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370 Public Reviews Given
371 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
Passionate, and hungry reader. I try to feel the vibes of the writer, and review accordingly. A. We are all in this together. B. Encouragement, and Empathy followed here. C. I am not a perfect writer or grammarian D. Language works when it works. Communication on some level occurs.
I'm good at...
Cooking, ironing, gardening, digging for fossils, budgeting, photography, writing, reviewing drawing, painting, landscaping, erosion control, research. Spotting patterns, rhythms and minute differences within patterns. Data entry. Taxes. Environmental. Public Service, Problem Solving, Building Databases, Data Entry, finding Free Resources (legally), Brand Building, Social Media The price of my reviews is due to a high demand for reviews. I cannot help but give an in-depth review. Peace.
Favorite Genres
Mystery, Juvenile, Childrens, Y/A, Folklore, Story Telling, Native Spiritual, Genealogy, Golden Oldies Sci-Fi,
Least Favorite Genres
Outdated Non-Fiction
Favorite Item Types
Too many to name. I like original content that is "stranger than fiction" from the author's character's experiences. I love when stories pour from the imagination of the writer - and I feel it. Or learn something good.
Least Favorite Item Types
Poetry, because I am really a dive-bar, bathroom poet, and it is too structured.
I will not review...
I do not mean this ugly, please take this from a place of kindness and love - I read a lot. I have been reading a long time. I speed read. If asked to review an item that seems familiar to things read, I will check for plagiarism, and do. I will not review hard porn, poems (unless more prose than poem), nor plagiarized items. I will not call you out. If I turn your review down, it is not about you. It is me and life. Peace.
Public Reviews
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Review of Lest We Forget  
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Second Review of
Lest We Forget  (13+)
A people are dying and one man is desperate for a solution. For contest with word limits.
#1241632 by Iva Lilly Durham
after editing and re-write:

Iva Lilly Durham I want you to know that as I read this newer version of "Lest We Forget," I was moved to tears. This story is written with spirit and by muse. The first version was good but this is excellent.

*Rain* Emotion: This affects me personally in two ways; 1). A lifelong environmental activist and scientist this tugs at my heart because the parallels between Livia and Earth are sadly easy to see. Our planet is dying. 2). Belief in a Creator...In the first version, I don't remember if there was a distinct remembrance noted by Urgod for the faithful servant Tavnor. This time it is apparent enough that the twist goes into my heart.

*Badge* Believable: In the previous version, for me, there was a problem with Tavnor a scientist, not knowing what was going on with Livia. In this version the writer has married faith and science in a way that is not only believable, but common to most of humanity.

*People* Characters: Your characters in "Lest We Forget" have always been three-dimensional, and in this version they are lively, and as the reader, I have formed solid "pictures" in my head as to how they all look and behave.

*Man* Tavnor: Is a very good Livian (in human terms at least). A widower and father, he has love, compassion and concern for his children. He wants the best for them, and wishes them to remain faithful to their god.

*Woman* Maya: A caring and respectful daughter that does not hesitate to speak her mind. She exhibits a sense of humor appreciated by her father. This shows that they have all learned to laugh in good times and bad.

*Guitar* Pietr: Tavnor's son is a musician although his father hoped Pietr would go into Meteorology like he did. He has different goals, but is respectful and cares about his family. He is concerned about what his father thinks.

*Earth* Overall: I think you have allowed creation of this short story that can easily be converted into a full length novel, and possible series. "In the beginning..." I love "Lest We Forget." *Waterdrop*


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of COINCIDENCE?  
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Che sara`, sara` - or what will be, will be.
#1495235 by Oldwarrior
," is an eerie listing of incidents throughout world history that are hard to write off as just coincidence.

*Clock2* You gave the definition of coincidence as being a meeting of events in time. I have heard people say, there is no such thing as coincidence, and according to the definition that is not true. So, from now on, I will know that coincidence does indeed occur, the real question should be, are the events predestined.

*Bookopen* This piece was very entertaining, and I did enjoy the information. I will be thinking about this for some time to come.

*RibbonW* Thank you for all of your service.

