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453 Public Reviews Given
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Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.5)
You make excellent points, Jeff. I admit to having initially skipped to the formatted paragraph, but I did go back up and read the original paragraph for content. Thank you, too, for the information regarding line and paragraph spacing; I didn't know, they were adjustable.
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.0)
And so the question is: Did Cody change the future's timeline by revealing his startling information? It would appear not, but what about his classmates? Will any of them remember Cody's words regarding the Colts and Ravens and, realizing they had a fantastic opportunity, place a wager on the Super Bowl for that year? It's more than a little like Back to the Future Part II. It would be cool, if a sequel to this story were to appear sometime in the future. *Wink*
Thanks for sharing your story with us!
Review of Choose Joy  
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a powerful story. Tortured for her faith in Christ, Xiao Sing clings to her faith to sustain her while imprisoned. She acknowledges the weakness of her flesh, swinging between outwardly holding true and--temporarily--renouncing her Savior under extreme duress. Inwardly, though, she knows what she believes and continually seeks strength from the Father. When her father taught her about controlling her destiny, I wonder, if he knew where her choices would lead her, and how she would choose to respond. Wonderful story!
Review of I miss you Momma  
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a beautiful sentiment, accompanied by lovely artwork. Your mom would be so pleased. I know, what you mean. My mom's been gone almost 2 1/2 years, and every holiday season since just hasn't been the same. Keep on treasuring your memories of her in your heart.
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I'm not the world's best writer--let alone, the best one here at WDC--but I thought I'd provide some feedback regarding
 One Step Back (Prologue and Chap1)  (13+)
Tragedy strikes a small community, forcing them to re-evaluate what is important in life.
#2135019 by Myles Abroad

First Impressions: The intro sets up the story nicely, as the narrator begins to reminisce.

Grammar and Spelling: Your grammar-checker let you down here: "...owned their own trailers and had lived their long term." It should be "there".

Character/Dialogue: What appear to be the main characters--so far--have basic descriptions and their dialogue rings true.

Setting: The story reads as authentic for rural, central Indiana.

Overall: This is a nice beginning for what is obviously intended to be a much longer story.

Remember that these are my personal thoughts and no offense is meant by any criticism offered.

Thanks for sharing!

Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a great article about a very important part of the writing process. Properly crafting your teaser / description is how we get folks to click on our story among the dozens--if not hundreds--created here at WDC on any given day. I agree with you regarding the importance of the teaser, and also enjoy creating a good one. In fact, I'd like to read "The Ghost Gun", but I can't find it in your port, on site, or anywhere else on the Internet. *Sad*
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.0)
I'm not the world's best writer--and certainly not the best one here at WDC--but I thought I'd provide some feedback regarding this item from your port that caught my eye.

First Impressions: The teaser / description told me right away, that there were likely a few 'jolts' to be had here. I was right. *Smile* I liked the introduction of the more serious 'caretaker'. *Dragon*

Grammar and Spelling: No problems here.

Character/Dialogue: For some reason, 'figure' doesn't seem in line with the rest of the dragon's speech. 'Believe', perhaps?

Setting: A cemetery in the dead of night? Nothing wrong with that!

Overall: This is a well-written little story about a grave robber, who gets a well-deserved shock.

Remember that these are my personal thoughts and no offense is meant by any criticism offered.

Thanks for sharing!

Review of SEVENTH ARMY  
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
During my tours in Augsburg and Frankfurt, I saw a lot of guys wearing that patch. Your poem tells the story of the patch's colors, and hints at the 7th's success in battle. Good job! Thanks for sharing.
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.5)
What a wonderful testimony to our Nation's symbol this is! I finished reading it and just had to listen to Johnny Cash's "Ragged Old Flag". Your poem speaks of loss and sacrifice endured, and of that yet to come. Day and night our flag flies, in weather fair and foul, a reminder to those who serve and to those who see them off. Thank you for sharing.
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.5)
A lovely poem, Teresa. I've seen a fair number of poems and stories about our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines, and they're all good. Hidden inside yours, though, is a glimpse into the cost borne by those who love the ones that serve. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.0)
As a retired soldier and father of 4 girls, I am more than familiar with the declaration, "I gotta go NOW!", usually heard on some lonely stretch of Interstate in the dead of night. *Smile* Although we saw our share of questionably sanitary restrooms, we never suffered quite the disaster you so clearly described. I'm with you, though. I wouldn't want to have been the next guy through the door, nor the station attendant subsequently hearing about it (at an elevated volume, no doubt). Thanks for sharing!
Review of Tiny Dancers  
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.0)
I'm not the world's best writer--let alone, the best one here at WDC--but I thought I'd provide some feedback regarding this item from the "Recent Review Requests" page.

