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Review of Not Worth It  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Interesting poem - the subject was treated well despite the pain that you are in - I identify a great deal with you about being in an inappropriate relationship - by writing about it - I believe that that is helpful - you expressed th is well poetically - do submit it if you wish
Review of Member of One  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I loved this poem - it does convey a message that is near and dear to my heart - making friends is hard - and how do we do it without alienating the other person - in my most pensive state, and when I begin to work the hardest on myself, I realize that the one I need to count on the most is myself - though I have a network of friends whom I rely on for different things.
Review of Only in a Dream  
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a lovely story - and so eloquently written - your descriptions and metaphors are fabulous, bringing the story to life in a unique way -
Review of Tibby  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
What a profound story - I had a similar story with a cat - pets are very therapeutic - we do not realize the power that they have on us - they have emotions and almost think like us and come to us when wew are in pain - I am glad that you and your wife got new dogs - but more than that I am glad you found some peace from your relationships with the dog
Review of Linericks  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I liked this - I never knew what a limerick was - and you have brought these to life in an interesting way - I do not have enough experience to add to this forum yet - but I learned a great deal from reading the postings - maybe as I get further in a long in my writing, I will feel secure to add to this
Rated: E | (4.0)
Interesting article - it is indeed a topic that merits a lot of discussion - as somebody who is morbidly obese, I can identify with you on many accounts - except that I am female - so the societal pressures are somewhat different - nonetheless - I agree with you on most points- one has to love themselves no matter what they look like, but, I do not believe that one should use food to fill a void that can be filled in some other ways - maybe that is only from my own stand point because that is what I do, and there can be ramifications from eating inappropriately.

Nonetheless, this is a good piece - and I look forward to reading more of your work
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I really liked this essay - but I would like you to believe that you are not a loser - unfortunately we have to work with the cards that are dealt to us - and sometimes that seems not fair - but not to sound cliche - when you have lemons you make lemonade - use your wonderful writing skills to send messages across - writing is so cathartic and therapeutic - it has helped from mood swings, etc.
Rated: E | (4.5)
I liked the poem = yes there was some cliche to it - but that was not what necessarily 'disturbed me' about the poem - you use the word retarded - and it indeed fills the rhythm that to me is so excellently done throughout the poem - but it almost minimizes the feelings that you do have - maybe that word is a sore point with me - but... your message was so beautiful in the poem, so ... the other thing that concerned me was the absence of punctuation - perhaps you hjad a reason for that - but...keep up the good work
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a really nice poem - the message that it conveys is lovely - it gives the reader a true sense of confidence in wanting to write - and it also fills them with a sense of companionship - writing can be a very isolating art - but you make it sound like there is always something to write about and always somebody who will read it
Review of Handicapped  
Rated: E | (4.5)
What an amazing poem- and how you express such pain in such an eloquent way - It is a shame how the world views physically handicapped people - and somehow I can not handle that word = I like physically challenged - I have borderline personality disorder, and I work with mentally ill consumers, so I empathize with you on how people feel that they are different. Keep up the great work with your writing
Rated: E | (5.0)
In a time of presidential elections where every word is up for scrutiny - this issue is even more prevalent- I am not a big Imus fan, and as such, like you, I do not listen to him. Nonetheless, I think his comments about Rutgers were entirely out of line, and in the end backfired in his face.

There are plenty of Al Sharptons out there,of all races and religions etc. There should be a freedom of speech, but to me, and maybe I am an idealist, not when it is threatening to another -

You have written an eloquent piece about a very difficult topic
Review of She who serves  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is an interesting poem - but I was curious why the description of Lisa was at the end of the poem - to me I had a different take on the poem until I saw how you described the protagonist - to me it seemed like it was dedicated to any housewife who is underappreciated
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a fabulous poem - the message behind it is so true, and you have presented it so eloquently - your poetic talent - rhythm, writing, etc. is so great - that it only accenuates the message that you want to convey - as somebody who is trying to understand the meaning of life - this poem has proven indispensable.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
What an interesting article - as somebody who has dabbled with lesbianism and actually lived a gay life for almost 20 years - I wonder about these things - I tend to feel that sexuality is on a spectrum - that most of us, not all of us, fit into some place in between = People do not necessarily like to talk about these things - but I am glad that you have chosen to discuss it.
Rated: E | (5.0)
What an interesting poll - as somebody who has a lot of lesbian friends and some transgender friends, it has been an issue that has come up - I think it is awkward for some to discuss - but I commend you on creating such a poll = what caused you to do this?
Review of By Candle Light  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is great - short and sweet - was it dedicated to anybody in particular - you capture the love feelings so beautifully
Rated: E | (4.5)
Interesting piece - for your young age, you have unfortunately learned the 'price of politics' - many of us on this site have lived through Watergate, the Clinton - Lewinsky mess, and other such lies within politics - politics to me is a people pleasing thing, with a lot of egos involved. But do not be a pessimist, it is important particularly in this election to vote - since the vote is going to change the way this country will go.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I think this forum is great - and I congratulate you on your survival from cancer - you are an inspiration to us all - we need more people like you - Probably having a supportive family and pets does not hurt either - they say that animals are wonderful for people who are ill - In my apartment we have a cat and it helps a lot with all of that
Review of Maybe (In Time)  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really liked these lyrics - it would really be cool to hear it as you played it on the piano - I can imagine singing it as I am feeling something - I love the feeling that I have of listening to love songs and being transcended to another plane -
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Thank you for this writing - it is extremely important that people write about this - I have borderline personality disorder which is very similar to bipolar disorder in its symptoms - which is why I was diagnosed as manic depressive some years back - I am being treated for it, so that it does not affect my life any more - and I am appreciative for all that has been done recently to discuss these illnesses. The object of my affection, whom I wrote the poem about on this post, has bipolar disorder and is a a very gifted artist - so that is definately a true remark.

What precipitated you to write this - you did it in an eloquent, professional and sensitive manner.

Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I am not sure if these are individual poems or a group with separate chapters - I loved this - your capturing of the feelings is extraordinary and very profound - I identify with it - I would like you to see my poem, "Unrequited Love" - while not on the same caliber as yours - I identified a great deal with it. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love this poem - this is compelling and honest - and heartwrenching all at the same time - does it come from a personal space? You can not be such a bad person, that you beg for mercy - but the way that you do this is so eloquent that it should be put into a religious liturgy.


Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This writing is brilliant - as somebody who suffers from a form of depression, reading your piece was heartwarming and significant - it is a message that has been attempted to be conveyed to me for a long time - and certainly something that I am realizing all of the antidepressants I take can not find - you are very gifted, and I look forward to reading more of your work.

Review of Menopause  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
What a great forum - a writing forum to discuss menopause - to be able to write about a topic that was once not discussed.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a really great poem - but I think you meant break your heart - just a little typo - but it is, I imagine, one of the core elements of the poem. I like how you take a serious emotion and how it has hurt you at times, and then put some humor into it. I look forward to reading more of your work.
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