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Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
A different perspective on the oldest profession. I doubt that since the start of the human race there has ever been a woman that selected this trade out of fondness. Only sheer desperation would force a person into the kind of danger they take on with this job. For one brief instant I saw into the life of this woman. There was both beauty and horror in the scene.
Of course you had no typos or misspellings.
On an entirely different topic, I really like your avatar.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Lone Wolf  
for entry "Chapter 1
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Review of Lone Wolf
Chapter 1

This is your story and only you can change it. If I make a suggestion you like, please use it. Dump all the others.

Sentences in red are ones you wrote. The sections in blue are also written by you, but the blue areas are the one I suggest changes to. Green is me rewriting the sentence.

P1 This first paragraph reminds me a marching cadence. All the sentences are about the same length. This can cause a hypnotic effect and put the reader in a trance, something you want to avoid. Even the 3rd sentence, which is a little longer, has a apostrophe in the center, making the first and second parts the same length as the other sentences. Change the length of the sentences.

P1 Unfortunately, I was living in a cardboard box for 2 years.

The rest of the paragraph is in past tense, this sentence is in present tense. Change "was living" to "lived".

Let me suggest you go into a little more detail with the 1st paragraph. This is a perfect spot to let your reader learn more of the protagonist. Give an example or two of the bulling he experienced while in the orphanage. Because of the bulling did he learn how to fight? Did he make a life-long enemy or perhaps a life-long friend? Give some examples of his experiences after leaving the orphanage. Did he have to steal food, was his clothing so ragged it would fall from his frame? Did he ever have to beg? Just letting the reader know he lived in a card board box is not enough to develop a feel for your character.

P2 But all that changed when I met Johnny Clemente.

Drop "But"

P2 He was a well connected mob boss and he took me in as the newest

Drop the extra "he"

Again, here is a chance for the reader to learn more of your star. There is a four year span of his life given and we learn little about him. Give an example of Johnny's connections. Did he ever take your hero to one of his meetings? If so, did your main character get the chance to become acquainted with other mob bosses? You mention Johnny's temper, but give no example of where you character was close when the boss got mad. Was his anger ever directed at you main character? If so, how did he react? Did he just cower and take it or did Johnny get the impression that maybe he did not want to push his luck too far with his top enforcer? Spend some time developing how your star rose in the ranks. What assignments did he carry out, before he was sent on the assassination, that earned him the position?

P3 Johnny Clemente

The reader learned Johnny's last name in the paragraph before this one. There is no need to repeat it.

P4 The protagonist is on his first major assignment, the one that will get the attention of the IAL. You need to go into more detail. How is it the hero knows Rosenberg frequented this bar? Did he just take the word of someone or did he do his own scouting, making certain he understood the target's habits? This is a fantastic place to add some suspense to the story. Have a problem occur. Your assassin carried out his first kill with no problems. Come up with a situation where it is not so easy for him. Perhaps something like while he was underneath the car, planting the bomb, the target came out and got into the vehicle. Now your assassin has to wonder if Rosenburg is going to drive away, perhaps wounding him in the process, or at least exposing him to plain view. He might not like the idea of an enraged grizzly come after him. Either of those things could happen, or the bear, after rummaging around in the car, gets back out and returns to the bar, carrying some item.

P5 The entire car burst into a large fireball, which burned at the car's interior, and Anton inside.

This sentence does nothing for the story. Think how you can make this more action packed and exciting. Think about Rosenberg, coming out of the car as a flaming touch, howling in pain and misery as he dies. Maybe he sees you star sitting in his car and realizes he was the one the set up the fire bomb. He can stumble for him, wanting to embrace him in his fiery embrace as he dies. He falls to the ground just before reaching the car.

P5 I then started my car and casually drove away.

There was a fire bomb that just went off. A huge explosion and car fragments flying all around. This sentence could be improved. Instead of him casually driving away, why not have some of Rosenberg's friends/acquaintances/thugs come racing out of the bar to see what all the commotion is about. Perhaps they see the hero as he drives away and give chase, wanting to avenge Rosenberg.