First Impressions: A nice little 4-stanza poem with a aabb ccdd eeff gghh rhyme scheme, it tells the story of dandelions lifted from the ground to float through the air.

Grammar and Spelling: Grammar and spelling were both fine.

Character/Dialogue: "I" did a fine job narrating the tale. The imagery of the dandelions as tiny dancers or ballerinas was perfect.

Setting: There weren't any details about where the dandelions started (which is not a problem), but their landing spot was clearly pictured.

Overall: It's easy to visualize the dandelions being scattered by the wind, only to land here and there. A nice poem.

Remember that these are my personal thoughts and no offense is meant by any criticism offered.

Thanks for sharing!

Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Your story brought back some great memories of my own time in Germany. I liked your descriptions of the US Army hotels--the General Walker in Berchtesgaden, and the General Patton in Garmisch--and your day trip details were great. Thanks for sharing!
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, sindbad . This is such a sad story, but one with joy, too. I've had to have a few pets put down, too; it's really tough.
You easily tell Pepcee's life story: how she became an integral part of your family, how she persevered through illness, and how she finally said goodbye. It's a very moving tribute to an important part of your life. Thank you for writing and sharing it.
Review of The Fly  
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I'm not the world's best writer--let alone, the best one here at WDC--and I certainly prefer reading writing to analyzing it, but I thought I'd provide some feedback regarding this item.

First Impressions -

Setting: All the action takes place in the character's room. There's no description of the room, save for the original and eventual color of the walls. Adding a few details may help readers create a clearer mental image of the scene.

Grammar and Spelling: Nothing jumped out at me, except for 'whole' vs. 'hole' in the last paragraph.

Character/Dialogue: The character could be either male of female, but the reader isn't told which, and there's no dialogue.

Overall: The fly's buzzing may be seen to represent some mental crisis being endured by the character. He/She tries various therapies, concluding by opening a window--opening himself/herself up to another person, perhaps?--which seems to provide some relief.

Remember that these are my personal thoughts and no offense is meant by any criticism offered.

Thanks for sharing!
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I'm not the world's best writer--let alone, the best one here at WDC--but I thought I'd provide some feedback regarding this item from the "Recent Review Requests" page.

First Impressions:

Grammar and Spelling: Not to get super nitpicky, but you may want to consider the following: drop the dash from each 'back-lot', capitalize each 'corvette' (as it's a proper noun), drop the dash from 'gym-socks', drop the extra letter 'p' from 'man-shapped', change 'burley' to 'burly', change "I wan't you to tell me..." to "I want you to...", and change each 'pain of glass' to 'pane of glass'.

Character/Dialogue: The dialogue fits the situation, and I liked your use of dialogue tags. I also think you did a great job punctuating the dialogue; not everyone can do this.

Setting: Your description easily evoked memories of a basic trailer park, and helped set an eerie tone for the ending. To add a last little bit, perhaps Harlan can wonder, if Corky has taken Gibby's place as the ghost-in-residence, allowing Gibby to rest in peace.

Overall: A nice little story about spooky goings-on at a trailer park.

Remember that these are my personal thoughts and no offense is meant by any criticism offered.

Thanks for sharing!

Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi, Christopher Roy Denton . I saw this item on the "Recent Review Requests" page and decided to take a look. When I hear two versions of the same song, I usually prefer the version I heard first. So it was, with your sonnets; I prefer the first version, where your love affair with (presumably) fine chocolates is explained. The second line in the alternative version only hints at your lover's identify and, to my mind, it's a little too vague.
Regarding the sonnet's form, I must say you used the English sonnet rhyme scheme to good effect. Great job, Robert!
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, hellokitty ! I really enjoyed your word search. You included a lot of well-known people and places--Lewis and Clark, McGwire, Gateway Arch--as well as some not as familiar to folks not from the area (e.g. Meremac and Grant's Farm). Thanks for setting it up!
Review of Measuring Up  
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, Connie,

I saw the Five Second Fiction folder in your port and thought I'd take a peek.

