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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
What a relaxing and descriptive writing. You've captured feelings of the first chill in the air with all the wondrous changes that accompany it. Your lines referring to the full moon serving as a nightlight is dynamic.

Just questioning one word. Since seasons are not capitalized, should Fall be capitalized? ~Ohhh, Viv~?
She'll set us both straight. ~LOL~

I'm still in awe of how you can think about anything and write about it. Now, if I were out on a midnight stroll with Rusty and Pepper, my writing would probably be all about the darned pooper scooper! *Wink*
Review by Kathleen
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Marie, thank you for sharing your insight and experiences at the '03 convention with those of us unable to attend.

You've certainly detailed the personalities of some of our members...all of which seem overwhelmingly charming!

From supposed wallflower to butt shaking maniac in one evening depicts so clearly the caring and sharing attitude of this community. *Smile*

This is a must read for all wannabe convention attendees.

Review of A Masterpiece  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
Kimmy, this writing was so inspirational...it most certainly brightened my day!

There was some rhyme within it, but very sporadic. It by no means detracts from the writing. Your spelling and punctuation are impeccable.

This is a "must read" for everyone who needs a little reminder today that the sun will shine again. Thank you for writing and sharing!
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Intense writing! Your words certainly express the suffering of someone close to another, who lives life in a bottle.

I read this line as being sarcastic, but benefits is definately not a word associated with alcoholism. Destruction, impairment, casualties, evils, atrocities come to mind.

The repetition of "I didn't hold that bottle to your mouth!" serves as a strong ending to a solid writing.
Review of Music Stops  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Your writing is so short, so off-the-wall, yet so embracing *grin*. It's almost like I'm holding my breath until I hear the echoes of tip-tip-tap on ivory keys again. I felt the sudden intrusion of silence!!

Couple of personal thoughts...

to be holdingits breath
Finally, you

Very creative writing.
Review of Closer to Heaven  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Doesn't sound like you're struggling too immensely with your faith...you most certainly have found the path, and are merely struggling not stray too far from it. Your first two lines draw attention, which is then supported by the rest of your writing.

Now, for a few comments *Smile*. Personally, I think you are going to need a new keyboard soon, if you persist in this overabundance usage of elipses.*Shock* I feel adding some other punctuation would enhance your writing.

The vain you take, wondering Perhaps, The vanity of wondering

A chance to prove your love

I kneed down kneeled?

forever Gleam gleam

Despite the fall I gave you Perhaps, caused you, rather than gave you?

For the love you always shown you've or you have

Very good writing with excellent thoughts behind it.
Review of Rainy Night  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Simply delightful. The ability to paint so much feeling within a writing with so few words is truly striking. I'm usually a stickler for punctuation but your words just flow into the mood...and who in their right mind would want to deter this mood with punctuation? ~snickers~

Oh, guess I should rate this review at least a PG13 ~LOL~!!

Excellent writing!
Review by Kathleen
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Emotional writing. Your choice of words allow the reader to feel the confusion and frustration. The rhyme is quite good.

A few comments...

Third stanza, you begin lines 3 and 4 with same word. Perhaps editing 4th line to read something like
"Too much weighing down my plate", or "Too many burdens on my plate". Just ideas to get your creative editing in mode, as I realize my suggestions might disrupt your intended rhythm *Wink*.

Also, in third stanza, 5th line, you capitalized "Then". Is this intentional?

Additional punctuation would allow you to control where your reader pauses, which could accentuate the writing.

Overall, you have expressed your feelings in a way that reaches out to your reader. And, that's what writing is all about *Smile*.
Review of Hiding Pain  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
~Grins at Viv~. Thought I lost the address to your port, didn't you? *Smile*

Such powerful emotion poured into this writing. The line, "Where do I take this pain of mine?", clutches the heart of your reader. This one line reveals a relationship where everything was once shared. Yet, she cannot share her fears of this battle in order to conserve his own energies to fight it. Or, perhaps to mask her fears as an effort to alleviate his.

Beautiful, intense writing!
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.0)
Quite an inspiring writing. The fear, pain, confusion, and finally trust of the little boy reaches out through your words.

Some misspellings and misuse of punctuation, but the content is really good.

In my mother's tight arms.

"I love you, my dear."

I am very confused,

I want to believeher,
But somethinginside me,

I will not allow her,

She senses duress.

"Lucius, why so distresed?".

Her grip on me tightens,

"I'm so sorry, mom",
"Just forget that I asked."

"Of course, dear, I love you",
"You're my sweet little boy".
"You make me so happy",
"And fill me with joy."

My fears have been allayed.

I feel your writing really has a lot to offer your reader. Just thought I'd offer some suggestions to, hopefully, strengthen it.

Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, Dottie. Read your testimonial...so naturally, just felt compelled to visit your port. Am so glad I did *Smile*.

What an inspirational writing for parents of non-morning children!! It just sings off the page!! I never sprinkled water on mine, merely hosed them out of bed ~LOL~. Just an upbeat writing that, for us over the hill parents, brings back such special memories. As Bob Hope would say ... ~Thanks for the memories~!!!
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a beautiful story that reinforces the fact that lives can and are changed by caring people. People who take the time to listen and reach out. Not sure if any of these young, motorcycle, drug-ridden lives were forever changed my your group's testimony ... but am sure yours and those attending the Bible Camp's were changed. Can't judge a book by it's cover ...

Thank you for a wonderful, inspirational read ...
Review of The Beggar  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Harry, I always look forward to r&r'ing one of your writings...as I know I'll not be disappointed!! Most are simply stated (meaning, even I can understand them ~wink), yet hold such truth and impact for your reader.

One small favor...will you donate a few of your brain cells my way on your donor card?? ~grin~

We all hope to make a difference in someone's life, and although the beggar made a disappointing choice, the $10 was, for at least a few hours, his lifesaver. Fabulous read!!
Review of Only the Lonely  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Oh, Viv, it's always such a thrill to read your writings. This was beautifully done, as always!! I nearly shuddered as Letta returned to the bedroom knowing that her feelings of loneliness would once again consume her.

Just a few suggestions to make...

Finally exhaustion

"Please, John, you're always helping others.

"Everyone knows she left."

The ending to your story is perfect. Despite her own grief, Letta reaches out to John. To me, this is the beginning of her own healing. Oh, great...now I'm going to be humming "Only The Lonely" all afternoon ~grin~. Thanks for another excellent read!!
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