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Review of Tissue Paper Swan  
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
When I read this a lot of things went through my mind But the thing I went back to is that I feel that we all in our lives feel the way that the words convey in this. To me it is saying that the person writing it feels lost and alone in thought on life and how things have turned out for them and what they yern for the most in life but I alsi feel it is also saying the writing is giving things over to the lord to let things work themselves so they can go on and grow as a individual. I like it when you are made to think that deep about a persons writing. Great Job. And Welcome to the site. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review of The Last Guardian  
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I do think this is very well done. But it does cause me to pause and question where you are going with it. To some degree at the start it feels like a reflective poem only to turn in to the telling of a story. To cause one to think of the many ways you want this perseaved is noit a bad thing and in that it does deserve a very high make for the effert put in to it. The thing is that for me I would causion how you try to hold your train of thought in words because it does seem to at first seem to me go of track a bit. But I do question if it was intended that way. I do thgink it is a very worty read though. Good Job. Angela Michelle Adams. P.S. Keep making us think. It is not a bad thing.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this. I never stop being amazed at how you bring to life all the things I learned as a child and my grandma's side. What you say here is a lot like the things she told me that amazed her about the world. She always could look out side and know of gods plan in life for us all even if it was only the simplest of things he had for us in mind. she no matter how bad she felt still found goodness in the world as you show in this story. I am proud to have got to read and rate it. I am just sorry I have not sent the review before now. In fact I thought I had. Great work. Keep up the good work. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review of Whisper Clouds  
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
What you write here is very well done and says a lot about you and a lot for how your feeling about life and the things going on around you while your writing and to be very honest I think here this says that when your life is in termoil you have a hard time consentraiting on the writing at hand no matter how your mind wants to write at the time. My idea for this is to rename this to maybe something that tells that your thinking of a poem of that title that you havbe here and when you feel your up to it I feel that poem will be ready to be brought out in full. Just a idea. Great Job So Far Though. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review of Prayer 101  
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
By the time I was done with this I was in tears. You say in this so perfoundly what my grandma taught me as a child about praying. She told me that if what you speak to the lord is from the heart and heart felt that nothing said is wrong. She said The lord is a friend to us like anyone else. I am glad you put this in here to remind people of that fact even if it was said in not the same words she said it is nice to be reminded that the lord is a friend too. Good going. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh how sweet. I just loved this just like I love any story or poem you do but for me this rings true for everyone I think. The problem is not many ever realize that it is all right to go on with the living after someone they love is gone. To learn that lesson you have to be a pretty big person to do it. But I also think not to many or ever that brave. It is like they know it but just can not bring there hearts in to the knowing of the thing. Great Job in showing this to be so. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
I read this and I could not help but understand the thoughts in this. To me when I read it it brings my mind back to how I used to view the world looking at the world around me and looking at it through my grandma's eyes and when you think of it you realize to me its to be respected even in the bad times. Problem is for some that is hard for them to remember. I am glad youy posted this to remind us of this fact. Good Job. Angela Michelle Adams. "Invalid Item
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
I loved reading this but in some ways it is sort of sad but it could just be my mood making it sad to me. I think it speaks a lot for someone who is about to get success with their writing as you seem to be due to your port name. The other thing it says to me is it speaks of fear of that success. But with the support I know you have at home and on line I know you will do great with any thing you do. All I ask is you keep me posted on this. But your form in this is well done. So much so in fact that it sort of speakes of how I feel about my writing. I may not be great at my writing but I know you will do a bang up job on this writing tallent of yours. I just wish I had a 3rd of your writing tallent. Good Going. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
THis is very well written but what I would suggest for you to do is maybe tryb and bring to light the centery this is wrote for such as the old ways of life sence they have not known how to treat cancer for that long and the dad in the story did die from it and maybe when you intraduce the helper the character hires to take care of the farm business end like the book keeping tell wheather it is male or female and if female see if you want a romance to develope in it or if it is a male deside wheather you want him to be a good or bad guy. if a bad guy I woulds see if I wanted the partner to be someone who cooks the books and is a emmbessaler. I would see if I wanted that sort of thing in my story. If you deside you want romance in the story I would try to make it as romantic as I could and go as far as decency allowed if you want a time setting for way befor the 1900s. All and all I think what you have is a sweet tellingb of a persons love of horses and family and family values. Great Job. Angela Michelle Adams. "Invalid Item
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
I just read this and believe in every word you had to say in this. In fact as I read my bible today on the Sunday School lesson for tommorrow I could not help but ponder the meaning of the chapter we were suposed to read on and when I read this it all made sence Hebrews chapter 11 talkes of faith and to believe in the lord and know that he can get anyone through anything the way I read it and for a while I questioned it not understanding it all for the first time. Reading this I understand not everyone is meant to be together but at least try to do so. But I have also came to understand that true fair in the lord and a willings to walk with him even in marriage can get you through anything and you just have to be willing to not settle for less. Thanks for putting this on your port and getting me to understand a lot of things I needed to understand. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I read this and I could not help myself by almost in my mind seeing you as a small child climbing a tree just to write or just have some time to yourself. I think the thing that gets me in this I never had the opertunity to just get away to be able to write whenn I was a child. In fact if I had I think my growing up years would hsve been a bit easyer to escape from in my writing. I did not start writing till I was in my late 20s. This made me realize a lot about who I was then and I am glad you wrote it for us to share with you. This is a great tribute to show others what life can be if we let it. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
