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Review Requests: OFF
3,537 Public Reviews Given
4,150 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I tend to review using a format that I can comment on plot, characters, setting, atmosphere and dialogue. I also try to point out typos/errors and that sort of thing. This style may change depending on the item!
I'm good at...
I'm better with fiction than anything else. I might be able to have a go at poetry but please don't expect too much!
Favorite Genres
Horror, dark, suspense, thriller, mystery. However, I'm open minded and will read most genres.
Favorite Item Types
Statics - fiction.
Public Reviews
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Review of Derailed  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I'm here with a review of this piece as part of the package you won at "Invalid Item. I chose this piece because I had a go at this contest too and wanted to see your entry!

*Pencil*Storyline: This is a really well written piece. We follow the narrator who finds herself lumbered with a package as a man dies at her feet and, eager to get rid of it, she opens it and aims to pass it on. Only things don't go according to plan...

I like the way you just jumped straight into the action here. It works well and follows on from the prompt smoothly.

*People*Characters: Catherine is the main character here. She finds herself holding onto a mysterious parcel as a man dies at her feet. I think it takes guts to do what she does so she strikes me as quite a courageous woman. I did wonder what happened to her but I like to think she survived and went on to become a spy *Smile*

*Home*Setting: This takes place in the train and train station. You set the scene well.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: There is a lot of action in here (as there was supposed to be) and I think you got the tone and timing just right.

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Dearly Beloved  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey Nikola, I'm here with a review of this piece in return for the one you did for me!

*Pencil*Storyline: This was a well written piece in which Ed, on Halloween, answers the door to those children out trick or treating while trying to continue with his ritual of reading The Raven by Poe. Only as the night wears on it seems that he's not meant to finish it this last time.

This was a dark piece but also a loving one. It was an enjoyable read and flowed well throughout. Having pieces of the poem intercepting the story worked really well.

*People*Characters: Ed is the main character in this. He's an old man and he misses his wife dearly. It's all he can do to hang onto life.

*Home*Setting: This takes place in his home. You set the scene well throughout.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: This piece is dark, as I said, but the ending it nice because he sees her for one last time.

*Cut**Paste*A few suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*He thoughts kept drifting back to his beloved.

This should be 'his'

*BulletG*His thoughts kept drifting back to his beloved.

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Mr Pumpkinface  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I wanted to come and return the review you did for me! I chose this piece because it was about pumpkins and I like Halloween! *Smile*

*Checkg*What I liked:

I really loved this piece! You wrote about a pumpkin but rather than it being completely Halloween relate you wrote about the process of the pumpkin carving. You made it fun and made me gasp (poor little finger)! The stanzas flow really well and fit nicely together. I really enjoyed reading this, thanks for sharing!

*Cut**Paste*A few suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*A bit off finger

I think this should be 'of'

*BulletG*A bit of finger

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Day 20: Hitchhiking
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I'm here with a review of this piece as a judge for the 30 Day Image Prompt Contest!

*Checkg*What I liked:

This is an interesting piece and the first I've read that took the second prompt. Here you wrote a micro fiction story in which a woman has a conversation with her suitcase while waiting for a car to pass so she could hitch a ride. It was interesting and it gave the suitcase human qualities and a personality to see it talking like that. I liked it! Good write!


Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I'm here with a review of this piece as a judge for the 30 Day Image Prompt Contest!

*Pencil*Storyline: This was a well written piece in which a young woman faces a long walk home after having an argument with her fiancé and being left in the middle of nowhere. She begins to contemplate her future when a rescuer turns up and she realises she's been wrong that whole time...

This was a well written piece that had me wanting more and leaving me wondering what was going to happen.

*People*Characters: The woman is the main character here and the reader is with her as she contemplates her life and future. I have to say I'm glad they had the argument, he was clearly no good for her. I think I would have liked to know her name.

*Home*Setting: This takes place in the middle of nowhere. You still manage to set the scene well.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: There was a lot of emotion in this piece as well as a sense of love towards the end.

