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Review of Entity  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
How dare you, mirror, look at me
And see me as I'll never be
That wrinkled face and thinning hair
Is of course, not really there.

My mind shows me the yesteryear,
even through this sparkling tear.
My time is near to set you free.
My youthful pic is all they'll see.

Safe behind an album cover,
there I'll be, a proper lover.
Review of Where is the Time  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
The pointed metaphor of clocks and schemes
prompts me to sit, and contemplate the power.
Attention drifts to action, not to dreams.
I read the verse again, within the hour.

Goodbye…No time to squander on lost nerve.
Although such words can prove confusing when
a poet's long-sequestered need to curve
goes public with a bright, well-guided pen.

And now, I see the twist. It's times withheld
until I find my breath is rushing, too.
I sit to wait. The secret silence swells
then shrinks beneath the weight of our farewells.

Although I said good-bye—I still have more.
Hats off to 'Where is Time' right to the core.
Review of That Night  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
It isn’t very often that we see
An elevation of our stash of screams
While learning at the same time that it's we
Who find out nothing works out as it seems.

You point to every aspect that we see,
and show of doubts and then of dragging feet,
producing tales which always frighten me
and watch them plan their hopeless last retreat.

When reading of 'The Blob' and all that stuff.
We can't believe a bit of it is true
for all of what we know is not enough,
to shake the fear of death from what we do.

We each soak up a bit from what is said,
unworried by fantastic things we dread.
Review of True  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
The jagged glare of truth comes shining through
whenever we peek underneath the prose.
your verse looks past the the mud and rotting too
and turns us to the breeze to clear our nose.

Can knowing truly bring us to the light?
The nearly perfect free verse makes us think,
that truth may yet fit in, to our delight
instead of holding guilt where it would stink.

Now, reaching for the parchment’s purist page
we touch upon the poems final lines.
If left alone to ponder just the stage,
we might deprive ourselves what it defines.

Life’s gentle moments show us but the trim
and leaves what’s underneath remote and dim.

Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod.
Is this our depiction of God?
A Magnus is due.
We know it is true.
It just needs a minimum prod.

This metaphor 'nuke' you expose,
perhaps it is already chose.
This Covid-19
could wipe us off clean
and then, a new species arose.

And you did this back in the day
with practice run, sars, in the way
The question is asked,
"Is it time to bask,
in the glory or just time to pray?
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod.
Is this our depiction of God?
A Magnus is due.
We know it is true.
It just needs a minimum prod.

This metaphor 'nuke' you expose,
perhaps it is already chose.
This Covid-19
could wipe us off clean
and then, a new species arose.

And you did this back in the day
with practice run, sars, in the way
The question is asked,
"Is it time to bask,
in the glory or just time to pray?

Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
It isn't very often that we see
a chance to elevate our stash of form.
but, here we have a sample all for free
and inspiration to come in, get warm

The link you gave us added something too
I'll try that form when nothing's left to do.

Nicely done,

Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
As far as poets, I can rate.
It's nonsense which I celebrate.
When tossing stones sometimes too fast
some lose the fact their house is glass.

Fan-fic layers sixteen deep
gives us something we can keep
We write and speak a useless word
leaves powered meanings when it's heard.

Nicely done,

Review of vex  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
No there's a grabber I've not seen before.
A grocery bag of floss picked from the floor.
but, that's not all to keep our wits afloat
I find 'asylum' soon and maybe more

The forest throws a lifeline all can see
He ties a rope around a big, green tree.
All that floss pays off, once in the woods.
Then trees cough up the salve, some helpful goods.

The VOID now finds its way upon the page.
I wonder what this scene will really stage.
Could this be but a dream of hopeless fix?
No time has passed, it's still just three oh six.
Review of Writer's Block  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The Writer's Block has failed to still this pen.
‘Twere me, I’d just be grasping for a thread.
Or maybe, just like other writers seen,
I’d give my muse a rest from what is said

Jamus finds the questions in the fog,
of broken words still scattered on the floor.
Those brilliant phrases hide within the smog.
We think it’s 'writer's block'. Who’s keeping score.

Those simmering words will stay there with our stuff,
while all the old cliches are holding true.
deep down, we know that it won't be enough,
to shake the doubts right off all those things we do.

One thing that you have shown us with this piece
A little every day provides release

Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sometimes a story poem
like that which you have writ,
grabs us by our memories
and shows us what we get

You've laid the conscience open
each step along the way
but let us dodge the horrid time
we'd rather not replay

Uniquely, you have marched us through
that door to nevermore
and left us with a glimmer of
our next upcoming chore.
Review of Reflection  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Before the bleak reflection from the start
raw grief arose to deftly stir the pot.
No joy presents itself to race the heart
or show the other side of what is not

Our souls all bleed a bit from time to time.
when pitiful assumptions weigh our muse
to prompt this well designed, despairing rhyme.
The ink depends on feeling what you choose.

Sadly, you’ve not found both paths across
this field of broken thoughts and frozen schemes,
have fallen victim to the scourge of loss,
and ended wailing for those shattered dreams.

This purgatory poem which you show
required a wit of talent, we all know.
Review of Snowbird  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
No thousand word required to see what's real.
The Snowbird flies and struggles on its own,
Learning moments turns our guts to steel.
There’s more to be discovered than a groan.

Now, should a bolt of insight steal the show,
we hold to hope, or something on that track,
with all the strength we've mustered in the snow,
but there it goes and we can't take it back.

The warmth within your heart, we hear you say,
can never quite be shoved beneath the rug.
You know those dreams can never win the day.
They'll just add more to all those holes you’ve dug.

