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Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Professor Q ,

This is a review--finally--of "A Tea Party with God. *Smile*


The title is intriguing, making a casual passer-by want to stop in and see just what that means. Good job!


I am such a big fan of putting questions in the description line of an item. They're great attention-getters, plus they can help to set a story/poem up without giving anything away. Good thinking!



*Bullet* Even at the tender age of thirteen, my first taste of Paganism, I had realized that it was time for me to leave the house of my upbringing and search for that elusive something else that would make my life complete.

This line seems to be missing something. It just doesn't quite make sense as it stands. The problem is, I can't figure out what it would take to fix it. *Blush*

Things I Like Immensely:

*Heart* It's really pleasing when people take time out to make their piece aesthetically pleasing just by laying it out well. You've done a great job of this by separating your paragraphs correctly and with extra spaces. Thanks!



*Bullet* No issues here!

Things I Like Immensely:

*Heart* Though I still retained the mantle of Christian, it had been worn threadbare, with gaping holes in the cloth that was my faith, and I knew, even then, that I would have to have a serious talk with God.

What a gorgeous line! I love the metaphor, I love the sentiment, I love everything about it!

*Heart* Woman, thy name is writer. You are incredible. Whatever it is that makes a writer special, you've got it. The sheer brilliance behind the concept of this piece is staggering. Please, please continue to write!!


I am giving this piece a 5.0 rating because I simply cannot get over how much impact it had on me when I was done reading. I had to sit back, blink a few times, and read it again. You've got an amazing imagination, a gorgeous way of expressing yourself, and a whole lotta courage. Good for you! Keep up the great work!


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Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
The Sparque ,

This is a review of "Curious George and the Pocket Dictionary as part of "Invalid Item.


Very clever wee title you've got there, Sparque.


This is not a complaint, so by all means, don't take it as such, but you might consider telling people that this is a political sattire (or something along those lines) in the description after the contest is over. We would hate to confuse it with a children's story. *Wink*



*Bullet* I found no spelling, grammar, puncutation, capitalization, etc., errors in this piece! Great job!

Things I Like Immensely:

*Heart* It always makes me very happy when people either separate their paragraphs by spaces, or use the indent feature to designate the beginning of a new paragraph. It makes it ever so much easier to read, and the aesthetic value is indescribable. *Smile* Thanks for laying this piece out well.



*Bullet* I haven't a single issue with the content of this piece.

Things I Like Immensely:

*Heart* I love your humor! It's dry, quick, brilliant and fearless. Whether or not the reader agrees with your point of view, this piece still displays your wit and creativity in an excellent way. Great job!!


I am giving this piece a 5.0 rating because I simply couldn't find anything wrong! You did a great job making this a brief, funny, edgy piece that still encompassed the prompt words perfectly. Keep up the good work!


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Review of War's End  
Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Professor Q ,

This is a review of "War's End as part of "Invalid Item.





*Bullet* He marked the total finality of a war that had lasted for eons.

Total finality just, to be a smart-aleck, a wee bit redundant. *Smile* If something marks the finality, it's not usually the partial finality, it's pretty much the whole thing.

*Bullet* ...had been brutally hacked from his back in a grotesque showing of the punishments...

I think the word you're looking for here is "display." While showing isn't necessarily wrong, it's awkward and might cause confusion.

*Bullet* "That is why I stand next to you about to die. Because I asked one simple question.”

“What question is that?”

The question was asked in the past, so Arben should have said "What question was that?"

Things I Like Immensely:

*Heart* Displaying your writing well is an important aspect that a lot of people tend to overlook. You've done a great job with making this piece very readable--separating the paragraphs with spaces, changing paragraphs at the right time, etc. Good job!



*Bullet* I just had one quick question, and this may just be ignorance on my part, but if this Arben guy was such a devout follower (in the beginning of the story, he's just doing his job because it's what he's been told to do) why would he allow this conversation to even happen? And why would he begin to wonder why the war was started? Shouldn't he just accept what he's told, if that's his way? Like I said, that may just be me not having a clue.

Things I Like Immensely:

*Heart* I love the questions you raise with this piece. I love the sheer bravery it has to take to think and say the things you've thought and said. Excellent job!


I am giving this piece a 4.5 rating because I think, despite a couple technical issues, it's a unique, creative, ground-breaking sort of piece that deserves all the attention and accolades that it can get. You've done a fantastic job with this item. I can't wait to read more of your work!


