletR*"Pft. Such a show off," Amy said.

*BulletV*"Oh, sure." Amy replied.
*BulletV*"Oh, sure," Amy replied.

*Bullet*"Oh hush." I snapped,
*Bullet*"Oh hush," I snapped,

*BulletG*I told her about who Sandra claimed to be, I told her about Sever, (who she agreed was a big jerk,)

Here, having the information in brackets is fine because it's not essential but adds something, you just have the commas a little off. you don't need a comma before the bracket but have one after instead:

*BulletG*I told her about who Sandra claimed to be, I told her about Sever (who she agreed was a big jerk),

*BulletB* "Ooohhh." Amy said,
*BulletB* "Ooohhh," Amy said,

*BulletR*"Huh... Weird." She mused,
*BulletR*"Huh... Weird," she mused,

*BulletV* "Oh, well, he's older than that, but his body isn't." I explained putting down my plate,
*BulletV* "Oh, well, he's older than that, but his body isn't," I explained putting down my plate,

*Bullet* I shook my head and waved my had in front of me

Should this be 'hand'?

*Bullet* I shook my head and waved my hand in front of me

*Bulletv* "No, they get born into them. Like... reborn with a new mother every time their old body dies." I said.
*Bullet* "No, they get born into them. Like... reborn with a new mother every time their old body dies," I said.

*Bulletv* "Yeah." Amy said with a hint of pride.
*Bullet* "Yeah," Amy said with a hint of pride.

*Bulletv*We throw pillows at each other for a bit, then just collapsed into giggles.

This should be 'threw' as it's in past tense.

*Bullet*We threw pillows at each other for a bit, then just collapsed into giggles.

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf P.E.N.C.I.L. Group:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with P.E.N.C.I.L.  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

This is a P.E.N.C.I.L. Review! *Smile*

*Reading*Initial hook: Hi! I'll not be on for a length of time in the next few days (I'm decorating in my flat) so I thought I'd send a review this evening while I was able!

*Pencil*Storyline: With this chapter we're back with Reim and his point of view. He's about to face the Guardian, five on one. Much of this chapter is about the fight between himself and Sever and the aftermath. I think this is going to be a running theme until eventually he manages to beat Sever.

*People*Characters: From his point of view, and now that he's alone, we begin to see more of his character. He's compassionate (towards some) and worries about Natalie and isn't scared about what he is about to face. We also get to see what he thinks about humans as he heads for the town of Mirada in search of aid. He doesn't seem to think a lot of them, and like people are used to doing, puts them all in the same boat judging all humans from one. So in general, he hates humans and sees them as weak but he is willing to go to them for help.

*Home*Setting: This takes place with Reim in the forest where he fights with Sever. You set the scene well.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: There is a lot of action in this piece and you manage to carry the tone well as well as move it forward.

*Checkg*What I liked:

The two distinct thumps and utter silence afterward told me my attack had succeeded.

I like this line, it shows the reader what it going on and lets them know through another sense which I think is well done.

*Cut**Paste*Line by line suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*“They want you dead almost as much as I do. Might as well give them a shot,” He said.
*BulletG*“They want you dead almost as much as I do. Might as well give them a shot,” he said.

*BulletB*Our blades struck again and again, echoing around the forest in a din of noise that sent an nearby animals scurrying away.

I think rather than using the word 'an' here the word 'the' would be more comfortable.

*BulletB*Our blades struck again and again, echoing around the forest in a din of noise that sent the nearby animals scurrying away.

*BulletR*when noting but their own desire to do so is keeping them able.

Should this be 'nothing'?

*BulletR*when nothing but their own desire to do so is keeping them able.

*BulletV*sending a massive amount of dirt and debris up ward,

This should be one word.

*BulletV*sending a massive amount of dirt and debris upward,

*Bullet*but all of that nonsense only goes as far as their comfortable.

Rather than 'their', this should be 'they're'

*Bullet*but all of that nonsense only goes as far as they're comfortable.

*BulletG* but I grit my teeth and managed to get to my feet.

AS this in in the past tense, it should be 'gritted'

*BulletG* but I gritted my teeth and managed to get to my feet.

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf P.E.N.C.I.L. Group:

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Chapter 5: Mirada  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with P.E.N.C.I.L.  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

This is a P.E.N.C.I.L. Review! *Smile*

*Reading*Initial hook: And now I want to keep reading on to find out what happens!

