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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (2.5)
Greetings, CamelGirl, and welcome to Writing.Com.

This is a delightful concept for a storyline. Unfortunately, as presented with no caps and so short, there's not much to enjoy or r&r.

Can you describe the costume the little goblin is so proud of, or add a little background as to why this little trick-or-treater is afraid of the dark? Would Mom really let her go out alone on this spooky night? Perhaps mom is a shadow following her every move that spooks her even more?

The idea of a wanna-be trick-or-treater in her room trying on her costume yet afraid to approach the dark is an imaginative idea.

Just give me MORE...I know you can do it! *Smile* Think back beyond your 15-years as to what spooked you most while cultivating your dowry of candy. What could have made YOU so fearful that you would have succumbed to a private fashion show of costume rather than public display to garnish the goodies?

I don't want to discourage your creativity with this rating, but I do hope to read what this intro to a 'real' story might harvest. You have the talent, so take some time to nourish this story to become all that it can become. *Delight*

Please let me know if you edit this writing. You have the talent to offer a complete story...not just a skeleton. *Smile*

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Review of Why Do I Stay  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This review is in response to your post on "Please Review. Please remember that these comments are merely my personal point of view. *Wink*

Hello, peppermint patty . This is a touching poem tastefully written about a not so tasteful subject. ~sigh~

The rhyme scheme is polished, but the rhythm somewhat lacks in a few lines. I suggest tightening up a few lines for an easier roll off the tongue. *Smile*

"Why is it that I stay with you." A question should end with a question mark.

Or the vow that we made that day. Another question?

A bittersweet, searching poem that grips the reader.

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Review of A Ride of Thanks  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This review is in response to your post on "Please Review. Please remember that these comments are merely my personal point of view. *Wink*

Hello, Rayne . As the mother of a motorcycle riding son, your story caught my interest. *Smile*

I found it to be an interesting read that held my attention with the appearance of the mystery rider.

You did a good job in developing the characters through visual descriptions and dialogue.

The dialogue was realistic and as mentioned, offered realism to the main characters.

The setting was practical allowing the reader to visualize the surroundings.

The storyline was logical; no leaps that might be confusing to the reader.

The mechanics? Well, lots of room for improvement from my POV. *Wink* Besides what is mentioned below, I suggest reviewing the presentation from paragraph ten on. Some of the spacing is a little distracting...new paragraph or just a quick finger on the 'enter' key? *Wink*

Thanksgiving weekend

you should see my jacket,” he

awesome for riding,” said

Hi,he said

just having fun,” he pleaded

at what they were constantly gawking at

to visit family for the Thanksgiving

Riding in the autumn was

Sportster, which isn't normally a silent

Jordana was a cautious rider who truly

grunted to herself; she was not

hair waved behind her as

hopes that he didn’t get too close

Sportster was a safely 5 feet away to her left

Front Street

advice for him!”.

High Harleys.

All the way downtown, her anger all the way downtown had made her quite hot.

“That’s was immature

on the road, brought

other circumstances, Robbie,

sure,” Jordana said raising

you’d come find me..

dressed perfectly for it,” Robbie

silencer on the exhaust.

behind me, I’ll be able to hear you.

how happy you are to have met me,

Personally, I feel you are familiar with the basics in your writing and mechanics. I'm just thinking you wanted to get this story out there and after reading, I can understand why. *Smile*

It was a delightful read and I'm glad you posted it for an r&r.

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Review of A Walk  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.0)
This review is in response to your post on "Please Review. Please remember that these comments are merely my personal point of view. *Wink*

Hello, Crazy Writer . A realistic view of a winter's morn seasoned with some lines beyond realistic that delight your reader.

"With fallen leaves crumbled and torn" and "Covered in a frosted bath" are visual lines that grab your reader's imagination. *Smile*

My personal thought is that other lines such as "Of ice and snow" could be enhanced by your vivid imagery.

