Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/ruthannlapine
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121 Public Reviews Given
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Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Smee 94,
my name is Ruth Ann; however, I have not been active of late. I just finished reading your work. I found no grammar mistakes and it held my interest. Keep up the good work.
Review of A farmer's dream  Open in new Window.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Alex,
I am a "farmer" I suppose. I am raising Beltded Galaways,12 hens, and 2 dogs and oh yes a cat. I enjoyed reading this short story. You have done a great job of drawing your readers into the story plot. Your have used your pen to create a "picture" using words. It is very well done.
Thank you for sharing your work.
Review of The White Room  Open in new Window.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Somtymes,
I have read your "First nightmare" It is very well written. You have drawn your reads into the plot and painted a picture with your words. This is very easy to read and follow along with the plot as well. I can see it all in my mind's eye.
Thank you for sharing,
Review of Mother One  Open in new Window.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Jimminy,
I have just finished reviewing your poem. It is very well written and I believe many of us feel as though we are not making a difference in trying to safe the earth. It has feeling and we can relate to these words. I like the "looks" of it. it is also very easy on the eyes.
Thank you for sharing,
Review of Giving Up  Open in new Window.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi VMC_4,
I have just reviewed your poem. It is written very well. It is also easy to follow along. I found myself relating to it. My darkest hour was when the doctor told me my Husband died on the operating table. We were married 14 years and 3 days. you have done very well and I can hear the feeling you have put into it.
thank you for sharing your work,
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (1.0)
Hi Morning Dove,
I am doing reviews right now and your "work" popped up. However, There is nothing there just the title. ??? I am sure the is a mistake some how. Maybe it's somewhere out there in siber space. I have had it happen to me a time or 2. I am sure your work is very good.
Review of The Diner Window  Open in new Window.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Bjorn,
I have finished reading your poem. It is very well written and easy to follow. I think many of us have fell this way at one time or another. I did not find any mistakes as I read it. I also enjoyed reading it. you do a great job of writing poetry. Wish I had the same gift.
thank you for sharing your work.
Review of Truth, at Last  Open in new Window.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Good Morning Marissa,
I just finished reading your work. it is very well written and nicely double spaced. This make it much easier to read. You did a great job drawing your reader into your story plot. We all hope we do that when we write. You did it very well.
Thank you for sharing your work,
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi again Harry,
I smiled as I read this poem, I know just what you are talking about. You have a gift of making a poem about the must ordinary things. There is another writer that can do the same and it is an awesome gift. I envy you writers that can do it. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Harry,
I enjoyed you poem very much. You are very good at drawing your readers into the plot. We can see the lion pacing. As I read it I wondered if the lion is really happy be "kept safe". I have watched the lions at the zoo. Your poem brought those lions back to mind. Thank you for sharing.
PS I have the feeling I did review of your work before. It was much easier to do the review until I realized It might be the same writer. I did enjoy this work.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good morning Melaniealfred,
I just finished reading your short story, It is very well written and very easy to follow the plot. You do a very good job of drawing the read into the story and this is what we, as writers, hope to do. I could feel the way this person might have felt. thank you for sharing your work.
Review of Music of Love  Open in new Window.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Good Nikola,
I just read your poem and it is very well written. I enjoyed reading it. My husband and are older and yet only married a short time. I envy those couples who have been married 40, 50, 60 years but both of us were widowed when we meant. You do a very good job of drawing your readers into your work. If I could I would have given you 5 stars.
Review of A Family Tree  Open in new Window.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Kelly,
I just finished reading your work. It is very well written and easy to follow. You have a gift to share with all of us. I was drawn into it as I read and after all that is what we writing hope to do. you did it very well.
Thank you for sharing your skills.
Review of Forget Mishen  Open in new Window.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Good Afternoon inkwell,
I just finished reading your short story. It is well written and easy to follow. you also do a good job of drawing your readers into the story plot. as writers this is one of our goals. We strive to bring the reader into our work and you have done just that.
Thank you for sharing your work,
Review of Her Beloved  Open in new Window.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+
Good afternoon Fhionnuisce,
This short story is very well written. You do a great job of drawing the reader into the story plot. We, as writers, hope what ever we work on we draw the reader into it. You have done just that and very well. I am looking forward to reading more of your work.
Thank you for sharing,
Review of Pickpocket  Open in new Window.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good afternoon Keaton,
I read your poem. It is very well written, easy on the eyes, and you draw the reader into the plot of the poem as well. I found it easy to follow. You have a poet's gift. I look forward to reading more of your work. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
Thank you for sharing it.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Princess,
I just finished reading your short story. I thought it was very charming. It was easy to follow and as before you do a great job of drawing the reader into the story plot. I found it enjoyable reading. I am looking forward to reading more of your work.
Thank you for sharing.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Good morning Dyrhearte,
I just read your short story, I loved it! I was easy to follow, you have drawn your readers into the plot and that is what all of us who write hope we do. You did id very well. I did not find any mistakes in the writing. I am looking forward to reading more of your work.
Thank you for sharing,
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good Morning Kno1,
I just read your short story. May I suggest that you put a space between each paragraph? it makes it easier to read. You do a great job of writing and it is easy to follow the line of thought. I did not see and mistakes. and it was well written.
thank you for sharing your work,
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Good morning Shawn,
I just read your chapter 2. I thank you did a very good job of writing it. If it were me I would put a space between the paragraphs. it would make it easier to read. You did a good job of drawing the reader into your writing. We, as writers hope we can draw our readers into our work and you do just that.
Thank you for sharing, keep writing.
Review of Back to Life  Open in new Window.
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good morning Fyndorian,
I just read your poem, I liked it and the picture also. You did a good job of drawing your readers into the poem. That is what we as writers hope we can do, and you did that very well. Sometimes it is not always easy. I did not see any mistakes as I read.
thank you for sharing,
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good morning Just,
I have just finished reading your poem. you did a great job comparing the two. I like the way you set them a part using red and green type and the changes you made. You do a good job drawing the reader into what you are writing. That is what all of writers hope to be able to do.
Thank you for sharing,
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Good Morning vmc_4,
I just read your short story about a "Normal" teenager, there are some words I would leave out ( they do not add to or take away from the story) the last paragraph first line; I think you meant to say "I get my tired ass off the chair" not "I get my tired ass of the chair." It well written other wise and you have expressed yourself well.
Thank you for sharing,
Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Good morning Prosperous Snow,
I just read your poem and I liked it was short; however it was well written. I believe you said everything you wanted to say. I think "maybe you could have made it longer but then again maybe not. We as writers hope our work draws the reader into the item we have written and you have done that very well.
Thank you for sharing,

Review by Ann Lapine Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Sunflower,
I just read your poem. It took me back many years and my father. He was a stock broker. I would time with him in his office and some Saturdays we went to see the horses. In the late summer we went to the County Fair. That is what we, as writers, hope we do for our readers take them back in time. You do that very well. The Rhyming is great and it is well written. great job.
Thank you for sharing,
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