I read this and I could not help but think of all the old feelings I had when I started on here. I needed to remember these thoughts just now because I still have at times the old feelings of insacuity that I used to have. Specially latly with family being sick and not getting to be on line as much because of it. This reminds me in my way of reading this to not give up and that if I just give it time I will be back writing again on a reguler bases. THanks for the reminder and the encouragment in this. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very sweet tribute to the site and to them that you feel have helped you through out your time here on the site. This site is very informatime and I think you exspress this very well even with your humore in writing this in part in song form. You could have wrote this in many ways but I like it as is. Great Job. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
No trueer words were ever spoke than in this story. The thing that bothers me is that when some people want to write they do not write to their patintal because they are scared to write on what they want to because they are scared of what others might think of them when they do. They think that their reputations will be questioned. I say let the people write what they like and let others think what they want. I think in part that is why not many writers are out there today that are new to the publishing world. You did a great job posting your feelings and I want to say I am proud of you for that. Keep on writing. we need more honest speaking writers like you. Great Job. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is very good and I have to addmit that before I ever got on this site I knew some who home schooled their kids. Back then I questioned the merits of it of how wise it was but looking at it from this view point I must say I wish I had been home schooled myself for my own reasons. Puting this on line to show the merits of it to the ones that question it is for me a very wise choice and I commend you for it. I just wish there were more informative things out there so it is not so hard to reserch things like this. Great Job. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review of When All is Well  
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great going. This is something I think everyone feels about themselves in any adversaty or even in the best of times. This was something all need to read and take heart to. This for me is uplifting even in my trials i am going through right now. This lets me know that I am in controll of my own faite as is everyone. This is what the world needs to see and realize about them selves. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
Man this brings tears to the eyes and it is something I think needs saying to everyone so there is no misunderstandings between families. The value of that is exactly what I thnink this is suposed to say to the reader of its emmportaince. It is a crying shame that some never realize how emmportaint they are to some. I am glad you bring this out to the reader. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review of Today's Child  
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this as well. It reminds me of how I was when I got my comp for the first time. The chat line was my world for a long time till I begane to write on line. This has heart to it. A poem like I said in most reviews if it has heart and can make me understand and feel what the words really mean and exspress it will always get my vote. Great Job. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review of I, The Ocean  
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this. It reminds me of sitting out on the beach in florida looking out to the ocean. It make a person long for summer days and trips to the beach or even playing out in a nice quite swimming hole away from all the world and it's inhabatances the way most people will do at times. A poem that can bring that sort of feeling to one who reads it that I read has my vote every time. Great Job. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is very well put. I have no ideac as to why this jumped out at me at this time I have a feeling it is a way for the lord to tell me that my life is about to get very complacated with the fact that so much is going on here at the house. I know I can not second guess the lord but I have a strange feeling that this was to tell me that even though it might seem a shambles when everything hits that there is always to land on my feet in time. Thanks for the perfect timming on doing this. I have a feeling in the next little while I will be going back to this a lot to lean on to get me through the things I know will come soon. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is the sweetest poem I have seen in a long while and in fact it can even bring a tear to the eye. It is a very pretty poem. I do not readto many poems latly but this one jumped out at me. Even this poem I have read in some strange way makes me determind that even my problems can get fixed. Maybe that is why it jumped out at me. I like this a bunch. I just wish I could write poems that made this much sence. Never give up. Good Job Lady. This is the best tribute to true love I have ever read in a long while. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
I just loved this story in fact I loved it so much it got me to thinking on my campfire I have been dooing this past month. What you say here is true in all writing really take for enstence the way they talked and wrote in England in the 1400's and maybe before or even after. I think to do a story of old days it really does not matter the spelling soi much because in that respect you are showing how a person lived thewn and not only that you are showing how the school system lacked for the people back then. In that I think it has to be shown so that our kids of today who are tommorrows feature how theyer heritage really had to live back then so they can respect what a gift to even get to go to school is. Thanks for helping me to think hard about this. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review of Freddy's Friends  
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This I believe is a great start to a very good story and in fact would make a great entry in the grand opening contest I think it is called where you submitt openers to the start of a story. I do recomend that you do a spell check on this and a few word changes here and there that I think were just over looked and might have just been type-os. It is not that big a thing or a big problem I just wanted to call this to your attention. But all and all this is a very great read. It is unlike some things I read but very well wrote. Great Job. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | (5.0)
If I could give this a higher rate I would. There was nothing I saw wrong in whst you put in this except I did see a spot where you added a word 2 times in a row and I am not sure you meant to do that. I have looked all morning to get a bit of courage for my up comming sugery Tuesday and I found this. As I sat and read this I remembered all the talks I had with my mothers mom every time I would go in to have surgery and this cave me a sence of courage to go about that surgwery once more and know that not only do I have the lord looking out for me but my grandma is looking out for me as well up there in heaven. I read this and knew this as sure as I knew I was sitting at my computer. Thanks for the reminder. Angela Michelle Adams.
Review of Member Survey  
Review by Angela's Ni...
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
I love this servey I just wish I had seen it sooner on here. I think it is great we can touch base with this to try and emmprove the site to make it the best it can be. It is a great thing the site does to help us with our writing and lets us examn how we want to go in our writing in general. Keep up the good work. Angela Michelle Adams.
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