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Review of Beginning to End  
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (4.5)
I updated my template. I like using a template in contests so everyone is judged the same way. Remember, I'm only an author like you, so only use what is helpful.

First Impressions, subject, and opening of the poem:
I liked the perspective you used. The title is both appropriate and adds to the poem.The opening lines establish an appropriate tone.

Poetry Devices - sight, sound, and sense:
There were enough specific image details. I have no problem with the scansion of flow and rhythm. The diction is consistent. The I found no odd word choices. The syntax is appropriate. The totality of tone is consistent.

Closure of the poem and placement on the page:
The last lines were a perfect way to end the poem. Not artificial or overwritten. The line breaks seem right. I was happy to see you didn't overuse commas. I see no punctuation that needs to be stripped away.

Suggestions and general observations:

I do have a few suggestions. First, I would replace "to" with a dash before "destroy" in the last line. It puts an emphases on what follows - "destroy." Second, There are a few unneeded words, such as "they" in the first line second stanza. Omit "they" and you can also omit the comma. Third, I would like to see more action verbs beginning with the second stanza. I think you would have an even stronger poem. It would also give you internal rhymes. Simply use present tense. EX: "Protecting this," He charged one special pair. Also, pronouns referring to God are capitalized (like he).

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work.
I really like this poem. A few tweeks and you have a keeper. Keep writing - and I hope you come back for this month's contest. I apologize for taking so long reviewing.

Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (5.0)
I updated my template. I like using a template in contests so everyone is judged the same way. Remember, I'm only an author like you, so only use what is helpful.

First Impressions, subject, and opening of the poem:
My first impression was wondering what the perspective would be from a donkey. I doubt you could have used a better picture - perfect. Sympathy from a donkey -a great opening line that draws curiousity.

Poetry Divices - sight, sound, and sense:
This form is much harder to write than it looks. I find no sections weak in visable images. I found no problem with the scansion of rhythm and flow. The personification of the donkey was very well done. The diction consistent. I found no odd word choices. The syntax is appropriate. The totality of tone is consistent.

Closure of the poem and placement on the page:
The closure was a great way to end the poem. Not overwritten or artificial. The line breaks seem right. The second and fifth lines need an end stop. However, it isn't hurting your poem. For the contest, if I don't think it is hurting your poem, I only mention it.

Suggestions and general observations:

I have no other suggestions for this fine poem. I've written enough of this form to know how hard it could be. You have a keeper.

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work.
I apologize for taking so long to review.

Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (5.0)
I updated my template. I like using a template in contests so everyone is judged the same way. Remember, I'm only an author like you, so only use what is helpful.

First Impressions, subject, and opening of the poem:
A new perspective is needed when writing about the big subjects. From 1 - 5 I'll give you a 6 with the perspective. Love it. The title is both appropriate and adds to your poem. The first line draws the reader into the poem.

Poetry Divices - sight, sound, and sense:There are enough specific image details. Familar ones take on a new look through the innkeeper's wife's eyes. I had no problem with the scansion of rhythm and flow. The combination of meter and rhyme worked well. The diction is consistent. The syntax appropriate.

Closure of the poem and placement on the page:
I loved the strong finish. It isn't overwritten or artificial. The line breaks seem right. The only problem I have is the overuse of commas. We get that off of the classic writers. For the contests, if it isn't hurting your poem I only mention it. Without meter and rhyme it would hurt your poem.

Suggestions and general observations:
I have no other suggestions for this fine poem.

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work.
I apologize for the late review and judging. Keep Writing.


Review of Star's Song  
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (5.0)
I updated my template. I like using a template in contests so everyone is judged the same way. Remember, I'm only an author like you, so only use what is helpful.

First Impressions, subject, and opening of the poem:
When I read the title, I was distracted (life got in the way), and couldn't wait until I finished reading it, and I wasn't disappointed. A subject that has been written about a lot needs a different perspective. Your poem gives that. The title is both appropriate and adds to the poem. The first line immediately shows personification and draws the reader in.

