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Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Christain Quotes Rocks Forum  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello there, Nwriter! I'm dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

I found your article on transnational advertising and marketing practices and strategies to be quite interesting. You cite several examples of how a failure to take cultural and / or linguistic differences into account can impact consumer acceptance and, therefore, sales.

Another example of this is the relatively well-known urban legend regarding the poor sales performance of the Chevrolet Nova in Spanish speaking countries. Allegedly poor sales were attributed to the supposed translation of the car's name: Nova = No Go. In point of fact, the car sold well under that name, with sales in Venezuela actually exceeding the automaker's expectations. The legend may be false, but the need to keep cultural differences in mind is real.

Thank you for sharing this informative article with us, and write on!


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Review of The Kiss of Death  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello there, DyrHearte writes! I thought I'd drop by with an Anniversary Review for you.

Describe the best kiss you ever had, eh? For my money, you did an excellent job! A girl I liked gave me a kiss once, right out of the blue. Shocked me right to my toes, so I think I can identify a little with how you felt. Looking at the big picture, it was a springboard to the life you feel you were meant to lead, although parts of the journey must have been pretty painful.

Thank you for having the courage to share this with us.


*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

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Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Christain Quotes Rocks Forum  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hey there, Vellumcore! I'm just dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

What an interesting premise you chose to depict someone passing from this life to the next. Jack is on his way home, when he gets the call to come to his final home. The last few moments of his life here on Earth play out as he has a conversation with God - presumably - even as his car is in the process of careening across yards and engaging in self-destructive flips and rolls. As he departs, he's as happy as it's possible to be. He's apparently lived a good and full life, has provided for his family and, most importantly, made sure they know he loves them.

Thank you for sharing this with us, and write on!


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Review of How To Get Viewed  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Christain Quotes Rocks Forum  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello there, Theday! I'm just dropping by with an Anniversary Review.

My, my! You certainly put a lot of thought into this helpful resource back in the day. It's nice to see that many of the things I enjoy about Writing.Com have remained essentially unchanged for twenty years; I call that stability and well-planned programming on The StoryMaster's part. *ThumbsUpGreen*

Of course, a few things have been upgraded or gone by the wayside and you could, if you wished, update this to reflect that. For example, Chat is gone, but Messenger / Scroll is here. Tiered pricing is also still around, and has possibly expanded. I appreciate your honest opinion regarding the comparative cost of a Premium Membership, as opposed to the out-and-out bashing found in some off-site reviews of WdC. If the increased item allotment and always-on costumicon were the only differences between and Upgraded and Premium, though, it may be worthwhile to amend #34; there's a lot more available these days.

Again, this is a great resource that lays out the various ways a member can help impact the number of views their items receive. Thanks for creating and sharing it, and have a great day!

A new Anniversary Review signature to use, courtesy of  [Link To User legerdemain]

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Review of The Last Ticket  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Christain Quotes Rocks Forum  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there, DAtmospheres! I thought I'd drop by with an Anniversary Review for you.

You present us here with a tale from World War II-era England. Pamela, a first-time mother-to-be is trying to travel to London by train to visit her husband, stationed with the U.S. Army Air Corps in London. As with many things at that time, there was a long queue for tickets. While in line, she makes the acquaintance of an elderly woman trying to get to London in time to see her first grandchild being born.

The Yank(-ette) gets the last available ticket, but gives it to the old woman, assuring the woman that her flyer can easily pick her up later. To that end, she sends him a telegram explaining the reason for missing the expected train. A typo makes its way into the message, yielding one very confused husband. *Laugh*

Thanks for sharing this with us, and write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there, Fictiøn Ðiva the Wørd Weava! I thought I'd give your Word Search a go, and then leave a little review for you.

