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Review of Crimson Rain  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, . Thank you for entering April’s "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. This review is for your entry, {item:}.

*Check4*Personal Comments:

An informational read that has enlightened me on the ups and downs of the University of Alabama's football history. I do not follow footbal follies, but it certainly sounds like they have fallen off their once upon a time pedestal.


football coach, J.B.


An interesting read that confirms the fact that some athletes and athletic programs need to get back to the basics of playing the game because they want to, and because they enjoy it.
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hello, WildFire . Thank you for entering April’s "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. This review is for your entry, "When it rains, it pours.

*Check4*Personal Comments:

Although this is a very short story, it was quite descriptive..."looming dirty buildings," "smears of color," "piercing the silence like a skewered pig."


My only suggestion would be to consider double spacing between paragraphs. Personally, I feel it creates an easier read and a more pleasing presentation. *Wink*


This was a different take on the quote "when it rains, it pours," and overall was an amusing little story.
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Hello, scubby snacks . Thank you for entering April’s "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. This review is for your entry, "Never Ending Storms. Since this was fiction, it did not qualify to be considered for the prizes, but certainly deserved to be read.

*Check4*Personal Comments:

Your story featured a little suspense, intrigue and horror thrown which kept the reader interested. It included sufficient dialogue and adequate development of the characters.


Personally, I feel if you had chosen to read through the story one last time, a lot of the errors needing editing might have been avoided.

church on a regular basis,

had trouble getting a guy who

Samantha didn’t want to interrupt

name is Justin by the way,” he said

didn’t realize I was staring,” Sam said

just trying to get away from me are you

I don’t need anything,” he said

We don’t want you calling the police now do we?” he whispered into her ear,

do this too me,” Sam begged.

raped her.

Kris had already been dead when Sam


Overall, a decent storyline as a suspense/thriller writing.

Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, Hildegarde33 . Thank you for entering April’s "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. This review is for your entry, "When It Rains, It Pours.

*Check4*Personal Comments:

Sometimes, for reasons unknown, it just seems to rain more into some lives than others. You have related your personal tragedies with grandeur that touches the core of your reader.


Having your mother knock on your side door, telling you to let your neighbors and pastor in the front door while she talks to your husband is a sick feeling. A sentence fragment...perhaps instead of 'is,' yields, delivers, renders, communicates? Just some words for thought. *Wink*

Especially when you don’t see your daddy with them, because you know he’s on the road. Again, a sentence fragment that requires editing.

My husband, my 11-year-old stepdaughter, and I


Your personal life has suffered a flood. I have no doubt that your intimate suffering will enable you to touch so many lives in your ministering to others.

Review of Hurt Beyond Hurt  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hello, Hartfeltwriter . Thank you for entering April’s "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. This review is for your entry, "Hurt Beyond Hurt.

*Check4*Personal Comments:

Congratulations to you for possessing the strength to walk away and to slam the door on an abusive relationship. Granted, you never mentioned the word 'abusive' in your words, but I read it and felt it throughout the writing.


"If only you could be a little less like yourself."

but did they warrant such brutal honesty of such?

"It's not the same, why, not brutal enough?"

a waste of space.

'You know, son, you're quite different

So, bud, what do you say,

Before I knew it I was in a tempestuous rage.

And the sacrifice you want me to make

I would suggest double spacing between paragraphs to create an easier and more aesthetic presentation.


Despite the suggestions above, I personally feel this is a powerful writing. One that I hope anyone in a relationship that makes them feel less then their beautiful self will take a moment to read. Any relationship in life, be it a friend or partner, should not demean who we are...but foster our belief in ourselves.
Review of Rain on Me  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, winklett in the woods . Thank you for entering April’s "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. This review is for your entry, "Rain on Me.

*Check4*Personal Comments:

The first paragraph of your entry immediately offers comfort to your reader. The reminder that we are not alone in our pain or our joy...someone else has experienced the same and will offer solace or express elation.


Then, the steady drizzle of fallout – grief, fear, uncertainty, coping. A sentence fragment.


An amazing writing that prompts the reader to count their blessings amidst the downpours in life. Not always an easy endeavor to accomplish, but your words and those of others that have shared throughout this contest, offer such inspiration.
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Nadine . Thank you for entering April’s "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. This review is for your entry, "When it rains, it pours.

*Check4*Personal Comments:

Well, your writing surely was inspired by the quote, "when it rains, it pours," but perhaps also by "the best laid plans of mice and WOmen." *Wink*


with rain and tornados that Friday night. I'm from the midwest and understand the respect tornados demand, but not necessary to capitalize unless the sirens are going off right now...then I'd capitalize, color, and italize the word. *Bigsmile*


Your ending left the reader with a smile...leave it to a princess to color, not only the eggs, but your entire world a beautiful shade of love.
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, fyn . Thank you for entering April’s "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. This review is for your entry, "When It Rains, It Pours.

