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Review of Bear Prey  
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello debmiller1 . I came across this lovely story in the Hub which doing an assignment. I am reviewing with "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group.

What a wonderful story!! This really was great. Eric's trip is ruined from the bear especially with his infected arm. While Eric is attacking the bear and trying to hurt him, he's missing out on the lovely creature and the positivity in the situation. Maybe the bear was cold too and was trying to get inside to stay warm with him? So many ideas crossed my mind as reading this faced- paced story. I was interested throughout the entire story. It was written well and written properly for a faster paced, exciting story. Well done. Your vobabulary was strong. I got to learn what a few words meant including gale and hearth. I love learning new words so I appreciated that! 5 STARS absolutely. I loved it!

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
I enjoyed reading your blog!
Oh my gosh, after reading all about Ophiocordyceps and ant zombies, I'm terrified!!!!! Wow, not only is that crazy interesting, I've never seen an ant look so terrifying in my entire life. I went and googled different articles on the topic. Ants never bothered me before but now when I see one I'm going to be bugged out! haha I just realized I said bugged out and was talking about a bug! *Laugh*

I loved how each bullet point was a different color!!! It kept my attention and drew me in right away. The prompts were all colored and stood out which was helpful and appealing for the eye.
WOW! 3 separate blogging groups! The power to ya. I guess if you're blogging anyway, might as well go ahead and do it all at once. I don't know how you keep up though. Great work keeping all three groups separate yet in one place.

I have been trying to get into transcription work. I tried on TranscribeMe but didn't pass the exam to start. I really want to do it though, it seems a little hard to do. Is the sites you use easier or are you advanced in it? Also, the surveys your doing-- do they actually pay and more than a few cents? I'm always hearing DO SURVEYS FOR CASH but then when I try it seems bogus!!!!! I would LOVE to do it if it was a great system that actually pays. I finally found one but I would have had to fill out a million surveys to make even 20 bucks. No way.

I found quite a few errors in your writing which I pointed out below:
+ The only problem, I might have, with the snorkeling concerns the swimming part. [The comma's around I might have aren't needed and seem a bit much, almost distracting]
+ The blackboard menu sound intriguing [sound --> sounds]
+ Some guy caught a 20 pound gold fish, his sister or someone took a picture of him holding the fish. [3 things: 20 pound -> 20-pound, gold fish -> goldfish and I believe the comma after goldfish would be a semi-colon because "his sister or someone took a picture of him holding the fish" is a full sentence on its own.]
+ It was gold and, appeared to be 20 lbs. [I don't think a comma belongs in this sentence.]
+ I don't think it was an actual gold fish [again goldfish]
+ Next there was the article about camels [comma after next]
+ Those things are weird enough, and should get the creative juices flowing to create a story using them. [so there actually shouldn't be a comma after enough.
+ Studies are focusing ways to use this discovery to control pest, especially carpenter ants that cause structure damage to buildings. [3 things: focusing ON ways, to control pestS? and it would be structural damage]
+ Finish transcribing poems to "Devotional Poetry" and "Poem Experiments" . [remove space before the period at the end]
+ Finish transcribing older hard copy short stories to "Flashes of Inspiration" . [same thing- remove space]
+ Accomplish some of this weeks goals [add period, week's]
+ Keep a closer eye on smart phone [smartphone. plus, it should have an article before it]
+ I will be happy, and feel I've accomplished between 3 to 6 items on that lists. [remove comma before and]

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Who am I?  
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
"Invalid Item
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

Oh wow!!!! I've never seen edit points before!!!! I love it! That's superb! How do you do that, please do share!!!!

I was a little confused on the rhyme scheme or if you had one. I wasn't sure whether you were doing free verse because there were spots that rhymes. The rhyme scheme seemed to go like this: ABCCB / ABCDB / ABCDE / ABCDB / ABCCD
It was find, and worked well for the poem. The rhymes that did exist were done well. Nothing seemed forced and it all flowed nicely. One thing that stuck out to me was that nothing was capitalized. Once again, it's poetry and preference kind of goes with these things but I personally would capitalize at least the start of the stanza's. One more small correction: again its time to turn a page -- it would be it's because you're basically saying it is time to turn a page

As a person with Borderline Personality Disorder, I was drawn to this poem immediately. I like how one of the stanzas with italicized because I feel like it represents Borderline, kind of all over. I don't think that was the intention but it's what I felt when reading it. Our emotions can change on the drop of a hat and one minute everything can be fine and the next it's not then a stanza later and bam everything is fine again!!!! You had great metaphors throughout the entire poem representing the disorder so well. I love when I find someone I can relate to with the disorder because it's not often. Bipolar is common but rarely Borderline.
I long to escape, to dive into yesterday and stay there---- wow that line is powerful!!! so many times have I felt like that. and what an wonderful way to end out the poem.