This particular line left me lost..."A walk I fanced down a path"

An enjoyable read, yet I believe your imagination could strengthen this writing. *Wink*

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Mike. You seem to have done a very good job of organizing your random thoughts into a meshed writing. *Smile*

I had to smile at this line..."but it would be satisfying just to see the rainbow." A creative line for describing one of 'those' days.

I just have a couple of suggestions: use a semi colon instead of a comma between... will return; I just need

Other suggestion is to keep writing down those random thoughts...they provide substance for an inviting read. *Delight*

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Review of "The Best Gift"  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, Ԝ☆Ԝ Happy 4th of July USA! . Thank you for your entry in "Invalid Item.

Excuse me while I exhale a BIG ~sigh~ here. I loved this story!

The characters are real...filled with believable emotions. It might have been interesting to read some of that emotion in dialogue, but lack of did not seem to distract from the story.

The development of the story is logical and easy to follow.

The presentation and structure invites the reader to relax and just enjoy the read.

This was a delightful writing (even with the sadness interlaced). *Delight*

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Review of The Best Gift  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi, kiyasama. Thank you for your entry in "Invalid Item.

Now, hold on a minute while I try to find a kleenex to wipe my tearful, blurred vision. Not much I can do about the goosebumps. *Wink*

From beginning to end, this was an exquisite story.

The characters are strong. Their depth and emotions are felt by the reader.

The setting(s) allow the reader to step into the story and its atmosphere.

The story's development is easily followed and logical.

The mechanics of the writing are polished, as usual.

An overall enjoyable, inviting read! *Delight*

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Review of The Best Gift  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi, SueVN . Thank you for your entry in "Invalid Item.

This was a very touching story that I wish could be hung at the receptionist desk of every doctor's office.

The message of this story grabs the attention of anyone who has waited for lab results. The characters and dialogue are real; the atmosphere of fear and frustration is so believable.

Just a couple of things caught my eye while reading:

“What do you mean ‘confusion'?

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Palmer.

The writing was kept simple and to the point, keeping the interest of the reader through its dialogue. The ending was a great summation of this emotional story.

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Review of The Best Gift  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Greetings, Elisa: Middle Aged Stik . Powerful words that reminds each of us we are but one voice, yet combined with others...we can make a difference. At least that was my interpretation of your potent writing.

A strong writing that grabs your reader's attention. Our surroundings might shape us somewhat, but we also have the power to shape our surroundings.

An perceptive writing that reminds us we all have a voice...use it! *Smile*
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Redtowrite. I noticed you requested r&r's for this writing on "Please Review

Alzheimer's is a very cruel disease, robbing its prey and families of everything but love; it's so sad to read that its victims are robbed of even more than that.

Your title is very catchy and brings to my mind the moments of clarity that a patient occasionally has...it returns just like the dust bunnies. *Smile*

This is a very touching story, and since you are hoping to submit to a magazine, I will offer my meager suggestions.

I received a call from the nursing home where my Mother is that her diamond cluster ring was missing. This sentence reads a little rough...Perhaps, editing more along I received a call from the nursing home that my mother's diamond cluster ring was missing.

She had such little personal things left. Perhaps, She had so few personal things left.

Her hands had been swelling at times and then beome then had become

around her original diamond it in a dinner ring setting

You mention it is your grandmother's ring, then your mother's grandmother's ring? One reference needs to be changed to either great-grandmother or mother

Her original had a tiny diamond in it.

“everything is gone.”

if only I hadn’t taken the ring."

or making

Does she remember her and me

the “I love you,"(space)took away

It is always difficult to r&r a non-fiction writing that is so personal. Best wishes in your submission to a magazine. *Heart*

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Review of I: Wraith  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, Jeremummy. Oh, in my haste to r&r you, seems I enjoyed Chapter One before the Prologue. *Blush* Regardless, after reading the Prologue, I would have continued to Chapter One. *Wink*

Again, I don't claim to be a committed reader of fantasy or sci-fi, but I may have to retract that statement soon if I continue to read your story. *Delight*

Your characters seem so real and their relationship to the storyline is believable.

