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416 Public Reviews Given
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I just go with the flow.
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Psychological Thrillers, Drama, Certain Romance
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Sci-Fi is painful for me to read. Nothing personal but it's not my thing
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Novels because I don't want to commit to it. I'm struggling to finish my own books. A novel is too much for me
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Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Dr. M C Gupta!! I truly enjoyed reading your poem. It was deep and held a lot of emotion that was felt through reading. You followed the abcb, 7-6-7-6 format, as mentioned, quite well. It flowed naturally and freely. You held my attention until the very end. I didn't notice any spelling or grammatical errors. WRITE ON.
Review of A Winning Way  
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Tim Chiu! I enjoyed reading your poem based a winning football team. You did a good job on it, I must say. I do happen to prefer poetry that rhymes so that helped your case, I must admit. It flowed naturally and rhymed well. I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. Write on!
Review of Awakening  
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (4.0)
I liked this poem about your favorite memory in spring. I like that it reads awakening down the side. I enjoyed reading it. I, too, love springtime. I used to believe that summer was my favorite until I realized I can no longer handle the heat as I once could. Your poem flowed naturally. I didn't notice any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. You did a great job on it.
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (5.0)
I loved this! So, my fiance is indeed a garbage man. You're not missing much in my eyes, even though he does enjoy his job. He has to wake up at 3 in the morning, rain, blizzard, heat waves- it doesn't matter. He has daily encounters with maggots - just last week he picked up a garbage bag and had about 40 maggots all over him immediately! Yuck! He has long, tiring days- he works up to 12 hours at times, although, I loves the hours for of his paycheck. Just 2 weeks ago, he was in the hospital because the garbage truck pulled up wayyy to close to a couch and his was turned the opposite direction, looking at the oncoming traffic before he jumped off... well, his knee got smashed into the couch and he couldn't walk for days. (Luckily, he's just fine now)
BUT! Yes, there's a but... there are indeed perks. I currently own 3 laptops (2 of which came from the garbage in working condition), a garbage ipod, he has a garbage phone that he uses ALL THE TIME to play already downloaded games, I have about 5 beautifully like-like coach purses from yes the trash, he recently found a full bottle of my absolute favorite perfume Angel by Thierry Muegler which is not at all cheap at it's full size. I can't even tell you all the things he bring home from the damn trash. and on holidays, people put large tips (sometimes $100 per person) under the lids of their garbage cans!!! Just Thursday, on a normal day, he came home with $60 in tips.
Review of Silent Screams  
Review by Dominique
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Nice poem. I enjoyed reading it. It flowed naturally. I didn't notice any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. It was interesting and kept my attention.
Review of The Tatooed Man  
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (3.5)
hey! nice poem, I enjoyed reading it. I noticed you misspelled tattooed in your title. I didn't notice any grammatical errors. Great use of the wording for the contest, you made it work out nicely together. I wish you luck- or if it already happened- I hope you won!
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (3.0)
I enjoyed reading your poem on New Year's resolutions. I noticed you wrote "are theses new years resolutions..." and was confused on what you were trying to write? I'm assuming it was a typo of the word "these". I do agree though, most people do break their New Year's resolutions, I know that I usually do. The best way to do it is to not make one that's grandiose. Make an achievable goal. Good luck.
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (5.0)
hahaha. This definitely made me laugh, I must admit. I enjoyed reading your monologue on E-Flat. I never heard that toilets flush in E-Flat - if that's even true. I just assume it's true after reading this but who knows. I'll tell you what.. it's something I'm going to google tonight! I am also tone deaf- completely musically inept. I used to play several musical instruments, I don't know why- torture technique maybe. I was never any good. The poor school band was probably so grateful when I quit- I'm sure they did much better without me messing up the sound quality and rhythm. haha
write on - happy writing.
Review of I Want  
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (5.0)
Another great poem from Patrick McDonagh! I enjoyed reading this as I so far have all of your work. I didn't notice any grammatical errors.. no spelling mistakes.. it flowed naturally.. and the wording choice went well. So good job. I personally, prefer poems that rhyme but that's a preference not something that's supposed to be such a way!
write on - happy writing.
Review of Clarion Cry  
Review by Dominique
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Nice poem. I could absolutely feel the emotion in your work. It's short and sweet and to the point. I can relate to similar feelings as was portrayed here. I didn't notice any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, so good job. I'd like to read more of your work.
