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Review of The Unknown  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

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*Balloon1**Balloon2*Happy WDC Birthday!*Balloon3**Balloon4*

Happy WDC Birthday PoeticMoon

I stopped by to read a piece of your poetic work. I found this tribute to those great unknown authors. I find so many pieces, especially wonderful quotes by 'anonymous' people. I wonder why they did not take or were not given credit.

Your poem followed a definite rhyme scheme without feeling forced. The flow was good. The content and the tribute was obvious.

I would consider taking out the word 'the' in the forth line. It, of course, is what feels best to you. I am only making a suggestion.

Thank you for sharing!

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Reviewers welcome

Stop by and review a member celebrating their WDC Anniversary!

Just click the link! *Smile*
Review of Broken  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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*Balloon1**Balloon2*Happy WDC Birthday!*Balloon3**Balloon4*

HI!The Raven

First I would like to say Happy WDC Birthday! I am here to review one of your items. I chose this poem because the title grabbed my attention.

The poem is well written, expressive in your pain. I did see the rhyme scheme and it did not seem forced at all. The flow of the poem was great if I ignored the punctuation and just went with the natural flow of the words and form.

so very therad bare. thread

In the third verse I am not sure that you need to end the first two sentences with any kind of punctuation. It just slows down the flow.

I think that the words you used were very descriptive of how you felt at the time. I could feel your words. Thank you for sharing.

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Reviewers welcome

Stop by and review a member celebrating their WDC Anniversary!

Just click the link! *Smile*
In affiliation with PSYW  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello! Cobwebs-In-Space Reindeer

I am not sure if this is JUST you Nano blog or is your normal blog. It seems focused on your Nano book, but there is some personal information in here as well. Again, I would like to congratulate you on your winner against Nano! I was so close, but will get be victorious next year.

I am so sorry about your fire in your house. I am so thankful no one was hurt.

Reading more of your entries, I think this is just a Nano blog. I do not think I could keep one and continue to write in the book. LOL But, I waited until the last minute this year and was not a consistent writer. It is very interesting, reading your blog, about what helped and what hindered you. I may attempt to keep one next year after all. Thank you for the inspiration.

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Review of Uninvited Guests  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

*Balloon1**Balloon2*Happy WDC Birthday!*Balloon3**Balloon4*

Hello Jaye!

I was excited to see a Paranormal folder in your port. I chose to read this story because it is based on a true occurrence. I would love it you would have noted if this was a personal experience, something you read or based on a story told by someone you knew.

That poor child must have been scared so badly. I am glad her had a mother who guided him even though she could not see what he did. I would love to read the extended version as I think you may have shortened some parts that would have made the story feel more complete for me.

I know that David told them to go to the light, but one would think that if these people did not realize they were dead that there may have been a little more confusion. Did he tell them they were dead. I know he said they do not belong here, but that would make me angry if I had someone walk into my house and tell me that. I would be confused by the reference to the light though. LOL Actually, I would be a little freaked out. It is unusual to have three spirits that are together and seem to recognize each other. They must have died at the same time? I would love more of the back-story on this.

The piece was well written. I enjoyed the piece and had no problem staying focused on what you had written. I sometimes find myself skipping words or getting distracted easily when reading longer stories (especially when reading on the computer...it is so different from regular book form).

Thank you for sharing this! If you do have the longer version, please send me the link. I would love to read more of the story of these three ghosts.

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Reviewers welcome

Stop by and review a member celebrating their WDC Anniversary!

Just click the link! *Smile*

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Review of "GANG ITEMS"
Review of Betty my Betty  
In affiliation with Rising Stars of WdC  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hi Irisis!

Congratulations on becoming a Rising Star! *Star*

I came to your 'friendship folder' looking for something to read. There was only one item in it so far and it was this lovely ode to your daughter.

I hate to offer suggestions on a piece that is written so much from the heart, but I know (if you have not shown this to your daughter yet) you will want it to be perfect. Of course, I do not know it all and my suggestions are just a matter of personal opinion. You can take them or leave them *Smile*

The first line:

You are everything we used to talk about.
This is a personal poem and I am sure your daughter knows what you both talked about, but as a reader, we are left a little in the dark. Perhaps saying something like: 'You have became everything I wished for you to be,' or something expressing she is everything you knew she could be.