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I'm here with a review of this piece as a judge for the 30 Day Image Prompt Contest!

*Checkg*What I liked:

You wrote a poem for day 20 of the contest. You took inspiration from the first image of the house standing all alone on the top of a cliff and thought about what that could mean for a person, for while enjoying the serenity, it meant also being alone and isolated. You took this prompt in an interesting direction and it left me hoping for a little bit of company. It had a sad tone to it, I think from the thoughts of being alone, but that's not to say it was a bad thing. You helped the reader feel as you wanted them too.

Thanks for sharing!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Our Pet Spider  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I hit the random review button looking for something to read and I came up with this. I liked the idea of having a pet spider!

*Checkg*What I liked:

Aw this was a really cute little story. Did this actually happen? I didn't want to assume as it was labelled as a story. In any case, it was a really light hearted and enjoyable read. It's something that I can actually imagine happening. I'm sure I probably had spiders when I was a kid too. You told the story well and let the reader make up their own conclusions about the whereabouts of the pet spider after he got lose in the car. This piece really made me smile (laugh actually, enough for my partner to ask what I was laughing at). I really enjoyed reading this piece and think it was very realistic!

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I wanted to come and review this birthday as it's been a big influence throughout the site for several days now!

*Checkg*What I liked:

Pat, what a wonderful activity! You've created something really unique here. You have an auction of many many packages donated by generous people across the site and you've customised it with ice cream flavours. Could there be anything better?! I think it makes it really fun and you've had a huge level of participation already. I also really love that you have that extra little game that gives another chance to win which also encourages people to place more bids.

The page is really well set out. It's bright and colourful with a brilliant logo and dividers too. All of this fits well into the theme and works together to make it a really creative and nice place to be. The rules are clear and concise and then come the packages, each of which has been given it's own unique name. I love that!

Thank you for hosting such a brilliant activity, you're amazing *Star*

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I wanted to come and review this birthday as it's been a big influence throughout the site for several days now!

*Checkg*What I liked:

This piece has been an influential part of lots of pieces of work that have been created during this birthday week and I think that's brill. It's a really great contest with a good idea that allows authors to essentially write in several different genres by dressing up as a particular character. Some of the choices you have given too I think are really different such as the colour and the inanimate object. Those sorts of things are challenging to write yet it looks like there have been many stories written.

The page itself is set out well and it's simple and for that reason I like it all the more. It allows the reader to understand what is going on, find the rules and make it clear what they have to do. I like that you use the dropdowns for the different rooms rather than having all the entries on display, I think it looks neater.

Thanks for creating such an awesome contest!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I wanted to come and review this birthday as it's been a big influence throughout the site for several days now!

*Checkg*What I liked:

I really like the concept of this contest. While there have been daily contests before this challenges people to not only produce something every day but to write in different genres, and the likelihood is that the person who is writing is going to be uncomfortable in at least one of those genres. I think it's really neat in that way as it encourages the author to try something different and I like that.Sometimes it's easy to get stuck in a rut and write the same sort of thing without realising you can write another.

The page itself looks good. It sticks with the theme and it's clear and concisce. In particular I love that table, I think it works well to show what is coming next so anyone can take a glance and know but it also does it in a fun way with pictures too. The rules are clear and laid out and the page is neat.

Thanks for a great contest!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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Review of Cold  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I hit the random review button looking for something to read and came across this. I do love a good bit of horror so I'm looking forward to reading *Smile*

*Pencil*Storyline: Woah this is definitely a very creepy piece and I'm glad I came across it. The narrator tells his story after he becomes trapped in the fridge but the reader soon comes to realise he isn't quite all there...

*People*Characters: The narrator is the main character of the story. Usually I think names are quite important but in this case I think it works well without. It gives it a sort of abstract quality. Despite the fact it becomes obvious what he's done I still feel kinda sorry for him. He seems like a genuinely nice old man with a spot of dementia to hinder him, poor guy.