The dialogue is realistic and helps to elaborate on the personalities of each character.

The setting is clearly described through your words and the dialogue of the characters.

The development of your prologue is easy to follow and the pacing of the story involves the reader upfront.

A few mechanical problems that I noticed while enjoying my read...

Came a gentle voice from beyond Perhaps, rearranging to read: A gentle voice came from beyond

Feina looked upward at the welcoming

With Feina safely in the cabin,
With the cabin door shut,
These two consecutive sentences beginning precisely in same format is rather noticeable, in my opinion.*Wink*

her right foot tucked under her left knee.

but the young woman it belonged to was

It's beautiful," Khameris said with a childlike gleam.

The purpose of the Mage itself," he stated

He hoped his words would soothe

through her silky hair and and kissing her gentle lips

Your prologue to the story is enticing enough to make this reader want to read more...even if she already has? *Wink*

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Review of Dark Night  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi, B. Olson. Overall, this was a good read that kept this reader's interest.

The characters, for the most part, were believable (see reference to paramedic below).

The dialogue was realistic. My dogs and I carry on some great conversations. *Wink*

The setting is clear, even as it bounces from past to present.

The progression of events and characters are logical although I do feel there needs to be more separation between the timing (addressed below).

I found no major problems with the mechanics of the writing. A few sentence fragments that I attributed to everyday conversation. *Smile*

Now, for suggestions that I do personally feel need addressing:

edge of the flag flapping in the breeze. Although you address the usage of breeze in the next sentence, I personally feel this is too mild a word to match the storm brewing outside. Perhaps even 'wind' would be a better choice?

shaking Danny back to the present.

It is going to be rather difficult to remove the post so that we can put you on the stretcher.” I do not quite believe that a paramedic would call attention to this dire situation, or that he would attempt to remove the post at the scene of the accident. It seems more reasonable that they would cut the post, leaving it intact, and transport immediately. *Wink*

I suggest double spacing between paragraphs and maybe adding a line of "*******" to separate the time periods in the story. I feel this would create a more inviting presentation.

This reader found herself immersed in the story. You've used some vivid words that keep the reader entertained. For instance, lightning rip through the black night and bolts flashed through the sky. I really liked the ending line that related back to the earlier tragedy.

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.0)
Good afternoon, Sweet Georgia Brown. Thank you for sharing this insightful writing about forgiveness. You have brought to mind several good reasons to pardon our offenders whether the reader is a believer or not.

Personally, I'm a champion of learning to forgive ourselves which is usually harder than forgiving others. *Wink*

Just one suggestion:

and display the wrong attitude.

This is a 'feel good' writing that encourages the reader to move beyond the pettiness and grievance, and enjoy life. *Delight*

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Review of Ripped Apart  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello, alyx. Welcome to Writing.Com.

An emotionally impacted poem that certainly describes a relationship gone horribly wrong.

Personally, I'm thinking your words could be more forceful if you separated the thoughts with punctuation other than commas. Perhaps a period or paragraph would allow the reader to pause and concentrate on your thoughts?

A few things that I suggest editing:

anger take over the unfair

grows with each aching

heart do its damage

Your feelings are revealed vividly in this poem and impart the heart of a poet. *Wink*

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, NAME-ME . Welcome to Writing.Com!

Grandmothers are a wealth of stories just waiting to be shared. Your chosen source for this interview has provided real insight into the woes of the Great Depression.

The story is heartwarming and reveals how those who had so little themselves were still willing to share with others. You translated your grandmother’s words quite movingly in this writing.

One typo that I noticed:

The girl said she was because

You might want to check your spacing in the last two paragraphs. It seems you may have hit the ‘enter’ key before finishing each paragraph which somewhat detracts from the presentation of this touching writing.

