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Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Review on behalf of "Invalid Item!

The title, description, rating, and chosen genre all fit this poem perfectly.

You stuck wonderfully to the chosen form and everything was simple to follow and feel! The imagery is vivid and reader driven, making a million memories flash before the reader's eye, which made this poem easy to relate to! This stirred my emotions in ways that I REALLY did not expect! *Blush* The flow was smooth from beginning to end. Beautifully done!!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, however, one suggestion did pop into my head:

In "Line N" I think that italicizing the No might improve the clarity here since this is being quoted as being said. *Wink*

I think that just about all of us can relate to this, which really makes this just an amazing, emotional read which leaves the reader thinking and reflecting.

Stephanie Grace
Review of Too Early  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Review on behalf of "Invalid Item!

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this story perfectly.

Oh... *Pthb* This put tears in my eyes (and probably would've made me cry if Hubby wasn't in the room! lol). This is written in such a way that not only does it yank at the reader's heartstrings, but it also makes the characters come to life for him/ her. I could see it all. It is simple to follow and understand. (It just took me fifteen minutes to type that; I had to go back and reread the story --again. Thank you, Hubby!!)

I love how you manage to relay the stories of the past and the future to the reader without spelling everything out for them. Amazing!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, however, two random li'l things did pop into my head:
         *Bullet*While it's easy to tell that the girl is young, I think that mentioning her age early on might really give the reader more of the picture --as well as Elijah's.
         *Bullet*In the first paragraph, you say few years; my mind screamed for an exact number of years. *Blush* Since the sentence is kind of meant as a reflection of Elijah's thoughts, I think that saying the number of years would add to the affect.

With or without the changes, I think this is a 5 star piece, but I still felt that I should throw 'em on out there. *Wink*

This is a wonderful display of talent and very emotionally-charged! Very real.

Stephanie Grace
Review of My Blood Red Rose  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Review on behalf of "Invalid Item!

The title, description, rating all this poem perfectly. However, the chosen genre (Other) could be replaced. Perhaps 'Relationship'?

I found this poem to be wonderful!!! It is very easy to relate to and put a big smile on my face! *Smirk* Once again, I was left reflecting at the end. I love that this felt a bit open for interpretation, making it even easier to relate to! The imagery, of course, is reader driven, but I think we all know a Rose. *Wink* The ABCB rhyme worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end without over-powering the emotion; no rhymes felt forced. *Smile*

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

Another beautiful display of talent!

Stephanie Grace
Review of Asleep  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Review on behalf of "Invalid Item!

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

This poem had a wonderful, haunting feeling to it that left me reflecting at the end. The imagery is vivid; everything came to life before my eyes. The free verse form worked beautifully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end.

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

This poem really spoke volumes to me! It is thought-provoking, reflective and a great display of talent!

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Review on behalf of "Invalid Item!

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this item perfectly.

This is written with a wonderful, professional tone and voice that really made the article seem so... real! *Laugh* Everything was simple to follow and understand. The added image added to the impact of the article! What else can I say? I loved it!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head, however, I do wonder if you meant to skip a line before When questioned... since it seems to start a new paragraph. *Wink*

This was just hysterical! I laughed from beginning to end! WONDERFUL!!!

Stephanie Grace
Review of Noble Sacrifice  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Review on behalf of "Invalid Item!

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this item perfectly.

You stuck wonderfully to the 55 word count and I'm amazed at how much you managed to say with so few words! The story moves along nicely and feels complete. Best of all, I did NOT seeing the ending coming! Everything was easy to envision and John became quite real as I read. Tremendous job!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

A chilling piece of micro fiction that really got my blood pumping!
Stephanie Grace
Review of Enduring Flame  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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*Kiss*Thank you for your bribe to set me free from "Invalid Item!*Kiss*

The title, description, and rating all fit this poem perfectly. The chosen genre (Other), however, could be replaced. Perhaps 'Relationship'?