*Pencil*Storyline: In this chapter we return to Natalie's point of view. The fighting is done and the Azure Demon is leading her to safety. She begins to mentally process all she has seen and gets to know him a little better, reminding herself that she used to be scared of him as a child. Then, when the battle is to commence again he sends her on to the nearest town, Mirada.

*People*Characters: We see NAtalie's thought process in this chapter as she tries to recount all that has happened and make sense of it. I felt sorry for her.

*Home*Setting: Much of this takes place in the forest and you set the scene well.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: This is the calm after the storm, time for reflection.

*Cut**Paste*Line by line suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*and though there were places were certain spirits were stronger or weaker,

This should be 'where'

*BulletG*and though there were places where certain spirits were stronger or weaker,

*BulletB* “You sneezed.” I said.
*BulletB* “You sneezed,” I said.

*BulletR* “Reim.” I repeated.
*BulletR* “Reim,” I repeated.

*BulletV* even though I had seen how scary they can be when he’s angry.

I think this should be 'he was' as the word 'he's' brings it into the present tense.

*BulletV* even though I had seen how scary they can be when he was angry.

*Bullet* “Are you alright?” He asked in that maddeningly contradictory voice.
*Bullet* “Are you alright?” he asked in that maddeningly contradictory voice.

*BulletG*“…Did you have a question or something?” He asked.
*BulletG*“Did you have a question or something?” he asked.

*BulletB*“I don’t… I don’t understand.” I sputtered.
*BulletB*“I don’t… I don’t understand,” I sputtered.

*BulletR* “You saw me kill three.” he replied.
*BulletR* “You saw me kill three,” he replied.

*BulletV* “Well, yes, but, that was just in defense, not outright murder.” I argued.
*BulletV* “Well, yes, but, that was just in defence, not outright murder,” I argued.

*Bullet*“They were energy forms, so they aren’t actually dead.” He replied.
*Bullet*“They were energy forms, so they aren’t actually dead,” he replied.

*BulletG*However, killing our body won’t do that. It’s just a massive inconvenience.” He answered.
*BulletG*However, killing our body won’t do that. It’s just a massive inconvenience,” he answered.

*BulletB*“I’m sorry.” I muttered, looking away.
*BulletB*“I’m sorry,” I muttered, looking away.

*BulletR* “…Yes and no.” Reim answered.
*BulletR* “Yes and no,” Reim answered.

*BulletV*“I can’t, no, but it can be done, and I have an arrangement with someone who can.” He replied.
*BulletV*“I can’t, no, but it can be done, and I have an arrangement with someone who can,” he replied.

*Bullet*“What?” He answered.
*Bullet*“What?” he answered.

*BulletG*“You didn’t.” He said,
*BulletG*“You didn’t,” he said,

*BulletB*“I’m really sorry.” I repeated quietly.
*BulletB*“I’m really sorry,” I repeated quietly.

*BulletR*“Natalie, it’s fine.” Reim said with finality.

*BulletR*“Natalie, it’s fine,” Reim said with finality.

*BulletV* “Damn. They must have guessed where I’d be leading you.” Reim said with a sigh.
*BulletV* “Damn. They must have guessed where I’d be leading you,” Reim said with a sigh.

*Bullet*“Reim… promise me.” I pressed, looking back at him.

*Bullet*“Reim… promise me,” I pressed, looking back at him.

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf P.E.N.C.I.L. Group:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with P.E.N.C.I.L.  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

This is a P.E.N.C.I.L. Review! *Smile*

*Reading*Initial hook: I thought that while I had time, I'd stop by with another review for you!

*Pencil*Storyline: This chapter begins with the Azure Demons point of view. I think this is a neat way to do it and allows the reader to spend some time in his mind and see things from his point of view. We see more action in this chapter as the Azure Demon comes head to head with Sever and we learn a bit about their history. It's really interesting. And, we see as Natalie heals him, the mention of the call of water spirits which allows her to channel her power and heal him.

*People*Characters: This is told from the POV of the Azure Demon. It was easy to tell as the narrative voice is quite different than from Natalie's. He's calm, collected and confident and that comes across well. We learn a lot about him in this chapter including his background, the sort of person he is and what he stands for.

*Home*Setting: This continues to take place in Natalie's home town that has just about been burnt to the ground.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: Again, a lot of action in this piece but with a more mature narrative voice.

