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Review of My Crush On You  
Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (3.5)
Actualy this is exactly the way someone who is almost 17 does act, maybe even should act.

That aside, you have couple of very good images here. I expecally like: "If you were magic I'd buy a locket and amke you my lucky charm."

Suggestions for making this stronger -

first, some word choices. "profile" scans better than "eyes" in line 5. I'd put a "you" in the middle of "for a" in line 6. Again, for the scan, I'd change "muscle filled" to "nicely muscled."

Second, the general meter of the poem. I always read a poem aloud before I reveiw it, Yours has a few problems in that it diesn't run smooth, That isn't hard to fix, the few suggestions I made fix part and with a little effort you should be able to see the other places,

Just my two cents worth. Keep writing.
Review of Dear Valentine  
Review by TerJa
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Nicely done Lauren. Some people say, some people show. The message is usually received in both cases.

I know, from a writing project I'm in the middle of, how hard it is to put some things into words. (My portfolio #1377584 if you're interested.)

About the only suggestions I can make are mechanics.

You need a comma after "As you know" Same paragraph insert the word "for" in "It is always hard me to---"

Same sentence "sounds" not "sound".

It should be "insight into"

"try to put" not "try and put"

Those are all beside the point of course, that you love one another is really what matters. Keep writing.
Review of Is It A Sin?  
Review by TerJa
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I can answer the question you asked in the last sentence. NO! It is not a sin. My best friend is my wife to whom I have been married for over 43 years. And she has been my best friend for at least 46 years. God is good.

Now, as to your piece in general, very good. Just a couple suggestions, and they are on the picky side.

The lines are short, so those two lines in the middle break the symmetry of the work. Maybe that was your intent, but I found it distracting.

The other is a word choice. In the section:

"Flirtatious smiles are exchanged
As I become more captivated
Deeply enchanted
In complete awe of the individual
I see before me"

You have been using a hypnosis motif so the third line might better reflect that if it reads "More deeply entranced" since entranced is more hypnotic than enchanted.

That's my two cents worth. Ignore it as you wish. Keep writing.
Review of Longing  
Review by TerJa
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
What an insightful piece. I like poetry with repeating refrains. (I wish you could have worked "I love thee man" into every stanza.

THE forbidden aspect is well done. "he gives, but keeps what chains him" is maybe the best image in the poem.

Suggestions? Well, the first image of your heart "void and vast" is striking, but maybe not appropriate to the topic.

Also the line "I may not of his whole partake" is a bit fuzzy.

Still, a very good piece. Keep writing.

Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (4.5)
And Yeats would likely mumble
While Frost wrote on the door
That Shakespeare seemed to stumble
When Johnson took the floor.

But Dickerson stayed home at night
While Poe looked for the bird.
And Geoffrey Chaucer just told tales
Which cummings called absurd.

But Barbarianella still she tried
To make old Terja laugh,
And was successful every time
But left out Dali's giraffe.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Review of The Letter "C"  
Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (3.0)
A rather lever poem but it's hard to imagine getting along without "c" sine it is a rather major part of our language. still, I guess I an see where yu're omin from.

Now for me, the large setion of the language overs things to do with "c" and also as I need to.

I mean think of all the words wuth use :c: how wil we onuntgate? How will wae amke opponrnebrs

Just my tow ents worth. Keep writing.
Review of Cheese  
Review by TerJa
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Wow, and there is even a semi-famous quote to the effect that poets have been unusually silent of the topic of cheese.

It's hard to review something this short, but the subject's uniqueness demands a try.

Suggestions for strengthening the poem.

first, the line "a taste of dry milk" is a little confusing as I have no concept of what dry milk even is, let alone what it tastes like.

"Ambrosia" is, I though, a liquid. Is there a better word?

Picky, but I put pickle on a cheese sandwich, not cheese on a pickle sandwich.

Just my two cents worth. Keep writing.

BTY I did like the poem.
Review by TerJa
Rated: 13+ | (2.0)
Of course you are entitled to write any way you wish. That's part of what living in a free country means. However, if you continue to use "your own style and your own form of grammar structure" No one will have any idea what you are talking about.

As long as you are satisfied with that, then do whatever floats your boat. Just be aware that, other than this one, you're not likely to get many reviews.
Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (4.0)
Well, a truly heartfelt piece. It seems you maybe started thinking of it as a poem since there is even internal rhyme and rhythm.

I'll assume you are writing from the heart since wether the events are true or not, this has the feeling of reality.

Still, since I'm a reviewer, not a therapist I'll offer a couple of suggestions to make this stronger.

First - Break it into more than one paragraph. Give the reader time to catch his breath.

Second - Drop the name "Rob" since no one (but you) knows who is being talked about. It is jarring to come upon a name so near the end. Just use "he" or "I" or whatever pronoun fits.

Third - Maybe try it in poetic form???

Just my two cents worth. Keep writing.