I loved this!! Great job really!

"Invalid Item
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
"Invalid Item

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

What an excellent essay and description of mental health!!! I suffer from Borderline Personality, Generalized Anxiety, and Trichotillomania.
When you spoke about holding things in, that was such a great example. I hold in so many feelings and emotions until I burst and literally pop at the seams, exploding. At that point, I'd be afraid of myself! It gets bad.
I understand completely about not letting others in. I had to stop telling my father whenever I am excited about doing something new. He's a negative nancy at the finest. For YEARS, he's the reason I didn't try anything new. It doesn't matter what you run by him, he has a negative comment. You could tell him (I've tried as an experiment) that you want to be a doctor and go to school and he'll tell you all the reasons it's a bad idea and why you'll fail. For my entire life he put in my head I wasn't good enough. Now, I had to learn that that's HIS BULLs***- not mine.

In many ways Borderlines and Bipolars are alike. Many many Borderlines are misdiagnosed Bipolar first-- I know I was. The main difference that psychologists/psychiatrists have explained to me is that Bipolars moods are longer ups and downs. They may experience highs for an entire day or lows for a week. Borderlines on the other hand, can experience every emotion on the feelings chart within 24 hours. Also, medication doesn't work for BPD. We need CBT/DBT. We need intense therapy. In ways, I've at times been unrealistically jealous of Bipolar disorder because of that reason. It's ridiculous even as I type it I realize that but if I could just take a mood stabilizer..... doesn't work. Of course, Gabapentin helps for my anxiety-- a quarter of the time so it's not like I have no idea that medication isn't enough-- you need tools along with it. It's nice to dream though.

I am so glad that you're doing so well in life. That's wonderful. Married ten years is impressive. There was a time when I would get boyfriends but would be so afraid of abandonment that I would drive them away myself or spitefully do crazy things and pick fights to see how far I could bring them before they'd leave me. I wasn't sitting there and plotting it out quite that way, but it's exactly what I was doing.

"Invalid Item

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

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Hello ruwth !!
Thank you for sharing your poetry with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words even though you swear you're not a poet! You're a poet and didn't even know it! *Laugh*
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, which is awesome. Good job!


You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language. The humor aspect made the poem!


Your poem rhymed well for the most part and flowed naturally and freely. So, you went with coupling rhymes yet every pair rhymes EXCEPT stanza two. wheel/deal, me/be, wheel/reel, enough/rough, ride/hide, clown/down, round/ground, way/day --- those are all great rhymes!!! Then, it's like, poetic/trick. It kind of has that like womp, womp, womp affect. haha. I mean that in most loving way possible. But yeah, it takes away from everything else that rhymes so beautifully. You said under form: no rhythm but I disagree. Take stanza three for example: For folks like me / I will not be--- Each line has symmetrical syllable counts. It has perfect rhythm and flow! I'm not the poetic master or anything by far but I certainly think it has rhythm.

Each line is a couplet and spaced well. I am a huge fan of the light grey small type footnotes. It's actually exactly what I usually do. I love it. Also, it was great that you added such an informative footnote. I tend to forget or just DON'T add as much detail as I would like to at the end and it can leave readers in the dust or confused as to why you wrote something a certain way, especially for contests with specific rules or odd prompts.


What I liked most: You know, you claim you don't do poetry but you need to give yourself more credit and really give it a try more often. You did really great here. It has an upbeat, light air to it. It's humorous which truly made it what it was.
My Favorite Part: The ride did not stop soon enough / And I was feeling pretty rough --> I loved that part. It cute, funny and catchy.

What I liked least: I already mentioned the spot that didn't rhyme in my opinion so other that than my least favorite part was how hard you were on yourself!
My Suggestions: Continue to write poetry because you ARE a poet and did a fabulous job.

It made me feel: It made me smile and it was very uplifting.
It reminded me of: Ah, it reminded me of how much I disagree! I am ride obsessed. Specifically, I'm a rollercoaster junkie although we're not quite on that topic. Ferris Wheels: haha I love them! Although, honestly, I find them to be too slow and almost boring. Like I mentioned, I am an adrenaline freak so roller coasters and fast, zooming upside down madness is more my speed. But, they're kind of romantic and I can't wait to bring my toddler on one when he gets old enough. He's not quite two yet but ahhh soon enough.