Poetry Divices - sight, sound, and sense:
There were enough specific image details. I felt like I was sitting on the star watching. I had no problem with the scansion of rhythm and flow. The diction is consistent. I found no odd word choices. The syntax is appropriate. It's refreshng not to see all commas.

Closure of the poem and placement on the page:
The closing seems like a good way to end the poem. Not overwrittwn or artificial. The line breaks seem right. The first enjambment I thought you needed an end stop, but re-reading it a few times changed my mind.

Suggestions and general observations:

I doubt this poem could be tightened. I have no suggestions for this fine poem - and you will find that's rare with me. Keep writing.

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work. My health is coming back so (Lord willing) I will be more punctual in this month's contest.

Review of CHRISTMAS!  
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
I updated my template. I like using a template in contests so everyone is judged the same way. Remember, I'm only an author like you, so only use what is helpful.

First Impressions, subject, and opening of the poem:
I read this when you posted it, and it got me excited for Christmas. The title is appropriate and goes well with the opening line.

Poetry Divices - sight, sound, and sense:
There are enough specific image details. I had no problem with the scansion of flow. The diction is consistent. The syntax appropriate. The totality of tone is consistent. It brought out the expectation and excitement, getting the reader involved.

Closure of the poem and placement on the page:
The closure was a good way to end the poem. Not overwritten or artificial.
I did have a problem with the fifth stanza. Question marks are needed (last four lines). "But," is not needed and eliminates the comma in the next line after "or." I suggest a question mark after LORD - end stop - and one at the end of the stanza.

Suggestions and general observations:

I don't have any other suggestions for this fine poem. It's a keeper. I wish you a blessed 2013 and keep writing.

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work. My health is finally coming back, so Lord willing, I'll be more punctual and get caught up here.

Review of Thanks God!  
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (4.5)
Disclaimer: I'm only an author like you. Hopefully, you will take only what is helpful and send the rest into cyberspace.

The title is appropriate. I love the opening line. It creates curiosity and draws the reader into reading more. I like the perspective on something that's been written about a lot.

Sight Devices:
There are enough specific image details.

Sound Devices:
I had no problem with the scansion of flow.

Sense Devices:
The diction is consistent. The syntax is appropriate. I find no odd word choices. The totality of tone is consistent.

The closing lines seemed right for ending the poem. Not artificial or overwitten. I do have a suggestion for the last line. Use a dash instead of a comma and it puts emphasis on what follows.

Placement On Page:
The line breaks seem right. I doubt you could tighten it without hurting your poem.

General Observations:
One thing that bothered me was it leaves little for the reader to discover for him/herself. This is done by using poetry devices to do more showing than telling. Having said that, I really loved it. It's a keeper.

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work.

Review of Savior our Lord  
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (4.5)
Disclaimer: I'm only an author like you. Hopefully, you will take only what is helpful and send the rest into cyberspace.

The title is appropriate and hints to what the poem is about. I love the opening line. The question draws the reader in makes it personal. When subjects that have been written about a lot,like November's prompt,there is a need for a different perspective. Your dialog filled that need.

Sight Devices:
There are enough specific image details. I thought using the dialog and questions worked very well.

Sound Devices:
I had no problem with the scansion of rhythm and flow. Using punctuation when there is no rhyme scheme or meter is needed to guide the reader.*ThumbsUp*

Sense Devices:
The diction is consistent. I found no odd word choices. The syntax is appropriate. The sentence structure is good. I love the totality of tone in your poem. I thought going back and forth (talking to both the Lord and another audience) hurt your poem. The reader has nothing to discover for him/herself. I suggest you say the same thing, but continue with the dialog.

The last stanza seems right for ending the poem. Not artificial or overwritten.

Placement On Page:
Typo - end of third stanza - it's one of the things I do too often. Period instead of question mark. Suggestion - using a dash in the last line instead of a semicolon will put an emphasis on what follows.

General Observations:
I really enjoyed your poem. It's a keeper.

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work.
Review of The Final Battle  
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (4.0)
I'm only an author like you, so only use what is useful.

First Impressions:
The title both adds to your poem and is appropriate. I found the poem peaceful.

