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Review by SandraLynn
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
         First let me say I am sorry for your loss. Anyone who has enjoyed the privilege of living with a dog understands your pain. A canine is the epitome of unconditional acceptance and love. A dog teaches us to live in the moment. Teddy made quite the impression in his short life.          happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.0)
         What a sweet poem for your sister. Yes, motherhood is not for the faint of heart. Everyone has child-rearing opinions even those without offspring. Raising a child involves a leap of faith. The unknowns and variables are many. i like that you warned the new parent to be that her son may do his own thing.          I noticed one spelling anomaly. "Breaking your planed life schedule." It should be planned.          Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review of Goodbye, My Dear  
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.0)
         This is written in a rambling style that I suppose a dying man would use in his attempt to record his many emotions and thoughts as he died. I found some of it repetitive, but again does the brain scramble, struggle at the end. Does it care if everything does not make sense? Certain memories will probably be more vivid.          Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.5)
         This story is an example of some great writing. You succeeded in drawing me in. You describe both desperation and regret. The dialogue drives this tale and it is realistic. Thanks for sharing. Happy account anniversary
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (3.5)
         There are so many things/topics that a family can argue over. I would believe that no parent likes to be bettered by their own children, but most of us have to accept that our children are clever. Clearly, Mom is in the wrong and she has misspelled the word. She does not wish to admit it though. "I did not get how spelled it Mum." I suggest it be I did not get how you spelled it Mum. "Just you wait on Junior." That word 'on' is not necessary.          Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (3.5)
         This is most definitely a different take on the classic Christmas song. Ophelia not only has seen the elusive Santa or Nick as she knows him, but she has an intimate relationship with him. Oh, Timmy saw only the shared kiss and believes it's a one off.          I noticed a few spelling errors. "Unless your asleep" should be unless you're asleep. "7 years of marriage" would appear neater as seven years of marriage. Within this paragraph are run-on sentences that could be separated. "Ever sense five years ago" should be ever since five years ago. That entire sentence is awkward. Nicholas had been Ophelia's friend since David had started being distant five years ago. "Christmas ordainments" should be Christmas ornaments. That sentence is too long and awkward. "Break and boundaries" should be break any boundaries.          Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review of HAPPINESS  
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.0)
         I cannot argue with your convictions. You seem happy and content. Accepting yourself is the best gift you can give. I like your upbeat philosophy. For every trouble there must be a solution. Love and respect go hand in hand with happiness, I agree. More people need to "just be nice." Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review of One More Chance  
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.0)
         Oooo, I like the surprise ending. The two friends have been abducted and whisked away from planet Earth. Your imagination formed all this from a few prompt words...wow. I know this is a quick flash fiction created to a short deadline. In that understanding, I also realize that editing is not often possible. There is one really long sentence that I'd suggest you divvy up. It begins "Knowing how stubborn Jason could be."
Review of Saturday Chores  
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a cute story. Two friends not only amuse themselves but they accomplish a task. People tend to be pack rats, don't they? I've often noticed that not many home owners park their vehicles in their garages. It is a storage facility. Out of sight, out of mind. The sister learned the hard way that not everyone, least of all her brother, is aware of her intentions. I like your clever use of the prompt.
Review of Green  
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.5)
         That ending is a total surprise. I went from reading about a lovely Spring day enjoyed by Patrick to his being drenched in green slime. Yuck! In an instant his beautiful day disappeared. Reality is sometimes that way, a real stinker. It took submersion in a cesspool to understand that his crush is not worthy of his adoration.          Nancy lured Patrick to the truth. What an unpleasant lesson for Patrick. Sometimes, people do unexpected things and behave inappropriately. You set this lad up as a sympathetic character and I believed in him. This was a surprise depiction of green. You succeeded in imbedding this terrible image in my brain.          Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
         Just the idea of such a gross thing could turn anyone's stomach. The mind builds the anxiety. At a Girl Guide camp we dared the campeds to eat chocolate covered insects. Of course, they were not as expected. I could picture that look of intimidation that you mention. Ah, initiations. Happy account anniversary.{j          ustify}{/justify}          Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.5)
         As a mother of three myself I can relate to your writing. Kids are precious and precocious. What they choose to share can be eye-opening and often amusing. My son when he started kindergarten told his teacher that both of his parents did not wear shirts. Oh, what she must have pictured. We in fact did not wear shorts. Imagine what our kids are thinking. We do always understand each other. Thanks for the smile and happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review of Twenty More  
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
         This is based upon one of those what if scenarios. What if you could be younger? What would you do differently? Would it be worth it to relive your younger days? Everyone has regrets. We have so many choices and chances. We do what we want, or are able to do at the time we occupy. Sure, some of those choices are irreversible. That's life. Adapt and move on. I suppose a do over re health choices could be a bonus, but not everything can be averted. I like how the mother caused the bonus years by wishing them for her daughter. Moms never cease caring for their offspring.          I noticed you used the word 'accept' when it should be 'except'.          Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.0)
         I cannot fathom a person that obsessed with birds and believing she is communicating with them. Is she a bird brain? I suppose people need their distractions, their interests, their intense diversions. This is a funny conversation between man and wife. I like this different take on the birds and the bees. Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review of The Maze  
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
         What a clever and humorous reply to the given prompt words. You wove them into a fetching story. Ah, the meanderings and impulses of the teenage love life. I see why you chose a maze as the setting. Teenagers seem to stumble along in their search for identity and acceptance.