Thank you for sharing Grandma’s memory with us. *Smile*

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Review of Daddy's Home  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, prelaw. My condolences on the loss of your father, but I'm sure he is smiling with pride upon your words written just for him.

Your heartfelt thoughts reach out to anyone who has lost someone close.

I realize this is such a personal writing, but I did notice a few things you might want to address when the mood hits. *Smile*

but I was just too stubborn

if it were'nt for you, dad,

because of you, dad,

now that you're gone sometimes

But, I know you're around and you're watching

but, that's okay, dad, I'm

Devout words to celebrate your father's life.

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Review of MULLIGAN  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello, Tor. This writing requires NO Mulligan. It captures the reader's interest from beginning to end. I believe in miracles and was hoping the end would provide one...*Wink* This was a wonderful read!

The characters were so believable and immediately drew the reader into the story.

The dialogue was realistic and offered further depth to the characters, although it also is my main suggestion of this r&r. Remember that direct address naming a person being spoken to needs to be set off by commas. For instance: "Trust me, sir,” “I will leave you now, Abraham.”

The setting and atmosphere throughout the story draws the reader into the experiences of the characters.

The development and pacing of the story is logical and appealing.

The overall mechanics of the writing is very good, except for note above relating to direct addressing in the dialogue. One line did cause me a pause while reading:

Her beautiful face had collapsed in on itself with pain and grief To be personally, seems a peculiar way to describe her pain and grief.

The presentation is inviting to reader.

A quality read that will have me visiting your port again. *Delight*

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Review of Their Last Dance  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Savanna, and welcome to Writing.Com!

Short story it is, but so touching. I just had to sigh at its ending.

The storyline is good, the characters are believable, dialogue is realistic, and the ending is...well, "sigh."

The presentation is a little distracting, though. Perhaps you might consider double spacing between paragraphs? My personal opinion is that presentation either invites or discourages a reader from enjoying your words. *Wink*

A delightful read which I'm sure is only the start of a delightful port! *Delight*

Please, ~Write On~ so that we might enjoy more of your words! *Delight*

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello, Mason Santos, and welcome to Writing.Com.

I found your top ten events/issues of 2000 an interesting read. It seems you have put a lot of research into your facts that I will definitely not take the time to challenge. *Wink*

The presentation, in my personal opinion, is lacking. It is not an inviting scenario for r&r's to visit. I suggest double spacing after each heading and between paragraphs to create a more tempting read.

Despite the numerous editing suggestions I have offered, I stand by my 3.0 rating for content of the information itself.

That the administration was just getting its revenge on Wilson by hurting Plame and her career. Sentence fragment, you might consider revising.

came in that it had crashed

insulation foam that had come off of the ship

and also that it is too traumatic for a woman to

told people to treat people I with respect all the time

Al Gore was one of the most controversial elections

Sixty percent of the storm deaths

contributed to many changes in the world today.

concrete facts that goes with the earth is warming is that ten hottest years on record have occurred in the last fifteen

Bin Laden's unknown

mass destruction were found.

two hijacked jets crashed

As Fire fighters and police officers raced up the buildings to try to save the thousands still in the buildings before they collapsed.

The helicopter’s circling

fire fighters and police officers in American history

confined to New York; there were two more

One, crashed into the Pentagon Delete the comma.

Thank you for not including a heading regarding Paris' really simple life. *Wink*

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Review of The End  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, crramsey, and welcome to Writing.Com.

I really like the writing style you chose to present these emotions. Very few words used yet your feelings reach out to the reader.

My only suggestion is to avoid ending one line with same word as beginning of next line, if it can be avoided. Perhaps, clock is slowing, or minutes, seconds slowing? Just my personal observation.

It's difficult to convey deep thoughts with such well-chosen words.

~Write On!~ Please? *Delight*

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Review of Lessons  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi, danielle_anne, and welcome to Writing.Com.