So, here we have an opportunity to discover - or reinforce, for the more knowledgeable folk among us - various terms associated with our craft. I like that you sprinkled in a few longish terms, or multi-word concepts that get compacted into a single entry, because it yields a large playing field and makes the challenge of finding them that much more enjoyable (or frustrating, if reading backwards and upside down isn't your cup of tea *Laugh*).

A system feature beyond your control gave me a tiny fit, in that PLOT was embedded within PLOTLINE, so I had to find that letter sequence twice in order to get credit. That's just the way it works. Totally on me was the unfortunate once-more-from-the-top attack to find NARRATOR, as I'd missed the connection the first time through. *FacePalm*

All in all, a very fine Word Search! Thanks for sharing it with us!

*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a wonderful narration of a flag retirement ceremony, as performed by a Boy Scout Troop at the end of summer-camp. It beautifully describes the solemnity of the event and provides the participants with valuable historical perspective. As a retired U.S. Army soldier, this especially caught my interest. I see flags in need of retirement fairly often, and wonder if it's done properly.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us. *CountryUS* *Salute*

*SuitHeart* A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group*SuitHeart*

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Review of Bonner's Theorem  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Christain Quotes Rocks Forum  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there, Norma! I'm just dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

So, you present us here with a completely different take on that time-worn excuse, "The dog ate my homework." Apparently, Bonner's not just any dog. He not only ingests the homework, he internalizes and interprets his young master's handwriting. When Bonner is presented to the teacher as Exhibit A, the result is quite unexpected.

Thanks for sharing this with us, and write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Under Your Skin  
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello there, two of four! I'm just dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

You've presented us with a truly horrific story about a man who, somehow, has some sort of bump under the skin of his upper left arm. A trip to his doctor the next day reveals some kind of beetle. The doctor says he'll send it off for analysis and sends the poor man home.

His wife seems disinterested in what happened, but tries to make up for it with offerings of a newly baked cake. Jared has some... and his life will never be the same.

The wife is never named, although Anck-su-namun might not be a bad guess, since this strongly reminded me of the scarabs in The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. Thanks for the scare, and write on!


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Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Christain Quotes Rocks Forum  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello there, Rossthefox! I'm dropping by with a review courtesy of Read & Review from The Hub.

I think the satire and humor in this story are great! Loving parents, indeed. Clueless and/or cruel are closer to the mark. If the reader didn't know that the parents had ditched their kids, they might guess from the parents' reactions to the social media posts that they'd suddenly realized the hurt their actions had caused. Then came everything after the first sentence of the fourth paragraph. Ah well, and good on whoever among their friends outed them.

Funny story. Thanks for sharing it with us.

P.S. from the "Well, I didn't see that coming!" bucket: I actually live about a mile from the scene of that theater shooting, and I used to work about a mile from the courtroom where the killer was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Quite the coincidence, eh?

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Review of interests  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Christain Quotes Rocks Forum  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello there, Scouter! I'm just dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

So, it appears your children have identified your 'first best destiny', as Captain Spock might say: meteorologist. It's cool that you've taken an interest in the weather as more than merely a passive observer (getting a little Twister vibe here). I also think it's cool you're involved in amateur radio. I always take note whenever I spot a license plate with call letters. Your observation that the general public just don't see these activities is likely correct. If something is outside our normal sphere of interest, it pretty much goes unnoticed.

Thanks for sharing this with us, keep up with your hobbies, and write on!


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Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Christain Quotes Rocks Forum  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello there, AliceLvs2Write! I'm just dropping by with an Anniversary Review. I've never reviewed an In & Out before, so this will be a bit different for me.

I like the premise of this one. Someone has a winning lottery ticket, which they'd like to keep secret from their family. They also have a shopping addiction. What could possibly go wrong with their plan? *Shock* I also like the letter-by-letter format you've established, as I think it will lead to some very creative responses. You should post this on the Newsfeed to gain more exposure and, ideally, more participation.

