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161 Public Reviews Given
177 Total Reviews Given
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I like to encourage writers, while giving accurate, insightful, truthful feedback. Reviews for novel length items will be an overview and general comment. I don't review line by line or focus on grammar, spelling or punctuation -except perhaps if I see something affecting the storyline, or if I have suggestions relating to improving relevant areas of the work.
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I find it easy to give positive comments, and encouragement, but I struggle to be critical.
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Thriller, Horror, Mystery
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Gothic. Historical. Satanism. Overly violent. Nope, get someone else for that stuff.
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Mainstream fiction
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Stories that lack conflict, drama, purpose.
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Review of The rainy day.  
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
G'day Lesia

I'm reviewing "The rainy day. as a student of "Invalid Item


For such a short story (263 words), Lesia , you bring an impact and depth to this that isn't immediately apparent. For any future reviewers, may I suggest you read "The rainy day. a few times.

This story is written with honesty.

There is a treasure of implied meaning here. That writing technique, I believe, takes either skill as a writer to invent or create such a world and experience of realism, and / or the writer has given us pictures directly from their brain into words; the author has vividly shared a first hand experience of a deep and hurtful nature as to render the person permanently broken hearted. The person blames the absent husband for her children's trauma

Title & Blurb:

The title says it all. Rainy days were never so cold and dark as this one. And it really IS a short story. Very short and to the point.

Narrative Hook:

The words "that day" are used twice in quick succession, and coupled with "normal for everyone" but "worst for her". I felt compelled to learn what was so bad just for this person.
Straight away, in just the second line, it gives us the answer, "it was the first day of her life without him" but this by no means takes away from the desire to read on, and hear the details.

As with any impending storm, there are the first fat drops of rain hitting the roof or pavement, spattering the windscreen or the leaves on the crop of corn in the field. The narrative hook here is just the beginning of these visits from the black dog of despair, this particular one that will last a lifetime.

I think this accentuates the impending dark experience that we know is coming, like some sort of hammer blow, something big, something momentous that we want to take away, repair, seek an alternative for the character, ANYTHING that might ease the pain and suffering. As a reader I felt that there would be no easing of anyone's pain, not mine, nor the character and I feel strongly, that of the author.


Clear and direct, from the first sentences, that summarised the piece, through the mid story action to the bitter lesson at the end.

Story message:

That perhaps time doesn't heal everything. Some injuries, whether by deliberation or by accident feel so painful, especially when the injury happens to the little people, become mountains of bitterness and humanly impossible to forgive.

Scenery / setting:

There is "this flat" and "the street". There are dark clouds and rain that is soaking the humans, so that they are miserable in body as well as soul.

There is very little, if any other scenery described. This story isn't about scenery except for rain, and even the rain shares its representation with an emotion; "not a rain cloud, but the cloud of despair and loneliness plunged the world into darkness. That rain, those tears and those small arms, which hugged her so strong, stayed in her memory forever."

Linking / Flow:

The linking words, phrases and the overall flow of this story are as unbreakable as the memory of the "cloud" of despair and desolation. I found no obstacle or distraction anywhere in a mechanical sense. There are some grammatical and spelling issues that require attention but I feel if this piece is read in the spirit with which it was written, then these minor (and easily rectified) mistakes don't even come close to weakening the structure.

This story is one of darkness and unshakeable despair. Personally I know a little of this type of pain and it shows here, perhaps more in what is absent, than what is written.

Point Of View:

The use of Third Person POV = a magnifying glass or a spotlight, seeming very appropriate in drawing the readers focus to the huddle of weeping characters who blend their tears with those of the storm.

The word "She" is used a few times and yet, I feel, the major source of grief doesn't stem from the selfishness of this "She" , being the mother; now single parent, but comes rather from witnessing the tears of the children.
The quote used before the entire story seems to buttress this cause and effect mechanism.

"Happiness of the whole humanity is not worth a tear of an offended child."

I don't think First Person POV would put across the same "closeness" effect.


The author has used the flash-light of brief words and implication, to offer us the character of the mother.

"She" is young, and bereft of her husband who has gone AWOL, she "sweeps" her children out of the flat to the dubious comfort of the street.

The alternative, it seems, of remaining where memories of him continue to plague her, is unbearable.

She weeps more for her children's loss than her own. She has the ferocious protection of her children; their well being her foremost purpose.


Simple vivid sentences.

Story Strengths:

The good: *Cool*

Your story, though short is filled with stark imagery and the reader feels empathy for the character and her children. I'm left feeling this dark experience is imprinted on my own mind, in some measure almost as much as on your character. You have communicated the bitterness and loss clearly.


There are a couple of issues that if addressed may help this story to be more easily read.

Firstly there needs to be paragraph spaces so that the narrative isn't a mono bloc of brain overload.
With reading on a computer screen, I feel the work needs those spaces, and so does my vision. Otherwise what should be the enjoyment of reading quickly becomes somewhat of a task.

My second suggestion is, expand a little with your verbs, perhaps add a little bit of description to scenery. If you find yourself struggling with a limited vocabulary, a good way to grow is to read a dictionary, as crazy as that sounds. Just look at a handful of words every day, perhaps at random, and without making a big deal out of it, note the pronunciation, the spelling but most of all the meaning.

Punctuation, Spelling & Grammar:

There are a few improvements that could be made quite easily in this area of your story.
I offer these changes only as a help.
A few examples are:
"The happiness of the whole of humanity is not worth a tear of an offended child."

