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Review of Cliche Cache  
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello !

I am here to review your writing. While I am by no means an editor, I am a reader. Please take what you can from my humble review and always do what you feel is right for you as a writer *Smile*

*Star* Overall feelings:

A very cute poem about having to write about a cliche. I loved the conversation you had with...??? I loved that you used italics so it was easy to follow the conversation. The flow and rhyme scheme was very well done for the most part. I am not sure there was a consistent rhyme scheme however (not that it matters at all *Smile*)

*Star* Suggestions:

I would have loved to see a note about who this convo was held with.

*Star* Parting thoughts:

I loved the ending. I use that saying sometimes as a joke. It is something everyone in my area uses on a regular basis. I enjoyed reading this.
Review of Above All Others  
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello ~WhoMe???~ !

I am here to review your writing. While I am by no means an editor, I am a reader. Please take what you can from my humble review and always do what you feel is right for you as a writer *Smile*

*Star* Overall feelings:

This is a very cute poem. It was your first love poem and done very well. It is simple in words, yet has this feeling of intimacy and pure and innocent love.

*Star* Suggestions:

I would not suggest anything unless you were wanting to publish it. I would leave it as it. It is perfect in every way, to me, as a reader.

*Star* Parting thoughts:

I am not sure what age you were when you wrote this. You could have been 10 or 30, the message would work for any age *Smile* cute poem. I enjoyed it.
Review of Published Poems  
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am awarding this (long overdue) folder of published poetry. You must be very proud of your poems as i would be as well. I have not had the courage to submit anything of yet, but you are an inspiration. I hope you enjoyed the package you won from Frontliners in Sisco's auction *Smile* We love ya!
Review of On Reviewing  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
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Wow! For a new member, you sure have a lot of opinions to what constitutes a bad review and also seem to know a lot about WDC. I will try and make this review as constructive as I can and TRY and keep my personal feelings out of it. That might be hard, while I address certain contradictions in your review of reviewers.

You write:

There are aids, of course. There's a public review section of the site, where the reviews that other people have written can be viewed. There's also an article on writing good reviews.
perhaps it would be beneficial to the reader if you listed that link.

So rather than list off the elements of a good review, let's take a look at some common bad reviews.
In the description for your post, you say tips on good reviewing. There was a lot more ranting about what was bad about reviewers than helpful tips or perhaps it is the way you presented your point of view that made this entire piece seem negative (To me)

In your section, The Knee-Jerk Review, you make a comment: The problem is, the reviewer here hasn't really justified anything; in fact, she sounds like an angry feminist on her period. Laden with insults, this review offers little more than the reviewer's opinion, and is anything but constructive. Worse, this seems to be a judgment of the author, without much emphasis on the story. Let's examine this in detail.
did you not just assume that the person is angry and the insults you just made to what the reviewer might or might not be is insulting in my opinion. This remark about the feminist on her period canceled out any argument you might have had, IMO.

In your section: The Kitty-Cat Review (AKA The Fluff Review), I feel you are assuming again. How do you know that the only reason people are writing reviews the way they do is to pad their WDC wallets? While this might be true, you do not know for sure. Do you? I do not know, perhaps you know something I do not. I, personally, appreciate any review. I used to wonder about some reviewers and wanted feedback on all sorts of aspects and then I realized something. I should be grateful that the person read and commented on my work at all. true, some might not be reading the entire piece and may be browsing through it. I do not offer auto-awards unless I can afford to get a few people who are not going to give me an in-dept review. I think one of the better choices when looking for a certain review style would be to go to specific reviewing groups who offer a variety of types of reviews. I know one review who reads my work (and many, many people's work) around the site. she actually takes the time to read and her reviews are basically her telling us what she saw in our piece as a reader, not an editor. Does that make her review less valuable? Not in my mind.

Focusing on the negative aspects is unhealthy and unproductive, as we have established. To conclude this article without including a good review would be hypocritical.

Bear in mind, this review should not set any standard. It was given to me by a "professional" WDC-Reviewer, i.e. he is part of a review group, and he is also a preferred author. But, this review is ripe with examples of good reviewer-ship skills.

just because a reviewer is a yellow case or part of a reviewing group does not mean they are professional. You did not include the entire GOOD review, and while i agree it is a good review (IMO), it should not set a standard of what constitutes a good review (again, IMO).