But think of how it's made through the ice.
If we can find a way, it would be nice.
Review of Too Many Bones  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is one of the most imaginative short story plotlines I've read in a while. You've given the main character plenty of internal conflicts to keep the reader invested. The story moves smoothly along with red herrings galore to distract him all the way to the rather underdeveloped ending.

Frankly, I view this as an excellent outline for the story, but it needs a strong edit to reduce the wordiness, repetition and telling.

Only a few building sentences could make that ending pop.

Nicely done on the imaging.

Review of The Amish Witch  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
It happens in these tales relayed in verse
that one reveals imagination wild.
We step into the twilight zone or worse,
then turns his mind back to that of a child.

The Witch throws questions out into his way,
without revealing that cold trap she's sprung.
He grasps the reigns and promptly ruins his day,
his foot now firmly on hell's bottom rung.

Without a clue, he's clearly flunked the test.
She's turned his shining 'Stang into her pet.
He knows the thing to do; just do his best.'
She smirks behind his back, 'You wanna bet?'

She grabs him by the mind; a thing to dread,
and stuffs this eerie scene into his head.

Review of Cartomantrix  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This story is one of the best responses to a prompt that I have seen on the site. Of course, it's been here for quite a while and others must have given it recognition before now.

I liked the way dialogue opens and draws us in, a little at a time and dialogue is where this tale shines. You bring us along, piece by piece, unfolding the story until the end is inevitable and the readers feel as if they've figured it out on their own.

Super yarn spinning,

Review of Sam's Big Day  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (3.0)
The POV of a pumpkin.

The humor is dry, but well done. I like the unique perspective but I found the story to be boring as I could not visualize nor identify with the characters.

I like your formatting with the blank line between paragraphs. It makes it easier to read.
Review of Deacon Blues  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)

A chance to meet a friend, but. at what cost?
The social distance language understood.
Communication gaps we have not crossed,
while claiming it's all for the greater good.

We wait until these months and days have slowly passed,
and sanity has finally been bestowed;
Through Wuhan flu, we've held, and we've stood fast,
amidst the news and fake-news which has flowed.

Across the vast expanse of China's reach,
you show the hopeless gasp that spread so far;
advancing to whomever they can teach,
to bow before the power of the star.

An act of Spirit takes us way back when,
Where economic suicide can't win.
Review of Lost  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
You were right in your admonition not to cheat.

It took determination to avoid looking at the end to confirm that the initial impression that this was about The Titanic.

It has, many times, and will again, be repeated, just as your piece concludes.

Well done


Review of We will survive?  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
Consumption by success, that’s quite a thought
this verse reveals a truth, both cold and wild.
That vivid picture of what we have wrought
gross, defined and now it is defiled

No tenderness here getting in the way,
We're unaware, at all, the traps we've sprung.
The poison in the broth which ruined our day
And placed a foot upon hell's bottom rung.

Without the least regret, we flunk the test.
We can't, b feebly squawking our regret.
It's time to make a pact and do our best.
and that is fate’s last word. You wanna bet?

The broken treaty flaunts another kind
of haunting, which will never leave my mind
Review of Mustard Misfits  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)

Are we deranged? This need for change
erasing things we know
A massive uphill interchange
where everything must go?

When actions speak and words but sneak
out of the old routine.
The past now just a talking streak.
It's cold, it's cruel, it's mean.

Delightful how you've used the prompt
and made it all come true.
While laying down the lines that chomped
their way right through from you.

This shows no boring routine of our day.
The story's told, with nothing left to say.

Review of Soaring  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
It happens in these tales relayed in verse
the muse reveals imagination wild.
'I'm soaring now.' She trails behind the hearse.
The visions fly, as they do for a child.

With tenderness, the words have found a way,
still unaware, for fledging, she's too young.
She's grasped the world she built and made my day,
despite my place upon hell's bottom rung.

Without the insight shown, I'd flunk the test.
My parents only saw me as their pet.
and never knew that I had tried my best.'
Then conscience smirked and said 'You wanta bet?

Professor Q saved me by what she said
and now, I face the truth--the thing I dread
Review of Watchful Starman  
Review by Norbanus
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
He touched her wrist, as soft as patent leather,
then whispered as her tears began to fall.
A chill descended, much like changing weather.
Trembling fears are warmed by that recall.

She'd felt alone, with nothing but her cats
inside a house with Starman bric-a-brac,
No need for all those dresses, shoes, and hats,
Her thoughts cut deep, "I'll never gain him back!"

His whisper though takes her last chance to leave.
His caring showed last night and wasn't she,
surprised that he'd, still be there Yuletide eve
or at her cozy cottage by the sea?

The Starman's season fell and tears have blurred
that path unto the time they're both interred
Review by Norbanus
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I know that chapter three's far down the line
to form a first impression, but it's there,
this world of varied folks, all built fine
with clarity of what is when and where.

Ah yes, that first impression, where I said
we're too far down the path to find it now.
You've shown us dialogue (a task I dread)
while feeding in examples that can wow.

That first impression gained so far along
is bolstered by a yarn worth our belief.
You show a moving tale that can’t go wrong
and needs no explanations for relief.

I wish I had a copy on the shelf
I'd read it front to back just for myself.
Review by Norbanus
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a great inspiration for a story. The most amazing part of the Christmas Peace, as it's called is that both sides did start shooting again the next day and that the insanity didn't even end with the end of that war. The attempts to 'hold Germany responsible' grew into an even bigger war in WWII.

Could this current demand to 'hold China responsible' for COVID-19 grow into proof that humans are incapable of learning from their mistakes?
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