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Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Explorer ,

This is a review of "Last Words - Work in Progress as part of "Invalid Item.


I think the title is very appropriate--it covers the fact that they were both his and her last words. Good choice!


Excellent hook with the description. It'll make readers want to come in and see what happened.



*Bullet* You might consider making all the dialogue and narrative from the past stand out in some way. Some authors use italics and some make some sort of mark to contain the flashback, like this:

Melinda closed her eyes, trying not to remember the way he had looked at her.


"You're not thinking straight," Ben said, reaching to touch Melinda's shoulder. She jerked out of his grasp and turned her back to him.

"This is the first time in a long time that I am thinking straight," she hissed, trying to get her tears under control. She wouldn't let him see her cry. She wouldn't be able to stand the humiliation.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" he asked. He sounded so wounded, she nearly came undone. With a supreme effort, she nodded, keeping her back to him.

When she turned around, he was gone.


"Melinda, why don't you sit down," Amy suggested, watching the anguish from the memory pass across her friend's face.

It just makes it easier for the reader to understand which is the past and which is the present. *Smile*

Things I Like Immensely:

*Heart* Your punctuation, grammar, spelling and caps are all fantastic! Great job!

*Heart* I'm a big fan of separated paragraphs. They make it so much easier to read and keep your place in the story. Good job considering the layout. *Smile*



*Bullet* This is a work in progress (which I'm very glad you told us, or I'd be freaking right out about the ending), so I can't really make any comments about the plot. I am interested to see where this is going, though!

Things I Like Immensely:

*Heart* I like the characters. The reader can empathize very well both with Jessi's pain and with Lisa's desperation to comfort her friend. You've done an excellent job there.

*Heart* The dialogue is fantastic! Very believable! Great work!


I am giving this piece a 4.0 rating because I think the flashbacks and past dialogue could be handled differently, and because I want to give this piece room to grow. I think it has great potential and I look forward to returning when you've worked on it some more! Good luck, and keep up the hard work!


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Review of Timarie's Guest  
Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
CTalley ,

This is a review of "Timarie's Guest as part of "Invalid Item.


The title seems very appropriate for the story. Intriguing and applicable to the content.


The description is wonderful for drawing a reader in. There only seems to be one itty bitty wee issue with it: "reawaking" isn't a word. *Smile*

I think you meant to say "reawakening."



*Bullet* Just a couple comma issues (putting them where they shouldn't be, not putting them where they should, etc.). Here are some examples:

She(need comma here) of course(need comma here) had no desire to know it, but it was proper courtesy to share your name with your rescuer.

It was simple(need comma here) really.

Since I'm not all that fantastic at explaining comma rules, you might visit "Invalid Item for more pointers and rules whenever you get a chance. *Smile*

*Bullet* Timarie chided him again, commanding him to change out of his stew covered clothes.

You need a hyphen between "stew" and "covered," like such: stew-covered.

Things I Like Immensely:

*Heart* I like how you've made this piece aesthetically pleasing by separating out the paragraphs correctly and with extra spaces.

*Heart* No spelling errors!



*Bullet* The woman kissed the zombie goodnight and blew out the single candle.

All through the story, you call her "Timarie" and never "the woman"...except in this sentence. It probably won't create confusion, but it has that potential. You might consider simply calling her Timarie again here.

Things I Like Immensely:

*Heart* I love the way you tell just enough of Timarie's story to make us want more--and that you gave us a link at the end to get more!

*Heart* You've set this story up so well that you can write both a prequel and a sequel if you wanted. Excellent job.


I am giving this piece a 4.5 rating because there are some comma issues, but they do not diminish from your writing skill or the content of the story at all. You have a very accomplished style and this little bit of Timarie's life creates a great deal more interest. Excellent job, love. Keep up the hard work!


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Review of Pink  
Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: E | (3.5)
Mavis Moog ,

This is a review of "Pink as part of "Please Review.


The title seems apt so far. Good selection.


I love the description. It's very clever!



*Bullet* I noticed a couple spots where you're putting a comma that doesn't need to be there. Here are some examples:

The rimless cerise lenses, complimented her brilliance and gave her a modern, art-school image.

Around her neck was a cerise silk scarf tied loosely so that the long fronds of silk, floated around her as she moved.