This site, I believe, used to be called reading dot com. I am not 100 percent sure of this, but I do know that many reviewers review as readers not professional editors. I personally feel attacks of any kind, in reviewing or in reviewing reviewers is wrong.

I think this piece should be categorized. You have it listed as 'other, and 'writing'. It is your opinion and should be listed as such. I think this would be a better piece if you told us in the beginning this is YOURS, not WDC's thoughts on what constitutes a good review.

Rated: E | (3.5)
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Written about a love lost, I can feel your pain through the written word. I think this is more of prose than poetry, in my opinion.

Many of the words are wonderfully expressed., however there are some parts that I just do not understand.

Thinking if whether, you shall call
Or your telephone hum, shall not be heard

I do not understand this at all. I am wondering if revising it just a tad would make sense

Your aroma smell is everywhere
aroma and smell are the same thing. perhaps instead of one of the words, use an adjective to describe either the aroma OR smell

Each single minute I pray for God
For you to call and heal the past

The double use of the word for makes this seem like two seperate thoughts when i think you meant for it to be one. I would change it to say 'TO God'

I would look through this and see if you can tweak some of this to flow better. I feel adding punctuation might help the reader as well.

I am sorry for your loss. Your pain shows through. Did you ever send this off to him? I think it is a good thing you wrote it, even if you did not send it, you purged those feelings. Thank you for sharing and welcome to WDC. Write on!

Review of Scars of Heaven  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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I am unsure of how to begin with my review of this poem. It has some great, great phrases. The 'bones' of the poem itself are wonderful, but I think it could be sharpened and even better.

Not a stain.
Not a blot of color remains on these four walls.
Forlorn and lifeless.
Intrinsically silenced.

Love this! I am unsure why you put periods at the end of each line. I know it is poet's preference but in this poem, I personally, feel it is not needed. Note: you will have someone come in and say that you DO need it after you remove it, so please do what feels best to you *Wink* I am not sure I understood the last line in this verse. It would seem you are suddenly talking about something other than four walls.

Flickering mentality‘s. I would just put mentality as I am not sure why is is possessive?
Overwhelming insecurity.
Mortified of the deafening silence, Instead of the word 'of', perhaps 'by'?
Gasping for a breathless twinge. I am not sure twinge is the word you are seeking. It sounds a little odd

Amidst the darkest of shadows; dreams prevail. love the line! I do not think you should have used a semicolon but a comma
Within open arms of graceful comfort, Love!
Eyes rusted shut are made seen clear. I think you need to add a word here, but like what you are trying to say
Savior; virtue of desired will, take note and hold dear. punctuation?
Every heartfelt beat, every loving gesture, is and will remain faithfully yours. pretty!

Like I said, I did not know where to begin reviewing, or actually, rating this poem. the content was good. I think you just need to tighten it up, fix a couple of things and you have a masterpiece on your hands *Smile* Thank you for sharing and welcome to WDC *Smile* Write on!
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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This was a well written and interesting story. I am not sure if it is a work of fiction or non-fiction. If this is a true story, all I can say is 'Wow!' LOL I read through your words and was not bored for one second. That is a feat as sometimes I am very ADD and have trouble concentration on stories written on the web. I think it is the long lines or the page layout? At any rate, i look forward to reading the continuation of this story.

Things you may want to look at: (These are just opinions, take what works for you and disregard the rest, please)
You wrote: or anything that might later break us up later Did you mean to write 'later' twice?

and to this day I believe that honesty is the only thing which makes any relationship work
I am not sure why, but this sentence seems a bit awkward. I am sure, with your writing skill, if you look it over you might find the same thing I did

In the area of the story in which you speak of meeting Tanith, you state you were planning on never calling here and by the next line you are talking about your first date. I am curious to what made you call and set up that date. perhaps elaborate?

You put: and then she replied. “I like girls too.” she said. She was not replying to anything you said. I would change it to she suddenly blurted out..or something to that effect?

This paragraph has too much space between lines: My relationship with Tanith is stronger than ever and seemed to not be bound by any limits. I feel it’s important to note at this point it never felt like a three-way relationship, nor did it seem

like I had two girlfriends, it was more like Tanith and I had a girlfriend.