It was extremely creative and fun.


You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end.

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Box of Weeds  
for entry "The Pearl
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

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Hello IceSkatingSugarCube !!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, which is awesome. Good job! Everything had perfect grammar.


You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language.


WOW!!! So much to absorb in such a tiny story!!!! Janie is having visions-- vivid ones-- of what could have been. I must say, I wasn't expecting that as I read the story, it was a nice twist. I was expecting the pearl to somehow save the baby being born or something along those lines.

I like the division line you used between the story and word count (~+~+~+~+) It's cute. I'll have to remember that for my own writing. I like it.

What I liked most: I loved the drastic twist at the end. It was a great action filled flash fiction story


What I liked least: The one sentence I'm STILL confused about after reading several times [and this may just be me being slow haha] is: "Janie observed her great grandmother give birth through the eyes of the servant girl." So... wait. In her vision it was her great grandmother having the baby? and the servant delivering as a midwife? I don't know why but it confused me. Maybe because it seems unbelievable for a great grandmother to have a baby, I don't know


It made me feel: on edge waiting to know what was going to happen next!


It was extremely creative.


You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end.

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

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Hello Jeff !!
Thank you for sharing your poem with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, which is awesome. Good job!

You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language.


Your poem rhymed well and flowed naturally and freely. It was clever and funny at the same time! Excellent job!

As silly as this may be, I love the footer notes. I like how you listed everything for the reader: word/line count, form, contests written for, and the prompt. Plus, it was in a smaller font, divided well, and provided the proper links to go with it.


What I liked most: I absolutely love everything about this poem. Every single time I read it, I smile. I can't help it. The flow is on point which helps a lot but then the clever words/meaning ties it all up into one magnificent poem.
My Favorite Part: "no cleaning, theft, sharp objects or schmooze" The way you worded it was brilliant.

What I liked least: Considering I'm such a fan of the poem, I have no real constructive criticism or dislikes to note. The only small thing I could say is: a cover picture would have been nice. I'm a visual person so pictures, color, pretty fonts, et cetera draw me in. That's not true for everyone though.

It made me feel: It made me smile and gave me joy from reading it. I giggled as well.


It was extremely creative.


You held my attention and I read it several times.

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Wounded  
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with Under Construction: MHWA  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

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Hello Aquarian Girl !!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, which is awesome. Good job! There was one spot I saw that could use attention: In this [add comma] there is some solace.


You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language.


Your poem flowed naturally and freely. It was not a rhyming poem, which is fine. *Smile*

It was spaced properly, allowing for easy reading.


What I liked most: This piece was written so well. I love it. The metaphors in the second stanza are incredible.
My Favorite Part: Absolutely stanza two although, I love the entire thing

It made me feel: I can relate to these words so much.
It reminded me of: myself. I am a cutter although I havent actively done it in a little over a year. There will be months-- even years when I don't do it. It happens on and on. Sometimes I'll just cut for a few days then stop for months but it seems to always return.


It was extremely creative. The way you wrote this was amazing.


You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with Under Construction: MHWA  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

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Hello Tigger thinks of Prancer !!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

In poetry, punctuation is, for the most part, the writers choice, BUT if you choose to use it, it should be used properly throughout the entire piece. ERRORS:
At first [ADD COMMA] you were weak:
Of you [ADD COMMA]I wish to be rid.
Of time and risks [ADD COMMA] I'd need to take.

But I'm so very scared. - very scared is weak. I suggest changing it to terrified. very, in general, is a weak adverb but then you topped it off with a weak adjective- scared.

You used the rhyme scheme ABCB which worked nicely for this poem. There was two spots that I don't agree with the rhymes. 1. rid/live. The words rid/lid rhyme or ride/live but not rid/live. 2. that/wrath
I suggest using a rhyming dictionary to improve your rhymes. It will help you rhyme longer, more complex words. You can find one online, or even try rhymezone.com It has helped me tremendously. I don't know how I'd write poetry without it.

Between the 8th and 9th stanza, you have an extra line space that wasn't added between the other stanza's. I would keep it consistent.


What I liked most: Wow. I loved it. Fight for your life and don't ever give up! Depression is a horrible black cloud that seems to never go away. I understand I suffer from depression as well. You just have to keep fighting and find that one thing to hang on to and keep you going and pushing. It's not easy but there's plenty of people on here that can relate to this and be supportive.
My Favorite Part:

It made me feel: empowered
It reminded me of: my own struggle with depression. For years, I was a cutter. Thank God I haven't done it in a little over a year but it can show up at any time when I get down enough.