What I Liked:
I liked both the title and the closing line. I liked the rhyme scheme.

Poetry Divices:
Caesura, imagery, and rhyme.

I thought a few action verbs would give you a stronger poem. Ex: suffering, beginning, comparing and praising.

General Observations:
A problem I find is there is little for the reader to discover for him/herself. There should be more showing than telling. Having said that, it is well written and I am looking forward to reading more of your work.

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work.


Review of RAPTURE!  
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Disclaimer: I'm only an author like you. Hopefully, you will take only what is helpful and send the rest into cyberspace.

The title is appropriate and adds to the poem. I like the perspective and curiosity the opening line creates.

Sight Devices:
The simile "like a thief" worked well in the opening.

Sound Devices:
I had no problem with the scansion of flow.

Sense Devices:
I thought both the voice and point of view were very good. The diction is consistent. I found no odd word choices. The syntax is appropriate.

I like closing with a question (question mark). The bold print gives it the exclamation point.

Placement On Page:
I didn't think the "and"(s) were needed. The line breaks seem right.

General Observations:
I loved the fourth stanza. As great as it will be for the Bride, it will be awful for those left behind.

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work.

Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (4.0)
Disclaimer: I'm only an author like you. Hopefully, you will take only what is helpful and send the rest into cyberspace.

The title seems appropriate and adds to the poem. The opening line is appropriate in establishing the tone. The totality of tone will depend on the devices used and how they are used throughout the poem.

Sight Devices:
I also thought the metaphors and similes were used well. There are enough specific image details.

Sound Devices:
I did have a problem in places with the flow. I find using double adjectives hurt it. The rhyme scheme worked well until the last stanza.

Sense Devices:
The line breaks seem right. The point of view is good. The diction consistent. I found no odd word choices. The syntax appropriate. I liked the totality of tone. I think He needs to set us all down at times to get our attention. At least He does me.

I loved the closing. The perfect way to end the poem.

Placement On Page:
I thought not using punctuation hurt your poem. I thought it was needed to guide the reader, especially when read out loud. I'm one for stripping away anything not needed. It may be a typo, but the third stanza - third line is an example.

General Observations:
They say a poem is never finished - just abandoned. I hope you keep writing and re-visiting written poems. I'm finding it helpful with mine.

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work.

Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm only an author like you, so only use what is useful.

First Impressions:
This one got my attention. I've needed to depend on His healing all of my adult life. The picture adds to the poem. The title also adds to the poem and is appropriate.

What I Liked:
The rhyme scheme. The picture. What I liked the most was the application used and closing lines.

Poetry Divices:
Meter, Rhyme and Caesura.

I have no suggestions for your fine poem.

General Observations:
A good reminder that the power is in prayer and not people.
Review of My GOD!  
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Disclaimer: I'm only an author like you. Hopefully, you will take only what is helpful and send the rest into cyberspace.

The title seems appropriate and hints as to what the poem is about. I like the tone established in the first line, and continued throughout.

Sight Devices:
The specific image details are between the author and his God. Although it is personal, it rises above the individual and becomes more widely relevant.

Sound Devices:
Because of the way it's written and the flow, I kept thinking this would make a good thin poem (one to three words per line). It's hard to punctuate or not punctuate without enjambments (no end stops on a line).

Sense Devices:
I found no odd word choices. The totality of tone is good.

I loved the closing line. Strong finish. Not over written or artificial.

Placement On Page:
I think you would have a stronger poem if you used a different form. Line placements could eliminate the overuse of commas.
Raise me up
embrace me
love me
as only You can

Dashes and ellipses can also be used at times.

General Observations:
I really like this poem. I think only the mechanics need changed.

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work.
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
         I'm only an author like you, so only use what is useful.

First Impressions:
The title made me think of when I first came to the Lord. To bad we don't keep the fire going 24/7. It is both appropriate and adds to your poem.

What I Liked:
I thought the dashes worked well. I wasn't sure about the line breaks until I read it out loud. I liked the way it slowed down the flow in this one.

Poetry Divices:
Imagery, Caesure, metaphor, and simile.

