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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.5)
~Hi~ Sherri. A gripping poem that captures the reader's attention and demands they keep reading the heartbreaking words.

They rhyme scheme is good, although it seems to get lost in some of the longer lines.

For instance in line three, would deleting some of the words change the concept? Personally, I think if you could drop a few syllables from the longer lines, the rhyme would flow and it would read more smoothly.

She pretends that I'm her child and I have nowhere to go

forever Maybe always? Deletes one syllable.

escape her If I weren’t

cry out when she lifts her

better change;
That I’d best get used to it because with her I will remain

wherever I am forced to go

Again, these are just my personal observations as I read through your heartfelt writing. The message depicted certainly seizes the reader's heart and doesn't let go.

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Review of Fallen  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.5)
~Welcome~ Christine to Writing.Com.

A touching poem that warms the soul...so reassuring the thought that despite ourselves, we are loved. *Smile*

Now for my personal opinion:

Her face was unattractive SHE is a creation of HIS...never unattractive. Old and wrinkled HE wrote into the plan, but NOT unattractive. We are all beautiful in HIS eye. So, I'm wondering...Her face was etched with worry? age? lines? Just my personal thought that revealed itself while reading. *Wink*

The last verse was awesome! Just a reminder that all we need to do is say 'Yes!'

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (2.0)
~Hello~ Loralilly, and welcome to Writing.Com!

A good storyline that appeals to the masses...adults and teens. A writing that enables adults to understand the problems and pressures of our kids today, plus a writing that assures teens that their thoughts and feelings are felt by many others...they are NOT alone.

Unfortunately, despite the storyline, it is not an easy story to read. First, I suggest reading yourself again to catch any spelling and/or grammar errors that you can...then running through a grammar/spell check on your computer.

Next, I suggest contemplating your thoughts and separating into double spaced paragraphs...so much easier to read and an attractive presentation.

Even if you can't catch everything (which I can't in my own writings), it will be a start towards helpful critiques without having to sidestep errors that a spell/grammar check might reveal. *Wink*

If you decide to edit this writing, please let me know. I would really enjoy r&r'ing again. *Smile*

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Review of Paranoia  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
~Hi~ Kiya.

A chilling tale with believable dialogue and great descriptions that pull the reader into the story.

The characters become real through their depth and emotions. The atmosphere in the story allows the reader to experience what each character experiences.

The story's progress lets the reader follow easily and logically without losing interest, although the conclusion did leave me a little baffled. I personally feel that the end requires too much imagination on the reader's part. *Down*

She tried desperately to hold on to consciousness, but the cold sensation and Richard’s still body against her chest was too much to bear. Is the cold sensation a physical reaction to what she had just done or were the cookies and milk somehow tainted?

If it is your intention to leave Debra's demise to the imagination of the reader, then so be it...but I never totally enjoyed movies that left the ending to my imagination, either. Perhaps, my imagination is the real problem here. *Wink*

Noticed only one questionable word and one misspelling...

His laugh was too laud and Perhaps loud?

She felt her eyeslids = eyelids

Overall, a very enjoyable read. The story was direct and to the point with good flow. It kept me guessing as to what the outcome would be...even if I have to make the conclusion my own. *Laugh*

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Review of Caught  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
~Hi~ SarahW, and welcome to Writing.Com.

Oh, how I hung onto every word, every thought, every goosebump! A totally delightful read that had me shivering through every line then exploding with laughter at the end.

This is truly worth a fridge magnet just as a reminder to those who think they're capable of pulling one over those eyes in the back of the head. *Laugh*

I cannot sing the praises loud enough for this entertaining read! *Delight*


Review of Silent Witness  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh, Humming Bird, what a beautiful story! I absolutely loved the storyline...a very original idea.

Again, your command of the english language amazes me. And again, I can only suggest double spacing your paragraphs to create a more inviting presentation and easier read.

Your revelations of the mirror sharing the past 17 years with this young woman is a delight to read, and the mirror's response to her frustration is so believable.

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.0)
~Hi~ Humming Bird. Again, I applaude your usage and comprehension of the english language. Your enlish spelling is impeccable! You mentioned that english was your favorite class, and it shows. *Smile*

This is a beautiful tribute to your friend. I hope you have shared it with her. Sunny certainly has many qualities to admire.