I hope you do not take all my 'suggestions' as criticism as they are not. I think you have a great talent for story telling and I am sure you just overlooked what I noticed as a reviewer. Thank you for sharing your story, real or not *Wink* with us!
In affiliation with Smile~Worldwide  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
This review is brought to you on behalf of "Invalid Item.

This is beautiful! You described this moment (actually it was more than a moment) with such vivid detail. You could FEEL the joy in the memory of a great day out on your cardboard sled *Smile*

This story did not have many words and it did not need them. You made a complete story by making every word count. this was a joy to read. thank you for sharing.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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The story has potential. I love the premise of writing about censorship while using a character that most of us are familiar with. I am not sure how John Wayne would feel about it. LOL did he cuss a lot?

There are parts of the story that I thought could use a little work.

"Like hell I do," John Wayne says, sitting on top of his horse. "It's the best line ever."
The expression 'like hell I do' is usually contradictory, meaning like hell he does not know his line.

I think the story and dialogue is great but could perhaps be beefed up just a bit more. the humor is apparent in the lines and I think you could add even more.

The last line, With that, John thought four little words, "Son of a Bitch", I would put the Son of.... part in italics instead of quotes.

This was clever and unique. I enjoyed having the chance to read and review it *Smile*
Review of White Fire  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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This is a well thought out poem. It is written in free verse and paints a clear picture of what I believe the story the author is trying to tell us through her verse. Spelling and grammar are good. I wonder if taking out some words might help the flow, as this reads (to me) as more prose than poem.

The following is just an example, and not perhaps the correct way for You to write. i am just showing where 'I' might change up some of the words to make the read smoother. I read in a sing song tone with poetry and this may effect the way I write and the way i read certain poetry....

You wrote:

How much cold can you take?
Will it ice your skin
or turn you blue?
I look at the crystal floor,
beyond the covered garden
and I see an invitation,
a temptation in the white.

I am unsure of the first two lines, especially the line where it seems you are addressing the reader (I imagine it might be your lover you are speaking to?) but it seems to be a little jarring.

I would just look over the poem and see if there are places you could tighten up the verses. Overall, I enjoyed your words and thank you for sharing them. Again, you painted a lovely scene of love in the white blanket of snow.

In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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I have always loved the 'Peanuts'. I found myself laughing at this story about what it would be like to have Charlie Brown's mother as your PDG mentor. I rated it high for pure imagination, along with the fact that it did make me laugh and brought back pleasant memories of sitting in front of the TV with family and watching this famous cartoon.

I loved the cute dialogue. I wondered if your side of the conversation could have been a little stronger. I felt I was not sure of some of the questions or lines. I was very confused at the end as I am not sure what you were thanking Charlie's mom for. The dialogue came to an end too soon for me.

Overall, great idea. You show an amazing ability to write something different and out of the norm and make it a fun read *Smile*
Review of Men in Black  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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This was wonderful. This is a complete story in 300 words. You would think it impossible to make a reader feel connected to the characters and feel completely satisfied by the end of this short. you did it. The story was interesting and quite humorous. I could picture Jeb in my mind and that caused a giggle all on its own.

Another amazing thing is that you had to use three prompt words and did so in a way that had I not been looking for them, I would not have noticed them at all. they were a natural part of the story. I laughed at the part where jeb's wife hits him with a yard stick as he tries to sample her pie.

The only part that stalled me a bit was the following sentence. It seems a little awkward to me.

Satisfied, the old man lowered his gun and made his way to a rocking chair; his gait reminded the taller suit of Walter Brennan.

While I am assuming that the taller suit is the taller man in black, I hated assuming. It is a phrase that some may not be familiar with. they might not be familiar with 'Walter Brennan' either. Just something to consider perhaps.

I enjoyed this story. It was a delight to read and I absolutely adored the humor, especially at the end *Smile*
In affiliation with Smile~Worldwide  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
There is so much to comment on, I do not know where to start. I think this is a must read for the pure fact it is so well written.

You share the story of the births of your sons, who were born premature. What is so very special is that you wrote this for your wife on your twins 21st birthday. You both sound like you have such love for each other and your children.

You do not only tell us about the terror and fear you must have felt until your children came out of that hospital alive and well, but you share with us your life prior *laughs at the motorcycle before baby 'rule'.* You share the successes of your children now.