*Pen* Write On.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: E | (3.5)

 The Child Who Sits In The Pew Before Me  (E)
Loving observations of a mentally disabled child
#1162565 by Sweet Georgia Brown
," is a beautiful article comparing a young person with disabilities to how "normal" people act toward worship in Church. *Baretree2*

*NoteB* Character: You described the actions and enthusiasm of this young man in enough detail, that I did get a good mental picture of how he acts in a house of worship. *Baretree2*

*NoteB* I love how you sum it all up in the end: "...it is from the beautiful child sitting...before me that I have gained the most." *Baretree2*

*NoteB* Writing from an emotional and spiritual state can be an inspiration to ourselves and others. You have expressed yourself fully in this piece, and I thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Steam  
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This review is in honor of Noticing Newbies

*Vignette6* "
 Steam  (E)
Just a small poem. Reviews are greatly appreciated.
#1958028 by Anabelle8
," is a very descriptive poem.

*Vignette6* Anabelle8 has taken an element we take for granted every day, and turned it into an identifiable thing. I love the lay-out of the lines, and how there is a type of tension needed to keep a reader hooked.

*Vignette6* "Slim and hazy shadows *Wind*
Looking to escape..."

*Vignette6* and "...The beast retreat slowly, Obediently, Back into The Pot"

*Vignette6* Overall: This poem shows a personality and force in steam. This descriptive poem is unique and a pleasure to read.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Stingy Jack  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This review is being given in celebration with "Haunting the Halls of Power"

Stingy Jack  (13+)
The origins of the jack-o-lantern has its roots in a very dark tale.
#885998 by DollyX- Back
, is a wonderful story of the Jack-O-Lantern, and how it came to be. This was written as if being told in the manner of a storyteller. I can imagine twenty or thirty people sitting around the campfire, listening to this dark tale, as a park interpreter holds a carved Jack-O-Lantern, with a small candle burning within.

*Jackolantern**Jackolantern* A double treat is It is seeing the devil tricked, and fooled out of the wages of the soul of Stingy Jack for so many years. *Jackolantern**Jackolantern*

This is an older story in your portal, and by now, this could be included within a book of frightful stories.

Formatting: The format is easy to follow, the descriptions and plot are very well done. Suggestion: Consider the layout of the paragraphs. Today's audience want writing or prose that assists the eye of the reader in moving across the pages. That is just an idea. Blocks of print seem to be pleasing to the eye.

This is very well written, and I can almost hear the voice of the story teller.

Write On.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Theft of Words  
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
, and in Honor of all of the reviews you do.

Theft of Words   (13+)
Remember Neil Armstrong's famous quote? Did you think it was his idea?
#1951596 by Nixie
," is an interesting story about the famous quote given by Neil Armstrong on his infamous day on the Moon, in 1969.

{c:navy}Hooks: Barbs is more like it. I cannot shake this story. *Reading* I keep going back, going back.

Kismet: "Every Moment," is a compilation of snapshots of genius - " "Compelled to stop here? Hmm. I was wishing for a pal to stop by so I could bounce some ideas around, guess you could stand in."

Conclusion: There are gifts in this world. Some gifts are natural, some are supernatural. This shows that when humans attain great feats in their lives it is by assistance of unnamed helpers, angels dressed in jeans and a tee, good luck and well wishes. Neil Armstrong needed a muse, he perhaps said a prayer, or sent out "help me" energy - something outside the norm happened.

A wordsmith and muse was sent and received. She will always live on in history.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Imagine Green  
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: E | (3.0)
I love this story. Three stars may seem to be a contradiction but hear me out. A diamond in the rough takes some polishing, heat, buffing, pressure .
My goal for this review is to #1 Be Encouraging. 2 Help a fellow writer.

 Imagine Green  (E)
Futuristic novel, girl is drafted into special army unit against unknown enemies
#1957352 by Anabelle8
is a story that is unique, and a work that fits what Young Adults are reading in their local libraries. There is so much fantasy, and dystopian, mythology, vampire, faerie witches series out there, it is rare to read something fresh and from the imagination.

Character: You have crafted a unique form of identification rather than names or numbers. The "Futuristic Girl," is well described, and then I thought, "What was her name?" I re-read the story, and found no names, only identifiers. Normally I would request names, but it seems as if in this future and very gray world beings are so de-humanized that they are so much meat. Without names you are able to draw out characteristics of these unique, lost kids who are barreling and groaning down an unknown highway. The interactions of the shy children, the "I am just the bus driver here," gruffness of the driver, and "the girl," give good identification of this new world.