*Checkg*What I liked:

I liked this paragraph. I think it really gives the reader a sense of who the Azure Demon is and is quite a sensible statement.

Some people try to keep their eyes locked on the light of the world and refuse to see that darkness. I’d say they’re idealistic idiots. Some balance the dark with the light and assume people are just people, capable of both right and wrong. I’d say they’re wise, but easily deceived. Some people stare into the darkness and become blind to the light, and they either embrace it, or fall to it. I’d say they’re realistic, but a waste of a life.

*Cut**Paste*Line by line suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG* “Natalie.” I said her name,
*BulletG* “Natalie,” I said her name,

*BulletB* “What is it? What’s wrong?” She asked.
*BulletB* “What is it? What’s wrong?” she asked.

*BulletR*“Freak.” He said by way of greeting.
*BulletR*“Freak,” he said by way of greeting.

*BulletV*“Idiot.” I answered,
*BulletV*“Idiot,” I answered,

*Bullet* “Yeah. It takes a while for dead bodies to get cold, you know.” Sever said.

*Bullet* “Yeah. It takes a while for dead bodies to get cold, you know,” Sever said.

*BulletG*Oh, your chest! That… that jerk hit you earlier!” She announced as if solving an important mystery.
*BulletG*Oh, your chest! That… that jerk hit you earlier!” she announced as if solving an important mystery.

*BulletB*“Hold still, I’ve never tried this spell on such a serious injury before.” She snapped,
*BulletB*“Hold still, I’ve never tried this spell on such a serious injury before,” she snapped,

*BulletR* “By the spirits… These wounds... You must be in so much pain…” She said,
*BulletR* “By the spirits… These wounds... You must be in so much pain,” she said,

*BulletV*You…idiot!” She shouted,
*BulletV*You…idiot!” she shouted,

*Bullet*“It’s much better… thank you.” I said.
*Bullet*“It’s much better. Thank you,” I said.

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf P.E.N.C.I.L. Group:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Chapter 3: Hero  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with P.E.N.C.I.L.  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

This is a P.E.N.C.I.L. Review! *Smile*

*Reading*Initial hook: I feel like it's been ages since my last review, I apologise, but I'm here now!

*Pencil*Storyline: The action really begins in this chapter. The Guardian attack the town in the middle of the night, throwing it and its residents into chaos. Natalie has to survive after realising her parents were with her no more and following a woman named Sandra who she recognised in an attempt to flee the town. The action continues as another fight ensues and she finds herself alone, and back at home once more. I really liked how this bit was done as it took the reader through the thought process she had and allowed us to understand her.

Then we see the Azure Demon protects her, something she is confused about, and leads her away to safety.

*People*Characters: We are beginning to see more and more of her character with each passing chapter. We learn that she's an avid reader and by the sounds of it, a hard worker too. I admire that. We also learn that her favourite colour is purple.

We meet several other people in this chapter too. The Azure Demon, someone who she before considered malicious saves her in her own home and protects her. There is clearly more to this character than we know yet. Her friend Sandra is a protector too and has hidden it for a long time. Sever is a man from the Guardian, sent to kill. He seems to take pride and happiness in what he does. It makes him an unlikeable character.

*Home*Setting: This takes place in her home town as it's destroyed. You continue to set the scene and allow her thoughts to lead.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: There is a lot of action in this chapter and it works well.

*Cut**Paste*Line by line suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*and the folded collar revealed it red on the inside.

I think there's just a missing word here.

*BulletG*and the folded collar revealed it was red on the inside.

*BulletB* “Not bad.” He said in a spiteful voice.

I know I explained about the dialogue tags in the previous review so I won't repeat myself, however I thought I would point them out to make it easier for you. Or if you do need some clarification, just let me know *Smile*

*BulletB* “Not bad,” he said in a spiteful voice.

*BulletR*“Natalie.” She snapped.
*BulletR*“Natalie!” she snapped.

*BulletV*“…Most people call me that.” He replied.

I'm wondering why you've put ellipsis at the beginning of the speech? I've noticed it a few times and not sure it's needed. If it's to indicate a pause it might be better to say that.

*BulletV*"Most people call me that,” he replied.

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf P.E.N.C.I.L. Group:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I hit the random review button looking for something to read and this popped up!