Your smile can lite my dark days no doubt.
There should probably be a comma after the word 'days'.

I see you and oh thank God for you every day.
I would leave out the word 'oh' or add the word 'I' after 'oh'.

You bring me to a point of everything.
Do you mean she completes you or brings you full circle? This line is not completely understood by me, but if she will get it, I say leave it *Smile*

At your young age, you know more than me, do more than me.
do more than 'I' or 'I do'

You're a lefty, smarty, pretty and yes girly to your mom
girly is not really a true word but an expression, I am not sure of correct form in instances like these, but I would use quotes of some sort around the word. I use 'girly', but this does not mean I am correct. I think there should be an extra comma in this sentence and I would end this sentence with a period. The next line below it stands alone and make quite an impact as the finishing line to the poem.

I know I have seemed to correct much of your poem. I want you to know I did not like taking the chance that you would feel I am tearing it down, in any way. I loved the poem, which is why the higher rating. I think that if you look it through and as a reader, not the 'feeler', you will see places where you could smooth out some of of the minor issues. The poem is so filled with awe and love of your daughter. I hope you perfect this poem and give it to her as a gift. I think it would look lovely framed with some kind of decor or just on nice paper and framed.

I think this poem will make your daughter feel your incredible love for her. I felt it, I am so positive she will be walking on air after hearing or reading it!

In affiliation with PSYW  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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This is a word search created by Mike. There is actually a part two to this. I spied another word search dedicated to you *Smile*

I have noticed when browsing your port, that while you do write (I have read some of your wonderful poems and know you are a published author), you do much more for others on this site than you do in regards to yourself. Your spirit shows through as you seem to have the goal of helping others get noticed, get reviewed, or just feel good about who they are. Your port is filled with community activities.

I tried this word search, but my laptop is being a pain today. I noticed all the wonderful groups you belong to- or head up in the word search list.

You are just a neat person, Sherri. I am happy to have been given the chance to 'meet' you *Wink*

Review of It's A Girl!!!!!  
In affiliation with PSYW  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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I am so late in offering congratulations of the birth of your first grandchild. Actually I was not a member when this darling was born, but here is my chance to tell you how happy I am for you!

Your baby girl was a New Year baby! That must have been very exciting. Was she the first one born in your town? I know that they usually get their name in the newspaper- that would have been a neat keepsake.

Stephanie Grace created and dedicated this wonderful page to you. It is very well done, but the best part is that it shows how very loved your are on this site.

I have enjoyed being given the chance to get to know some wonderful souls around this site. You are indeed one of the most caring and giving people I have had the fortune to meet. *Heart*

Do you have pictures of the baby up? She is about to celebrate her first birthday too! That will be so much fun!
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello! I Crave Open Roads...

I would like to address this poem differently than I would many others, for a couple different reasons.

1. It is a beautiful, loving tribute to your grandmother who passed away. I never 'rate' these unless specially asked to spell check or something and then I would just refer you to a better speller or punctuation expert *Wink*
2. You are one of the younger writers on WDC and it always makes me excited to see a young adult writing their feelings down.
3. You are not only young, but are a male. Micheal, there are not many men who write their feelings down. Well, there are on WDC, but I do not think it is the norm in the world for men to be expressive in nature. I wish to do nothing more than to encourage you to continue writing. Your expression (in words or writing) shows your maturity.

I think the poem was touching and made me feel a little sad. I am sure it helped though to write it down and purge those feelings. I am not sure, but if your grandma can see you, she would be so proud! She knew you loved her. You will see her again.

One little tip- I do it all the time too, you need to go and capitalize all the 'I''s in your poems. You only missed one *Smile*

I hope you continue to write and I will be looking forward to reading more of your posts as time goes by. I hope to see you growing through the years on this site. I just joined about 5 months ago or so, but have noticed some teens have grown up while writing here at WDC. They not only grew in years, but in skill. I think you have terrific potential! So...Write On!