Detail: Are you kidding me. Your descriptions; "...all I see is gray. Not the pleasant color of a grandmother’s hair, but that of a flat, uncompromising landscape.","“But sir, what if I’m colorblind?” the boy whispers, and the whole bus starts giggling..." character interactions , landscape "...I can see nothing past the gate other than the usual grayness of the burn and dead land.,, travel, the whole tale is full of descriptors.

y}Punctuation & Grammar:
I need to sweep out from under my porch before pointing out any possible errors I may find, but it is hard for the writer to read their work unbiased. The voices in our heads cause this. As a voracious reader, and now more careful writer, I hope to give help and constructive critique, because it is my opinion that you have something here. I am a greedy reader, and I always want more. Sometimes there is no more, and that is my error. A). "...The land passes by hypnotically..." it could just be me, but maybe... she is hypnotized watching the land pass by... B). "...saw kids that looked ten, and others that looked up to 25." ET's would say; use either the numeral or spell the numbers out, but don't mix them. This may be intentional on your part, just an idea.

Ending: What a twist. I think spoilers put into reviews are rotten, so let me just say that the ending of this grey, ghostly trip was a surprise well worth the read. This is s short story that most YA and some Juvenile Genre readers would enjoy.

Overall: Keep writing - This is a 5 Star plus quality story in the making. Write On!*Star**Star**Star**Star**Star*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Zimmerman Walked  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a Special Package for G. B. Williams ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** paid for by Gifted by: Charles ~ Boo! 1942829

I am honored to Review
 Zimmerman Walked  (13+)
Thoughts on the not guilty verdict for George Zimmerman
#1942919 by G. B. Williams

Heartfelt first response: I am a terrible poet, my best was left behind in the bathroom walls of the Handlebars Saloon, of Pasadena; but your essay reached out, and these words just bubbled up.

Time has passed by,
On the news and in some editorials,
Just-us has been served,
on a plate with a head.

For a gun to Shoot - Legally
they Protest Amend-m-ant-ly number two - Give me my number two
The twosies insist
- my First right
better cower, there in the darkened places,
Speech best line up with the barrel,
or else
- my First right
is denied.

Your Essay: Emotionally charged, and generationally felt, the writer remained fair. "Zimmerman Walked," was a good work of comparison and contrast. It is a difficult task to play chess on both sides of the table. It takes some genius, and I think you have used language well here.

"...people are feeling angry..."
"...others are feeling vindicated..."

Flip sides of the coin. Very nice.

Points of View: Each time I go back and study this work, I find something new.

In order of reactionaries to the Zimmerman verdict; "Zimmerman Wallked"
*Person* People
*People* Races of the People
*Glasses**Bookstack* Judges and Lawyers - the system
*Cab*Police - Law / Order
*Dog1* God - Whose Prayers are Answered?

People of Color - are heartbroken and less safe in the American way this morning.

Overall - It is my opinion that you have written an important statement for the feelings of Black Americans. *Helicopter* *PointLeft*

Comment: Time has passed since "Zimmerman Walked," and many truths have been revealed, and the once free Zimmerman has not be able to skate or walk charges, and according to all news reports his life is no bowl of cherries. Karma, or vengeance or what ever comes around.

Excellent work

disclaimer: I have made up some words, and may have errors. Thank you for sharing your work.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Shed No Tears  
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shed No Tears  (E)
The Five Civilized Tribes were forced to relocate to Oklahoma, but they shed no tears
#1776715 by Sum1 Is Home!

*Waterdrop* "Shed No Tears," is an honest work of prose, giving voice to a horrible blood stained history, of early America. I have driven hundreds of miles up and down the Trail of Tears roads in Arkansas, and each time that I do, it takes no imagination to see the spirit way, and the masses of Earth People trudging along red clay roads, as your prose says, for "...A trek to lands that had been set aside." It was one phase of the attempted genocide of the Native Tribal People, which continues today.

The good news is: "...The only Indian Nation never to sign
A treaty with the White Man, they aren’t blind,
Kept their sovereignty intact to this date,
Never overcome by the United States..."

*PenBl* Overall: The pen is mightier than the sword, and this is true. I thank you for giving voice to an atrocity which has been until recent years, kept slightly hidden under all of the buffalo hides. I think these good words would get a novice to the notion interested, and for those of us who keep this in front of us, these words are a salve-like-medicine. No problems can be solved, if they are not discussed. It has taken over two hundred years, but all human beings are taking this to heart, and genocide is not okay.

*Waterdrop**Waterdrop*This review is more of an emotional reaction, because The Trail of Tears never leaves me. I burn smudge sticks whenever I go on the Trail of Tears.