*Checkg*What I liked:

What a really great newsletter theme. It seems that a lot of things involving romance for the young adult generation at the minute involve supernatural beings. I think it's quite a unique idea (or was, it's being a little overdone now). You've made some really great points here and suggestions about the probability on the way the characters would be. I would suggest maybe that adding a list of other supernatural creatures that could be used in such paranormal romances would have been beneficial and added food for thought. But great newsletter!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Midnight Show  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I hit the random review button looking for something to read and this piece popped up. I'm not the best with poetry but here we go!

*Checkg*What I liked:

The subject of this piece intrigued me from the beginning. In the place where I work we have a lot of dealings with the police and I've even toyed with the idea of joining... but this exact thing has put me off. Seeing the same thing over and over again, maybe there are different faces, but still the same motivations and crimes. It's sad in a way but I also think that a person doing such a job will eventually get jaded by it, as your character does. The nature of the work takes an emotional toll on an individual and this shows in the style and tone of the poem here, showing what the cop thinks and how he reacts to it. He pessimistic and it left me wondering whether he was like this before he became a cop.

Thank you for sharing!

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Who Else?  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I wanted to come and return the review you did for me! Poetry isn't one of my strengths so please bear with me!

*Checkg*What I liked:

I used to really like school, the lessons, the teachers, learning etc. So I guess I thought I'd like to see how it was from the other side of the story. After reading this I have to say, I feel sorry for you, having to deal with that day in day out couldn't have been easy. I know that often it is just certain people or the minority that cause the problem but not always but even so, it can be stressful. I volunteer with girls 7-10 and they can be bad enough! It made me sad to think you said you would never relive those years but I can also guess why and understand it.

Thank you for sharing this *Smile*

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with P.E.N.C.I.L.  
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is a P.E.N.C.I.L. Review! *Smile*

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I'm here with a review of your second chapter! I apologise it's taken me a while I've had a busy couple of weeks but never mind, here I am!

*Pencil*Storyline: In this chapter we see Natalie getting a lesson from her mum about the differences between aura forms and energy forms. It seems she didn't know as much as she thought she did but she is open to learning new things.

*People*Characters: We're starting to learn more about our main character. We know that although she's an aura, she looks like a human with slight differences that we probably wouldn't notice unless looking for it. We also know she loves to cook and sees it as an art form.

Natalie's relationship with her mum appears to be a good one. They're close and can talk openly which I like.

*Home*Setting: This takes place in Natalie's home where she uses her magic to prepare a meal.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: There is an undertone of foreboding in this piece following from the news she found out

*BurstR*Dialogue: with dialogue, if what follows is a speech tag which tells the reader how something is said usually the punctuation at the end of the speech is a comma (or it can be a question mark or exclamation mark) and the following letter is usually a lower case letter.

*Cut**Paste*Line by line suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*“Yes, you do.” My mom, Alice, said with a shrug.

This is a speech tag so needs a comma and a lower case letter.

*BulletG*“Yes, you do,” my mom, Alice, said with a shrug.

*BulletB*“What?” My mother asked breathlessly.

This should be a lower case letter after the speech as it's a speech tag.

*BulletB*“What?” my mother asked breathlessly.

*BulletR* “I don’t think he’s going to be a problem for us.” My mom answered with surety, and I turned to stare at her in confusion.

This just needs a comma and a lower case letter as it's a speech tag.

*BulletR* “I don’t think he’s going to be a problem for us,” my mom answered with surety, and I turned to stare at her in confusion.

*BulletV*“That’s enough.” She snapped,

This needs to have a comma and a lower case letter as it's a speech tag.

*BulletV*“That’s enough,” she snapped,

*Bullet* “I have. More than one actually, and so have you.” She replied,

This just needs a comma and a lower case letter as it's a speech tag.

*Bullet* “I have. More than one actually, and so have you,” she replied,

*BulletG* “Natalie made spaghetti, James. You’re just in time.” My mother called.

This just needs a comma and a lower case letter.

*BulletG* “Natalie made spaghetti, James. You’re just in time,” my mother called.

*BulletB* “I knew it was a good day.” He replied.

This just needs a comma and a lower case letter.

*BulletB* “I knew it was a good day,” he replied.

*BulletR*“Sounds like a pain.” I said consolingly.

This just needs a comma at the end of the speech as the speech tag follows it.

*BulletR*“Sounds like a pain,” I said consolingly.

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf P.E.N.C.I.L. Group:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Scream  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I wanted to come and return the review you did for me and it seemed natural that I would find myself in your horror section *Smile*

*Pencil*Storyline: This was definitely a chilling read. An ex cop goes to save a woman after he hears a death scream coming from the nearby graveyard, but he gets more than he bargains for from the young woman.