*Check4*Personal Comments:

An interesting and educational read. *Smile* I never realized what stress that little Morton Salt girl was under over the decades...going from 'worth her salt' as rare commodity to 'not worth her salt' as a sodium-infested 'no-no' icon. *Wink*


back in the days of salt cellars,


A different approach on the quote "When it rains, it pours" that created an enjoyable, informative read.

Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, SHERRI GIBSON . Thank you for entering April’s "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. This review is for your entry, "WHEN IT RAINS, IT POURS.

*Check4*Personal Comments:

"Giving until it hurts" seems to be your motto, my friend. *Wink* Your story, hopefully, will remind readers not to forget to take care of themselves, as they are caring for so many others.


As always, no punctuation, spelling, etc. errors.


Thanks for sharing the rainbow behind the dark clouds in your life, and reminding us to search through the darkness for our own rainbows. Congratulations on your upcoming publications. *Delight*
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Hello, smphillips . Thank you for entering April’s "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. This review is for your entry, "A Blizzard of Bad Decisions.

*Check4*Personal Comments:

I was totally worn out and reminded how much I truly despise winter and the white stuff after reading your story. *Wink* A very catchy title that the story supported.


your unknowing boyfriend is

as your friend is added to the long waiting list of stranded

The words "you" and "your" became somewhat overwhelming and distracting throughout the read. Personally, I feel an edit of several sentences could eliminate the repetitive usage of these words.


The story conveyed the frustrations and drew the reader into the feeling of what can possibly happen next? The imagery was good throughout the story allowing the reader to visualize the blizzard and annoyances.

Good luck in the contest!
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, lhayes . Thank you for entering April’s "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. This review is for your entry, "when it rains it pours.

*Check4*Personal Comments:

A refreshing, uplifting read that reminds me of the many blessings bestowed, even that of a rain storm to renew life. A visual delight expressed within your words.


Cleansing rain, redemption rain, healing rain. A cool spring morning. The sun peeking over the horizon. Rain pouring out from heaven to cleanse the trees. Getting rid of all the debris left over from the winter. Back and forth with the rhythm. Then suddenly a snap. To move with His gentle breeze of life. These are all sentence fragments requiring either a subject or verb to complete the thought.

Just some fuel for thought on editing: A cool spring morning as the sun peeks over the horizon. Rain pouring out from heaven cleansing the trees, while getting rid of all the debris left over from the winter. Not breaking, just swaying back and forth with the rhythm. Then suddenly a branch snaps. You and I are free to sway with God, moving with His gentle breeze of life.
I realize my fuel for thought destroys the blunt statements that I feel you are wanting to make in this writing. As always, just my personal feedback. *Wink*


As an avid lover of rain and vicious thunderstorms, this was an enjoyable read. Your conclusion was a beautiful reminder that occasionally we have to sway to the breezes that life may blow our way.

Good luck in the contest!
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Laugh*, 4provinces. I'm sure you inherited that temper from dear ol' grandma, but we're ALL glad you didn't inherit her dented frying pan. *Wink*

A delightful read related by a martyr of the Thinking Chair. Now, had it been a parochial school, you'd be relating stories of a ruler across the knuckles and kneeling in the corner. To this day, rulers are banned, and the corners of house have invited entire cobweb families to move in. *Wink*

The smugness of a five-year old knowing she was too good for any Thinking Chair was an adorable thought that didn't last too long, thanks to Daniel. Now, you owe Daniel for this adorable story. *Smile*

Just one suggestion:

messing up my barrette in

Thanks for sharing a laugh and memory with me about young martyrdom and older brothers...I can relate. *Rolleyes* An entertaining read that planted a smile on my face.

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Review of Run and Pray  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.0)
~Hello~ Delamar. An interesting, albeit erie poem that I interpret as dabbling into that ol' black magic.

"Bilingual evil is hard to avoid. This is the line that made me ponder over voodoo possibly being cursed? A very good line that delivered a message to this reader.

"Hears what you mind says," Perhaps, your rather than you?

An unsettling verse that caught my attention. *Smile*

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Review of I Remember  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello, MyOwnSkye. Welcome to Writing.Com.

Your poem describes so many aspects of friendship and love through touching memories.

Personally, I found myself skipping the repititive line of "i remember" to enjoy the rest of the writing. I understand the essence of the poem is about remembering, so might I suggest perhaps breaking into stanzas with "i remember" as the first line?

i remember
what life was like before you and i were here
what it was like to be able to sit and talk to you, for hours
what my life was like before you
what my life is like without you.

i remember
what it was like to kiss you for the very first time,

This might help to break up the monotony and make the writing an easier read while preserving the thought behind your words.

I like the strong ending to the poem.

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Mrs. H. Oh, I cannot believe I haven't visited your port before, and after reading this I may just pitch a tent and stay awhile. *Laugh*

A totally creative, delightful and entertaining poem! I honestly can envision this as a children's book with darling illustrations that most likely would have been drug out of the pile of books night-after-night when my munchkins were little.