P6 Okay, the hero is on vacation as a reward for killing the grizzly. I have to tell you, that is one dull vacation. Let's live some of the night life in Hawaii. Does the hero meet a lady friend? Even if only with her for the week, we can learn move about him as he spends time with her. Does any conflict arise in Hawaii? Perhaps a jealous boyfriend of the lady he is with takes acceptation to your star being with his woman? Does he gamble? If so, does he win or loss, and how much? (Just a side not here on this. Heroes that always win and never lose can get to be boring.) Maybe he decides to take a helicopter ride over the volcano to get a birds eye view, right as the volcano makes a heavier than normal eruption. It might be that he notices he is being observed and later finds out the one(s) observing him are scouts for IAL, checking up on him to see if he is worthy to join them. Perhaps his lady friend (if you decide to give him one) will also be a scout, one he later forms a partnership with. There are many things he can do n vacation to drum up some action, at let us learn more about him. This is the start of the tale and you are laying the ground work for the rest of the novel.

P7 When I got back to the states, I found an envelope in my apartment. It was a blank red envelope, and if I remember right, it said

States needs to be capitalized. I found a blank, red envelope. It said:

Drop the "and if I remember right" and put a colon after said. Omit the space between P7 and P8 and make in a single paragraph.

Your star is now a murderer. Finding an envelope in has apartment letting him know other entities were aware of this should cause more of a reaction from him than "Eh, why not?"

P11 I thought to myself.

This sentence is redundant. When you think, unless you are at a psychic convention, it is understood to be to yourself. Who else would you 'think' to? Drop 'to myself'.

In this review I referred to you hero as: hero, star, assassin, main character, top enforcer, and protagonist. The reason I did that is as of yet, he does not have a name. You may want give him one.

I will review your other chapters in the next couple of days. If you decide to make any changes to the prologue or Chapter 1, after you make them I will review them once more.

Your prologue was 504 words long and chapter 1 is 548 words in length. These are short. You need to add much more detail and events, at least starting with Chapter 1. If not, this will either be an extremely short book or else set a record for the book with the most chapters.

Happy writing,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Bravo! Well written and thought out. I find your logic flawless.
Now the riddle of the zombies is solved. I was in a restaurant once
and saw two young teens eagerly texting away on their cell phones.
I did not think anything about it at first, but as I kept watch on
them I finally realized they were texting each other. They were so
close together they touched, but still instead of opening their
mouths and speaking, they pushed buttons. I pray for their sake that
the phones had only been purchased that morning and they were working
together to figure out how to work them. This may also explain why on
the whole, Americans are fatter now than at any other time. Instead of
baseball or football on the playing field, they wipeout intergalactic
invaders on the phone.

Happy writing,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Gone  
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very original work. This is something I would have never thought of, and I must admit you did an excellent job with it. I identified with Tom. Not the being dead part, but the parts where he recalled his various relationships. I personally know a couple of the ones paying their last respects. Different names, but the same characters. He left an excellent final message to those who came to say goodbye to him. I like particularly the sentence: Most disregarding the message heard on Tom's final day.
To me this means that at least one mourner gave heed to his advice. Perhaps he/she will actually use the message from beyond the grave and have a better life because of it.
Couple of minor items you might want to look at.
P4 Dam should be Damn
P4 passed by the casket spoke.. Got an extra period at the end.
P6 making him mad and when he hit her shew would run outside shouting her husband beat her. Shew to she

I see you are new here at WdC. I'll send you a little gift to celebrate you arrival.