You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of 🏆Andrew  
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

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Hello IceSkatingSugarCube !!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind; I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. Do what you feel is right for your writing! Any advice given is with love and a desire to help you become the best writer you can be.

I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, which is awesome. Good job!


You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language. It's clear why you won The Writer's Cramp contest! This story was written well.
I shouldn’t have been there to be sung to. --> This sentence just reads awkwardly. Alone it sounds better but it just messed with the flow as I was reading.


The characters were believable. You wrote about a young woman just entering adulthood who's on the verge of passing away. You captured this wonderfully. You really brought me in and made me feel for her and hope the story goes well for her! She's in love with Andrew who's motivating her to fight for her life.

You spaced the story well for easy reading.

What I liked most: I like how her feelings for him are driving her to want to live. It's giving her hope again.
My Favorite Part: When he dedicated the song to her and she didn't even realize it was for her. It was cute that she got jealous! You did a great job with that part.

It made me feel: It's sad because of course death is difficult-- I'm particularly sensitive to the topic. At the same time, it's a story of love and hope. There's so much positive within the negative here.
It reminded me of: my mom-- she passed away in Jan 2008 from cancer. Unlike your character though, I truly believe that she died because she gave up completely. She was battling with a deep depression that took over plus a family crisis at the time and between the two, plus her dying already, she gave up and let go. I believe you CAN will yourself to get better sometimes. Maybe you can't always stop death because obviously we all die eventually but I think you can put yourself out faster. It's a beautiful thing that your character found something to help her stay happy and strong against this!


You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end.

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Judgment Story  
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

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Hello A*Monaing*Faith !!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind, I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. At the end of the day, do what you feel is right for your writing! Any suggestion I make is done with love and a desire to simply help you become the best writer you can be.

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I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors or spelling issues, which is awesome.

You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language. You got your message across with your words and wrote a strong story as an example.

The hosts of the party welcomes each couple in with open arms, regardless of their sin or circumstance. When it came to the gay couple, they weren't so welcoming. This is a sin to ME. It's disgusting and rude and ugly. Gay couples are not WRONG. It makes me sick to see when people act like this.

It was spaced nicely for easy reading. The italics helped in the proper places. The link was great.


What I liked most: I liked that you aren't even homosexual yet you stand up for these rights. A lot of straight individuals don't bother to stand for LGBT rights because it doesn't affect them. I appreciate it.


My Suggestions: I had nothing negative to say so instead my suggestion is to continue to write powerful stories such as this. Your words could truly make a difference.


It made me feel: angry and sad at how people are in the world.
It reminded me of: I'm bisexual. I am engaged to a male [I'm a female] but I have dated females in the past as was happier with some of them than I was with many of the men I chose. I have gay uncles and I grew up with them and always just thought it was normal. Maybe that's why I am personally am used to the idea more than some others but it makes me sick when people think gay's are less than.


It was extremely creative. The story was an excellent example of how the world reacts to these couples and you showed it perfectly with your story.


You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end. I had to keep reading to know what they were going to say to the gay couple. Then after I read that part I wanted to keep reading to hear your thoughts and feeling about the topic.

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

*Delight**Star* "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Celebrating YOU Review Raid! *Star* *Star*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of To Be Pure Again  
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

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Hello {suser: !!
Thank you for sharing your poetry with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind, I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. At the end of the day, do what you feel is right for your writing! Any suggestion I make is done with love and a desire to simply help you become the best writer you can be.

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I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. Regardless, this isn't really the type of poem where I'd pick apart your spelling.

Your words were strong and held so much emotion within it. You didn't use any huge words or vocabulary that I had to check my dictionary but it didn't matter. It didn't need all that. It was a strong poem without it.


Your poem was not a rhyming poem, which is fine. *Smile*


Your poem flowed naturally and freely.

Centering it may look nice... or even a change of font.


What I liked most: It was powerful. You were very brave and strong to be able to write and share this with the world.
My Favorite Part: My favorite part is the end, where you're fighting to beat this. You are strong and can get through it. You're not dirty and you're definitely not to blame for others horrible actions. You can overcome this.