This poem was easy to feel as well as understand. The ABAB rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced or any emotion being lost. *Delight* A true testament of love, this really touched my heart. We should all be so lucky feel such great passion!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, however, I did feel a little bump in Stanza 1 between lines 3 and 4; I found myself rereading these lines the first time I read the poem. I think that playing with the punctuation here would really help make it a bit more clear... Perhaps a semi-colon instead of the comma after won?

This poem is well-written and chock full o' passion and love. Wonderful!

Stephanie Grace
Review of I Remember  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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Review 1 of 5 from auction

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

This poem was simple to feel, as well as to relate to. It is well-written and incredibly touching. You captured the feelings associated with watch Alzheimer's claim a loved one wonderfully! The ABCB rhyme scheme worked well with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced or the rhyming being too prominent and interfering with the emotions.

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

This made my mind go crazy with memories and put tears in my eyes. Beautifully done, Cubby! It's easy to see why this poem has been awarded!

Stephanie Grace
Review of Rhythm & Rhyme  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Review 5 of 5 from auction.

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly!

Ohh how delightful!! You stuck wonderfully to the acrostic form and the added rhyme was a real delight that kept everything flowing, upbeat, and smooth without any rhymes feeling forced!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

This poem is fun, well-written, and easy to relate to!! What more can I say?

Stephanie Grace
Review of I Like Spiders  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Welcome to Writing.Com! If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to ask!

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

I loved the fun, light-hearted feeling of this poem! The ABAB rhyme scheme worked well to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced! I think that this poem would not only be fun, but also informative for young children!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, however, one suggestion did pop into my head: At the end of the last line, I think that replacing the period with an exclamation point would add just a touch more excitement and power to what is being said. *Wink*

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! Very yucky and scary, but all in good fun! *Wink*

Stephanie Grace
Review of This, For You  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Review 4 of 5 from auction.

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

This poem is well-written and incredibly touching. The flow was smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced. I thought that the different pattern of the third stanza would put a bump in the reading, but it actually didn't! *Blush*

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

This put a tear in my eye! It is just... beautiful and very heartfelt. I don't know what else I can say...

Stephanie Grace
Review of Bowling  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Review 3 of 5 from auction

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

You stuck very well to the form (and I thank you for explaining it!). The flow was dmooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced. The fun, lighthearted feeling of this poem made this quite an enjoyable read --and very easy to relate to!

I did not notice any real grammatical errors or typos, however, I wonder about T'was. I'm not sure, but I think the apostrophe should be before the T to keep the placement of the missing I.

Oh, could I feel this one! LOL. We just went on Saturday --I'm horrible! lol. (I started with a strike and ended with a strike; I'm not talking a word about what happened in between! lol). This poem is well-written and just an all-around fun read! Great job!

Stephanie Grace
Review of I Notice  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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{b]{i}Review 2 of 5 from auction{/i}

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

This poem was simple to understand and feel. The free verse form worked well with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end. The imagery, of course, is reader driven, making him/her think of their own love which really made this quite easy to relate to.

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

This poem is well-written and so sweet that it made my tooth hurt! *Laugh* All kidding aside, your wife is a lucky woman, Mr. Jace! *Kiss*

Stephanie Grace
Review of PO'd  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this item perfectly!

LMAO! This is absolutely hysterical! I laughed my way through this one, Mr. Jace! *Laugh* It is well-written and VERY easy to understand as well as follow!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

This was a bit too easy to relate to --only, as a female, we don't have the 'Coke bottle' option... well, we do, but it'd be MUCH more complicated! LOL. Thank you for sharing this [not so] lighthearted laugh with the rest of us --and for letting us laugh at your pain! *Blush*

Stephanie Grace
Review of Family Memories  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (4.5)
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The title, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly. The description, however, I think may benefit from a word or two of insight into the poem. *Wink*

This poem stirred my emotions right away. It is simple to feel and relate to. The imagery is reader-driven; my mind's eye went crazy with memories!! *Delight* You stuck well to the chosen format (and I thank you profusely for explaining the form! I hate when I have to so research about a form just to give a review! lol). The flow was smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feelings forced. Great job!!!