*Home*Setting: This takes place in the walk in freezer of his home and you do a brilliant job of setting the scene. I felt shivers tracing down my spine!

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: As i said I think this piece is very creepy and also very cold... so very very cold....

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey! I hit the random review button looking for something to read and this popped up *Smile*

*Pencil*Storyline: This tells the story of Claire, the boss of a local TV station who seems to have the weirdest day ever. It starts with the dimes and the internet but seems to follow her around all day...

I really like how you managed to weave all of those prompts into this piece and made it feel like it fitted nicely. That was well done. I think I would have liked to see a little bit more show to help the reader how Claire was feeling every step of the way.

*People*Characters: Claire is the main character here. She's the boss of the TV station but it hasn't gone to her head. She still seems like a nice girl and down to earth.

*Home*Setting: The setting changes throughout this piece but you add little bits of background info here and there to let the reader know.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: The tone of this piece was hard to pin because it was so abstract but it still worked well!

*Cut**Paste*A few suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG* she released that her mood was unlikely to improve any time soon.

This should be 'realised'.

*BulletG* she realised that her mood was unlikely to improve any time soon.

*BulletB*Claire halted at the top of the stepped to the offices,

This should be 'steps'.

*BulletB*Claire halted at the top of the steps to the offices,

*BulletR*“Consider it done. We do have other problems today too though”

There needs to be a full stop inside the quotation marks to end the speech.

*BulletR*“Consider it done. We do have other problems today too though.”

*BulletV*“Hey” Claire said with apprehension.

This just needs a comma to end the speech.

*BulletV*“Hey,” Claire said with apprehension.

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I'm here with a review of this piece as part of the 30 Day Image Prompt Contest!

*Checkg*What I liked:

Another really great piece. This was something entirely different as you ventured into the boundaries of lust. You've written this well and in a very tasteful way that hints at what is to come without making it obvious. I think that 'coy' feeling makes it really nice and almost romantic. I enjoyed reading it and have to admit I've never read a poem of such a form before (the three lines really made me think) but the fact that you included the poetry form at the bottom helped me out there. Maybe I'll try one myself... one day!

Anyway, this piece flowed well and came together as one to really reaffirm that sensual passion. Well done!

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Love's Legacy  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hi Ken, I'm back for another. Can I just say I'm getting addicted to your writing... I love it!

*Pencil*Storyline: This is such a sweet story! William and Bekkah go and visit their grandmother for her birthday party and learn something about her they never knew. This was a really well written piece and it has a very nice ending (for which I'm really glad).

*People*Characters: William and Bekkah are the two main characters here. They're siblings and I get the feeling they're still relatively young. The love they have for their grandmother is apparent and it's lovely.

*Home*Setting: This takes place in their grandmother's home.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: There are some smiles in here and some happy parts too. Good luck with the contest!

*Cut**Paste*A few suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG* “Still, I’ll be she was something when she was younger.”

I think this should be 'bet'

*BulletG* “Still, I’ll bet she was something when she was younger.”

*BulletB*Bekkah gave him a warning look and punched him in arm.

I think there's just a word missing here.

*BulletB*Bekkah gave him a warning look and punched him in the arm.

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of I hurt  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: I am reviewing this item for the challenge presented by Diane I don't read a lot of poetry so please bear with me!

*Checkg*What I liked:

Though I've heard of fibromyalgia before, I've never really understood what it meant for someone, until now. You do a really great job of helping the reader see what it is and how it affects someone. I have to say if this is something you have to live with everyday, I'm very sorry. It must be hard and yet I've heard people dismiss it before. You show a lot of emotion through this piece and show much it affects you not only in body but also in mind. Thanks for sharing this piece *Smile*

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: I am reviewing this item for the challenge presented by Diane

*Checkg*What I liked:

I always enjoy reading these sorts of things and getting to know the person behind the port! You chose an interesting format for this, almost as if you were doing a character sheet, but I think it works well and gives the reader a chance to find out a few things they probably otherwise wouldn't. You're really open in this which I like and you have a lot of humour too *Smile* It made me smile. Especially about the weight thin - you're totally right by the way, who would ask that?! It sounds like you've done a lot of travelling and have enjoyed it. I have to say I'm at a little jealous. I like that you live for the moment and that you admit little things please you. Thank you for sharing this piece and giving the reader a glimpse into your mind *Bigsmile*

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Oops.  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I hit the random review button looking for something to read and came across this!