I am a reviewer for
*Star*"The WDC Angel Army *Star* "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP*Star*

Review of Mon Mari  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello! NickiD89

I had to rate this a five. It was so beautiful in both the richness of words chosen and the flow, but also deeply heartfelt.

Now, I have a question about the word: 'Cézanne'. I looked it up because I was unfamiliar with it. It seems Cézanne is a famous painter. Do people refer to all artists as Cézanne. I am sure I am asking a silly question that every else knows the answer to, but it is more stupid to pretend I know something when I do not. I truly loved this poem and if that is how you meant it, and that is how it fits, I want to know. I respect this poem that much.

My Gosh, this poem was a beautiful tribute to your husband. I hope you both have it framed somewhere in your house, perhaps in your bedroom. The healing love he must have provided to your heart and to your soul must have been such a blessing to you.

Your Love
carried on lavender-scented air
with a hint of wild thyme and the sea

This is so ah...what is another word for beautiful, lol. It is but one example of this poem which almost brought me to tears in the profound love I felt in reading your words. I want to feel this healing. I want to give that kind of healing love.

Thank you for sharing Nicki! *Heart*

I am also a reviewer for
*Star*"The WDC Angel Army *Star* "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP*Star*

Review of Who Me???  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello! ~WhoMe???~

LOL! When I first started reading this I thought, 'someone thinks highly of themselves'. Ha Ha! I had to look down and realize that this is a dedication to you. The description was a little deceiving as I thought I was going to be reading a piece where you told us a little about yourself *Wink* I think it was wonderful of Just an Ordinary Boo! to write this endearing piece about you.

I can not review and rate dedication pieces the same way I might a random story or poem. They are so personal and touching, these tributes, that they deserve 5 stars no matter what. That being said, Jyo did an excellent job with this one.

She even used a form: Written as two qutrains enclosed by two couplets in aa cdcd efef gg rhyming pattern and pentameter, unstressed.

This, to me, makes it extra special and shows she took great care and put much thought into creating this little masterpiece about ~WhoMe???~ .

The rhyme scheme was nicely done, good use of descriptive words. I would have rated this highly even if it was not a dedication!

I am also a reviewer for

*Star*"The WDC Angel Army *Star* "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP*Star*

In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is the final review that I owe you from your package won from the 4-A auction. Although I have only reviewed three of your pieces formally, I did read many of your works this morning and you are quite talented. I enjoyed my visit in your port.
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Hello! Kate - Writing & Reading

I gave this a five star rating as soon as I glanced and saw what a double acrostic was and that you did it! I did not know there was such a thing as the double acrostic and give you huge kudos for being able to pull it off. I had read enough of your poetry, browsing through your port this morning to know the poem would not be less than good. I have no shame in rating it before truly reading it through. For those that do not know what a double acrostic is: 'Poetic Form ~ Double Acrostic, First and last letter of each line.' I am not sure I could do it. I love acrostics, especially if done with care, but to also end with the same letter that you began with in each sentence, the challenge is not an easy task to accomplish with grace.

Having said that, this poem is one of the best of yours I have read today. The wonderfully descriptive words you used describes a scene so beautiful, it definitely touched my soul. It is describing life's pathway but you write it like it is a mountain hike. The use of metaphor is great.

To me this is the beginning of life:
Walk with care along the trail to twilight’s cerulean maw,
Others having paved the way, all leaving their marks on the path;

and this is the end:
Sound the tuneless aria as you reach where near meets far.
Sibilant cacophony suffuses life’s final caress.

The journey between the two is beautiful. It is much like climbing a beautiful mountain trail, searching for the bliss, knowing others have walked where we now stand.


Review of Work Bound  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello! Kristi

Thank you for entering
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1619568 by Not Available.

My name is omniblueeyes *Smile* I am pleased to have the honor of reading a piece of your writing.
Disclaimer: I am not a professional editor, I am simply a reader. My intent is to share my humble opinion of your work with you. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in my review and disregard what you do not agree with.

*Note1*Overall Impression:
You take the mundane morning ride to work and make us feel some excitement for something we usually find little joy in. You made the ride to work sound fun and a little exciting.