I would put the second stanza in the present tense. Eliminate "Will" and the comma. I think it gives you a stronger poem.

General Observations:
"But" in the second stanza is not needed. My favorite line is "If I am a fool - than I am."

Thank you for entering the contest, and for your patience.

Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hopefully, you will take only what is helpful and send the rest into cyberspace.

This template is based on ten devices that can "turn off" experienced editors, judges & haikuists:

• A Title:
Most haiku are untitled; a successful haiku usually speaks for itself. Instead of using a title, try revision. Senryu (humans) are titled.

•Too Much Punctuation:
Avoid periods. A haiku is one moment in a continuum; a period often destroys that illusion (so may beginning with a capital letter). Other punctuation-The average haiku has one break in thought or continuity, usually at the end of line 1 or 2 (sometimes, the middle of line 2). If punctuated at all, it is usually with a colon, dash or ellipsis. An occasional dash or ellipsis may provide emphasis either before of after the final word (or phrase). In general, shy away from punctuation unless you are sure of its benefit.

•The Telegram Effect:
Compress your haiku, but be sure the omission of words (especially the articles a, an & the) doesn't chop it into ungainly pieces.

• Lifeless Verbs:
The is & have families result in pictureless & actionless verses. Use action verbs instead.

•Past or Future Tense:
Haiku usually happen now. Past & future tenses remove us from the action & often use more words - weak ones like has, have, will.

•Adjectives and Adverbs:
Use sparingly. Look for ones made from noun or verb roots. Avoid very, much, any, many, few, & all-inclusive words like every, all, always, never, everyone.

•"I": Overuse of 1st person pronouns - It's more risky in haiku than in senryu because senryu deals with humans. Put emphasis on the image, not the person.

• Padding:
Don't throw in words just to conform to a 5-7-5 or other imagined pattern. Either revise to find 17 strong, useful syllables or go for a shorter verse.

One season word is enough: "Spring blossoms" is redundant: both identify season. Let strong words do their job: "pavement wet with rain" is redundant.

Not Supported by Concrete Imagery? Let imagery suggest the point; don't state it baldly. Proverbs masquerading as haiku are likely to run into trouble.

.Overall Impression:
Your poem speaks for itself. The title makes it sound redundant. Eliminate the title and Caps and you have a keeper.

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
I'm only an author like you. Hopefully, you will take only what is helpful and send the rest into cyberspace.

I had a hard time connecting your poem with the prompt, but since it's not the only one, I'll assume it's just me.

I love the pic and caption. They do enhance the opening and go good with the title. The opening line draws curiosity.

Sight Devices:
There are enough specific image details.

Sound Devices:
I had no problem with the flow.

Sense Devices:
The voice and point of view are good. The diction consistent. I found no odd word choices. The syntax appropriate. The totality of tone is good.

I like the closing. A good way to end the poem.

Placement On Page:
The line breaks seem right. I don't think your poem could be tightened.

General Observations:
I thought your poem could have been developed more. Writing great poetry is writing about ordinary things in a way it's never been said before.

Thank you for entering the contest, and allowing me to review your work.


Review by Quihadi
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I'm only an author like you, so only use what is useful.

First Impressions:
First, I needed to clear my previous rating, because I reviewed it before. The title is appropriate. The opening line establishes the tone for the poem.

What I Liked:
I liked keeping the imagery consistent in each stanza - two lines each. It worked well with the repetition. I also liked the tone.

Poetry Divices:
Repetition, imagery, denotation, and allusion (Scriptures).

My suggestion is to use a dash instead of a comma both in the title and when it s used in your poem. Using action verbs would give you a stronger poem, and allow you to omit a few words like "and." EX: hammering - laughing - judging - taking - parting - spitting - smiting - and giving. Using "as" for repetition hurts your poem.

General Observations:
Because of the allusion to the scriptures, repetition worked well.

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your poem. I hope you have a blessed Easter season.

Review of On This Cross!  
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
I'm only an author like you, so only use what is useful.

First Impressions:
I love the picture. It goes well with your poem. The title adds to your poem. The first line puts us into His thoughts.