Happy writing,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Bug Reporting  
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Thanks for showing me how to fix the problem.
Review of Lone Wolf  
for entry "Prologue
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Okay, your prologue did what it was supposed to do. It captured my attention and made me want to read more of your story. Tales with talking animals with human traits can be tricky. You have to let them have human characteristics such as speech. Yours displays many other human qualities, drinking, wearing nice clothing, and having business goals. It appears the particular business in this case is assassination. This is where it can get difficult. I have read tales where for all practical matters, the characters might as well be entirely human. They drive cars, have parties, go to school or training and many other things humans would do. What they do not do at all is have any of their animal traits. A tiger for instance. This cat will attend a concert or perhaps go to a wedding. What it is never shown doing is stalking a prey then ambushing and devouring it. Instead of shredding a cow and swallowing the heart, it will have a waiter bring a medium well steak to the dining table where with fork and knife over a bottle of wine, it dines. This is your tale and only you can write it, but let me encourage you that as you have your characters go about their business, they not only behave like humans in wolves clothing, occasionally they will behave as wolves in human attire.
One other observation. The way you write this, the reader is the character staring in the tale. They are not reading about someone else, they are reading about themselves. That is fine if that is your intended goal.
Happy writing,

( ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** )

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (5.0)
What an outstanding poem! You bring up a horror many children face. One of the most tragic things about this situation is that often the child thinks that somehow they are responsible for the awful events taking place. They have an unjust guilt that compounds the helplessness thrust upon them. Many parents are so uncaring and do not consider the things they are doing to their children.
I did not see any misspelling or technical errors in this poem. I do not usually read poetry. Not being able to write a decent poem myself, I shy away from them. I am so happy that I made an exception and read yours.

This review is being given as part of the "Valentine's Day Review Massacre from "The Dark Society.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Lone Wolf  
for entry "Chapter 2
Review by John Nation
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I was browsing the halls of WdC and came across this. I just wanted to let you know, if you do not know already, there is a group of writers that call themselves Non-Humans R Us. If you are interested, just look at the picture of the types of creatures this group writes about. It sounds as if your characters would be perfect there. Contact Big Bad Wolf Is Praying if interested in joining.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there, Cat.
When writing stories about elven folks, wizards, and others of their ilk, there are a multitude of directions you can go. Will the tale mainly involve magic with all the spells, potions, charms, wands and other magic items? Will the interaction between the characters be the primary focus? Since you are the author, I cannot tell you how to proceed. That is something only you can decide. I can however tell you how I chose what path to take when I am working with one of my Wolf novels.
My character comes to a point in the story were at least two different paths can be taken. Sometimes there are lots of directions the star can go. I sit at the keyboard and write three to four paragraphs showing the character taking each of the paths. There are a few times when I look at how they are now at a different point in the tale, I can eliminate any course that will not work. Sometimes there are still options after the extra writing. In that case I repeat my action, extending the different possibilities a few paragraphs longer. Eventually I have eliminated all but one path. I go back to the novel and take that path. So far is seems to work, at least for me. There is a drawback to this however. It can take hours or even a day or two to come to a decision. If you only have a couple of times where this happens, it is not so bad. If you have to do it a lot, then you may have to decide if you really want to get that involved. I have noticed that these types of decisions happen primarily early on in the work. By the time I have two or three chapters down, I know in my mind what I am trying to do and major decisions get easier since I have an end target in sight. I hope you are the type of writer willing to spend the time needed to produce a product you are proud of and not only a writer that wants to put a lot of words on the paper just to fill it up.
Happy writing,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Dear 13 Yr Old Me  
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I too wish I could send a letter back in time to a younger version of myself. There are lots of little things I would tell myself to do and other things to run away from at full speed. The one thing more than anything else I would tell myself is not to wait so long to write. When I was in high school, I had an urge to write, but fear that I would not write anything worthwhile or the possibility others might no like what I penned stopped me. Because of that fear, I did not write my first book until I was 55. Basically that was 40 years where I did other things besides the one thing I truly love. I'm not saying these other things were bad, only that they were in slots lower than the top notch slot. I believe everyone has the desire at one time or another to try and correct past mistakes. The best we can do is see where we erred and not repeat the things we would change. I did not see any misspelling in your article. Only one suggestion, and taking it will not make any major difference in the article.
And I am sure we will still have struggles in the next 10 - 20 years.
Generally you do not start a sentence with "and".
I really liked your letter.
On a different note, I see you are new here at WdC. Let me give to you an official welcome and your 1st merit badge
Happy writing,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with Non-Humans R Us  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Interesting hook. If this is the opening to a longer story, please let me know when you have added to it and I will read it. The way I understand it, there are three races involved, the Donticonti, which Corbin belongs to, the Resenchi which is the race conquering others, and humans, the latest group to fall under Resenchi control. The Resenchi tells each race that they will only be in state of servitude for a short time. (Yeah, right)
In the second section you have "Kentra" and in the last you have "Kendra". Two different places or a typo?
'Maybe today is the day.'
When writing down a thought, italicize it. That helps seperate it from speech.
last human had been skimmed from the dying planet
Is the Earth dying? You may want to elaborate more on that. Why and how?
"Excuse me." Corbin said looking
Change the period after 'me' to a comma and add a comma after "said"
These creatures have more than one transport correct smaller, holds two to three of their species."
Not sure what you mean in this sentence.
The watchmen Haurasi took a sample of blood
Who is the Haurasi? Is it one more race enslaved by the Resenchi or one working with them?
The space gate was not big enough to allow more than two single lines into her small checkpoint.
Instead of "into her small checkpoint" perhaps "to pass her small checkpoint"
"Don't go." Dual said pleading
Change the period after 'go' to a comma and add a comma after 'said'.
I like you story so far. I will read more if you add to it.
Happy writing,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Lion Of The Sea  
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is an absolutely beautiful story. I felt Herra's pain as she watched her pups die one after the other. Her determination to save the remainder of the herd was inspiring. There are certain male leaders in this world that I would not mind seeing a powerful woman dethrone.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Dark  
Review by John Nation
Rated: E | (3.5)
So often a problem can be solved with the simple flip of a switch, but too many people are too lazy or uninterested to go to the trouble.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The idea behind your poem is good. Hopefully one day light will replace darkness, but I have serious doubts about that. Hate is a force that feeds on itself and grows stronger. There is no reasoning with it. From now until the end of days it will continue to grow.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by John Nation
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
You must add way number 6: Magnifying glass, used by young kids throughout the world, starting the day the first magnifying glass was invented.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
1st off, this is your tale and all final decisions are yours. Just remember, anything I suggest is only that, a suggestion.
Interesting tale about that all important first job. Is this the opening chapter of a novel or is this going to be all there is? If you wrote more, I would read it.