These commas aren't separating any clauses that need to be separated, nor does there need to be a pause in the sentence where they are. I'm not terribly good at explaining comma usage, so you might want to visit "Invalid Item to get better advice. *Smile*

*Bullet* Tom found himself, slightly skipping to keep up with her.

I won't mention the comma usage in this one, as I've covered that above already. *Wink* Here, I wanted to point out the use of a "qualifier," as I like to call them. Words like slightly, mostly, almost, etc., are often overused and take away from the power of the statement. If you remove them from the sentence, it works just as well, if not better.

*Bullet* Most women made him feel awkward, but Rose made him feel more awkward that most.

First, you've got the word "most" twice in this sentence. You might consider leaving off the one at the beginning of the sentence and just starting it with "Women made him feel awkward..."

Also, the "that" in the sentence should be "than."

*Bullet* She took the footpsah which skirted the playing fields...

As much as I have decided that I love the word "footpsah," I don't think Webster or Oxford would agree. I think you meant to say "footpath." *Smile*

There are some other typo/spelling errors throughout the piece, so you might want to run a spell-check to get rid of those.

Things I Like Immensely:

*Heart* I like the way you've separated the paragraphs. It makes it very easy to read and pleasing to the eye.

*Heart* The little pink title at the top. How appropriate!



*Bullet* The bit about how Rose came to be an albino is a bit tedious. It breaks up the flow of the story, and it's probably not necessary information. I think the reader can accept that Rose is an albino without needing to know why...but if they do need to know, it might be better to introduce that information through dialogue. Say Tom asks her how she got the way she is, she can explain it to him in a much less...cut-and-dry manner. That way, the reader will be both educated and interested.

*Bullet* The first couple paragraphs have a very different tone to them than the rest of the story. I think those first two, actually, were the best. They were clever and descriptive, intriguing and unique. They made me need to read more.

However (I do hate howevers), the rest of the story seems to get a little lost. Perhaps it's because you're not finished with the story (I assume, by the ending), but it's difficult to tell where you're going. The part about Rose staying in the sun too long and needing cream doesn't seem to have any application to the rest of the story.

Neither does her little bit of insecurity as she stood at the front of the class. Rose seems like a very secure, attractive character who would be able to assert herself as needed, and anyone who doesn't like it can get stuffed. Why doesn't she do that with Tom?

Things I Like Immensely:

*Heart* I love the paragraph about the different types of teenagers going to their seats when Rose walks into the classroom. How very true it was.

*Heart* I do love the character of Rose, especially as you've set her up in the first couple paragraphs. She's confident, attractive, smart and capable. Her albinoism gives her depth, and I'm curious to see where this story goes.


I am giving this piece a 3.5 rating because, as much as I enjoy Rose, I think her story needs some technical cleaning up and a little more focus. You have the skills--your way in which you form your sentences and ideas is very good--but they seem a teensy bit scattered. I do want you to know that I'd be more than willing to return to this piece and reconsider my rating if you ever revise it. I really would like to see this piece succeed. *Smile*


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Review of Tough Love  
Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Silverhand ,

         This is a review of "Tough Love as part of "Invalid Item.


The title is perfect for this piece. Good choice.


I absolutely love the description you have for this piece. This was what made me have to read the story. Excellent job!


No spelling errors (besides accidental typos pointed out in other places) that I can find. *Smile*


*Bullet* Thoughts cascaded through Ron’s mind as he perched against the wall.

When I hear or read the word "perched" I think of someone being on top of something...the way a bird perches on a limb. This could absolutely just be something particular to me, but I thought I'd mention it anyway, just in case. *Smile*

*Bullet* He was a person on no real consequence...

That "on" should be "of."

*Bullet* There was no doubt he loved Jani. However, he did not doubt himself.

I think you meant to say he did doubt himself. Otherwise, the second sentence makes no sense. *Smile*

*Heart* As quickly as the glow of life and happiness burst into being, it faded back into the nothingness that always epilogues a relationship.

What a fantastic sentence! I love the wording.


*Bullet* It was a power move, standing half hidden by the corner post; letting his ice blue eyes flare in contrast against the white-chipped paint.

The semicolon is misused here. I'm not terrific on explaining the rules of semicolon use, but mooneyma is great, so I'm going to refer you to her piece, "Invalid Item for a little brush up.