*Note2*Structure and Form:
You followed my form perfectly.

*Note3*Punctuation, Spelling, and Grammar:
great as always...

*Thumbsup* Favorite Parts:
Sixty miles per hour in a forty-five -
radio blaring my favorite bands;
wind in my hair, tangling all the strands -
advancing aggressively forward.

Didn't you say that you were having trouble with the last two lines? They are by far, my absolute favorite part of this poem!

I wish the 'feel' of the first verse matched the second verse in that excitement, that emotion you felt (or perhaps that I felt in reading it). The second verse was great, especially the last two lines. I wanted more of that. That rush you felt was very clearly pictured in my mind with the second verse (for me). I liked the word choices.

*Note5*Parting Thoughts:
I fought with myself over the rating. It truly made me mad that there is not a 4.25 rating. ha! It was very close to a 4.5, but the differences in the way the verses made me feel kept me from giving it the higher rating. I am finding myself rating a little harsher than I normally do for this contest. I guess I am looking for something that just Wows the pants of me...well ya know *Wink* I want to feel excited, moved, or breathless in what I read. You came close with the second verse and definitely hit it on the head with the last two lines.

*Exclaim* Rating: *Star**Star**Star**Star*

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Review of Poetic Flow  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello! piewhackett1

The poem is about a poem, or many poems in a way... It is about the art of writing poetry. The words chosen were nice, simple, but written in a way that the reader gets a sense of the author's feeling about the art of writing poetry.

The poem flowed nicely. There was no set symbolic count but a definite rhyme scheme of abab.

My only suggestion is in the first verse, I think you should switch around line one and line two. In the following two verses, you use the word 'feelings'. I just think it would look more cohesive of you followed suit with the first line in the first verse.

Review of Scream!  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
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Hello! StaiNed-

I erased the template as I am reviewing this piece solely as a reader not an editor.

This is not a piece that cam simply be read and walked away from. I do not care about form or flow, it is in it's words which the power lies. The power to evoke feelings from the reader. Some may feel anger reading this peace, some may agree, some may feel fear, hate, who knows. I am baffled. I read it over and over again and each time I thought I could grasp what you were shooting for. I gave up and went with what 'I' felt and thought each time I read it.

The first time, it sounded like the author was angry at God, the second time I thought perhaps the author was addressing Satan. Then, ya know...I just let go of the religion all together and just read the words and felt the emotions behind them. I 'feel' like I have been in that space in which you speak. I felt definite anger but not at the author or at anyone particular. I also felt a sense of powerlessness, as if I did not control my own fate or destiny. I then read it again, and each time, I seriously felt something different when reading it.

I had a hard time rating this. I went back and forth from the score I gave in the end (because I do not know if I entirely enjoy not knowing what the subject is about or referring to) to a perfect score, for your ability to have a piece so well written it can evoke an array of emotions not only from different readers but ONE reader.

I do not want you to tell me what this is about. I actually think the piece would lose some of it's magic in labeling it.

Review of Crimson Teardrops  
In affiliation with PSYW  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello! ~WhoMe???~

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Another excellent poem. I feel some people may think you need to use big or complicated words to produce a 'good' poem. I, personally, do not like having to look up tons of words to read one poem. This is not to say my vocabulary is lacking, it is not. I just enjoy 'feeling' the poem without having to stop and get my dictionary out. This message was profound and definitely led me somewhere. When first reading it I thought; 'this could fit many situations'. I felt that way until I read the closing line. The closing line hit me hard. It was simple, but powerful and direct. It brought the entire piece together to drive your message home.

This poem is speaking against child abuse of any form. The rhyme scheme is apparent and well done. The flow is excellent. This poem has 'impact'.

Thank you for sharing it!
In affiliation with PSYW  
Rated: E | (5.0)

You wrote a sweet love poem for you sister and her boyfriend. It is truly sweet in it's apparent simplicity. I say apparent because someone unfamiliar with form or rhyme scheme would just look at the sweet, and yes simple, words and then say 'awww' *Smile* I, myself, am still learning the proper way to describe rhyme scheme. I know what you did..lol. I do not think this would be an abab more like an abcb? I see that you have in each verse, four lines. Line 2 and four rhyme, but you took it further with using the last word of each verse as the first leading word in the next verse. Looks simple, I have a feeling it was not. I love the form. Does the form already have a name or did you make it up?