My only suggestion would be to double space between your paragraphs. It would make your delightful words easier to read and enhance the presentation of your writing.

Thank you for sharing moments of Sunny's life and yours. *Delight*

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
~Hi~ Staine. Cute poll and, yes, I am among the top 57% replies.

Actually, I would rather have chosen "I'd rather not admit it" but it's Writing.Com, and I just know someone would have heard me those late nights of reviewing at 8 pm while nodding off. *Laugh*

No wonder you created this poll late at night with 57% of responses admitting to this cause of insomnia echoing throughout the house. *Bigsmile*

Alright, Writing.Com members, I challenge you to answer this poll...do you or don't you? *Wink*

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Review of Andrea's Visitor  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.5)
~Greetings~ misanthrope. I do hope you are enjoying Writing.Com as much as I enjoyed your Halloween tale. *Bigsmile* Beware though, Beetlejuice may be showing up next since I giggled nearly as loud reading this as I did watching it, him, whatever. *Wink*

A creative writing that led to an ending that wasn't expected.

I think perhaps...

realer = more real

A delightful read with comical dialogue.

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Review of Little Leaf  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
~Hi~ Wenston. What a delightful read, especially this time of year when I might view my own little leaf mesmerizing me with its antics.

Alright, I am getting used to reading poetry with no boundaries of punctuation...really, I am. *Wink* But, to suddenly find punctuation in the 22nd line leaving the first 21 to fend for themselves seems somewhat distracting. I'm rushing through with no prompts to stop...then I hit line 22 and I have to pause? I nearly crashed into line 23 with my my sun roof open and my iPod blaring while cruising through your words. *Laugh*

Overall, it is a magical, fall poem told through the fall and rise of one little leaf.

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Review of Forgotten Souls  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
~Greets~ Awand Frebo. A touching poem that really made me stop and think not only of our brave men and women today fighting for our freedom, but those of so many generations ago. It really is sad to think of these grave sites so barren of any recognition. Your writing has convinced me to take some extra flowers when I visit the graveyard to place on so many forgotten plots, even though they probably will not be those of servicemen/women. See there? Your words were not only read and appreciated, but also heeded. *Smile*

A couple of things I noticed while enjoying my read...

because they loved that flag too.

My hat,sp I will tip

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and for inspiring my own. *Wink*

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Review of our old angel  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.0)
~Hi~ again, savvy angel. When posting your creative writings, please take the time to rate them properly. If you leave the content and intro ratings blank, they will not be available for all to enjoy! *Smile*

Again, your words are so touching; yet requires a little editing. I sincerely think if you would read through before posting, you'd discover the little things that can detract from your ratings. *Wink*

whose wings were torn and faded,

so she and finally flew away

Your writings really touch my heart. So innocent, yet so insightful. Just take that extra time to proofread your own delightful words. *Delight*

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.0)
~Hello~ savvy angel. Welcome to Writing.Com! How exciting to see your port overflowing with writings to be read and enjoyed.

The feelings in this writing are understood by your reader...trying to be that perfect someone while forfeiting personal feelings, beliefs, self image.

Presentation of writing is inviting, but personally, I think if you had read through before posting, you could have corrected some spelling errors. *Wink*

and everything I do.

It never seemed to be,

It's not like I haven't tried,

I am so tired of trying to be,

A few punctuation changes could be made...although `kudos` for using punctuation. *Smile* Punctuation isn't necessary at the closure of each line.

You've brought up some interesting points in this poem about relationships.

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (5.0)
~Hello~ Rosamund. Your poetry caught me on the edge of my chair as I hovered to read and then read again just for the sheer enjoyment of savoring your words.

Only thing that I would question is ...

Morning past into evening, Perhaps, passed?

Wow! What a start to your phenomenal portfolio. I beg you to write a little something in your port's bio block to introduce us to you.

Again, just "Wow!"

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Review of Under The Sink  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
~Greetings~ Mrs. H. What a darling poem...reminds me of a movie I used to repeatedly watch with my munchkins about some critter neath the bed many years ago with an excess of trading cards? *Smile*

A very enjoyable read...great rhyme, rhythm, and thought. Our kids could only wish, huh?

Thank you, for sharing this smile with me!