My Suggestions: I have nothing negative to say about the poem so my suggestions are strictly friendly advice. Writing is an amazing outlet and tool for trauma. Keep writing about your experience. Write a horrible, nasty letter to the ones who hurt you. [don't send it] and it'll help release so much that I'm sure you have built up inside of you. I use that tool for many things.. grief - I write letters when I miss my mother who's deceased and sometimes I even send them in a balloon. It helps more than you could imagine. I curse people out in letters all the time then either rip it up or burn the letter in the fireplace. It can be used for basically any scenerio but I think you could benefit from it.

It made me feel: angry at the people who did this to you, empathetic for you,
It reminded me of: many other woman that I know who have dealt with this. It also reminds me that I have a toddler. This is one of the big reasons I don't let anyone babysit him. My fiance gets angry with me and we argue endlessly about this because I don't allow his family to be alone with my son. If they want to pick him up, we come. I don't have to be breathing over them. He can certainly spend time with his aunt and I will be in the other room. But I don't allow anyone to pick up my son while I am not with him. I don't care. People can be mad all they want. It happens more than people want to awknowledge in this world. Everyone of my friends has had this happen to either them or a family member. It's sad and horrible that people can do this to another person.


It was creative but mostly it was a genuine display of emotion and experience.


You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end.

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

*Delight**Star* "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Celebrating YOU Review Raid! *Star* *Star*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

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Hello {suser: !!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind, I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. At the end of the day, do what you feel is right for your writing! Any suggestion I make is done with love and a desire to simply help you become the best writer you can be.

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I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, which is awesome. You were on point with that.

Considering this is a children's piece, your word choice fit well. It was aimed towards the younger crowd and wasn't written too advanced or even too simplistic.

The characters were believable. They were young children trying to solve "crime" with their lemonade stand. For their age, they spoke well especially the three-year-old!

I like how you displayed a picture at the very beginning that represented the story perfectly. Also, you used an adorable signature displaying wonderful use and knowledge of WritingML.


What I liked most: I liked how the dog ended up having the teddy bear. It was a cute touch to the story. Plus, I'm an animal lover. *Smile*


What I liked least: There wasn't anything I didn't like. It was written very well.


It made me feel / It reminded me of: It reminded me of when I was little trying to make money doing similar things except where I live, you can't do those things. I live on a small cul-de-sac with 8 houses and if I made a lemonade stand, I could stand there for days without customers. *Rolling* The detective aspect of the story reminded me of Harriet the Spy which was a movie that came out when I was a child about a girl who went around with her notebook spying. I don't remember the details of why she did anymore but I assume it was similar to detective work. They sold the notebooks and spy kits that my sister and I had and we used to run around using them. It just reminded me of that. Ohhh, to be a child again...


It was extremely creative. The story was cute. I like how the dog ended up being the culprit of the missing teddy bear.


You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end. I was curious about how it would turn out and how they would find out where the teddy bear went.

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
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by Maryann

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Review of God's Creation  
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

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Hello Mary Ann MCPhedran !!
Thank you for sharing your poetry with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind, I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. At the end of the day, do what you feel is right for your writing! Any suggestion I make is done with love and a desire to simply help you become the best writer you can be.


I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors, which is awesome.
EXCEPT: at the very beginning on the poem it reads ":At" I'm assuming it was a typo while typing your WritingML or something, nothing crazy or big


You wrote 'criket' instead of cricket and I believe it should say cricket sings not sing


You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language.
You were descriptive. I could absolutely picture everything you were describing in your poem.


Your poem rhymed well. Your rhyme scheme was "abca abca" and it worked well for the poem. The rhymes didn't sound forced.


Your poem flowed naturally and freely. The rhyme scheme played a big part in the flow and progression of the poem.


I like how it's in a hot pink font. It drew me in especially because I personally happen to like the color.


What I liked most: I liked how you described everything. I could picture the tall trees swaying and the beautiful orange sunset with birds flying around chirping and crickets too
My Favorite Part: The tall trees almost touch the sky and gentle sway and darkness begins to fall and birds sing

What I liked least: The simple two typos were distracting. It wasn't anything drastic but it would have to be what I liked least considering I liked everything else about the poem!

It made me feel: at peace and happy
It reminded me of: nature and how much I miss summer. I can't wait for summer so I can take my toddler out to experience the outdoors. He's 14-months-old now so last summer he went outside but wasn't walking yet to truly explore the wonderful experience fully!!!


It was extremely creative.


You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end.