What I Liked:
I liked the perspective. What He must have been thinking in His pain. Also, I liked the fact that the poem stayed with it throughout.

Poetry Divices:
Denotation, imagery and repetition.

I always enjoy your work. I hope you take my suggestions as just that. After reading it out loud several times, I only have a couple suggestions. The first one is to use more active verbs - mocking, believing, hanging, waging, weeping, turning, singing, fading, finishing, and unlocking. You will find you can omit other words and strengthen the poem. The other suggestion is to be consistent with punctuation. The dash in the last line added a lot to the closing.

General Observations:
This is one of those poems that "sticks" with you. I find it creative and not overwritten.

Thank you for entering the contest again, and allowing me to review your work. I hope you and yours have a blessed Easter season.

Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (4.5)
I'm only an author like you, so only use what is useful.

First Impressions:
When I first read the title, I knew it would be interesting. The title is both appropriate, and adds to the poem. The first line verified what I was thinking. It also established the tone of the poem.

What I Liked:
The rhyme scheme of a-a-b-b-c-c, etc. gave the poem a good flow and rhythm. Keeping it masculine made the slant rhymes work. I was impressed with the eight syllable iambic meter. I love the closing lines.

Poetry Divices:
Rhyme, meter, allegory, imagery, and figures of speech.

I kept reading this out loud, and I only have a couple suggestions. The first one is using action verbs - passing, bringing, seeking, longing - also it allows you to omit "and" and "she." The overuse of commas in the second and third stanzas. One final suggestion - using a dash vs a comma before the last line will emphasize it.

General Observations:
This is a very well written poem. I don't think it can be tightened more. I do think you have a keeper.

Thank you for entering the contest, and allowing me to review your work. Have a blessed Easter season.


Review of MY STUFF  
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (4.0)
Disclaimer: I'm only an author like you. Hopefully, you will take only what is helpful, and send the rest into cyberspace.

Opening:I like the title. When I first read it I was reminded of my garage, attic, and basement. Full of "stuff" I haven't even seen for longer than I remember. The opening line is a good way to begin your poem.

Sight Devices:Although your poem lacks "most" of the poetic devices, I like the denotation you used. It painted a picture for the reader, and helped build toward the climax.

Sound Devices:I thought the flow was good.

Sense Devices:I liked the voice in this one. The diction is consistent. I found no odd word choices. The syntax is appropriate, as is the sentence structure.

Closure:I love the closing. A great way to end the poem. It isn't artificial or overwritten.

Placement On Page:The line breaks seem right. Punctuation worked well with this poem.

General Observations:I thought it could be developed a little more. I would rather see a poem show (not say things directly) instead of telling. The last stanza, I thought did this. My favorite line was "for the hope of a day I may be in want."

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work.


Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Disclaimer: I'm only an author like you. Hopefully, you will take only what is helpful and send the rest into cyberspace.

Opening:Great title. The first lines establish he tone. Although not original, I thought it worked well with the rest of the poem.

Sight Devices:There are enough specific image details. My favorite was "the rustling of wings I think."

Sound Devices:I had no problem with the flow.

Sense Devices:I found no odd word choices. The syntax is appropriate. The sentence structure is good.

Closure:The last lines seem right for ending the poem. Not artificial or overwritten.

Placement On Page:I did have a problem with some of the line breaks and punctuation. It may have hurt the rhythm, but the flow is fine.

General Observations:After reading and re-reading your poem, I'll make a suggestion. I love the content. I think it would make a great prose poem. This is only my honest opinion. So take it for what it's worth.

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work.
Review of EDENLAND - Two  
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
I decided to try a different template this month. My thoughts on poetry have not changed, but I feel like I have more flexibility. I'm only an author like you, so only use what is useful. My ratings will be a little lower (for everyone) but everyone will be judged the same.

First Impressions:
Although the title hinted as to what your poem is about, I had to read it through before I realized the connection with the prompt.

What I Liked:
I liked the first line. It says a lot and is a great way to open. Also, I liked separating it from the stanzas, as well as the closing line. There are enough specific image details.