The words may be simplistic and sweet, but hold this pure message of love. You should read this at their wedding, that is if they are still together or not already married *Smile*

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Review of The House  
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
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Hello! Katie Sykerd

My name is omniblueeyes *Smile* I am pleased to have the honor of reading a piece of your writing.
Disclaimer: I am not a professional editor, I am simply a reader. My intent is to share my humble opinion of your work with you. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in my review and disregard what you do not agree with.

*Note1*Overall Impression:
A story that has the potential to be quite the horror story. The plot and ideas behind the storyline are great, they may just need to be streamlined and worked with a bit.

*Note2*Setting and Plot/Structure and Form:

*Note3*Punctuation, Spelling, and Grammar:
Scrambling to her feet she ran, white hot pain searing across her dirty, bloody palms, her feet pounding solidly against the gravel.
I am not the best with punctuation so you may want to get a second opinion but the punctuation of this sentence seems a little off. I am thinking there should be a comma between 'feet' and 'she'. I would also end the sentence after the word ran. You go on to explain things that have nothing to do with her running, at least not the part of the searing palms--that has to do with her falling.

Looking through this piece, I would check with someone who is excellent with punctuation, as there seems to be a lot of places that I concerned me.

Spelling seemed perfect. See below for any suggestions on grammar.

*Thumbsup* Favorite Parts:
I enjoy your use of descriptive words and the use of metaphors throughout the story. I think the concepts behind the story are excellent. The punctuation, and some of the grammar, made this a little harder to read than I would have liked. I hope you revise it and invite me to read and rate it again, if you do tweak it.

Jack the terrier Is this her dog? I would suggest saying 'Jack, her terrier', or even, 'Jack, a terrier'...

“Ergk”, Susan whispered – she had apparently not only missed wind but also a short shower – which was odd as it was only her knees and feet, having been on the floor, which appeared to be wet.
I have a hard time fully understanding this sentence. It seems to need a little revision to make the sentence smoother.

She edged, her back to the door, to her room –where her mobile lived
What is a mobile? Is it her cell phone? The word 'lived' seems a little odd if you are referring to a phone. (IMO (/c}

*Note5*Parting Thoughts:
Again, I hope I am invited back to read this again. I think it has great potential. You are a great writer with terrific ideas.

*Exclaim* Rating: *Star**Star**Star**Halfstar*

Review of Without Flinching  
In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello! SWPoet

Thank you for entering the First Peoples' represent Contest. As the other judges are reading your entries, please do not edit from this point until the close of the contest.

*Note1*Overall Impression:
This is a lovely poem about going back to our native roots.

*Note2*Structure and Form:
This is written free verse style. It works well, creating a natural flow.

*Note3*Punctuation, Spelling, and Grammar:
Good job.

*Thumbsup* Favorite Parts:
And through a wireless world, beyond the dreams of our people,
we will make footprints through paths less traveled, together,

Love this! i would probably take out the 'and', especially because you are using the word to begin a sentence. it is really not needed IMO.

or come down with the flu. Then I hear that other voice. extra space between 'flu' and 'Then'.

One voice pulls and the other listens, silently,
This line confused me. You are speaking in regards to the two voices, right? How is one voice listening? You are listing to both voices, aren't you? I am not sure...I am a bit confused here...

*Note5*Parting Thoughts:
I always walk barefoot, have since I was a child. I have non-tender feet and love the feel of earth under my soles. The poem was very sweet and thoughtful.

*Exclaim* Rating: *Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar*

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In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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Hello! MD Maurice

I feel like I am peering into your life and spying while I read this. Reading it, I felt closer to you even though I do not know you. Parts of this blog made me want to cry. How very difficult it must have been going through what you were going through...bring a new life into the world and letting another one go. I am so very sorry about your cousin's death.