I really like the part of the story when you planned to take the children back to the hospital. Was that a dream of speaking to the nurse or reality. I love the ending of this. I think this fits so well in the 'Chicken soup for the soul' genre.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. You sound like such a wonderful man!
In affiliation with Smile~Worldwide  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

*Balloon1**Balloon2*Happy WDC Birthday!*Balloon3**Balloon4*

As a former CNA, this story made me tear up. I have watched many a person die or at the very least, be very close to death. I am so glad you were there for Ken. I know he could feel you if not hear you. The world needs more nurses like you.

I am ashamed to say that I quit working as a CNA because I could not deal with the death or the abuse and neglect I saw many of our elderly and sick go through. I try and visit convalescents and hope to one day go back to a similar kind of work.

Thank you for sharing your story.

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Reviewers welcome

Stop by and review a member celebrating their WDC Anniversary!

Just click the link! *Smile*
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Fyn, you are just ripping at my heart with this poem. A poem written in free-verse about the deaths of American war heroes. The flow was great. Your spelling, punctuation, etc was wonderful. The content made me shudder.

My father served in the Vietnam war. he lived but rarely talked about it. In that war, not many were thought as of heroes. The war was very controversial, as is the one now. It is the fault of our servicemen to where they are sent. They put their very lives on the line in their jobs.

This poem could have been any soldier and I am sure was many a soldier, from many a war. I think any country who has a loved one serving in any sort of armed forces and is at war could feel the message in this poem.
Review of Missing in Action  
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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OH Fyn! This is awesome. It brought up and out my feelings exactly. I was just talking the other day about internet friends and how I would feel if they disappeared without a clue to why. I know a lot of people are frightened at giving out personal information and it should not be shared lightly. I only hope that in the many that reside on this site and others, there is one person you can trust to give your phone number to, in case of emergency.

You poem writes about the sorrow of having 'lost' someone without a clue to where they vanished to. Your words were eloquent and passionate. They reminded what it is like to lose someone this way and indeed I have lost touch with many friends. thankfully, usually I know the reasons they have left a site and disappeared off the web radar...thank goodness.
Review of Fyndorian's Desk  
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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I am reviewing your Fyndorian's desk folder not because I am taking the lazy way out, but because there is a poem here too *Wink*

I would like to say, I have a desk that looks very much like the one in your picture. It inspires me as well. I have modern computer desks, but there is something about the old one up in the attic that seems to sing "Write' to me when I sit at it.

In your poem, a free-verse. you lovingly describe the desk and how it inspires you. You then tell us in very beautiful words Why you write. I love the look of this page and the poem definitely was the hot-fudge, whipped cream, and cherry of this folder.

Review of All things PDG!  
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello! SueV

I am here to review your portfolio organization, a Paper Doll Gang assignment.

I think you did a wonderful job. I love the images that you used as banners for each folder. They are bright and cheery *Smile*
Everything is laid out nicely and in the 'right places'.

I would like to mention that the description you have in your puzzles folder is not centered as it is in the last folder. I would love to see you add a short description of what each folder contains or just some general statements, but that is up to you *Smile*

I think you did a wonderful job at this assignment!
Review of Paper Doll Gang  
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

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Hello! Morgan Adam Internet Problems!

I am stopping by to review your port organization, an assignment for the Paper Doll Gang.

Wow! This is excellent and reminds me I have to restructure my own port. LOL

In your PDG folder, one of the many different types of folders in your port, you laid out everything so nicely. I love the image at top. Too cute!

I appreciate the information you included. You told us a little about why you are on WDC and included a link to the group in which this folder is dedicated. I found it very touching that you mentioned Hannah, (the leader of PDG) Rogue (your mentor), and a few of your classmates.

This is very well organized with sub-folders for things like poetry, short stories, and contests. It would seem like you are an old hand at all of this. You did an excellent job at your port organization.
Review of Couch Potato  
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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I think this poem is so cute. the story about watching your prince turn into a frog or couch potato. It is not very attractive. LOL
There were places in this poem that actually made me laugh out loud, literally. I could soooo relate!

I applaud your following a scheme and theme while pulling off this funny and cute story poem *Smile*

Thank you for sharing, Fyn! Write on!
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Bravo! A great post asking us to be accountable for our ratings. I dislike the stars for certain reasons and although I am tempted to change all my items to review only, I have not.