Nobody finds they dream job right after college right?
'they' should be 'their'.

She had a Bachelor’s degree form a well-reputed university
You tell us she is from a well respected university. Why not go ahead and name it? The University of Chicago is a top notch college and a graduate from there has a lot to be proud of. If some other school, tell the reader its name.

“Well, I’m sure you will convince the, one way or another,”
This line is soon after Greer meets Phyllis. I think you might mean 'them' instead of 'the'.

“I got your email and so did the rest of the office.”
That "Send All" button can be nasty.

A small bonus for working for her father. She’d barely have to pay for lunch.
This line confuses me. (Not difficult to do) but by "She'd barely have to pay for lunch." are you saying that she is short on funds and does not have the cash to pay for lunch, or, since her dad is catering, she would only have to pay a little?

As Greer became more involved at work, the days seems to go by faster. Before she knew it, it was Thursday already.
I guess while technically correct, there is more than one day involved, the way I read this is that a larger time fame has gone by. Before I read it was only Thursday of her first week, I had the idea of at least a month.

There’s got to be three millions cabinets in here.
The 'millions" does not need the 's'.

“There’s not much to tell. I graduated from Illinois State two years ago and my Uncle Rob offered me a job here.”
“Wait, Rob is your uncle?”
Who is Rob. This is the first I've heard of him.

He raced the, when he was my age.
I believe 'the' should be 'them'.

And you’re right. This isn’t the worst job ever. But it’s not what I thought I’d be doing either. It’s not what I hoped I’d be doing.”
“And what did you hope for?” he asked, leaning toward her a bit.
“Well, I went to school for writing. A stupid decision, I know. I actually haven’t written much since graduation last year.”
“What have you been doing since then?”
“I spent last summer with my aunt in Seattle. And then I took a year off. I lived with my parents and worked part time. Then my dad had this great idea that I should come work here. And so, here I am!”