*Bullet* There are also comma issues here (i.e., they aren't where they should be, or they are where they shouldn't be), but instead of listing them all out, I'm going to give you the link to "Invalid Item and let you sort them out at your leisure. *Smile*


*Bullet* “I do not care if you understand. The fact remains you preach to me how much you love me. What love can exist when you will not compromise yourself to my needs?”

If I were arguing with my boyfriend and he said this to me, I would just get the giggles. This is a fight--there should be passion, chaos, lack of formal structure! Ron is either passionless or has a stick up his... well, you get the picture.

Try reading through the dialogue out loud to see what sounds stilted and what doesn't. I tried it with that example of dialogue, and here's how I think it might be phrased better (please keep in mind, this is just my opinion):

"I don't care if you understand! You tell me you love me, but you don't bend! What about my needs?! What kind of love doesn't have compromise, huh? Don't preach that crap to me, I'm not buying it."


*Bullet* I want to start off by saying I hope Jani tells him where to shove his apology when he tries to win her back. The jerk.

*Bullet* I love the complexity of this piece of writing. Ron waffles back and forth, struggling with himself, and his dark thoughts are much deeper than I would ever give a "bad guy" credit for. You've done a great job with him.

*Bullet* I think this piece would benefit more if you explain a little more about their relationship, not just this moment in it. Is he jealous of Jani because she's pretty? Does she have lots of other male friends? Why is he trying to do what he's doing to her? Why did he want her in the first place? Things like that will help to give this one moment more depth.


Overall, I really thought this was an interesting, unique piece of writing. The point of view is one I'd never seen before. The argument is general enough that people from all sorts of different backgrounds will be able to relate well to this situation. The layout is beautiful, too; it's easy and pleasing to read.

You've done a good job! Keep up the hard work!


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Review of A bit of an Obit.  
Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: E | (3.5)
knight life ,

         This is a review of "A bit of an Obit. as part of "Invalid Item.


I think the title of this forum is very appropriate--not to mention attention-catching. *Smile* I stopped by to review it based on the title alone.


There is one wee bitty typo in the description: "...the you thats you" needs to have an apostrophe before the "s" in "thats."


No spelling errors!


Okay, here we have some issues. *Smile*

*Bullet* This is not meant to be morbid or in the least sad in any way.

I get what you're trying to say here, but you've gotten a bit wordy in saying it. In fact, "in the least" and "in any way" are redundant the way you've got them here. You might want to consider revising this sentence to get rid of a few words and make it more grammatically proper. For instance, it might be better stated as: "This is not meant to be morbid or sad in the least."


This, love, needs a lot of work. *Smile* The good news is, it only seems to be comma problems. Unfortunately, I didn't see a single comma where it was supposed to be. Instead of going through every single instance, I thought I'd direct you to "Invalid Item and let you peruse through the comma rules at your leisure.


I think this forum could really be helped by using the WritingML formats that allow you to bold, italicize, underline, and make use of color. The WritingML tags can be found by using the pop-up menu when you click on "Author Tools" up in the top left corner of your screen.


Finally, we get to the good part! *Smile*

I really, really love the idea behind this forum. It's creative and personal, and it really forces the people posting to take a good, deep look at themselves. I thought it would be eerie writing my own obituary, but it turned out to be fun! Thank you for showing me how it could be.


Overall, you've got a great idea that just needs a teensy bit of technical tweaking. Thanks for sharing with us! Keep up the good work!


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Review of Mushroom  
Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
anna ,

         This is a review of "Mushroom for the group "Invalid Item.


I didn't understand the title of this piece until I'd read the poem, and then I realized how perfect it was. Excellent choice.


I think the description you give of this piece is essential to understanding the content of the poem itself. If you change anything, don't change the description. *Smile*


I didn't find any spelling errors. Good job!


*Bullet* Backwards, so passers-by can read it

*Bullet* You get dizzy and fall down.

These two lines were the only ones not at the beginning of a stanza that were capitalized. I wasn't sure if you meant them to be or not, but for consistency's sake, it would probably be better form if you didn't capitalize them.


You've got a lack-of-punctuation thing going on, which is fine (a lot of poets do that for the sake of form and art). The only problem I had was that you do have a period at the very end of this piece. It may be a purposely placed period (say that ten times fast), but it doesn't come across as such. It comes across as being regular punctuation.