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Strangled Friends
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hey! Your poem is short and sweet and I absolutely love it. For the size of the poem, the appearance of it was chosen wisely. I like that you center aligned it, increased the font and used a colored font. It drew me in immediately. The poem flows naturally and freely. I had to look up what "phatic" meant. I have never heard that word before so thank you for teaching me something new. I'm trying to increase my vocabulary. The syllables were on point for the contest. I've entered that contest before and it's not an easy task so great job!!! In such few words, it holds incredible meaning and power. It reminds me of how you can see someone so often yet never truly know them. True friendship is rare and as I increase in age, I find it's harder to come by. My best friend is my toddler and he's only interested in eating my socks *Laugh* Anyway, great job!!!!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I LOVE this poem so much, I truly do. It holds so much truth! I always say things such as I am going to write a thousand words a day and I never do. Just like I know what I want to write a book about - I've known for years. I know exactly what it'll be yet I can't seem to get myself to sit down and do it. It's horrible. Your poem meant a lot to me because it's true for me as it was for you. Also, it flowed naturally and freely. It rhymed beautifully it the places it was meant to. Your poem held my attention and made me smile. You're an excellent writer.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Old Flame Flickered
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello Tinker !!
Thank you for sharing your poetry with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind, I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. At the end of the day, do what you feel is right for your writing! Any suggestion I make is done with love and a desire to simply help you become the best writer you can be.

I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, which is awesome. You were on point with that. Great job.

You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language. It's not even so much that you used grand vocabulary or anything but your choice of words fits wonderfully in their place. It sounds amazing is basically what I'm trying to say haha! *Laugh*

Your poem was not a rhyming poem, which is fine. *Smile*

Your poem flowed naturally and freely.

it looks very nice with the title in the body, bolded. I loved how you added your name and not aligned with the poem you indented it enough to stick out while italicizing it as well. Last but absolutely not least, you had an awesome use of the dropnote, displaying wonderful WritingML knowledge and skills. Including all the contest information, line count, et cetera within a dropnote was well done because otherwise it looks messy and kind of takes away from the appearance and effect of the poem especially when it's such a teeny tiny poem so the contest info would have actually been longer than your poem!!!! So yeah, the dropnote was a wise decision.

What I liked most: I personally enjoyed that the poem was literally only 3 measley lines yet held such power.
My Favorite Part: fifty nine years of change he knew me not but I knew

What I liked least: I literally couldn't find anything unappealing about this poem, I loved it.
My Suggestions: continue writing because from what I see here, you have a gift. This is a beautiful poem.

It made me feel: intrigued, interested,
It reminded me of: that life can come full circle, you never know who you'll need or see later in life. There's been times I've met people and they drove me nuts and I wanted to be nasty as hell to them and then it turned out years later they were my coworker or in my life somehow. also it reminded me of my ex - my first boyfriend ever - who for years and years I had memories and amazing thoughts about what a great guy he is, which he is a good guy it's not like it was untrue but anyway so a few years ago I finally saw him after over 10 years and he was willing to hook up and date me and drive me away to the damn countryside or some weird s*** and I just wasnt interested anymore. He was still a genuinely great guy and had his life together [which I did not, still dont] but after all those years I rejected him *Ha*
It touched me by: causing me to smile

It was extremely creative.

You held my attention and kept me interested and wanting to read more of your writing.

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Review of Anxiety  
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

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Hello Lou123 !!
Thank you for sharing your poetry with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind, I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. At the end of the day, do what you feel is right for your writing! Any suggestion I make is done with love and a desire to simply help you become the best writer you can be.

I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors, which is awesome.

I didn't notice any spelling mistakes, you were on point with that. Great job.

You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language. I had to get out my dictionary and look up what 'countenance' meant so I appreciate the help with expanding my vocabulary which I'm trying so hard to do!

Your poem was not a rhyming poem, which is fine. *Smile*

Your poem flowed naturally and freely.

It was very plain, nothing fancy or different about it. I feel like it could use SOMETHING, even it just a change of font.

What I liked most: the feelings of anxiety were well portrayed here
My Favorite Part: Feeling so much and nothing at all, my mind is held hostage. <-- Isn't that amazing how that can be?

What I liked least: the layout

It made me feel: I relate so much to this
It reminded me of: my own anxiety. I have generalized anxiety disorder

It was extremely creative.

You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end.

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The story goes on  
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

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Hello THANKFUL SONALI Now What? !!
Thank you for sharing your dialogue with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind, I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. At the end of the day, do what you feel is right for your writing! Any suggestion I make is done with love and a desire to simply help you become the best writer you can be.