*People*Characters: Norman was a really great character. I think you've taken a lot of care to let the reader know what sort of man he is. Despite being ill himself and not physically fit, he knows he has to try and help the person who is screaming. That makes him a pretty cool guy!

*Home*Setting: This takes place at night, in a graveyard. You set the scene really well and draw the reader into it.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: Dark and creepy with a surprise twist at the end!

*Cut**Paste*I have no line by line suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with P.E.N.C.I.L.  
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is a P.E.N.C.I.L. Review! *Smile*

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey, I'm here with the first review of this piece for you *Smile*

*Pencil*Storyline: I think this is a really good strong chapter. You introduce the main characters, the setting and the plot really well and without information dumping. You have peaked my interest with it (and fantasy isn't something I normally read) but learning more about the Guardian and who the Azure Demon are make me want to read on! A well rounded chapter *Smile*

*People*Characters: Natalie appears to be our main character so far. The beginning of the story drew me in (as I thought she was in the middle of a horrible nightmare) and then realised it was part of a day dream. I think this has begun to already develop her character and help the reader know what sort of person she is. She comes across as a typical teenage girl, indulging a little often in her fantasies and easily getting caught up. You have her narrative voice down really well and I already feel like I'm getting to know her. It's also interesting that we learn about half way through the chapter that she's not human.

Amy and Sandra are her two friends. We also begin to get a good picture of what they're like and how they all work together as well as appearances.

*Home*Setting: White Meadow is Natalie's home town. You set the scene around her well and allow the reader to see what she is seeing.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: So far it has been quite light hearted with day dreams and girlish banter, but I can see that things are going to get darker soon.

*BurstR*Dialogue: The dialogue all works well and flows really smoothly.

*Checkg*What I liked:

'He stalked toward me, and, as helpless young women in adventures stories so often do, I tripped on nothing and fell backward, still trying desperately to crawl away from the man in front of me. '

I like this line, I found it quite humourous.

*Cut**Paste*Line by line suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*My panting breaths sounded even louder being reflected off the stone walls as I ran.

To me, the word 'being' here feels a little out of place. I would suggest:

*BulletG*My panting breaths sounded even louder as they were reflected off the stone walls as I ran.

*BulletB*Then a bolt of lightning streaked from behind me and struck the man in his chest.

Here you use the word streaked and stuck within the same sentence. I would suggest changing one:

*BulletB*Then a bolt of lightning flashed from behind me and struck the man in his chest.

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf P.E.N.C.I.L. Group:

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey Jeannie, when I saw this letter I wanted to come and read. I remember seeing the contest but not being able to enter. And I see you have a pretty ribbon on yours *Smile*

*Checkg*What I liked:

This is a really nice, heart felt letter that addresses the soldiers of the American Army as one person. You wish them all well and explain that they have fought for the freedom and won it and it's really clear that you're grateful to them even though you may not know them personally. I think any soldier reading this would be proud and be glad to have you as a friend.

*Cut**Paste*I have no line by line suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Hunting Arrow  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey! I've had this saved in my list of things to read until I had time to stop by, and here I finally am!

*Pencil*Storyline: This tells the story of Melinda and Rick, siblings who have been reuinted after many years apart. Melinda flies to spend the weekend with him where everything is going well until they find the old arrow in the woods...

This is a dark piece that explores their backgrounds, their personalities.

*People*Characters: Melinda is the character we start with. She comes across as a really sweet woman, someone who is searching for her family. She is shy yet excited and that comes across well.

Rick is her brother. He comes across as a man who has developed well and moved up in the world even though he too is missing his sister.]

The arrow is what sends both of them a little insane... at least I hope it is!

*Home*Setting: This takes place at Rick's home. You set the scene well to allow the reader to be there too.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: This is quite a dark piece. Dark in the way that they are both trying to kill each other but also we see their thoughts and emotions through all of that.

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey! I wanted to come and return the review you did for me! I chose this because although it's nowhere near Christmas, it felt like a nice, heart warming tale, just what I'm after!

*Pencil*Storyline: This tells the story of a mom and her two children who go Christmas shopping after a long year and a long time saving up their money. The women all have fun and giggle lots, really enjoying themselves. They all make wishes in the wishing well too.