In this section, you have four sentences that start with the word 'and'.

Countless invoice pack and one “Ah-Ha” moment later,

'pack' should be 'packs'

All-in-all, I think you have the start to what could be an interesting office orientated story. Greer and Parker are at the beginning of a love/hate relationship. It could work out, or else she might end up pushing him down an elevator shaft. I hope to find out.
Happy writing,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Box  
Review by John Nation
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Okay, technical things 1st. {Jimmy waited in the foetal position} foetal should be fetal.
That's the end of the tech mistakes I saw.
As to the story. It was interesting, but left me with a multitude of questions. First of all, will Jimmy ever remove dear ol' step-dad's head from his shoulders? When will he put the two bullies in their place? What is the significance of 3:33 AM for the appearing of the mystic box? What is the thing that rises from the box, where did it take Jimmy, and most important, will Jimmy ever come back, and if he does, will he be altered in some way? If this is an opening chapter of a book, you might want to reduce the number of mysteries so early on. Try for only a couple per chapter, and as one is answered, bring in an other mystery.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Okay, finally reached my commitment to you to review your work on my to do list.
Before I start, let me state that all my suggestions are just that, suggestions. This is your work and only you can change it. I will read thur your tale and as I find things that I see as incorrect, I will jot them down and tell you what I would do. Being something I would do does not mean that what I would do is correct. If you have a hundred people read a story to edit it, you might well get a hundred different responses, and it could be anyone’s guess as to which one, if any, are correct.
I am starting with chapter one of The Devil’s Empire.

Okay, this is the king’s name, but why just toss it out there? Is it the name of the chapter? If so, you may want to center it.
Surrounded by bookcases the entire length of the wall.
This is a fragmented sentence. Needs a verb to be complete. Perhaps something like, “Bookcases ran the length of all four walls.”

Everything from the tiles on the floor to the murals on the roof decorated with delicate rose patterns.
Try the word “were” between ‘roof’ and ‘decorated’.
To make matters worst, To make matters worse.
Quotation marks and end of sentence punctuation.

Here are two sentences you have in your tale:
1: “The Prime Master has news, your Grace. He says it is urgent,” the young squire had said

In this sentence, you have a comma after the word urgent and the quotation mark is after it. That is correct. Urgent is not the end of the sentence, so it does not get the period.
2: “Get on with it Tolus, you know I hate it when my walk’s interrupted. This better be important.” The King replied as he walked through the room.

This time you have a period instead of a comma after the word, ‘important’. That is incorrect because it is not the end of the sentence. Replace the period with a comma and place the period at the end of the sentence, after the word, ‘room’. You have several sentences like that.

Here is one reason you need to be careful with choosing between a comma and a period.

“Your Majesty, a letter has arrived from Zaphirose in the New Lands.” Said Tolus Solientell,

In this case, because you put a period after ‘Lands,” you ended up capitalizing the word ‘Said.” Said should not be capitalized.

I don’t believe he’s even held a sword before, thought the king.

Thoughts need to be italicized
I don’t believe he’s even held a sword before, thought the king.
While discussing that sentence:
I don’t believe he’s even held a sword before, thought the king. Though, Tolus’ sword expertise was not the reason for him being the King’s wisest and most trusted advisor.
This seems as if it should be one sentence, not two.
I don’t believe he’s even held a sword before, thought the king, though, Tolus’ sword expertise was not the reason for him being the King’s wisest and most trusted advisor.

“Do not try to tell me again why I need to be patient with this damned city,” the wine made him grow angrier instead of calmer.

In this case, the word ‘city’ is the last word in the sentence and there should be a period instead of a comma. The capitalize the first word of the next sentence.
“Do not try to tell me again why I need to be patient with this damned city.” The wine made him grow angrier instead of calmer.
“ Twelve years.
There is an unneeded space between “ and T.
Why does he insist so much? Thought the king. Can he not see how shameful and costly this colony has been? Tolus and his family have always given great advice to the King’s of Arizia, but how can he insist on such a failed experiment?
Again, italicize thought.
Why does he insist so much? Thought the king. Can he not see how shameful and costly this colony has been? Tolus and his family have always given great advice to the King’s of Arizia, but how can he insist on such a failed experiment?
“Your Grace, if I may be so bold to state, the city has thus far been a disaster.” Agreed Tolus.
, instead of . after ‘disaster. Do not capitalize ‘agreed’.
“But please your Majesty hear the news the letter has brought.
You may want to place a comma after ‘Majesty’.

years of my bloody reign getting hit by a damn hurricane and wiped away is good news to me” the king said softly
Comma after ‘me’.