I would suggest either removing the period or going back and repunctuating the entire piece. But keep in mind, I'm not a poet (I'm not even very good at reading or reviewing poetry), so you might want to tell me to stuff it. *Smile*


I like stanzas that you've broken this poem into. Each one is powerful and meaningful unto itself, and all of them together form a strong, cohesive piece. Good job.


Ah, the truly important part.

Having just finished a Holocaust history class at university, I have a very strong appreciation for this poem. It brought back some horrific and painful memories of things I'd learned, and since a poem's purpose is generally to evoke emotion, I'd say this one did a fantastic job.

I did have one question. The stanza about the car window was haunting, but didn't seem to fit with the rest of the poem. Is there some special significance to that one that I, or any other reader, might be missing?


         I cannot tell you how much this poem meant. It's not very long, and the language isn't very complex, but you've managed to create incredible imagry and emotion with just a few lines. Excellent job, keep it up.


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Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: E | (5.0)
Bright eyes--

         This is a review of "when a boy and a girl..., a poem about teenage love.


*Bullet* At first, I was concerned about the lack of capitalization, but sometimes rules like that are meant to be broken for the sake of personal style. And you've got it. Good job.

Things I Like Immensely

*Heart* The last stanza of this poem is absolutely hilarious. I'm not a parent, but I'm not that far off being a teenager and I can remember (with much pain and shaking of the head) what it must have been like for my parents. Fantastic.

         Overall, I think this is an amusing, clever, wonderful little poem. I hope you get a zillion more readers for it. *Smile*


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Review of One  
Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: E | (4.5)

         This is a review of "One, a poem about relationship problems.


*Bullet* A million nights

alone staring at the moon.

In every other set, you've got four or five syllables for the second line. In this one, you've got seven. It throws the rhythym off quite a bit. I know poems aren't all about rhyming and beats and whatnot, but when one does rhyme and does have a beat, it's probably best to stick with it. *Smile*

Things I Like Immensely

*Heart* The simplicity and bleakness of the form of this poem matches the content exactly. You did a brilliant job laying it out.

*Heart* I love the ending. It's so quiet and helpless and fits perfectly.

         Overall, I really love this poem, and I really hate poetry. *Smile* For me, it's something I have to drag myself through, like it's a bed of nails, but this was so absolutely true and contained so very much emotion in so few words, I couldn't help but fall in love with it. Excellent job, love. Keep it up.


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Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: E | (4.5)

         This is a review of "Read Any Good Books Lately?, which is an in-and-out where you leave the titles of books you'd recommend.


*Bullet* You've kept it simple, and that's usually great, but when you've got some kind of active something-or-other that you'd like people to participate in, you've generally got to catch their attention. The use of the WritingML things in the intro wouldn't hurt, and would definitely draw more eyes to this wonderful idea.

Things I Like Immensely

*Heart* The concept of this item is awesome! I've got a static piece where I list books that I'd recommend, but it never occurred to me to do something so public and interactive. Great idea!

         Overall, this is a really creative item and a really great idea. Keep up the good work!


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Review of The Good Knight  
Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

         "The Good Knight is a story about life and death.


*Bullet* I could only find a few issues with semicolons, but instead of listing every sentence, I'm just going to give you a link to "Invalid Item and let you take a gander for yourself. *Smile*

Things I Like Immensely

*Heart* This entire story. It is bloody good. I would absolutely recommend it to anyone! You've got talent, lady. *Smile*

*Heart* The characters were believable, likeable, and the reader is thoroughly able to relate to them. We are empathetic. Heck, we're standing beside them, looking at them in the flesh. You've done a great job with your characters, love.

*Heart* The plot was gorgeous...in a disturbing sort of way. I loved every single second--you never slowed down and dragged, you never went off on a tangent you didn't need, and you never failed to hand the reader a new twist.

*Heart* The dialogue was funny, sweet, intelligent, and real. Excellent job.

         Overall, you've got a brilliant piece on your hands, Cat! Fantastic job! I hope you get a zillion more readers for it!


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Review of Helicopter Down  
Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: E | (3.5)

         This is a very touching and informative piece about the trials and tribulations of a medical helicopter dispatcher. There were a lot of things that I never knew before reading this, so thank you very, very much for sharing your story with us.


*Bullet* I send helicopters to accident scenes to get the truly critically injured to someplace where their lives may be saved.