*Checkg*What I liked:

I always enjoy micro fiction stories because I think they can be really hard to write and finish in such a small number of words. You've done a good job with this piece. Sir Lector is the main character and we see him in a duelling contest. He's already felled his first foe and shouts out a challenge to another when he's hit across the back. We see his thoughts then which I thought was a nice touch and allowed the reader to get a sense of his personality. Thanks for sharing!

*Cut**Paste*I have no line by line suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Pain (2nd Place)  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey I hit the random review button looking for something to read and came across this, so here I am!

*Pencil*Storyline: This story tells of a formula that has been created in order to heal wounds. IT does really well on small wounds but not on anything big and the problem is poses is that is causes an immense amount of pain. It seems it won't go anywhere until he finds someone to test it in a different way...

This piece was an interesting take on the prompt and also delightfully evil, I didn't expect that ending!

*People*Characters: Dr. Mengalla is the main character here. He has created the formula and tests it on himself (brave man) until he realises it needs a different approach. He comes across as a man who works hard and consistently but finally the strain proves too much.

*Home*Setting: I think this must take place in a lab where he is working.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: As I said the dark part at the end surprised me, I didn't see it coming!

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: I am reviewing this item for the challenge presented by Diane Wow you have a lot of items in your port! Hehe. Took me a while but I found a short story to read *Smile*

*Pencil*Storyline: Oh my, what a really sad piece. This short story was about Edith who treasures the letters send to her from Jack as an old lady. She holds them close and seems to know them word for word as she doesn't need to read them.

*People*Characters: Edith is the main character here. She's an older lady now but she recalls the days of her marriage to Jack and the time they spent together. I particularly like the description 'silver threads' I think it's a lovely phrase.

*Home*Setting: This takes place in the home where she's living, though it doesn't become apparent until the end that she is in a care home.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: There is a lot of love and romance in this piece. I felt really sorry for her losing her husband. It made me feel sad but the ending, in a way, was quiet nice as they were reunited once again.

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Cleansing  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: I am reviewing this item for the challenge presented by Diane I know that I've been reading a lot of your items recently for the 30D Image Contest, but I couldn't resist this one. Can't wait to read it!

*Pencil*Storyline: What a great take on the prompt! I really enjoyed reading this and think you captured the scary nature of it really well. We follow Thomas as his maid leaves for the night, warning him about the date and the happenings in Whitehall but he shrugs them off. Then, he finds himself standing in a darkened street with the voice in his head propelling him forward.

I really like that you brought a well known character into this but made it sort of Jekyll and Hyde too.

*People*Characters: Thomas is the main character here. He comes across as a wealthy man but someone who is nice to everyone. He's a likeable guy. Right up until we find out he's also Jack! I think having Jack be the other voice in his head was a really good idea and you pull it off well.

*Home*Setting: You set the scene well in this piece with a few choice words.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: This piece is creepy to the max! It was a really good read an kept the darkness within. One thing I would ask is whether this should be an 18+ due to some of the gore content?

*Cut**Paste*A few suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*Thomas waived and turned back to his tea.

I think this should be 'waved'. Although the other one is a word I don't think it's right in this context.

*BulletG*Thomas waved and turned back to his tea.

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of "IT"  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey! I was looking for something in the horror genre to reader and when I spotted this I couldn't resist. Of course the title reminded me of Stephen King's novel but this was different.

*Pencil*Storyline: This piece is told from the point of view of a tree who seems innocent enough as a tree can be but is in fact harbouring horrific tendencies and when a little girl steps a little too close despite warnings from her mother, she disappears...