And while Tolus’ idea excited him, he thought of it as just that, an idea
As a general rule, you do not start a sentence with the word ‘And’. There are rare exceptions, but this is not one of them.

“And how exactly am I to do that?” Drop the ‘And’.

, leaning towards the King and whispering enthusiastically, “your majesty you have been given a fresh chance at building the city you have always dreamed about.”
This is a sentence within a sentence. You are correct in putting the comma after ‘enthusiastically’ but you need to capitalize the first word of the quote ‘Your’

And just like his father, drop the ‘and’

Maurice asked intrigued.
This seems awkward. You may want to consider something along the lines of ‘Maurice asked, intrigued by the possibilities.’
And suddenly, for the first time in his thirty-eight years,

Drop the ‘and’
The church that was planned had never even been built.
The word ‘even’ is not needed.

But his nightmares about the woman had been feeling more and more real, and wine was the only thing that helped him forget.

Okay, this sentence surprised me. Here, out of nowhere, we learn the king is having nightmares about some woman. The only woman mentioned to this point is the dying wife of Tolus. Is it her his nightmares are about? If some other woman, you may want to indicate earlier in the tale the king is trouble by a female for a reason the reader does not yet understand.

I assure you.” Tolus defended
Comma after ‘you’ instead of a period.
Tolus defended reads awkward. Maybe something along the lines of ‘Tolus said in defense of his suggestion.’

And as far as his family’s past is concerned Borelis is not

First, drop the ‘and’, next, a comma after concerned.

It wasn’t an entirely terrible idea thought the King.
It wasn’t an entirely terrible idea
“The worst part is that if I had to choose again, I’d choose the same,” the King admitted. “That’s how much I love my wife, Tolus. I would rather kill an unborn child than to upset her with news of my betrayal.” The King looked down at his cup. “Even now, the thing that troubles me the most is worrying she might find out…”
Okay, now the reason for the king’s nightmares is known. Still, you may want to try and give some hint closer to the start of the story the king has a concern other than his failing colony on his mind.

His wife came from from the independent kingdom

One too many froms.

The babe was still in her belly when the water consumed them both” Tolus admitted.
Comma after ‘both’.

Overall thoughts on chapter 1.
The number one item you need to give priority to is to correct the sentences within quotations so the ones that end with a period instead of a comma are changed.
2nd item is to change all the sentences that begin with the word ‘And’.

This is just me, but like I suggested, you need to give some small clue earlier in the tale that there is a woman in the kings past that for some reason troubles him. However, if you want to spring it all at once as you did, as the author, that is your decision. There are cases where a surprise like that works.

The Devil’s Empire Chapter 2

And even then only a few times in their marriage had something trouble him enough to drink.
Again, drop the ‘and’ at the start of a sentence.

, looking onto the courtyard with his palms resting on heavily on the stone.
Remove ‘on’ between resting and heavily.

He’d have to find investors, architects, and the such.” The King said
Couple of things. First, remove ‘the’ after and and before such.
Next, comma after such, and do not capitalize ‘the’.
Finished the King, finally
Finished should not be capitalized.
This must be some sort of trick, was the only thing that came to her mind.
This must be some sort of trick This is a though and should be italicized.

How could he truly consider this? Was the only thought that came to her mind.
How could he truly consider this?