Speaking of participation, if enough members contribute to your lottery project, in the later stages you may find some of them jockeying for position, so to speak. Come Line 24, somebody's going to be dealing with an X-Acto knife, X-rays or an unusual first name. *Laugh*.

Thanks for sharing this one with us!

Review of Time Warp  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hey there, Purple Princess! I'm here with a review for "I Write in 2024.

So, here's an interesting little story for us. A man stops for gas at a place with two unusual characteristics: it seems to be quite small, and the exterior seems to be decades old and fairly uninviting. To his surprise, the interior is up to date, even boasting a tiny coffee station. As he exits the small store, he is again struck by how outmoded it seems on the outside. This feeling is brought home by a song - "Time Warp" - blasting from a radio in a passing car.

From your description, I get the impression that even an out of shape person could walk around the building in less than a minute - now that's small! - and the juxtaposition of new pumps in front of an old station is certainly eye-catching.

A small point: "This door works, too," he said..." jarred me a bit. The previous sentence ended with Andy's actions, and I half-expected Andy to have made that remark. That could just be me, though.

Thanks for sharing this, and write on!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Christain Quotes Rocks Forum  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there, Weirdone-Back in the games! I'm dropping by to leave a review by way of Read & Review from The Hub.

Thoughts: You've presented us with a poem that showcases two distinctly different points of view: Christian and superficially judgmental. The protagonist enjoys entertaining, inviting some friends over to relax and have a good time. The antagonist takes it upon his- or herself to quality control the proposed guest list, making rude and unkind comments about a number of invitees. This person is then told why their suggestions are unacceptable, that it would be hurtful to leave them out. This is something the protagonist is not prepared to do, due to being a Christian. The final proof of that brought a smile to my face. *Smile*

Mechanics: I like how you used end rhyme to link pairs of stanzas, along with the occasional bit of internal rhyme. Well done!

Thanks for sharing this with us, and write on!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Sing Song  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hey there, Ruby! I'm just dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

You've given us a poem that points out some of the issues involved in writing poetry. There isn't always inspiration, what we've written may not seem good enough and, when we're just not feeling it, it's hard to write anything. We still do it, though. We do it for ourselves and for those we know - and pray - are out there, waiting for a poem to read.

Thanks for sharing this with us, and write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Milestone  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey there, Fyn! I came across this item via the Random Read section of The Hub.

I enjoyed reading this, as I'm well past the "Paint It Black" mark on the birthday scale, and I was interested to see what your take on the occasion would be. A few things resonated with me, especially the "Four hundred and seventeen Facebook friends". I don't think I have quite that many, but the total always strikes me as stereotypically Mafia-like (I know a guy who knows a guy... ). You got what you asked for - no fuss - but it didn't satisfy like you thought it would. From my POV, though, you got a nice birthday: hubby bringing you coffee (in bed?) and fixing you breakfast, and an evening spent comfortably side by side in quiet companionship (except, perhaps, for any yelling during the sports portion of the evening).

For my part, I never disabused my workmates of the notion that hitting the big five-oh was something to actually celebrate. I remember being amazed that so many black decorations were available at some time of year other than Halloween. *Laugh*

Thanks for sharing this with us, and write on!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Out  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hey there, Dawn! I'm just dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

I chose this story for a review, because I wanted to see how you dealt with an entry into the Amazing 55 Word Contest from so long ago. The item's title, genres and short description provided the backstory. Since you only had 55 words with which to work, this was a great use of those options.

Daren has decided to confess something very personal to his best friend, but he's virtually certain he's going to be misunderstood. Fortunately for him, Jared is an even better friend than Daren realized. Jared already knew Daren's secret, but waited for his friend to decide when and how to disclose it; what a tale of true friendship!

I don't see any errors and have no suggestions for improvement. Thanks for sharing it with us!