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Review of Different  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
~Hi~ Gilnara, and welcome to Writing.Com I absolutely loved this poem! You may have written it, but I soooo feel it. *Laugh*

The rhyme, rhythm, plus punctuation are great and the message shared, I'm sure will catch the feelings of many members. So simply written, yet such an enjoyable read.

~Write On~! Please, write on! *Wink*

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Review of Heidi Dog  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.0)
~Greetings~ jdefore, and welcome to Writing.Com. Oh, I can already read that your port will be touching our hearts for many stories to come. *Delight*

Being owned by two dogs myself, this story definitely treads on my heart.

I do suggest that you double space between paragraphs. This would make the story easier to read for us ol' folks. *Wink*

Some other things I noticed that might make it easier to navigate this wonderful story are:

on the smooth water. Heidi filled her time

from keeping her eyes

big as old Mr. Gates'

Papa always said, “Heidi is a special dog because her bloodline comes all the way from Ireland just as ours did years ago.

night dog you’ve ever seen. Her eyes are what caught most people off guard; they were as sweet

she love her family. Papa

sky just didn’t seem right. We

running at all. All I remember is feeling that I was falling. My face somehow seemed cold, and I couldn’t see very well; I was so scared.

Heidi dog. She kept both Jessie and I in view

piece of paper man has made.” We often

she was in all her days, and how that little dog put her footprints

another dog like her; she was my sweet

Please don't allow my suggestions to offend you as I absolutely LOVE this story and look forward to, unless you ban me from your port, enjoying many more. *Laugh*

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Review of rose  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.0)
~Hi~ susie, and welcome to Writing.Com. Kudos to you for already sharing some writings for us to enjoy! *Delight*

Your comparison of a rose to a person is quite interesting. It reminds me to search deep beyond the outter obstacles to delight in someone's inner beauty. Well, that's my interpretation, although I'm sure others may see it differently. *Wink*

Usually, I suggest the use of punctuation and capitalization, but this flows so naturally without.

I'm sure your port will bestow much pleasure to poetry lovers throughout Writing.Com, and perhaps even convert some not yet addicted to reading poetry. *Smile*

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Review of Prologue  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.0)
~Greetings~ Angelle. An interesting prologue that held my interest. The story title is intriguing, and will lure many a reader (but does need some editing, in my opinion).

My first suggestion is to double space the paragraphs to make a better presentation plus make it easier to read.

Some grammatical errors that I noticed...

upon topping the rise. “I can't wait till I finally get to that inn. I really need a bath I would delete the underscores in this sentence. If you feel the need to emphasize, perhaps you should bold these two words.

water without setting fire to the trees. This seems more of a statement rather than a question.

It’s amazing how the people here built their homes inside the trees. I wonder if they cut into the trees or if they were hollow to begin with,” she looked up to the sun, then back to the trees and sighed, “At this rate I’ll only have enough time for a quick rinsing before I have to get to work,” she looked back to the sun, “but maybe if I hurry I’ll be able to get a good soak in,” and so with that thought in mind she set off towards her inn, so to seek a good bath. Ramble, ramble, ramble.*Wink* Perhaps, you might consider breaking this up into smaller sentences?

young half-elven child elvish?

roof, she spoke. The people had to lean in to hear her for she spoke in such a quiet voice.

at each other curiously.

Such horrific tales that you will be afraid to blow out your Not a complete sentence. Perhaps...Horrific tales that will make you afraid to blow out your

“Don’t believe me?” the bard asked. “Well, let’s just

their husband's shoulders. It was just a good thing there were no children present that night. Suddenly a thunder clapped right when the Afrite’s were closing in on the heroine of her last tale. Everyone jumped, including the man who had denied any fear.

thunder still going strong.

left or if I’ll have to sleep in the common room

that’sspacewhat ya’ve come a’ callin’

And since it’s you, Moonstone,

before turning the corner to the end of the hall.

“No, mommy, don’t go!” the young half-elvish child cried

You're safe here, or at least

Stay here ‘till dawn. You

come down to get you. You must promise

fighting came closer, as the child

Bogle’s. He whimpered

filtered down into the room. Thunderous

bearings and realized where he was. He sighed

dream.” He stood up and

upon his brow. ‘At least

begun, as its light slowly appeared upon the sky. The few storm clouds left behind turned from dull gray to bright silver, then magnificent orange to brilliant red, and slowly to glorious gold. Removed some of your commas here.