I had a problem with the scansion of rhythm and flow. After reading it over a few times (out loud) I decided it was because of words not needed and a few line breaks.

General Observations:
I think your poem could be tightened. Also, I thought it was creative. It's too good not to tighten and make a few adjustments.

Thank you for entering the contest, and allowing me to review your work.

Review of The word of life  
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (4.0)
I decided to try a different template this month. My thoughts on poetry have not changed, but I feel like I have more flexibility. I'm only an author like you, so only use what is useful. My ratings will be a little lower (for everyone) but everyone will be judged the same.

First Impressions:
The title is appropriate, adds to the poem, and hints as to what the poem is about.

What I Liked:
I liked the abcb rhyme. Combined with the short lines, it allowed you to eliminate punctuation and still keep a good rhythm and flow. In rhyming poetry, enjambments can make the line breaks less intrusive, as in your poem.

If you tell me you are happy, sad, or that the Word can give life, I will need to take your word for it. If, instead, you tell me the symptoms; how you saw the world around you, how your body felt etc. -- I can deduce it for myself and empathize with it. Also, the Word (like Savior) needs to be capitalized.

General Observations:
I doubt this poem could be tightened. If I chose one word to describe my observation, it would be "significant."

Thank you for entering the contest, and allowing me to review your work.

Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | (4.0)
I decided to try a different template this month. My thoughts on poetry have not changed, but I feel like I have more flexibility. I'm only an author like you, so only use what is useful. My ratings will be a little lower (for everyone) but everyone will be judged the same.

First Impressions:The title seems appropriate. I liked having it in the present tense. It also added to your poem, and not a direct quote from it.

What I Liked:First, I thought leaving the closing line suspended made your poem - loved it. Also, I thought the repetition of already worked well in the first stanza. I had no problem with the flow. I liked the voice and point of view.

Suggestions:Because you chose not to use punctuation, I suggest you replace the two commas with dashes. I also think it will emphasize what follows. I find one specific image detail works better than a general image. An example would be to describe a birth or re-birth verses stating it. Poetry isn't necessarily based on emotion, but it should bring out emotion in the reader.

General Observations:My general observation is I would like to see parts of your poem developed more.

Thank you for entering the contest again, and allowing me to review your work.

Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Disclaimer:Hopefully, you will take only what is helpful, and send the rest into cyberspace.

Opening:I liked the the emphasis on "The Gift" in the title. It adds to your poem, and makes the title appropriate. The opening line establishes an appropriate tone and hints as to what the poem is about.

Sight Devices:There are enough specific image details.

Sound Devices:I had no problem with the flow.

Sense Devices:The diction is consistent. I found no odd word choices. The syntax is appropriate.

Closure:I loved the strong finish.

Placement On Page:The line breaks seem right. I had a problem with the sentence structure. The last four couplets are one sentence, creating the overuse of commas. It also creates words not needed, and takes away from the poem.

General Observations:I always enjoy your work, by the way. I also think the graphics add to the poem.

Thank you for entering the contest, and allowing me to review your work.

Review of YOURS!  
Review by Quihadi
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Disclaimer: I'm only an author like you. Hopefully, you will take only what is helpful and send the rest into cyberspace.

Subject:When a poem is dealing with one of the "big" subjects, it needs to show a new perspective. Making this one personal added to the meaning.

Opening:The title is appropriate. The picture and title work well together. The first line draws attention and establishes the tone.

Sight Devices:There are enough specific image details.

Sound Devices:I had no problem with the scansion of rhythm and flow. The alliteration in the final stanza I thought was good.

Sense Devices:The diction is consistent. The syntax is appropriate. The sentence structure is good. I found no odd word choices.

Closure:The closing lines expand on the title. It's a good way to end the poem.

Placement On Page:The line breaks seem right. I doubt your poem could be tightened in any way.

General Observations:One thing that bothered me is I thought areas could be developed more. I also think it would be a stronger opening if you eliminated the first line. But that's just one person's opinion.

Thank you for entering the contest and allowing me to review your work.

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