“I do not know for sure,” The King admitted as
‘the’ does not need to be capitalized.
“Though if a plague were to strike our walls you’d have larger problems than dealing with some far off city,” she said laughing.
I do not think you need the word ‘laughing’ to end this sentence. Perhaps something along the lines of She laughed as she said, “Though if a plague were to strike our walls, you’d have larger problems than dealing with some far off city.”

well while also keeping him safe.” Proposed the Queen.
Change the period after ‘safe’ to a comma, and do not capitalize ‘proposed’
“She is far too young and not to mention our only daughter.” Leti stated with demand in her voice.

With demand in her voice does not seem right to me. I cannot see it anywhere in the sentence that makes sense.

“She is far too young and not to mention our only daughter!” Leti exclaimed.
Doing it this way, with the exclamation point, stresses how important it is to the queen.

“She is the same age as Maritzio Leti,” the King responded.
Comma between Maritzio and Leti.

“And Tolus said our child would not have to sail away for at least two more years. She would be twelve then. More than old enough to leave home if a proper match could be arranged for her,” said the King thoughtfully.

Drop the ‘and’. Remove ‘thoughtfully’ from the end of the sentence.

Thoughts on Chapter 2.
Again you need to edit all the ‘and’s out as the 1st word of the sentence.
Go thru and check all the quotations to ensure you are using a comma instead of a period if the last word in the quotation is not the last word of the sentence.

The Devil’s Empire Chapter 3

As everyone bowed and said their formalities Maurice counted only five advisors. “Where are the other three?” The King asked displeased.

Comma after ‘formalities’.
Remove ‘displeased’ from the end of the sentence. If the king is displeased, say in elsewhere in the sentence.
“Pardon me my King, but since we are enjoying times of peace some lords of the roundtable are back at their castles, their castles, enjoying their families while they can.” Tolus apologized.

Remove period after ‘can’ and replace with a comma. Apologized should not be at the end of the sentence.

Descriptive words such as ‘apologized’, ‘displeased’, ‘thoughtfully’ should not be placed at the end of a sentence. If someone apologizes, they are displeased or thoughtful, state that at the beginning or somewhere in the middle of the sentence.
“Pardon me my King, but since we are enjoying times of peace some lords of the roundtable are back at their castles, their castles, enjoying their families while they can.” Tolus apologized.
Alternative: Tolus was apologetic as he said, “Pardon me my King, but since we are enjoying times of peace some lords of the roundtable are back at their castles, their castles, enjoying their families while they can.”
Also, this is a long sentence, you may want to place an additional comma after the word, ‘peace’.
As everyone bowed and said their formalities Maurice counted only five advisors. “Where are the other three?” The King asked displeased.
As everyone bowed and said their formalities Maurice counted only five advisors. All could hear the displeasure in his voice as he asked, “Where are the other three?”

The men took their chair, everyone except Tolus whose eyes were fixed on the window. “I take it the Prime Master has informed you all about what we are to discuss today.” He said as the young servant filled his cup.

Comma after ‘Tolus’. Comma after ‘today’. Do not capitalize ‘He’.

“And we have already begun to discuss it as well.” He finished.
No ‘and’. Comma after ‘well’, do not capitalize ‘he’.

“While I wish it were different, I have grave worries about the economic impact the reformation of the city would cause for the kingdom.” Louie finished.
You have two paragraphs in a row that end with ‘finished.’

Maurice asked with impatience.
Again you ended the sentence with a descriptive word.
His blonde hair brushed back over his head as his green eyes focused on Lord Joiren almost as if he were

I would place a comma after the word ‘Joiren’.

Lord Hilforth responded with arrogance
Lord Hilforth continued with dismissal.

Here you have two sentences that end with descriptive words.

“ At the very least he is much wealthier than Prince Enrico, your Grace,” he joked.
Unneeded space in front of ‘At’.

Maurice himself killed they boy’s father during the battle, surely the King of Bryon resents him deeply.

‘they’ should be “the’.