Two little things stood out to me as I read this poem. First, in Line Four, hist'ry's felt a bit awkward to me. It made me stop for a second... I think that spelling out the complete word might smooth this out a bit --and it wouldn't mess with the form since the line would only become eleven syllables long. *Wink*

Second, in the last line completes felt out of place to me since it refers to Pleasures from Line Seven. I think that it should be complete...?

I am amazed by how much you managed to say in so few lines! This definitely left me feeling and reflecting...

This poem is well-written and quite emotional! I thoroughly enjoyed it!!

This review has been typed to encourage and help. Take my words as you would those written on a grain a salt. Each character is derived from only my humble thoughts.

Stephanie Grace
Review of Redeemed  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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The title and chosen genres fit this perfectly. The description, however, might benefit from a word or two of insight into the story... Also, I'm not sure, but I think that this may be 18+...? (Don't quote me on that, I always go higher for safety, lol...)

I love how this story had a nice, calm pace and feeling at the beginning and end; and packed quite a punch in the in-between! The flow was smooth, everything was simple to follow and understand. I could easily see everything happening as I read this and I'm pretty sure that my heart didn't beat through half of it as I seemed to hold me breath in fear and anticipation! (Basically, the emotions and imagery came through very clearly!)

I read this three times and still only found one typo! (In paragraph four, lake-side can be one word; lakeside). Other than that, no suggestions came to mind. *Shock*

I can't even believe how much I felt this! Suspense isn't the word. Even knowing the ending from the beginning, I was still scared for Jenna all the way through --there was definitely a wonderful reader-to-character connection! (And, by the way, bite me for stressing me out! lol. My heartbeat and breathing don't like you right now, lol.)

This is very well-written and a wonderful display of your talent for dragging your reader into the story and showing them everything as it unfolds! Just... Wow. Creative, horrifying storyline that is wonderfully presented... what more can I say?

This review has been typed to encourage and help. Take my words as you would those written on a grain a salt. Each character is derived from only my humble thoughts.

Stephanie Grace
Review of Forever, Aly Bee  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Welcome to WDC!

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

This poem yanked out me heartstrings and put tears in my eyes. It was incredibly easily to understand your feelings, as well as to feel them as I read. You captured my heart right away, making me smile and then making me cry! The imagery, of course, is reader-driven, making memories flash before the reader's mind eye. The ABAB rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced.

I did not notice any real grammatical or typos, however, the closing quotation marks at the end of Stanza 5 are not necessary since the same speaker continues in Stanza 6.

I am so sorry for your loss. This is truly a beautiful, heartfelt tribute.

This poem is very well-written and easy to feel. Wonderful!

This review has been typed to encourage and help. Take my words as you would those written on a grain a salt. Each character is derived from only my humble thoughts.

Stephanie Grace
Review of Dry Leaves  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (4.5)
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This is a great haiku and I LOVE that you stuck to the traditional form and theme! *Delight* This brought me right back into my favorite season --Autumn! And, while your poem has a feeling of loss and, in ways, sadness, this put a big smile on my face! The beauty of Autumn just came to life for me as I read this!

I did not notice any typos, however, one suggestion did pop into my head: I know that this is just a personal twitch-thing, but the word 'the' really stood out to me as it's kind of a "cheat" word in haiku. Perhaps try replacing 'the fall' with Autumn? It would stay true to the syllable count and eliminate 'the' while also improving the clarity and flow of the line since 'the fall' may be wrongly interpreted by a readers the first time they view the phrase.

All in all, I really loved this one! The imagery and feeling come through clearly and this is just a great tribute to the best of all seasons!