I didn't notice too many glaring grammatical errors, which is awesome. I'll quickly point out one or two things that popped out to me:
--> "Okay, okay, I'm coming There. Now, what's up?" ---> I'm coming There. <--- That part particularly could use some editing
--> What are these mournful lyrics about, on New Year's Eve? --> I don't believe it needs a comma
--> FB statuses --> Facebook
--> I've come there and heard you a gazillion times." --> I've gone to see you, I've been there to hear you perform, I've watched you perform, I don't know..the sentence just sounds off.
--> "Yeah. But now they say, I got to pay, by the hour or the day, if I want to play ..." --> Yeah, but now they say I got to pay by the hour or the day if I want to play.

I didn't notice any spelling mistakes, you were on point with that. Great job.

You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language. It was definitely written well and either you have a great vocabulary automatically or you use a thesaurus, either was it's working out well for you.

The characters were believable... although it would have been nice to know at least their names. You can find ways to describe someone even in dialogue in ways such as... 'stop swinging your red hair around the food!' or 'Hey, Jessica' et cetera

it was spaced well with the beginning lyrics as a nice touch centered

What I liked most: the ending!
My Favorite Part: how he rhymes everything!!! *Rolling*

What I liked least: there was no description within the dialogue of the characters

It made me feel: I was laughing and smiling throughout

It was extremely creative and original.

You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end. It was a fast-paced, easy read.

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Just Off the Bus  
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

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Hello Winchester Jones !!
Thank you for sharing your story with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind, I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. At the end of the day, do what you feel is right for your writing! Any suggestion I make is done with love and a desire to simply help you become the best writer you can be.

I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors, which is awesome.

I didn't notice any spelling mistakes, you were on point with that. Great job.

You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language. Although, I felt like the word Ted was written kind of obsessively.

The characters were believable. They were likable as well. Ted is only a child trying to get an adult off the ledge which at first seems a little unusual even for Vinny but then they come to find out they have a lot more in common than you'd imagine!!!!

well spaced out

What I liked most: haha I loved the ending and how he comes to figure out what happened to his money!
My Favorite Part: but it wasn't a ham sandwich was it? was it?

What I liked least: There was a whole lot of dialogue and that was it.
My Suggestions: I suggest adding more to the story than dialogue. You could get into description with him hanging out the window... So many places and different things could be descriptive. It would really add to your story

It made me feel: I definitely laughed at the end!!!
It reminded me of: the saying one mans trash is another man's treasure. obviously not the same situation at all but it just reminded me of it

It was extremely creative and original with a nice unexpected twist at the end. I definitely didn't see that coming

You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end.

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

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Hello WDSimpson !!
Thank you for sharing your poetry with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind, I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. At the end of the day, do what you feel is right for your writing! Any suggestion I make is done with love and a desire to simply help you become the best writer you can be.

Well, there wasn't much grammar used as far as punctuation is concerned. Not everyone uses punctuation in poetry which is fine and many times helps with the flow of the poem.

I didn't notice any spelling mistakes, you were on point with that. Great job.

You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language.

Your poem was not much of a rhyming poem, which is fine. *Smile* Although, the one line having it's rhyme "intent" and "content" fit in nicely with the flow of things and I think really added something to the poem. Also, the ending line, has what I'd call an 'almost rhyme' which wrapped up the poem nicely - 'no' and 'woes'

My first time reading it through, it was a bit choppy to me and as I was figuring out what was what and what the flow was and how the sentences were intended to be read. After the second and even third time reading your poem, it began to flow freely and read nicely.

So, here's my suggestion... it would be helpful to be able to read your poem and have it flow more naturally if it was spaced differently. Now, maybe even spacing it less traditionally and finding your own way with it.

What I liked most: I liked the message of the poem. I can relate a lot!
My Favorite Part: Kind to everyone close to none at times misunderstood, solitude my only friend

What I liked least: the alignment and spacing of the poem I'm not exactly fond of

It made me feel: comforted
It reminded me of: myself in so many ways. I can truly relate to this poem. I felt like it was meant for me to read or something. You sure you didn't write it about me? *Laugh*

It was extremely creative and clearly very real. Personal poems are always seemingly the most heartfelt because it's very close emotions felt.

You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end.