I don't think you need the word "truly" in this sentence. Taking it out would just streamline it a bit more and it wouldn't diminish the content.

*Bullet* At any given time during a shift, we may be called upon to help an elderly victim of abuse or neglect, or perhaps a family car ran off the road in a bad storm.

The phrase about the family car running off the road doesn't make sense. You either need to say "a family whose car ran off the road" or "a family car run off the road."

*Bullet* All of the heart breaking calls where CPR is in progress, the firefighter who got caught in the flames while protecting others, and the policeman who was T-Boned while in the line of duty.

I don't know what "T-Boned" means and--though, I may be wrong about this--I don't think I'm the only one. There are a few other "technical" terms that you use in this piece that could probably use a little more explanation. Just to help us lay-people stick with the story. *Smile*

*Bullet* I could share with you about the countless motor vehicle accident responses we launch on everyday.

You don't need "about" in this sentence. If you're sharing the motor vehicle accident stories, it's understood that you're telling us about them.

*Bullet* Or maybe tell you about the untold many sporting injuries, the never ending stabbings, gunshot wounds, attempted suicides or assault and batteries.

Another redundancy issue here: "untold" and "many" mean the same thing. You only need one of these.

*Bullet* There are several comma issues in this piece. For example:

--All of these requests are devastating in their own way, but we in Flight Comm are trained to handle and respond to each with the greatest efficiency, and the least fret. Don't need the second comma in this sentence.

--After all the studying, after all the testing and training I was finally going to take the reins and handle the radio traffic for our helos. You do need a comma after "training."

Instead of listing every single one of them, I'm going to give you a link to "Invalid Item and let you go crazy, in the good old fashion Socratic way. *Wink*

*Bullet* We respond to a Dad whose fallen off his roof while putting up Christmas decorations and we think, "We can save this guy," only to hear later from the ER Doctor he didn't make it through the night.

The "doctor" after "ER" doesn't need to be capitalized. Doctor, teacher, fireman, nurse, astronaut, nose-picker, etc....occupational titles don't get caps.

*Bullet* All of them required transport to separate burn centers around the state and when the frantic phone calls of anxious grandparents, despairing cousins and distraught friends came in trying to locate them made us pause because no one survived.

This "when" needs to be removed, or else the sentence doesn't make sense. As it is, we're waiting for what happens when those phone calls come in.

*Bullet* It's not all glamor and happy endings like Hollywood's ER, no.

First, "glamour" is misspelled. Second, I think the "no" should go at the beginning of the next sentence, not at the end of this one. It seems to be more part of the response to this sentence, which is what the one after it is.

*Bullet* I remember the first minutes of the shift, in fact I can well remember every detail of the entire shift like it was a gift of a pony at Christmastime.

First, I think you could safely take the "time" off the end of "Christmas" and the impact would be safely retained. Second, the comma in this sentence either needs to be a period or a semicolon. There are some other semicolon issues so, like before, I'm going to give you a referal (a prescription, if you will *Smile*): "Invalid Item. Go to town!

*Bullet* Then over one of the open channels we happen to monitor, we heard a garbled message called in by a firetruck responding to our auto crash scene, "static, static, fire!, static, static, garbled sounds, helicopter crash, static, desert."

To separate the static noise from the actual words spoken (instead of the reader thinking that the person is saying "static"), you might consider italicizing each of the "static" words.

*Bullet* We kept thinking, these reports are all wrong, someone screwed up, our crew will come up on the radio anytime.

To distinguish what you were thinking from the rest of the sentence, you might consider either italicizing the thoughts or putting them in single quotation marks, like this: 'I don't know,' Sandy thought to herself, 'that guy looks like trouble.' See what I mean?

Things I Like Immensely

*Heart* The rock. The soul.

Very powerful. I love the way you use almost technical language, then slip things like this in.

*Heart* But my voice is rock steady, and my fingers type just as surely and quickly as always, until I hear that beautifully alive voice on the other end.

My lifeline. My rock. My soul.

I completely teared up when I read this. You've got a very compelling way of telling a story.

         Overall, I think you have the most important part of writing down: the acutal putting into words what is inside you. This is a very touching, very real story.

         Your style is very raw, but that's okay! The more you write, the more feedback you get, the more you'll improve, the more we'll be dying to read you! You're descriptive, emotional, honest and the flow of your writing picks up naturally once the piece gets going.