*People*Characters: The tree is the main character in this piece. I think you've done a really great job of personifying the tree and giving it very human qualities including the ability to think and manipulate.

*Home*Setting: The setting doesn't really play a big part in this piece as the tree is the important part.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: This piece was pretty creepy and really dark. You did well to set the tone throughout.

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Who am I?
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey! I'm here with a review of this piece as a judge of the 30 Day Image Prompt Contest!

*Checkg*What I liked:

This was a really interesting entry and a good take on the prompt. I took a guess at this as being something close to your heart or something on your mind when you wrote it. I've been strongly involved in the rape crisis movement in the UK so I'm with you there. Anyway, you write this piece really well and from the point of view of a woman who is often subjected to things she doesn't want from men who believe it is their right to take it. Through this piece you captures the pain and torture of those women, some of whom don't know what they are anymore as they are merely seen as toys for men to play with. This piece left me feeling a little sad, but I think if it didn't, I'd worry about me. It was a well written piece that flowed nicely and showed a lot of your passion. Write on *Smile*

*Cut**Paste*I have no line by line suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey! I'm here with a review of this piece as a judge of the 30 Day Image Prompt Contest!

*Pencil*Storyline: This entry returns some of the characters from day eleven that I read. I get a feeling I've missed something in the middle but it also stands well on it's own, so well done for that. In this piece we see K'rall speak with the First Commander and demand the reasons for Caillen's escape after he had warned them. The piece itself is slow paced but along with the memory and dialogue, it brings it up and works well.

*People*Characters: K'rall is the main character here and you've painted him really well. He comes across as a very fearsome man, someone who most people are scared of, and he doesn't seem to be one to mess with. At the same time he also seems to have some anger issues and is quick to get irritated and is really blunt with those around him. He appears to think highly of himself. You paint his character well and carry it throughout the piece.

*Home*Setting: This takes place in the study where K'rall is working. You set the scene well through the descriptions you use.

*Ghost*Atmosphere/tone: This piece struck me as quite dark and very angry right the way through. K'rall carried the mood well.

*BurstR*Dialogue: The dialogue fell natural and realistic right the way through and helped to continue to portray the characters.

*Cut**Paste*A few suggestions I had:

Original quotes will be in black, any changes or suggestions I'll make in blue to make it clear *Smile*

*BulletG*The guards on patrol could not see anything until it was too late?”

I think would work better as a full stop rather than a question mark.

*BulletG*The guards on patrol could not see anything until it was too late."

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Invalid Entry
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: Hey! I'm here with a review of this piece as a judge of the 30 Day Image Prompt Contest! Already teh title has me intrigued!

*Checkg*What I liked:

This was a really well written piece. You have taken the second prompt and turned it into a dark piece in which your narrator sees the book called "The Devil's Own" and sees within it the darkness that comes. You have used a lot of really descriptive language throughout which I think helps to get across the mood of this piece and keeps it within the darkness. It almost has an archaic feel to it as well. I have to say I'm glad that none of it really happened and it was more a premonition about what would happen should a person turn to the darkness.

The poem itself flows well, each stanza fits nicely together and the rhymes feel natural. Thanks for a great write!

*Cut**Paste*I have no line by line suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Ten Loves to One  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This is a WDC Power Reviewers Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*Reading*Initial hook: I wanted to come and return the review you did for me and when I spotted this piece, the usual description led me in. I had to know what was so unusual about it!

*Checkg*What I liked:

I'm not great with poetry but this one made it a breeze! The poem flowed well, the stanzas fitting nicely together and the rhymes all feeling natural within the flow of it.

I really loved the idea behind this. You write about all of the loves in your life but it always comes back down to one, and the one that has always been there for you and always will. I think you expressed yourself well in this piece and it gave the reader a glimpse of you too and what you like outside of writing, which I like. But it's great to know you've found The One *Smile* Thank you for sharing!

*Cut**Paste*I have no suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers:

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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