I really like this comparison of two disparate activities - baking bread and writing. The fact that you folded it into the challenge of telling the tale in exactly 100 unique words makes it even better.

You did a very nice job describing each stage of the bread baking process and then explaining how it relates to writing; the maxim at the end is right on target, too.

Great job in a difficult contest/medium!
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

Hi, yacolt ! I thought I'd take part in all the account anniversary reviews and take a look at something from your port. The brief Item Description caught my eye, so that's the item I chose
 Coopers Crossing   (E)
The Gunfighter
#1758130 by yacolt
for my review. If you're considering submitting this item for publication somewhere, I think you've a good framework on which to build.

In general, I liked the description of life in the Old West. In particular, I thought you did a fine job describing the loneliness and stress a gunfighter endured back in those days. Where the subject is mentioned at all, I can recall getting that same sense of dreadful existence from movies I've seen, movies ranging from comedies like "Blazing Saddles" to serious films like "The Shootist".

Phrase/Sentence I liked: A slight cooling breeze had come up and blew at the dust his boots made as he walked in the dirt. Very nice imagery.

Grammar, Punctuation and/or Spelling Suggestions: You'll want to carefully review your text for extra quotation marks, such as “Don’t know for sure,” I’m thinkin’ it..." found right at the beginning or missing speaker tags such as "...shooting our street.” said “because it ain’t looking like..." from the sentence following the one previously mentioned. Using a global Search & Replace to change "Solon" to "Saloon" will take care of a number of the improvements you indicated at the top of the story. You also might want to think about ma'am versus mam'.
You can go back and make one, some or none of my suggested changes; it's entirely up to you.

Please remember that these are my personal thoughts and comments, and that no offense is intended. Thanks for sharing your story!
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

Hi, Sam N. Yago ! I really enjoyed your story, particularly as it brought to mind a few memorable-bordering-on-traumatic incidents from my own school years. Your word choices painted a vivid picture of a class of young schoolkids, starting at the class photo--what a hoot!--and moving on to them getting to do something different from what they'd done in kindergarten. I liked how you described the whole process of making a choice: you laid out the two options available to you, you came up with a perfectly good reason for your choice (after all, there's nothing wrong with a little nonconformity), and then you told how each choice has consequences. Certainly the life lessons hidden inside your little story are applicable to much more than cooked poultry products.

These are my own personal thoughts, and no offense is intended. Email me, if you have any questions. Thanks for sharing!
Review of ITIL exposed  
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

Hi, Valet_Dave . I hope your essay was only intended to comment on practices you've observed in the IT world, rather than a description of what your own company and IT department are like; it would be pretty depressing to have to actually work in such an environment. The IT gang at my company certainly has its own jargon, but the group very considerately keeps it to a minimum when communicating with non-techies.

That said, you did a good job of communicating a problem certainly faced by many companies today. If the IT group thinks it can create job security by using confusing language to describe critical-sounding processes, because they know that management is more intent on doing what's best for them rather than what's best for the company, they may be safe for awhile. One day, though, management might realize that at least some of the hundreds of freshly-graduated IT types may be able to cut through the fog and even figure out how to run or access those cherished legacy systems everyone seems to have, and then the bloodletting will be on.

I hope my comments are helpful. Thanks for sharing!
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
You certainly grabbed my attention, Lapython, having set the hook in the very first sentence. Keep writing - this is going to be one scary story!
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
So, a little Roswell with our prompt, eh? I can easily get a sense of how she heard a noise that startled her, but was immobilized before she could cry out, thus making it the first thing she said after being released. One has to wonder just what it is that makes Susan so special, that her abductions are almost routine to both her and her husband. A fine story, Jim!
Review by Writer_Mike
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall, a lovely description of life at its best.
"A place untamed, Living, breathing, Alive with color." - a wonderful way to describe the future's arrival, one moment at a time. Very nice, indeed!
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