I think this is a nice, light hearted piece. Just what I wanted. I would asy it's something that could be expanded if you wanted to. You could really let the reader get into the minds of the characters.

One thing I noticed is that towards the end you switched into present tense while the rest of the piece is written in past tense. I would suggest trying to keep it all in the same tense as it will help it flow better.

*People*Characters: There are three main characters, Jeannie, Oliana and Katie. The latter are the two children. We don't get a great deal of their personalities apart from them being giggly and happy which is nice but this is fine for the length of the piece. If you wanted to expand I would suggest letting the reader know more about their personalities.

*Home*Setting: This takes place at the mall where they're Christmas shopping.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: This was a really fun piece.

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Trailing  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I wanted to come and return the review you did for me!

*Pencil*Storyline: This is the first chapter of something you're working on. It's told from the point of view of a young girl who is scared of her father. Hers, and the whole family's life is thrown upside down when her father tells them they are going to America the next morning.

I think this is a good way to end the chapter, however, I would say it doesn't feel quite long enough to be a complete chapter. Maybe there needs to be more of what and why in there, like why they have to move. Just a thought.

*People*Characters: So far there seem to be a few characters but we don't get to know any of them in details, including the main character who is telling the story. I think for the first chapter it's okay to just introduce them but as the story moves on try to include more information and really develop them.

*Home*Setting: This takes place in their home. Maybe some more info on setting would be good ie. what it looks like, smells like, feels like *Smile*

*Cut**Paste*A few suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*"You mean we're going to America illigally?"

This is just mispelled.

*BulletG*"You mean we're going to America illegally?"

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Hollow Nightmare  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey! I wanted to come and return the review you did for me *Smile*

*Pencil*Storyline: This is a short story that tells of a nightmare a man experiences late one night and still, when he wakes up, he is haunted by it. The dream cliche has been done a lot but I think this works well, though it did leave me wondering whether it was happening when he woke up or whether it stayed with him in his mind.

*People*Characters: There is one main character in this. It's a man who is having a nightmare and struggling to come to terms with it.

*Home*Setting: This takes place in his dream.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: This piece is quite dark and it works well for the genre of the piece.

*Cut**Paste*A few suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*greasy feathered with nothingness in their eyes.

I feel like there's something missing here but I can't quite put my fingers on it. I think I would write either:

*BulletG*greasy and feathered with nothingness in their eyes.
*BulletG*greasy, feathered men with nothingness in their eyes.

*BulletB*creep slowly in to my body

Into is one word.

*BulletB*creep slowly into my body

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Voice Lessons  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey, I wanted to stop by with some reviews as part of the Spa Package you were gifted! I noticed a lot of items in your port are poetry and I'm not so confident with them so I wanted to stop by your blog.

*Checkg*What I liked:

It looks like you use your blog to vent when something is on your mind. I use mine for the same reason really and I think it's a greay way to let out how you're feeling and even get an opinion. I noticed a few of your entries are about writing and your relationship with it. I think we all doubt our abilities sometimes and I know what you mean about losing your friend for a while, but it's always there and always will be. I'm really glad you managed to find it again *Smile* And I am so glad that you found this site and a way to express yourself. I'm going to add your blog to my blog links and I hope that you update now and again *Heart*

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Orbs of Misnomer  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)

This is a Sisco's Good Deed Group Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey! I wanted to come and return the review you di for me *Smile* This piece interested me because of the description.

*Pencil*Storyline: This tells the story of a man who is bringing an army together in the hopes of overcoming the thief and retrieving his name back. It's a really interesting piece and I think this would serve well as a prologue to a longer piece.

*People*Characters: The nameless one is the main character. We don't really get to see inside of his head and understand what he's feeling or where he's coming from. I think that's okay for a short story but if you were to expand it, I would work on letting the reader into his personality more.

*Home*Setting: I'm not really sure where this takes place but I don't think the reader has to know. You set the scene well.

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of Sisco's Good Deed Group:

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Stare  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is a Sisco's Good Deed Group Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey! I wanted to come and return the review you did for me *Smile* Poetry isn't my strongest point but I'm going to give it a go!

*Checkg*What I liked:

This is a really thought provoking poem. It tells the reader of a man who decides he wants to go to war and serve for his country, following in his father's footsteps. He's a young man, fresh and eager though when he comes back he is changed after everything he's seen. It really made me feel for him. I think the last line is really well done too, it's really haunting.

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of Sisco's Good Deed Group:

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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