Sorry, if I seem to be nitpicking...but the above are things that I stumbled over while enjoying my read.

Your last sentence is wonderful...a very descriptive ending to the prologue that makes the reader want to discover more of your writing.

Should you decide to edit, I'd be more than happy to r&r again.

The storyline is great so I opted for the higher of 2.5 to 3.0, but if I picked up a novel and began to read, only to find myself struggling through it, I'd close the cover and pick up another. *Wink*

Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
~Hi~ melliebrod and welcome to Writing.Com.

Kudos to you for expressing some very profound thoughts on a serious subject. I honestly feel that your writing could quell the fears of a child facing this same situation. It expresses the emotions they would be facing and lets them know that it's alright to be afraid. Then it goes on to convey that even though mom and dad are not together, life can still be whole.

One suggestion I might offer is to spell out the word, okay.

A few punctuation problems but doesn't detract that much from the potent message you are sharing. Great writing! *Smile*

Review of Admirer  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.0)
~Greetings~ Annarose and welcome to Writing.Com. What a delightful poem that just sort of sang in my head to its own tune. *Wink*

A few things that I noticed as I was enjoying my read:

there was a person

flowing hair she

any fuss, I think you may have meant to start a new line here *Right* who dusted

I loved very much

I liked the overall tone of the writing. A 'cutsie' poem that brightens a day. *Smile*
Review of Touched  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
~Hello~ Angel Eyes and welcome to Writing.Com. Seems as though I've come upon yet another horror story to keep me buried beneath the comforter at night. *Wink* This r&r is on Chapter 1.

The storyline seems good and one that could hold the reader's interest. The main character is believable, but thus far lacks depth. Perhaps you could take a little more time to introduce her to the reader. Her physical appearance is left to the imagination. Personally, I think the first chapter could be devoted totally to her, then continuing Chapter 2 with the introduction of the next two characters.

Some things I noted while enjoying my read:

It skulked in secret and Perhaps in silence?

She was sent to a place that was full of white. Glaring white lights that were always on, shiny white walls and people in spotless white coats. I suggest combining these two sentences since the latter is not a complete sentence. She was sent to a place that was full of glaring white lights that were always on, shiny white walls, and people in spotless white coats.

told her to, she lay down on the bed

moved and slid,delete *Left* this comma a slow, deliberate

watching her pain from afar and she realized it

We could lay the beds down

Please don't let the rating discourage you as the story has potential. Personally, I just feel that it needs some editing and development of characters.

Please let me know if you decide to edit Chapter 1 as I would enjoy reading again and editing my r&r. *Wink*

Review of Are we dead?  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
~Greetings~ Apt. and welcome to Writing.Com. Thank you for the blatant giggle that escaped while reading this.

It's written so simply, yet quite comically. I can just imagine these two people married for upteen years having this conversation as if they're sitting in the living room in front of the tube.

The last line sums it all up leaving the reader with a big ol' grin and still snickering. *Laugh*

I look forward to visiting your port again. Good job!
Review by Kathleen
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
~Greetings~ Nik. Quite a descriptive poem that requires the reader to reassess their own relationships (speaking from a parental mentality). In our efforts to protect our children, we could be smothering rather than just protecting. A thought provoking writing. *Smile*

The presentation of this writing is impeccable...the spacing, the meticulous spelling, grammar and punctuation.

I think I could become addicted to your poetry. *Delight*

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
~Greetings~ Floyd, and welcome to Writing.Com. I hope you are enjoying your first day with us. Looks like you've settled into your port quite comfortably. *Wink*

The title and brief description of your prologue grabs the attention of your reader. The storyline is interesting and the ending is good causing the reader to want to turn the page and read more. There will be more, right? *Smile*

I suggest double spacing between paragraphs...this just makes it easier for us old folks to read. *Blush*.

occasional car passing through, Perhaps, car passing by? Passing through makes me visual the cars driving through where he's sitting. *Shock*

“I dropped the ADA off at the sheriff’s office after work and got here around five o’ clock.” “It looks to be around seven thirty now.” Since these two sentences are a single speaker's words, I don't believe you need the extra quotation marks. I noticed this in a couple other spots throughout the story also.

Again, it's a good beginning that creates curiosity in the reader making them want to discover just what Hack did to betray his friend and how the telepathy will develop throughout the story.

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