*Heart* I love this work of prose, and I would not change a thing.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Bottle Hunter  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Bottle Hunter  (13+)
Marie's determined to capture the heart of a man who only has eyes for antique bottles.
#1955822 by Nixie

*Bottles3* "Bottle Hunter," is an entertaining short story, and as intended, this reader did learn several new things. I like the way you took a prompt that must teach the reader something, and turned it into a bit of a mystery, and romance. Antique glass bottles, is a subject that can be interesting to a wide audience of readers.

*Bottle4* Descriptions: Good - Your words painted pictures of Calvin and Marie, the truck, and Marie, "...trying to conjure the image of Shepps Grove as Calvin described it; a two acre field of meadow grass and dirt paths where antique traders converged annually for the flea market..." That line could be called a description within a description. Crafty.

*Bottle3*Plot: "Bottle Hunter," is a short story with word count, and deadline limitations. The reader is able to determine that Marie and Calvin have some feelings for each other. At the end I am not one hundred percent sure Calvin has the same type feelings as Marie does. In some ways, I think he likes her, because she loves his hobby.

*Bottles2* Characters: Marie - I get a good sketch of Marie. She is (as most women), more vocal, and is able to express her thinking on sexy Calvin, "...Marie admired his lanky body and the way his shoulders tugged at the tee shirt..." Marie went to an effort, to become a dealer, and study up on the subject that interests Calvin. She seems to be "all in."

*Bottles* Characters: Calvin - I know he has a lanky body, loves digging for buried treasure, drives a Dodge Ram, and does seem to have some fondness for Marie. I can understand why Marie is not sure that Calvin feels the same way. I think it is all about the "Bottles" for him, and Marie is a beautiful addition.

*Bottle2* Technical: It is possible that there will be more errors in this review, than your story. I did not find any misuse, typos or grammatical errors.

Overall: Interesting, unique, and the goal of the writer has been accomplished.
*Bottles3* *CheckB* *Bottle4* *CheckB* *Bottles2* *CheckB* {:Bottle3}

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of White Light  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I wish you could hear me clapping, and yelling, "Bravo," good job.

You made 55 words into a story of life, death, hope, and joy.

The chronological order of, an awakening of senses is very well done. "A light flickered, I walked that way." Simple but powerful. "Voices murmured," and then, "Cold air enveloped me."

Sight, sound and touch. Those are the basic elements required for a good work of writing, you included them all.

It is difficult to compile a complete story in 55 words, and you did it well.

Congratulations, and good luck.

Write On.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Shape Shifter  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

""Shape Shifter, " is an interesting word picture. I had never considered a muse as a Shape Shifter, but I do understand that the urge to write, and the sometimes insane objects, and prose which appear to a writer; and then become a command, to pour out of the ends of our hands, can be a taste of heaven, or a dipping into hell.

I love, "A shadow, passes in front of the sun, comes between my unwritten ideas and the orange juice I want to drink..." As writers who have answered the call of the muse(s), we do not know what form our creativity will take.

The imagery of "...the thorn of a rose, embedded in the the palm of my hand...a nail protruding from the ball of my foot...I cannot ignore it..."

In just a few words, you have drawn a portrait of a writer, ready to get down to business, she is simply waiting for her upload, that she must wrestle into place, and on to the pages.

Excellent Work.

Technicalities: Doing reviews for Moderators is a bit intimidating, as I see you all as higher life forms. There were a few things I found that could be changed, but most of the errors will probably be found in my review.
1. imbedded = embedded (spell checker found that one) 2. Innocent women = woman.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Paybacks....  
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: E | (5.0)
' ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** This review is part of the gift basket from "Invalid Item that intuey bought with the message: 'As part of your winning bid in "WDC Birthday Ice Cream Social 2018.'

"Paybacks...," is a very interesting piece. The imagery painted by the words you have used, come to a colorful, and three dimensional scene at the sea shore. From the entire Universe, to the small crab, down to the smallest speck of sand, the picture is complete.

There is a stream, and tide of people, there is a stream and tide of the ocean, and present, is an evolving seascape of how a sandcastle built by the children playing at the shore, used such mastery, skill and imagination when building their castle, that even though the kids have departed, their imaginary characters, do have voice, as the are pulled with each pebble of sand, back into the sea.