I can not say much about this blog, except for thank you for sharing. I pray that you are blessed with peace and strength as you mourn and also celebrate the birth of your child.

Review of KEYBOARD  
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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An acrostic written about a keyboard. I saw this as being the keys of a piano. It was quite beautiful. The choice of words you used made the poem and the piano seem magical.

The flow, even though it was an acrostic poem was good. You used a rhyme scheme that was only apparent when looking for it.

Artistically portrayed
Rhapsodies of human experience

Love it!

You did an exceptional job with the poem and the ribbon adorning it was well deserved. I think doing an acrostic well can be challenging. It is one of my favorite forms when done well. You did well *Smile*
Review of Simply Rain  
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello! Maryann

I enjoyed this poem about the rain. I noted the rhyme scheme. I think it was well done. the only slight issue i had was with the last word of the first verse. It felt a little placed there because it rhymed. The rest of the poem flowed beautifully for me. I love the ending verse. I also liked the way your built up the story from the first sign of rain to ending it with the rainbow.

Nicely done again! Thank you for sharing *Smile*

In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello! Maryann

This is a poem about the stars. There is a definite rhyme scheme and you rhyme every last word in each verse. Well done. The rhymes do not sound forced, but a very natural part of the poem.

The flow was great when I read it out loud.

The content and choice of words was very sweet and reminded me of a song.

Glowing beams against blackness fashion the sky into light.
By far, my favorite line. It is just beautiful.

I enjoyed this poem. Thank you for sharing!

In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.5)

*Balloon1**Balloon2*Happy WDC Birthday!*Balloon3**Balloon4*

I saw this story about Christmas and since I have been seeing Christmas decor in the stores since October, thought it would be a good time to try and get into the holiday cheer.

The story is a cute tale about a family. Is this your family or is the story fictional? It seems incomplete but you warned us beforehand in the folder description. You said you had a lot of stories with no beginnings or ends. I hope you work on them, especially this one and make them more complete.

The characters were described well enough. I really liked the plot, sounded realistic which is why i asked if it was fiction or non-fiction. I think you may want to put this though a word program or just check for some small spelling errors.

If you do add to this story, I would love to read it again!

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Reviewers welcome

Stop by and review a member celebrating their WDC Anniversary!

Just click the link! *Smile*
Review of Normal  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: E | (4.0)

*Balloon1**Balloon2*Happy WDC Birthday!*Balloon3**Balloon4*

Although the poem is a realization that you are normal, and much the same as your peers...this is a temporary situation. I think you are still young and if in school, that would account for feeling like all the others. You will grow up and develop your own habits and although you will share some of the same pains and trials as others, you experience of them will be different. You are different--unique. We all are *Smile*

That being said, the poem would read much nicer if it was not in all caps. The poem follows a rhyme scheme and it is nicely done. I hope you edit this and put it in normal font. It would be a good thing *Smile*

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Reviewers welcome

Stop by and review a member celebrating their WDC Anniversary!

Just click the link! *Smile*
Review of Mindless Troll  
In affiliation with Rockin' Reviewers - Award ...  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
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The purpose of this Review is to go over things in your poem like word usage, structure, added imagery, formatting and emotions or feelings of the piece.

I am happy that I found this piece. you are right, it seems I have missed many of your pieces. I am glad I am finding more to read from your port.

Word Usage:
You painted a clear picture of what it is like to be a puppet on a string. The words you chose were great.

Try to outsmart me
I'll knock your ass down
below ground level
you've dug your own hole.

I am not sure if you will agree but I would take out the word 'own' in the last line. It breaks the flow for me, especially when reading the following verse.

There is a rhyme scheme and each ending word of each verse rhymes. It anchors the entire piece. The flow was good.

You apinted a clear and frightening picture of what being an addict is like. I can relate, I think anyone who has had an substance abuse problem could.

This poem is a lie, but so is the drug that caused you to write this. The drug always wants us to believe there is no way out, that we have dug ourselves to big a hole to ever get out of it. Thankfully, many stop believing in the drug and start believing in themselves.

Overall Impression:
I liked this, Kristi. thanks for sharing!

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