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
         Haha! Scare The Living Daylights? I like this cheeky response to the prompt. Imagine attempting to frighten an expert? The two daylights earned an impromptu lesson in the art of scaring. Great pacing here. It is only in the final sentence that it is revealed Kyri is herself a spirit, a haunter.
Review of This Is My Scene  
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.0)
         I love your descriptions of the sun. Most of the time the sun does energize us. The bright days are so much more pleasant than the gloomy ones. Yes, I too wonder what patients cooped up in a hospital think. I suspect most of them long for an escape and a return to their lives outside of the institution. There seems to be hope and optimism when the sun shines. Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.0)
         For a ninety-nine word story this packs a whallop. There is an ultimate climax of an ending. I would say that rattlesnake had the last word. I've heard the expression don't poke a bear, but I believe that holds true for snakes. What does someone expect when they choose to rattle a venomous snake? I don't believe my reflexes are quicker than those of a rattler. Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.0)
         I read this as the charming start to a story. There is so much potential here. Where is the action? What did the child do? What did she want from the grandmother besides undivided attention? How did Abuela react other than putting down her books and addressing the girl? I believe there is one typo-ish detail to fix. It should be "she's not listening to today." Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review of First Snow  
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.5)
         I reside where snow is an expected visitor that overstays his welcome. This is a beautiful retelling of the wonder that is snow. When it is fresh it does glimmer indeed like diamonds. I like that the awe expressed here is that of a water drop transformed to snow and temporarily cast as a snowman. I noticed one spelling oops or typo. "A spider's web of intricatly spun beauty" should be "intricately spun beauty." This put a smile on my face. Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review of Freezing Cold  
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
         This is brilliant. Who hasn't had a boss that they would like to toss into anything. Freezing cold water could be at the top of that fantasy list. That poor Eskimo being typecast made me laugh. The four men shiver and suffer. All this for charity? I found the dialogue believable. It's only fair that the idea man also suffer. Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review of Claws!!!  
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
         I just read a horror story for breakfast. This is some frightening stuff. Is Jason a victim in the traditional sense haunted by a malevolent being, or is he deep within a world created by his own delusions? No matter what this is Jason believes it and reacts accordingly. This is definitely a horror story. The boogeyman seems to represent Jason's fears. Is he running from his own madness?          Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review of Smoke of Destiny  
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
         This is certainly an imaginative story. You mix the beliefs of the indigenous with the recounting of a canoe expedition. The female named Bren by the paddlers is new to the human form and struggles to co-exist with the all male crew. She learns hard truths/lessons within a short time.
This is well written and has a great pace to it. I did notice a few spelling errors/typos. Isn't Louise a woman's name? Do you mean Louis? "Comse the indignant cry" should be "comes". "Maintain eye contain" should be I believe "maintain eye contact." "Donn the clothes" should be "don the clothes." "Founder the boat " should be I think "flounder the boat."          Happy account anniversary.
Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.0)
         I agree with your sentiments. Horses and indeed all animals leave us with great, happy memories and sorrowful ones. They make us better people. It seems you have loved many lovely horses and they have left their mark. I like the conversational tone of your writing. Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
Review by SandraLynn
Rated: E | (4.5)
         Awww, this is a heart-warming story for sure. Nothing beats a Christmas surprise of this magnitude. Dad went to a lot of trouble to be Santa Claus and he lacked in the stealth department. You described his snag by the decorated tree and his struggle so vividly I can see it in my mind's eye. I likes the little details like the cat also sneaking down the stairs and hoping to be fed yet again and the red and green M&M's spilling everywhere. Mom needed that instant access to a snack, eh? This is well -written, bravo! I noticed a wee typo, coffee spelled with an 'e' missing. Happy account anniversary.
         Celebrating you with an Anniversary Review.
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