I really hate to get started on my own rant as it probably wont be as eloquent as yours. I have had a glorious review, telling me my item was 'perfect', 'wonderful' 'brilliant'. She even asked me to write more of the story. She then rated me a low star rating. I am okay ( perhaps at times a little dismayed) getting lower star ratings on my items. I am not okay if you tell me my piece is perfect and then rate it lower. I asked this person what i could have done to improve on it because I was confused by the discrepancies between her review and the rating. She wrote back and said there was nothing I could change, it was great...but she was saying her stars. I am still confused about that one. LOL

While we, as readers, may not agree with what deserves a perfect rating or a 2. rating, but I know this. ratings are subjective, yes, but we should take care. I do not want to be personally responsible for someone to stop expressing themselves through writing. Writing is a gift we all have and if any writer nurtured in the most careful way they have the potential to become great. At the very least, give respect to a person. No one here is Steven King or Maya Angelou (unless they are hiding under one of the WDC handles and secretly taking time out of their own writing schedules to come and rate and review all of us *Wink* I do not mean to be disrespectful to any reviewer. I realize some take their 'job' quite seriously. please remember there are a lot of book published out there that one person may love that another will simply throw away.

I think kindness in correcting bad grammar and a forgiveness of a writer's shortcomings is needed when we have so many budding artists among us. We also need to remember that some of these authors are children.

Umm..what? Shut up, Omni? Okay.

Loved your piece. hahaha. Sorry for including my rant as a review. That is a good thing though. If you get people discussing this, it could only lead to some understanding of each other. You should do some kind of forum *Smile* *nods*
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
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This is a page where you have listed your favorite piece of writing by other WDC authors. I have bookmarked it and intend to come back and check some of these stories, events, and the such for myself. I think this is a wonderful way to showcase those items and people who touched your heart in some way. i love that you entered a short description for each as well. I noticed you have noticed the missing links to some of your favorites and I wonder why you have not removed them if you, nor I, have access to them anymore.

This is just a wonderful idea and I think I might take a cue from you and do something similar. I hope you do not mind *Smile*
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Ingenious! Not only did you do dialogue only and write an interesting story, but you plugged WDC. I think this would make anyone who read it interested in finding out more about the site. It was cute, very informal in tone. I find dialogue only very difficult to do. I need to challenge myself more. you speak of so many positives this site has to offer. It was a fun read! I have nothing really to add as far as suggestions. I am not sure if this was written for a contest or if you were just challenging yourself. If it is for a contest, I suppose I could suggest that you say so *Wink*

Thank you for sharing! Write on *Smile*
Review of Snow Angels  
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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I am not sure if you used a certain formal form in this piece but it is precious. It speaks about the impressions your children not only left in the snow but in your heart *Smile* I enjoyed feeling the love through your words.

I think this poem would be even better if you enlarged the font just a bit and centered it, perhaps adding a picture as well. It is up to you of course *Smile*

I think it is neat where we draw our inspirations from at times. To think a scrapbook page inspired a poem is just special to me.

Thank you for sharing and Write on!
Review of Winter day  
In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hello! mars

My name is omniblueeyes *Smile* I am pleased to have the honor of reading a piece of your writing.
Disclaimer: I am not a professional editor, I am simply a reader. My intent is to share my humble opinion of your work with you. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in my review and disregard what you do not agree with.

*Note1*Overall Impression:
A pretty poem about the beauty of winter.

*Note2*Setting and Plot/Structure and Form:
When I first read through this, I felt you could lose the first two words of verse one and verse two. After I noticed the form and the syllabic requirements, I realize why they are there. With your limitations within the form, the poem is very well written. The words painted a picture for me in my mind...actually, I only need to go look outside and see what you spoke of so beautiful, perhaps I will see the winter differently now?

*Note3*Punctuation, Spelling, and Grammar:
Enlight does not appear to be spelled correctly. Punctuation in poetry is subjective. Every poet seems to have their way of doing it 'properly' so I am not going to comment on yours *Wink*
I wonder if this poem would 'look' better centered?

*Note5*Parting Thoughts:
Thank you for sharing. I think I shall go and look out my window now and amaze at the winter wonderland.

*Exclaim* Rating:*Star**Star**Star**Star*

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