Overall thoughts. You have the start of an interesting story here. I am curious as to what comes next and will read it once you post it.
If you remove all the ‘and’s at the start of the sentences, correct all the commas in the quotations, and change the ends of sentences where there is no descriptive words, you will have gone a long way towards editing this story.
Let me know if you do all that and if I can find the time, I will go over it again to find small errors.
Happy writing,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of My Abyss  
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Now this is a good story that has meaning. This woman was married to a scoundrel. He was a heel that used her to further his own ends. For 13 years she cared for him. She gave him children, and placed his needs before her own. She now has to shoulder the weight of five kids she must provide for. She is trying to assess her own value. Tell her this, whatever she thinks it is, she is underestimating. I like that she has friends and relatives that come to her in her time of need and let her know she is not alone.
I did not see any typos or misspellings.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Time Elapsed  
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Short work. From what I see from it, it appears as if some unlucky soul got stabbed to death. This is only my take on it, but before dying, he/she experienced lots of pain. (Comets and earthquakes). Then at the end, the coroner places a sheet over them as they are laid out on the slab after the autopsy. Then again, it might be that I do not have a clue as to what you are saying.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of ISLAM  
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Religion, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. There have been more wars fought over religion than all other reasons combined. Every religion has it's share of trouble. The Catholic church had the Spanish Inquisition. The jews have certain people that want to control everything and want all power to themselves. The Protestants have so much infighting among the different sects that being with several different factions in one place causes one to wonder if there might be a riot. The Moslem's have the Saudis that formed the basis of the 9-11 attacks and now are on the internet asking the gullible to attack their own people.
I can see that English is not your first language, and for that reason will not go into great detail on the item's typos and misspellings. As you write more those things will work themselves out.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Ugly Boy  
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Ah, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Ugly to one is beauty to the one next to him/her.
That point aside, I think I understand what you want to say. Today we are bombarded on TV, at the movies, and in magazines with people that as far as looks go, seem to be perfect. If you were to remove the photo touch-ups,the air brushing and all other tricks photographers use, these perfect people would be perfectly flawed. I do not know where you are from, but here in America we are taught at an early age that beauty means 'good' and the non beautiful are 'bad'. How many of us go to the effort to dig under what the skin tells us to find out what the person's heart says? 50% of all marriages end in divorce. 50% of those divorces are because the ones getting married wanted a beautiful person as their mate.

A side note: I doubt very seriously that you are ugly.
Me now? different tale entirely.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Place My Own  
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I think from reading this that there is a person out there, somewhere, that means something special to you. Thing is, this person belongs to another. Then again, your work can be said to relate to everyone of us. For me, there was this girl I knew in high school. I talked with her and she was polite and courteous. I never did work up the courage to ask her out. Immaturity? Fear of rejection? I guess I will never know. It is almost certain that after 40 years, I am not even a speck in her life. I will never speak of this to another, but she is an entire chapter of mine. Perhaps it is best that it turned out the way it did. If I had somehow ended up with her, I would never have found my soul mate, the one that completes me. I think that God realized I was too young at the time to make that big of a commitment and prompted me in a direction away form her. I believe if everyone dug deep into their inner being, they would have similar stories.
I came across one typo. On the 5th line from the bottom, I think "hat" should be "That".
This is the third item in your portfolio I have read. Each is better than the last. If this keeps up, I will have to go to the bigwigs here and tell them they will have to add another star. 5 will not be enough.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of irritation  
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (3.5)
I feel your pain. Well, al least sometimes. I love my wife more than myself. I would give all for her. Despite that fact, there are times she irritates the hell out of me. Same goes for my kids, friends, neighbors, workmates, and everyone else.
While I would never want any of these people to go away for more than an hour or two, that would be a great hour or two.
With the obvious exception of me, everyone is irritating at times and thinks more of themselves than they should.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by John Nation
In affiliation with Non-Humans R Us  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I am guessing dinner is not roast lamb. Even a silent one. Your 2nd line gives a small clue as to who the host might be, "even the lambs were silenced" The last line makes the whole item a winner. I sort of wonder if the guest may be the "Guest of Honor" at Hannibal's next feast. One item, and in the case of a poem it may be impossible to change. I have never cared for the phrase, "I thought to myself." Technically it is redundant. When you think, it is understood it is to yourself. After all, who else would you think to?
However, in this case, you are working to get each pair of lines equal length, so it might be an exception. I did like this work.
Happy writing,

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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