Review of Reflections...  
Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (4.0)
Nicely done. A good, insightful way to look at ourselves outside of our own bodies, but still to be very connected. Also a couple of very good images. I especially liked "as she took her final breath,
and cried her final tear"

Just a suggestion or two. There seems to be word missing in the first line of the7th verse. Also the 4th verse is weak, it doesn't hold together as well as the rest of the poem.

Just my two cents worth, ignore it as you wish. Keep writing.
Review of Times Like This  
Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (4.0)
A very nice insight into friendship. Indeed friendship is made up of "times." In the future likely you will not stay together. (I keep in touch with only three people I went to high school with and we live hundreds of miles from one another.) But when you do get together a lot of conversations start with, "Remember that time when---"

I wasn't sure about the use of capital letters in the last couple of lines, but that's picky. All in all a good read. Keep writing.
Review of undescriable  
Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (2.5)
Niki, I think you may have a good idea here, but your format is very off-putting. By disregarding any rules of capitalization and punctuation you have produced a piece that is very hard to get a handle on.

If I had to guess what you are talking about it seems to me that either a father or a brother has gone missing. A father if I was forced to pick between the two.

Rather than give a review of mechanics just let me close by saying I don't review items that have no value. You do have something to say here, Work on it and I'll be glad to take a lock at a revised version. Don't be discouraged, keep writing.
Review by TerJa
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
After I read this I wasn't sure if I wanted to review it or argue with you. I'll do a bit of both.

Novels tell stories about people who never were and events that never happened. Nonfiction is real and dramataic. Now I won't insult your intelligence by arguing that all nonfiction is great, but then not all novels are created equal either. I always would rather read about real people and real events. (A blatant plug Read my # 1377589 and tell me if it isn't intersting.) Now don't get me wrong, I also read novels (Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein is something I suspect you would like.) But I hate to see you cut yourself off from 50% of all literature.

Review - Mechanics, you clump everything into one paragraph. I'd guess there are at least four paragraphs there. You don't use enough commas, they don't cost anything and they help direct the flow of a sentance. Also, you often forget to start a sentence with a capital letter. Mechanics count, pay attenton to them.

All that being said, you write well, keep at it.
Review of dream girl  
Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (3.5)
There is a nice sense of pathos here. It rings very true. (And don't think guys are immune to these same feelings.) The sense that people wants to be who others want them to be, but at the same time want to be recognized for who they are. Good insight

A couple of things I can suggest, the forth verse has a very rough meter and is hard to understand, it needs work. The fifth verse has a typo 'I'm" not "i'm."

In general the biggest flaw is the meter. (rhythm) Just read it aloud and you;ll see that the flow is awkward at times. Otherwise, a good poem. Keep writing.
Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (4.0)
You have some very clever images and structures here I especially like the last three lines. A popular song during the Nahm was "We Godda Get Ouda This Place (if it's the last thing ever do) Your poem reminded me of that song.

Just a couple picky things. "Everyone" is singular and should have a sigular pronoun. (His rather than their.) And shouldn't it be under the bed rather than into it?

All in all a good piece. Keep writing.
Review of The Storm  
Review by TerJa
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Well, I can give a shot at a review. You handle words well. The story itself is a little disjointed since we come into it in medias res. (The middle of things) I know you are trying to make a connection among storms, rage, and actions. The very fact that I know that means you have succeeded at least in part.

The line "---the mind talking on a realitry all its own--" stopped me. My first reaction was, "Hey, good line." Then I thought about it a minute and realized I didn't know what it meant. It still sounded good, but it wasn't clear.

You use a very odd turn of phrase in, "I meant not to scare you." The convoluted word order adds nothing but another place the reader stops, and you don't want the reader to stop.

Finally the paragraph that starts, "No my good man--" is kind of obtuse. Maybe it was just the "my good man" but it lacked the proper horror that the events described would seem to demand.

Just my two cents worth, ignore them as you wish. I wasn't ripping you. I was trying to help and to be honest. Keep writing.
Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very nice. I like the idea that with time even the hardest hurts can at least be tolerated, even if it means locking out other feelings too.

The poem flows smoothly and there are only a couple of places where your language needs to be tighter.

1 - You switch tense in line two It should read "I look up thinking it WILL go away."

@ - In the next to the last line it should read "I have HIDDEN all the hurt--."

Just my two cents worth. Keep writing.
Review of Let Me Prove It  
Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (3.5)
Ah, but to me you still are the little kid.
I've watched you grow
I know how far
you still have to go.

You want to roam the world.
But you really don't know
What it is to be leashed.
You still have to grow.

I have trained you well.
You will go far in life
But it's too soon right now.
All you'll fine is much strife

Just a couple more years
Then I'll let you fly free
Listen to my fears
Please dear just trust me.

Too much is at risk
Just trust me on this.
You're not ready.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I realize that is more a responce than a review, but I mean well.

You wrote a good poem. Keep writing.

Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (3.5)
I really like poems with a repeating refrain. (Take a look at my port and you'll see that at least half the poems I write have one.)