         Once you get the small things fixed--grammar, punctuation, clarity, the ability to use less to say more--this will be a truly powerful, phenomenal piece.


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Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: E | (5.0)

         ...which sounds like I'm beginning this by falling asleep...

         Anyway, I love this essay. A zillion times or more, I've seen critiques talking about voice and point of view and wanted to go, "Huh?" This is a wonderful, funny, clear explanation of the fundamentals. Thank you very much for sharing them!


*Bullet* None! Yay!

Things I Like Immensely

*Heart* Just because I don't get it or like it doesn't mean it isn't good.


         Overall, you've done a great job and I hope it's educational and encouraging for all the writers here.


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Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: ASR | (3.0)

         I love reading things about love--who doesn't? Well...okay, we won't get into that entire anti-Valentine's crowd. The point is, you've got a wonderful topic for this piece.


*Bullet* You can fall into so many things, yet there you are, skinning your knees as you fall for someone, letting them put the band-aids on you, forgetting the antiseptic.

I have to say that I was a bit confused by this sentence at first. I understand the whole falling-and-bandaging thing, but what are "so many things"? I would get it if you said, "You can fall into it," because you're talking about love...but I guess the "so many things" lost me. *Smile*

*Bullet* You give over to one person the power to destroy you, to hold something as fragile as your heart, and you trust them not to.

The way you have this sentence arranged makes it sound like you don't trust them to hold your heart. Perhaps if you added a wee bit to the end, something like: "...and you trust them not to do any harm."

*Bullet* You give over to one person the power to destroy you, to hold something as fragile as your heart, and you trust them not to. You never know what you’re risking, by giving away such a fragile object.

You've got two "fragiles" here in very close proximity. To avoid repetition, you might consider changing one of them to something like "delicate" or "frail" or "breakable."

*Bullet* It controls if you have a good day, or a bad day.

You don't need the comma in this sentence. I noticed a few punctuation issues, so instead of pointing them all out individually, I'll just direct you to "Invalid Item and let you sort through things yourself. *Smile*

*Bullet* It changes your moods by making you either happy or sad, or trapped at some teetering place on the line between.

There's nothing mechanically wrong with this sentence; the structure is fine. The problem is that in the rest of the piece, you've given us beautiful descriptive language...and here you just tell us it makes you either happy, sad, or somewhere in between. I feel like you either need to tell us how it does that, or describe the emotions themselves. Not just happy, but singing-your-favorite-song-driving-with-the-top-down happy... That sort of thing.

*Bullet* But you can’t stop your heart from doing some thinking and feeling every now and then.

Whenever you're writing something that you want to have a lot of punch (as is obvious with this piece), you want to take out any unnecessary, awkward words. The "doing some" in this sentence...those are two such words. It works just as well--and it flows better--if you take them out.

*Bullet* But if you try, things can be more painful.

The "but" at the beginning of this sentence doesn't make any sense. It would be better if you left it off.

*Bullet* But there’s always that chance that your confessions will be rejected back in your face, and it feels like they’ve been dropped back on you like a ton of bricks dropped from the Empire State Building.

I don't think something can be "rejected back in your face." Something can be rejected and thrown back in your face, but I'm pretty sure "rejected back" isn't possible.

*Bullet* When you lose something, you know it’s so painful, that you had it, right there in your grip, and it got away.

Just another stumbly word moment. I think it might serve this sentence better if you reworded it to read: "When you lose something, it's so painful knowing that you had it right there in your grip and it got away."

*Bullet* Lending your heart out like a cheap movie rental service, you never know what damages the renter could cause before you’re returned.

Okay, I know what you're trying to say here, but what it sounds like you're saying is cheap movie rental services can be lent. You might consider rewording it to something like, "Lending your heart out like a cheap movie from a rental service..." See what I mean?

*Bullet* And you were the one that paid the fees. You paid the fees with your own emotions and hurt.

I think you could combine these sentences and get the same message across without being so wordy. Also, you might consider saying "pain" instead of "hurt." Hurt just doesn't sound right there.

*Bullet* You can dry your eyes on their shoulders, and you can count on hearing wise words of comfort, and you always feel ten times better after you’ve been just letting your feelings fly with them.

The last part of this sentence is very awkward. I think the issue is that there are just too many words for such a simple statement. Perhaps consider rewording it to something like, "...and you always feel ten times better after you've let your feelings fly."