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Do you know that I've never rated/ reviewed this forum? *Blush* This forum is perfect! Everything is clearly stated and this is a wonderful, wonderful spot for all members of Simply Positive to gather! Expectations are clear and easy to understand. The selected reviews for the week are simple to find.

The only typo noticed is in the "Challengers" section: Challengers for to. --Huh? *Laugh*

Well-decorated, clearly stated, and friendly? Why would anyone pass up the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful group and put their mark in this forum???

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

This "storoem" tugged at my heartstrings and put tears in my eyes! It filled my heart with love and grief as I read it. Everything was simple to feel, understand, and, best of all, feel! The ABAB rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced.

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, however, a suggestion did pop into my head. In Stanza 6, Line 4, I think that 'tho could be replaced by though --could be a personal twitch. lol. *Blush*

How beautiful and sad!!! This filled my heart with love and hope for my own marriage.

This poem is very well-written and a pleasure to read! It definitely stirs the reader's emotions!!!

This review has been typed to encourage and help. Take my words as you would those written on a grain a salt. Each character is derived from only my humble thoughts.

Stephanie Grace
Review of My Strength  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Welcome to WDC! You're going to love it here! If you need help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask!

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

This poem tugged at my heartstrings and was very easy to relate to. The feelings came through clearly. The imagery is reader-driven, making faces and memories from the reader's own life flash before their mind's eye, which makes this poem even easier to relate to. The free verse form worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end.

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

I am so sorry to hear that your father was in a coma! I pray that you (and he) are living happier moments now!

This poem is well-written and emotionally-charged!

This review has been typed to encourage and help. Take my words as you would those written on a grain a salt. Each character is derived from only my humble thoughts.

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
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Review 3 of 3

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

This poem tugged on my heartstrings, my heart crying for the woman described. Everything was simple to see, as well as feel. The AABB rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced. The message contained within the poem [as well as within the notes] is one that I hope each reader will pay attention to and carry with them.

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos. The only thing that came to mind is that I felt like this could be a little better somehow. While I felt for the woman, I think that a stronger reader/ character bond could be formed. Perhaps show more of her "day life"...?

Far too many find themselves in such situations. It's a sad thing, yet one that I don't ever see an end to... *Cry*

This is another well-written display of talent!

This review has been typed to encourage and help. Take my words as you would those written on a grain a salt. Each character is derived from only my humble thoughts.

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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Review 2 of 5 from your friend Annette

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

This poem is easy to feel and relate to. The imagery is great, and also reader-driven, stirring the reader's mind's eye to flash through memories. This poem is also one that can be interpreted differently by different readers. The free verse form worked very well with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end.

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

Very creative and thought-provoking!

This poem is well-written and creative. I love it!

This review has been typed to encourage and help. Take my words as you would those written on a grain a salt. Each character is derived from only my humble thoughts.

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Review 5 of 5

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

ROFL! The imagery is superb! I love the lightheartedness of this poem!!! The ABCB rhyme scheme worked very well with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced.

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos. I do, however, wonder about a comma after 'bright' in Line 7...? {

Have you met my cat? You MUST have! lol. This is just so... Aerosmith! lol. Any box, and he's in it! (He's a big cat and I can't figure out how he manages to get into half of them! lol...) Perfect!

This poem is well-written and had me smiling and giggling all the way through! It's just so very true! lol. WONDERFUL job! I love it!

This review has been typed to encourage and help. Take my words as you would those written on a grain a salt. Each character is derived from only my humble thoughts.

Stephanie Grace
Review of Dreaming Of You  
Review by Stephanie Grace
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Review 4 of 5

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

I absolutely loved the happy, peaceful feeling of this poem! The imagery is awesome; it is simple to envision everything! The ABCB rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced. Everything was simple to follow, understand, and feel!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

Oh, to feel that love again! lol. *Blush*

This poem is well-written and just beautiful! I love it!!!

This review has been typed to encourage and help. Take my words as you would those written on a grain a salt. Each character is derived from only my humble thoughts.

Stephanie Grace
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