Yours is a good one. I especially like the "finger picking on the heartstrings" (note I gave the proper word spacing.)

I do have a couple suggestions which could make the poem stronger.

1 - In line 2 the "everything was still" seems odd since you have things flowing and dancing.

2 - In line 4 "jolting through my fingers" Fingers seems too small, through my soul, or something like that would seem more fitting.

3 - in line 7 violin and piano should be plural. (I could accept that there might only be one piano.)

4 - In line 8 I'd drop the "and playing" I know it is part of music, but the poem reads smoother without it.

My two cents worth, ignore it as you wish. Keep writing.
Review of Unbroken  
Review by TerJa
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I'll review it, but I'm not sure just what I'm reviewing. Is the sentence at the end true? If so a review of the poem is a bit pointless since the author is not going to benefit. If the sentence is not true then I'm missing a back story which might inluence how I evaluate .

I'm just going to take it as a poem and go from there.

The overall image is striking and clear. Love can endure, but there is a limit, however, even the limit can be raised if the love is strong enough.

Suggestions to make the poem stronger? Just a few.

A couple of the images are --- well--- are strange. For example I don't think :

"Awash in quiet lonesome
on a melancholy night"

says anything. "quiet lonesome"??? What is that? It's two adjectives in need of a noun.


"Tempests, tears and sorrow,
are signs you find
when you ask for time"

I have trouble getting around that image. What kind of sign and why when asking for time?

Still, the overall flow is very good and I think the intent, even of the lines I mention, is valid even if they don't quite say what they are trying to say.

Just my two cents worth, ignore it as you wish. Keep writing.
Review of I have.  
Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (4.0)
My favorite type of poem is one with a repeating line. If you look at my portfolio you will see that I've written a lot of them.

You handle your topic very well. It's hard to write well about things that you are deeply involved in. No, that's not what I meant to say. It's not the writing that's hard, it's the effort you have to put out to do the writing. (Is that clear?)

Anyway, I like what you've done.

Suggestions for strengthening the poem - well, a little puntuation would help the reader know how you want the lines to be grouped. That's what puncuation is for. To let the author guide the reader.

Also this couple of lines are unclear:

"Or if you just wanted it like he told you
When he let you know the morning after."

I think it's the "When he let you know" that is the confusing part. Let you know what?

Again, I like the poem. Keep writing.

Review of Ragdoll.  
Review by TerJa
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
You have a way with words. I mean look, if we put this in simple English we get:

"I fell in love with a liar.
It was a mistake.
One day he felt guilty enough to tell me.
I was crushed."

The way you tell it is much more dramatic.

Suggestions to make it stronger? - Well, a couple picky things, In the first line insert "a" before "destructive." It makes the rhythm a bit tighter.
The word "penetrating" doesn't mean cutting. Maybe change either "penetrating" to slashing or "cuts" to digs?
Just my two cents worth, ignore it as you wish. Keep writing.
Review by TerJa
Rated: E | (3.0)
Not original, but very nicely done. You have created some excellent images and called to mind some wonderful experiences. I especially liked "have you laughed in the rain and felt warm in the snow"

A few suggestions to make this piece stronger.

First - Keep to the rhyme schema. You lose it on the last three lines of the second stanza.

Second - In line 3 change the word "and" to "are."

Third - Capitalize the first word of each line.

Forth - In the first line of the second stanza the word "bring's" should be "brings."

Fifth - The line about "equipped with a bat" strikes me as just a reach for a rhyme with no real regard to content. Maybe rework that couplet?

Just my two cents worth, ignore as you wish. Keep writing.
Review of joke  
Review by TerJa
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
It's funny, but you ruin a lot of the effect by very bad proof reading. Putting a space between each line would help the reader too.

Sill, the bad proof reading is the real problem.

First - I is capital I when it refers to me. Never i, unless you are a beat poet.

Second - Sentences end in periods.

Third - Sentences start with capital letters.

Forth - spacing, "lether" should be "let her"

Fifth - "shes" should be "she's."

BTW, this is not a rip at you, I'm just making the point that on this site most people feel that standard conventions should be followed unless there is a reason not to. All you needed to do was run a spell and grammar checker and most of the problems would be gone There is even one on the site.

Don;t be discouraged, It really is a funny joke. Keep writing.
Review by TerJa
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I'll try to give s critique on this, but please remember I'm not a therapist, I'm a reviewer.

That said, the content is either cathartic or depressing. That depends on he author's intent. I'll leave it there for now.

Mechanics: rhyme is intermittent and missing altogether in the last verse. However I don't find that distracting.

Rhythm is not a factor here. I read the poem aloud and it flowed.

Spelling "doft" is spelled "doffed"

A little more puntuation in the 3rd verse would tighten the focus.

All in all not a bad poem, it addresses a universal problem (we all have regrets) in a somewhat unusual way.

My two cents worth. Ignore it as you wish. Keep writing.
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