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Review of Grandpa's Back!  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Joy! I'm just dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

You have presented us with an interesting poem that uses an easy rhyme scheme to express some warm feelings. Grandpa is gone, but memories of him linger in the common objects of your home, seen in your dreams and while you're awake. To me, the poem seems to cover your growing up years, and you employ the advice Grandpa left you.

At the last, it appears you've aged into your own use of the items favored by your Grandpa, but the memories they evoke live on. Thanks for sharing this, and write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, there! I'm dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

We have here a story of a young boy who inadvertently caused a horrible accident which resulted in the death of a classmate. His reaction to the guilt he felt was to become hyper-aware of his surroundings and to meticulously plan everything in order to reduce to as close to zero as he could the possibility that he might cause someone else's death. This obsessive behavior eventually led to friction with his mother and classmates. It also impacted his dream time, leading him to see things that weren't there. Or were they? *Shock*

Thanks for sharing this with us, and write on!

An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Loneliness  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, there! I'm just dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

Your poem on loneliness should resonate with those who read it. I would say that all of us have experienced loneliness at some point in our lives, although not to the extent you describe. It's a feeling that truly does weigh on you, can depress you and keep you from sharing with others.

As you point out, though, it can be beaten. That takes determination and effort and, if someone is suffering from it, overcoming it is a good goal to have.

Thanks for sharing this with us, and write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Here we have a tale from the very distant past, of cavemen and pelt couture, of nascent political awareness and thinly veiled threats. Fortunately for our hero, Swarthy Zob, he has help navigating these treacherous waters, in the person of his friend, Not-tall Zuk.

Tasked with creating a coronation cloak by noon the next day, Zob begins to panic, but Zuk comes up with a plan. Not-tall Zuk is indeed a Spin Doctor Extraordinaire! He came up with both plans - what Swarthy Zob should make, and how it should best be sold to the new king - after giving the matter but a little thought. Zob is indeed a lucky caveman.

I enjoyed the humor in this story, including the way Zuk just forged ahead with his declarations, as if daring anyone to contradict him. Thanks for sharing this with us, and write on!

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Review of Today  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Christain Quotes Rocks Forum  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, Natalie! I'm just dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

I see this as a heartrending cry for understanding and acceptance from those around you, an experience shared by many. You know the true instigator behind all the hurt, and that he delights in the torment of one of His children. Thankfully, you also know from Whom you can draw strength to endure, to resist. You know it's hard, but you know where to go for help, and that's priceless.

Thank you for sharing this bit of you with us.


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Review of Time without you.  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings, Cadie. I'm just dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

It's always sad to lose someone you love. The poem you share here expresses that sadness and pain very well through the questions asked. They expose the torment and heartbreak felt by the narrator, but leave the final disclosure until the last stanza. Until the second line of that stanza, the questions and feelings could apply equally to someone's death or, as in this case, to their departure. It was very clever of you to word things that way, in order to keep a reader's interest right up to the end. How ironic, that his last words were so at odds with the apparent lack of love exhibited by his departure.

Thanks for sharing this with us, and write on!

An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of And For That  
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, there! I'm just dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

You've written and shared a poem about many of the things your mother did for you, how much you appreciate them. As a grown woman yourself, you also look back now on the life she gave you and what she had to endure to give it to you. It's a wonderful tribute. My sincere condolences on your loss.

As to the form and format of your poem, I like how the title repeats throughout the stanzas. The size of the stanzas varies a bit, and that's fine. Having the poem centered gives it a sort of wavy appearance, which is neat, and I like the change of colors between stanzas. Thank you for sharing this with us.


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Writer_Mike
In affiliation with Positive Hearts Reviews Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello, there! I'm dropping by with an Anniversary Review for you.

As Art Linkletter used to say, "Kids do say the darndest things!" I like the genuine nature of your conversation with Kaleb, how he asks you something and you ponder a meaningful reply. I really like your image of a youthful face in full concentration as he tries to figure out something very important to him. *BigSmile*

Thanks for sharing this little story with us, and have a wonderful day!


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