One of my favorite portions of the first sentence is: "...as the scuttling hermit crab greeting the waters rushing food within his clawed grasp went about his sideways travel wondering at the small creature caught up in his pincer." Vivid, vivid descriptions. I can see the whole thing in my imagination.

I think it is an amazing use of words, to pull off only two sentences in this article.

Write On.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Twenty-Nine  
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
' ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** This review is part of the gift basket from "Invalid Item that you won at the "Invalid Item raffle.'

"The Twenty-Nine," is a very well written story of a future of Earth that is roaring at us like a 12 Cylinder gasoline powered engine. I am emotionally moved by this story. As an environmental, and civil rights activists, I wanted to yell, fist up, "Heck Ya!" I agree with the tenets of your story although it is "fiction." The characters are taking on a good three dimensional look, I would like to know a little more about them.

A description or lines I was drawn to: "...she said cheerfully as she melted through the shrubbery, careful to not injure so much as a leaf. This was both one of the Bishnois principals and a survival skill." She melted through the shrubbery invokes many different images in my mind. Great lines.

In this short story format, you were able to relate a world event, that pokes attention toward the U.S. of 1830. There are many parallels to the Native American Removal. The many protests around the world right now, I love some of the slogans that we can read on Facebook and other social media. The reason for mentioning that is that lately there are many signs that read: "If Grandmother is protesting, you know things are messed up." When a pacifist finds themselves in a place of "righteous homicide action," this means, things in that world are messed up.

Excellent story. I found no typos, or grammatical errors. I would not change a thing.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is a review of "Thank You SM SMs"

I want to say this is a beautiful project pulled off like the Mob, by Jeff and many Writing.com Members. Many were in attendance throughout the 13th Birthday celebrations, it was a writers party, and through the whole thing StoryMistress, and StoryMaster, take time out of impossibly busy schedules to run this website, and writers platform.

At this late hour of 2013 we are experiencing upheaval around us. In our news we hear about global destruction, murder, theft, horror and madness in governments.

"How about some Writing.Com for Your Soul?"

Any person who has an ounce of "writer" in them views this video, they will be moved. There is so much gratitude and love expressed in this project and video, I am hoping it goes viral, because it is award winning.

Teamwork provided by Captain Jeff - This shows the beauty, and creativity of the many contributors worldwide.

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a review of "Memories Are All We Have Left Now" for a Special Package gift. *GiftT*

I was drawn to the title due to the fact that I am getting older, and early memories are working their way to the surface. You know it is important to use a good title to draw a reader in. It worked, the hook is successful.

It is a sad occasion when a young person is taken. "Memories" gives honor, and helps to shut one door, so the next step of the journey without a beloved person can begin, until one day healing comes.

This prose contains comforting words of remembrance honoring his life and death. This follows the pattern of the steps of grieving. Your writing kept me interested until the end, and I did become emotionally moved from the topic.

Write on.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Water Garden  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a review of "The Water Garden."

Visual appeal: I am attracted to patterns, and love to see the unique designs that flow through the white spaces. The shaping of the lines, turn into a cutout of paper dolls, a very tall woman in a dress. It has appeal. The rhythm of the words have good form. I am drawn to keep going back and re-reading. On each visit, I find something new, perhaps deeper meanings.

You draw good images with your descriptions. I sense a conversion to the surreal a bit when "...the stairs appear...the water going 'round...circles getting tighter...light reflecting..." that is okay, it may be a description of someone in the state of meditation. Water has a way of aiding in the calming needed to reach Nirvana.

This poem, or prose is well written, as well as visual appeal. You transport this reader to a beach she had visited several years ago. The Writing: your well chosen words, bring back the memory of ocean scents, cold sand, cool shells, and patterns. "...And on one stone there came a very tiny crow..." I am hooked on wanting to know more about this tiny crow, that arrives on a rock , in rushing waters.

When I first start out reading, I am thinking a creek, or stream as the body of water. When I realize it is the ocean, I have gone back and reread this several times.

This is an enjoyable work to read, and thank you for the pleasure. Write On!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

"The Chicken Nightmare" is a fun and crazy story. You started out the story with good action and suspense. Walking alone at night with keys buried in the deep bag, is a good form of tension. How many of us, in a hurry, have ended up in a frenzy digging, afraid we lost our keys. You really peak the interest, when after thinking she is safe in her home, there is a strange noise. I like the excellent descriptions of the nightmare sequence. The end is a twisted, twist! :0) I am smiling in horror.