Every generation has their dare devils, stunts, and lessons growing up. This was written to each generation of the past in remembrance, the generation growing up now, and the generations to grow up years down the road. Not that our currently growing-up generation will take heed, but I do hope they take the time to read.

This is a beautifully written story with the wisdom of one who has traveled the path. It brought me smiles, tears, and memories of the dare devils I had to say good bye to before their lives really began.

Personally, all I can suggest is to work on the presentation of this thoughtful writing. Perhaps double spacing the paragraphs to create a more inviting read?

I encourage all our younger members to read this as a reminder that you and your friends are not immortal. Also, perhaps parents sharing this writing with their teenagers. I'm sure you'll get the blank, what has that got to do with me stare, but maybe they'll remember a few of the words. *Wink*

Good job, danielle_anne. *Smile*
Review of Storm  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, ERW, and welcome to Writing.Com!

An enjoyable read that kept this reader entertained and involved in the story. You've invited the reader to feel Keith's pain and frustration through quite descriptive visualizations of the darkness of the night and his mood.

The overall presentation is appealing. It is apparent though that you did not take the time to read through the story after you posted. There are several misspelled words that might have been caught. To be honest, I was prepared to rate this lower until I read the ending. The twist combined with the visualizations just wouldn't allow me to rate lower, despite the technical issues. *Wink*

stool by the window that had become his favorite spot

fill the empty space where his feelings used to live.

engulf the lively city and suffocate its lonely resident.

she left and his life fell apart.

Within a few seconds he was soaked to the skin

He didn’t need to look where he was going; he memorized

and he saw them wandering the streets as he walked

almost there now, only a another block of

walked towards the walkway that would
take him

Maybe this would wake him up from the trance

A few more steps and he would be able to talk to her; he

It was now or never

Again, the twist at the end was unexpected but completed the story with a charge. With a little editing, I'm sure this will become an appreciated read for many other Writing.Com members. *Delight*

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Review of Words unspoken  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, demonkid, and welcome to Writing.Com.

There is a lot of thought behind your words as to what we say or don't say; how we sometimes tend to dwell on what we'd like to say but never get the words out and then the moment is lost.

ourselfs should be ourselves

You have certainly been busy in your port, adding many writings for us to enjoy. *Delight*

~Write On!~

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.0)
Well, to be honest, I'm not a fan of fantasy, but found your story enjoyable and touching. *Delight*

The storyline was entertaining and the moral of friendship discovered through diversity was endearing.

Some things I noticed while enjoying my read...

“Yes you are, Ayradth.”

A number problem

Are you sure that…”

Maybe scared them a little.

wondering about your pigtails and now I know

A delightful read that could convert me to a fantasy reader. *Smile*

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a touching story, which is full of the humor and reality of a five-year old.

The story was full of twists and turns that a child's escapades can provide throughout a day, tempered by candid reactions of parents throughout the same day.

The characters were endearing and realistic.

Some things I noticed while enjoying my read:

his favorite, red shirt (delete comma)

Watch where you’re going, Mathew

You don’t know everything, Haleigh

doesn’t, Mom

Happy birthday, Matt

But I couldn’t get into the tree

The trip was slow;

hose, and then

“Sorry about that, Rob.”

"Wait for me.”

had a full day at work, Mathew

a great policeman, Mathew

You have a good day, sir.”

We’ll talk inside, Mathew

Silenced followed their entrance

That’s all well and good, Mathew

You understand what I’m saying, Mathew David

I’m sorry.”

be a cook, she agreed to let him help her with cook dinner.

Looks good, Mathew

Very good, Mathew

What are you doing?”

“Why don’t you get a bath?

why his bowl had been emptied so quickly

“I am so proud of you, Mathew.”

Remember that when naming a person or group being directly spoken to, to set off the direct address by commas. *Wink*

A delightful read that keeps your audience entertained. The writing does require some editing, but is still a warm, fuzzy story that puts a smile on your reader's face. *Delight*

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