*Bullet* It’s like your glass heart has been handed back to you, crushed into a million tiny shards, and they’ll never be able to be glued back together.

Same issue as above. The second sentence can lose a few words and be just as powerful: "...and they can never be glued back together."

*Bullet* You might consider using transitions to take us from one thought to the next. While I appreciate the whole train-of-thought writing style, it is somewhat difficult to follow.

Things I Like Immensely

*Heart* These people are like the good tissues, the ones that don’t hurt your nose when you sniffle.

What a beautiful sentence! I love the comparison. *Smile*

*Heart* Your gift of description! You've got a wonderful sense of metaphors; some of the things you compare (like people and tissues!) I would never think to look at. Good job!

         Overall, you've spoken from your heart and it was a very brave thing to do. You've got a very good start, and I think you've got the potential to make this piece outstanding. Thank you very, very much for sharing these thoughts with us!


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Review of The Journey  
Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: E | (4.5)

         Very amusing story! You've done a really great job capturing exactly what it feels like to have the flu.


*Bullet* I could hear my own wheezy breaths as I walked blindly into the abyss of nothingness. I think that should be "breathing."

Things I Like Immensely

*Heart* The entire paragraph about trying to get out the door is hilarious. Very well written!

         Overall, I loved this story. It's short, but it says everything it needs to, and it's terribly funny. Good job!


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Review of Rant on Less  
Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

         This is a very clever instructional piece well sugar-coated with humor. I liked it quite a lot.


*Bullet* “There are less and less birds in that area every year.” “I need less textbooks this year.” “He seems to have less marbles than before.” This section, as well as the section where the "lesses" are replaced with "fewers," might be more easily read if you would separate each of the statements as follows:

"There are less and less birds in that area every year."

"I need less textbooks this year."

"He seems to have less marbles than before."

         Right now, they're kind of jumbled together, and with all those quotation marks smushed up in there, it makes it a wee bit messy.

*Bullet* HEY YOU, READER, DON’T LET THEM DO IT TO YOU TOO! You need a comma after "YOU."

Things I Like Immensely

*Heart* I’m not one to go after grammar errors much, but this one bothers me in the same way that a knife through the neck can be considered mildly annoying. It gets under my skin and ferments there. Grows mold colonies there. This passage is very amusing!

         Overall, this is a really good piece of writing! It gives educational information, and at the same time is exceedingly funny. I would have been thrilled if all my English teachers had been willing to write their lesson plans as such. Good job!


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Review by My Wee Amanda
Rated: E | (4.0)

         What a fun concept! I saw the description and couldn't help but to come read it, and I'm very glad I did. I've included a review for you, and at the end is my overall impression. Thanks for sharing this with us!


*Bullet* Wayne Cupp stared intensely at the computer screen devouring every word. You need to put a comma after "screen" so we don't think it's the computer that's devouring the words. *Smile*

*Bullet* “I can do that!” Wayne declared with excitement You should usually make any new dialogue the beginning of a new paragraph; this one was smack in the middle. Also, you need a period at the end of the sentence.

*Bullet* There was only two days left before the deadline to submit a story of one thousand words or less. The "was" should be a "were," since there's more than one day.

*Bullet* “There, it’s gone,” he said. Wayne has just entered his story into a contest, not thrown it away. Does he mean to say it's gone or it's done?

*Bullet* I noticed that some of your paragraphs are separated by spaces, and some you've just hit enter and began the new paragraph on the next line. In order to make it easier for the reader, you might consider making the separation of the paragraphs a uniform thing--separate them all either one way or the other.

*Bullet* This is Theodore Winston, president of Writing.com. I can’t tell you how excited we are about your story. I’ve been in this business for over twenty years, and I must say, this is the best story we’ve ever received.” Forgot the quotation marks at the beginning of this dialogue! *Smile*

Things I Like Immensely

*Bullet* I love Wayne's response to the money Teddy offers. Very funny.

*Bullet* I love the premise for this story! It's very creative, and spot on as to what most of the people who come to Writing.com are actually thinking deep in the recesses of their minds.

         Overall, you've done a very good job creatively. The concept is funny and interesting; the execution is good (I love the ending!); and your main character is easy to identify with. A little tweaking with the physical layout of this story, and you'll have a truly fantastic piece! Good job!

My Amanda

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