Review by Dominique
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Okay, so I definitely enjoyed reading it... and not only because my name is Dominique ;) although, obviously the best name choice ever! I think this could truly be something great. However, you do need to go back over your work -- proofread, fix the grammatical errors and spruce up a bit of the language. Other than that, lovely job. Keep it up and I hope this turns into something huge.
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (3.5)
It was interesting to read. I'd be interested in where this is headed and love to read more. There are a handful of grammatical errors that I couldn't help but notice. I suggest going back and proofreading and editing your work and I'm sure you'll notice them.
Review of Gamblin' Fred  
Review by Dominique
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
haha! Poor Fred didn't make it.. serves him right, I suppose. I enjoyed reading this. I thought it was cute and clever and it made me laugh- so even humorous! Also, it gives a nice little lesson to teach people that cheating your way through life isn't the way to live! Karma can and WILL catch up to you eventually as it did for Fred. Good job.

Write on - happy writing!
Dominique :)
Review by Dominique
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I enjoyed reading your poem. You did a great job writing it. You definitely captured my attention and had me interested in a topic that generally isn't my choice of interest. So, that's great. I didn't see any blaring grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. Nothing negative stood out that I feel I should make you aware of.

Write on - Happy Writing!
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (5.0)
I enjoyed reading this poem. It was written very well, so good job! And it's true, we don't appreciate the little things in life.. not until it is far too late. This poem definitely gives the reader a lot to consider and think about in his or her own life. One super small thing I'd suggest and take it or leave it, it's YOUR poem but you used the word spouse to end the 2nd and the 5th lines which seemed rather close together if you ask me. Maybe replacing the one word would help, although maybe not. :) Do as you please. Happy Writing!
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (3.0)
I am not quite sure what this was used for.. I do see that it indeed says contest entry for August though. It gave me a sudden intense urge to get out there in the sun and do some gardening myself. I mean who in their right mind DOESN'T want watermelon? :)
Review of The Walk  
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this poem, I really do! It had so much meaning and thought put into it. I agree completely as well, we should all strive to be better people in the world and not aim to hurt others. Your poem was so well put! I could not agree more! I would love to see some more of your work! You did an awesome job so be proud of yourself and your work!
Review of Broken House  
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (5.0)
I liked this. It was extremely creative especially for the three choice words you were given. Ring, Ghost and Stairs, I mean how random! But you did a great job. I'd love to read more and am interested in seeing what this could turn into. Write it into an entire story!!!
Review of Heart and brain  
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (5.0)
I loved this. I hope that you do indeed forget about the jerkoff taking over your mind. The mind and the heart are very tricky and don't always quite agree with one another! I'd love to read more from you. Suggestion: write a poem with this topic. See what comes out. :)
Review of Dear Me  
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (5.0)
I enjoyed reading this because it has loads of personality in it. I enjoyed your sense of humor. :) You have a ton of work to do missy (or mister!?) You said super woman so I can only assume. I hope you do all of these. I'd love to follow your TO-DO list!!!! I could use it actually haha. If nothing else, you gave me a few ideas or maybe just motivation to get to writing!!! :) Write On!! Happy writing.
Review of Old Soldiers  
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (5.0)
I loved this poem. I think you did an amazing job on it. It flowed naturally, it rhymed well. It definitely had heart. It helps you appreciate the soldiers and mourn the fallen ones as you read it. I enjoyed this and hope to read more of your work soon!!! :)
Review of The Night Shift  
Review by Dominique
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I loved this, actually. I'd love to read a novel or even just a short story about this. You should absolutely give it a go. It was creative for the prompt. I liked the story line the best. What I liked least I'd have to say is possibly some of the wording could have been spruced up a bit in the dialogues.
Review of Maybe  
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (5.0)
I enjoyed this poem a lot. I would just suggest going back and correcting a few small grammatical errors such as capitalization and whatnot. I could feel the emotion in the poem which I liked a lot. I think you did a really great job, I really do. I would love to read future work from you! :)
Review of This Is Islam  
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (4.5)
I enjoyed your poem about Islamic religion. I am not personally Islamic or any set religion for I haven't claimed one yet. This poem helps gives me insight into a new religion. I like to read about several religions to see what's out there. But at the end of the day, every religion has the same foundation of beliefs and morals. I think you did a great job showing that here. It was great.
Review by Dominique
Rated: E | (3.5)
I really enjoyed reading this poem about your childhood. It brought back memories from my own childhood and even more recent, past experiences of bonfires. The poem flowed decently enough. I am impressed that you wrote it in only 20 minutes because it takes me a bit of time to write anything decent. I can't just whip something out of me like apparently you can, so go you!
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