"Power Reviewers 'Green Eyes' Image

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Happy Anniversary!

"Georgia On His Mind" is indeed an extremely tragic story. I like the way you opened with him sucking on a peach pit, The tumultuous story is unfolded during his reminiscence and eating the lunch from Judy. It is difficult to cover a long space of time in a short story, but you did a very good job. Simple right? Find your true love in childhood, get married, have children, stay together for ever - yeah right, but life happens, and bad things happen to nice people.

The end of this story does allow a smooth continuation into a novel length story.

Technical: There a couple of typos. ", I think it should be latter part of...
:"... whoever thinks it can happen to them she thought..."

The story captured my interest from the start and kept it until the end. Bravo. Write On

"WDC Power Animated Bump

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

"A Guest for Thanksgiving" is an enjoyable story of the weirdness, and normality of families and their individuals. I can hear your voice being excited, chatting it up, going on like you are on the phone of web with a friend. Your line: "Thanks for sticking with me. I’m totally nervous, and laughing with you has helped a really lot..." helped verify that I was hearing you correctly. This is cheerful, and probably the best ending for a family Thanksgiving get-together, especially since your alien is so cute. Delightful and entertaining. This was a lot of fun. Thank you.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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"Baby Genius" is an amazing feat of word use. Short fiction is a good stretch of the creative writing ability, and you did very well with "Baby Genius". In only four sentences, you were able to draw an image of a young male student, standing at the chalkboard - perhaps about to write some formulas or something; while you, the teacher, having been out of the room for a short time, almost expects to catch eight-year-old children at some little mischief. Instead; one look turns everything around, the pupil becomes the teacher, and the teacher learns a new lesson.

This is impressive. You are a word artist.

Write On!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of "Anne" Experience  
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: E | (5.0)

"Anne Experience" is a beautiful and powerful tribute to Anne Waldman. Thank you for writing this powerful prose. Your seeing her perform, caused a ripple around, and through you, and now to me. I am so glad to learn of this powerful voice for the Manatee and humanity. I am forever changed from the ripple and tide you sent my way. I love learning, and I always want to hear someone using their voice in the powerful chant song - it affects the universe.

I wish you good tidings, and will be forever thankful that you turned me on to Anne Waldman. Namaste.

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Review of Fishbones  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

"Fishbones" Is an emotionally dark prose of sadness, but with a dangerous spark of something more. Having already been packed, the writer had intuition, and still tried. The line, "I will leave like a spent tornado", to me means she has been strong, been horrible, but as she goes, you will only see some visage of where she used to be. If the left person cared, they could find you in the dredges of the tide - But, the Bladderwrack (thank you for making me learn a new word today), is a seaweed of healing. You will be gone, but the one left behind will not be able to keep from memory of you.

Thursday's child, has far to go...why have I always focused on the child of woe?

Although there is sadness and leaving, a time of change and transition, there is a positive strength of the leave taker - a storm, if you will, who cannot be contained.

Write On!

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

"Why I Write Children's Stories" is an inspiring article that not only answers the question of your title, but thoroughly and in a thoughtful way, you are teaching how dreams can come true. It is fortunate that as a teen you were so focused, and able to grasp "creativity" and "art" as a way of life. Being a problem child, meant breaking from your parental grasp, and seeking your own. It is their fault; they bought you the electric guitar! *ElecGuitar*

I am happy for your successes. It is gracious of you to share these dreams, and the way you went after them, making them become a reality. It is wonderful how you serenaded the woman of your dreams, had the family you craved, and finally, the way that you came up with stories for your girls, creating a kingdom of success for all of you. Success is not only money, and the new car, but happiness in your lot, and it sounds like you hit the jackpot; not by chance or luck, but because you created it.

Thank you for sharing this story of hope.

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Review of Hello, Kitty!  
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a review ordered for you at the Gift Shop of Addicted to WDC.

Honestly, when I first started reading "Hello Kitty", I was thinking, "This nice lady is going to take this pregnant cat in, who is going to end up having thirteen kittens..." The writing is good, the farting and snoring livened it up.

Then, instead of a typical clinging kittens become vampires saga, you twist the ending with a dog! Not only the dog startles the needy kitties away, but the amorous Mother cat, falls instantly for the pooch!

You pulled this story off like the mob. I know that writing for the prompts is a bit pressure filled, and writing next to other writers, going for the same contest is different than leisure writing. I am still chuckling over that ending.

Entertaining and unique.

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