You had me smiling from the first line till the last. *Delight*

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.5)
~Hi~ sherri. A touching poem that grips the heart of anyone who has lost this most important woman in their life. The emotions you so lovingly express speak for so many of us.

The rhyme scheme and flow of words is very good. The story it tells so very heart breaking.

The opening two lines draw the reader into your words as the poem leaves them with a sigh and hug for you.

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Review of I'M ONLY A BIRD  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (4.0)
~Hello~ sherri. An interesting poem about only a bird. It's descriptive and well composed.

In all honesty though, since you chose to add the note that the bird is an eagle, I have a hard time envisioning this powerful hunter as only a bird. Of course, it's just a personal observation. *Wink*

the idea a trifle absured, Perhaps you meant absurd?

"Silently observing all below me as I soar the billowy skies," is a great opening line that creates a vision of this hunter in the sky. *Smile*

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
~Hi~ Kiya. This creative short story was inspired by a phrase about moth balls? *Wink*

The characters are believable and seem quite real to the reader. You've brought them to life through their descriptions and dialogue.

Even with the different directions the story follows, the reader never feels lost or confused.

I found no problems with the mechanics of the story.

Another enjoyable read!

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Review of Jared's Decision  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
~Hi~ Kiya. I actually think I forgot to breathe while reading this powerful story.

The characters seem so real that the reader gets pulled into their feelings. The dialogue demands to be read with emotion. The story develops logically so the reader can enjoy it without getting lost and having to backtrack.

Noticed just a couple very minor things to mention. These in NO WAY detract from the perfect story.

“Yes, I can, Jakey, and maybe one day you’ll come to understand

I can hear him rising to his feet just as the garage doors open to let in my parents’ car. To me, this sounds like more than one door is opening for just one vehicle to enter.

Coming to the end of one of your short stories is like closing the cover to a good book, I just hate for it to end. Thanks for another wonderful read!*Delight*

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
~Hi~ Sue. Oh, I enjoyed reading this short story so much!

Mabel is quite the character and you did a great job of bringing her personality to life for the reader. I'm personally wondering about her physically though. Other than being short, there's really not too much mentioned that describes her.

Noticed what might be a typo below:

gracious would not doubt be a stretch

Overall, you did a great job with the prompts to create a very enjoyable read.

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.5)
~Hi~ staine, and thanks for yet another enjoyable visit with the family. *Smile* You do lovingly hold your own with the four men folk in your home.

A few things that caught my eye during the delightful read:

The kids were wound up

and being so gender

truely adore being

Your darling moments with your family are inviting reads that makes your reader want to hang around for awhile to see what might happen next. *Bigsmile*

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Review of rage  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.0)
~Hi~ frances and welcome to Writing.Com.

I like the way your poem portrays the process of anger simmering within, flaring to fury. Then masking the frenzy with a smile as you take a deep breath and count to ten (so to speak). *Wink*

It's a good thought process with a moral ending.

Personally, I would suggest varying the word "start." You use it in four consecutive lines. A few words for thought might be: begin, commence, bud, dawn, open, stir. This might require editing a few of these lines.

Last two lines, maybe capitalize "I?"

The emotion is already in your words. I just feel with a little editing, this emotion could grab the reader and not let go. *Smile*

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Review of Grown Up  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.5)
~Hi~ lydgriffin, and welcome to Writing.Com. A very thoughtful writing to begin your new Writing.Com port. *Delight*

Hmmmm, after(cough)
decades (cough), somedays I'm still not sure I feel like a grown up. *Laugh* You've definitely hit upon some major age milestones and their significance.

I would personally suggest double spacing this amusing writing between paragraphs just to enable those around for decades an easier read. *Wink*

One possible typo I noticed:

makes me want to act differently.

Albeit short, the writing was entertaining and enlightening as to how age and actions affect feelings of maturity. *Smile*

I look forward to watching your port grow. *Delight*

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Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.0)
~Hi~ carolyn. Hey, almost a month old on Writing.Com so cheers to you! *Smile*

An imaginative writing...a little girl's imaginary friend reflecting in the mirror.

A few things you might want to edit:

Sometime's I go into

Sometimes she is happy

Perhaps you might think about some synonyms for laugh and cry, such as giggle, chuckle, weep, whimper just to add a little variety?

It's a delightful read that takes the reader back to the fantasies of little girls and mirrors. *Delight*

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Review of The Firefighter  
Review by Kathleen
Rated: E | (3.0)
~Hello~ Rosey, and welcome to Writing.Com. Well, firefighters will always be on my mind, too, since my son is aiming in that direction. *Wink*

A cutsie little rhythm that gets your message across. The layout is inviting and the message rings so true.

My personal observation about the overall writing was the usage of the word "see" three times within such a short verse.

An enjoyable read and many, many worthy recipients of your words. *Delight*

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