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Wow! Thank you for posting and sharing this with the community. This is amazing and super helpful for me. I have only recently decided that I should try writing in different genre's to challenge myself and learn new things. Erotica is a genre I'm far from in my comfort zone with although I've always enjoyed. Being completely new for me, this list is a gigantic help and will come in handy more than you know. Certain things on the list, after reading, I am like "OH YEAH DUHH" but wouldn't have thought up myself without using the list as a guide. I added it to my favorites, actually I fanned it. I plan to save this page and use this in the future for my writing. I think it will be beneficial to many!!! The list is very detailed too, with great sections!!! Even the last section of female and male body parts are helpful considering I generally use the same one or two words consistently. I may know a couple other words but the list is really great and thorough. Also, I love the colors and the alignment. I thought it really added to the appeal of reading, drawing me in because personally I am a visual learner! Thanks again!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

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Hello Patricia Gilliam !!
Thank you for sharing your article with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind, I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. At the end of the day, do what you feel is right for your writing! Any suggestion I make is done with love and a desire to simply help you become the best writer you can be.

I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors, which is awesome.

I didn't notice any spelling mistakes, you were on point with that. Great job.

You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language.

The information you provided was excellent and very helpful. Thank you. I am struggling personally because I can't seem to write anything past a simple short story. I couldn't even imagine thinking up enough to compose an entire book. It's depressing honestly and pushes me from my goals and dreams. I've always wanted to write. I often wonder if I just simply don't have what it takes to write novels and instead I'm meant to write short stories. I don't know. Sorry for that... but I want you to know that I saved the website about the character tropes and I think that could really help me in situations even simply as a writing prompt for writers block. I really am happy you shared the website with me. Thank you. You gave such good information here. I have tried to write character profiles only twice and didn't even finish. I am going to give it another go.

Your article was clear, easy on the eyes and laid out well. I like how it was spaced well, the sectioned titles were bolded and even at the end, where your books were linked. Everything looked very nice and drew in my attention

What I liked most: You were so helpful and you gave clear information with links to a website, a video attached that was extremely helpful and attached your books which I will be checking out by the way
My Favorite Part: The character profiles are helpful, your link to the character tropes and your advice on studying the genre's you enjoy and reading into the character types you're appealed to most

My Suggestions: Maybe adding in one of the best character profile template links, that would have been really helpful even though I can obviously google it but your own advice on which you find to be the best template would have been nice

It made me feel: hopeful but also discouraged about my own progress
It reminded me of: I need to just keep writing.. a book won't write itself

It was extremely creative.

You held my attention from the first sentence until the very end. I was even wishing there was more when I was done!!!

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Once upon a time, there was a little boy
With hazel eyes and a smile of joy
Every day, he skipped and played
Under the sunshine and in the shade

One day he found an injured bunny
He took him to the vet but they demanded money
Because of that, he brought him home to save
Until finally, he was well enough to leave the boy feeling brave

[I wrote the story in the style of a poem. I hope that's okay. Hope you enjoy :) I had a ton of fun writing this and truly appreciate you for doing this activity. Activities and assignments such as this, bring the WDC community together. It is also very generous of you to give a badge to each person who participates... especially after seeing the turnout. WDC could use great people like yourself. Keep doing you and if nobody told you today, you're awesome *Hug*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Dominique
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

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Hello Vanishing Vapor !!
Thank you for sharing your poetry with me, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your words!
Keep in mind, I am not a professional, my suggestions are just that, suggestions. At the end of the day, do what you feel is right for your writing! Any suggestion I make is done with love and a desire to simply help you become the best writer you can be.

I didn't notice any glaring grammatical errors, which is awesome.

I didn't notice any spelling mistakes, you were on point with that. Great job.

You had an excellent word choice, avoiding boring, dull language. I had to look up the word "sequacious" which is great because I am desperately trying to expand my vocabulary. It seems like after I teach myself a new word, soon after it's long forgotten. It makes me sad. I hope I remember what 'sequacious' means!!!

Your poem was not a rhyming poem, which is fine. *Smile*

Your poem flowed naturally and freely.

It was cute, short and sweet with the word 'sequacious' bolded. I like how it was center alignment, it helps the poem by drawing in the reader immediately. Well, I can only speak for myself.. and it drew me in.

What I liked most: it was short and sweet yet powerful and held tons of meaning and depth
My Favorite Part: my favorite part was learning a new word from you

My Suggestions: You did everything very well. My only suggestion would be to continue writing and doing exactly what you're doing.

It made me feel: proud to be a mother and made me giggle at how disobedient my lovely toddler can be. I need to make him somehow think it's his idea to listen but he's only 14 months so he's still young yet for that
It reminded me of: my toddler of course

It was extremely creative.

You held my attention in your lovely poem. The fact that it's short had nothing to do with it, it piqued my interest immediately.

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann

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