"but not for her"


"She was so young, but it seemed that ; her life was senseless at that moment"

The following sentence is a little confusing and I offer this suggestion.

"Elder daughter slipped, fell and cried so bitterly. Younger started to cry too, then she the mother did too"

Also this one;

"It was raining rained without ceasing and bitter tears were mixinged with rain drops and flowed down their cheeks"

Rating: I've rated your story 4/5 but should you feel the need to do some changes, I'll gladly revisit and rerate. Please email me anytime, if any questions about this review or your story.

*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece. My comments and suggestions are only intended to help you grow as a writer so please use them as you wish.

As I look back over "The rainy day.I wonder if I come across as a bit critical in my efforts to advise? Please accept my apologies if you feel that way about this review.
Please note that my spelling is Australian (if it's not misspelt that is, in case you wonder why I write "colour" instead of "color" for example.

I'm still learning to do this stuff, just the same as all of us. With that in mind, let's go forward into the future together as a team.

THE PDG Rockin Reviewers Group
Paper Doll Gang image for signature
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

"When you write in prose, you cook the rice. When you write poetry, you turn rice into rice wine. Cooked rice doesn't change its shape, but rice wine changes both in quality and shape. Cooked rice makes one full so one can live out one's life span . . . wine, on the other hand, makes one drunk, makes the sad happy, and the happy sad. Its effect is sublimely beyond explanation." - Wu Qiao

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Lento Poem  
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Able poet, that I ain't
Nor the Lento reading saint
But this verse Cherokee penned
Turned my thoughts to peaceful glen
Where the veggies and ripe fruit
Seeds from fertile earth send shoot
Thanks for the small break from stress
Pictures of the spuds and cress

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Thier Story  
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (3.0)
G'day C.K.
I'm reviewing "Thier Story as a student of "Invalid Item

I liked the tone of your story, and as I read it, I couldn't help but begin to "read" it to myself with a cockney accent! *Laugh*
When I came to the part where the fellows are standing on the doorstep, and their dialogue, it seemed to reinforce the atmosphere of comedy, the category that you have chosen for this piece.
There is a strong family feel too about the story, and I especially enjoyed where the little boy jokes with his Dad.
"her baby boy Jessie only nine years of age ran around calling,
“Daddy, Daddy, are you home yet?”
“No I'm not home I'm still at work,” her husband answered. She heard them laugh and smiled to herself"

Title & Blurb:
The title, although misspelled lines up with the blurb and the story
Narrative Hook:
I wanted to know more right from the first line, imagining that nose poking through the door, the cuteness and the step by step action forms a poignant moment.
I'm assuming that there will be another chapter. Allowing for this, I found the group that turned up on Nellie's doorstep quite menacing, even though the dialogue, on the surface, was a friendly banter.
Story message:
First you paint a picture of a typical family atmosphere, having dinner (tea in Australia) and hint at a storm, setting up some tension for some future impending event. Then a group of men who Nellie and Elliot seem to know, come uninvited. They are taken in, showered and although the family seem to have already had a meal, they then (very patiently it seems to me!) prepare another meal for this new group. All this happens after "Daddy" comes home from a hard days work. Then they all sit at the table and argue about praying.
The scene relevant to the boy and girl meeting and the "friendship that changed them forever" is still to come, and I would assume is in the next chapter, yet to be written.

Story Strengths:
The good: *Cool*
Linking / Flow:
Most of your story guides the reader along, through the scenes and dialogue, with a well defined path in most areas. The edges of each scene blend every well into the next, and you have used dialogue and description well in linking different parts of the story. This in itself encouraged the reader to be absorbed in the events.
Your characters are believable and the conversations create in the imagination a host of lively pictures. The mother is loving, the child innocent, the father a career man; vague and distracted, and of the five men, four seem to pulse with a bawdy carnival / circus joviality yet this enhances some sort of criminal feeling, or worse. There is a feeling of distaste at the men and no one would want to welcome them in except a guilt ridden, reluctant acquaintance, who I feel is Nellie?

The not so good: *Shock*
Your story would be improved out of sight, I feel, by putting a few spaces in there. It makes a long piece a lot easier to read, and keep track of, particularly surrounding the dialogue. Best to keep each thing someone said together obviously, with who said it, to make it clearer and easier to follow.

Perhaps rework this: *Sick*
Point Of View:
As one site states: "Third-person point of view is that of an outsider looking at the action. The writer may choose third-person omniscient, in which the thoughts of every character are open to the reader, or third-person limited, in which the reader enters only one character's mind, either throughout the entire work or in a specific section. Third-person limited differs from first-person because the author's voice, not the character's voice, is what you hear in the descriptive passages"
This is your story, not mine, but my opinion is that Third person Omniscient View that you have used is not popular these days and most readers (and more importantly publishers) would choose stories from a limited Third person View.
These days, the idea of some God-like person overseeing what everyone thinks and does is not popular. Having said that, I think any story, or book, written well enough would still get away with it.

Some of the plot is quite confusing. I had to back track a few times, and read the whole story through, three or four times to figure out what you meant to get across. Some of this would be improved, as I said, with spacing.

Something I found distracting was the use of mixed tenses throughout. There are many examples; "she still had to do and looked back down to her work. Her pencil is set as if waiting for the gun to blow and signal the racers to begin. Finally her pencil begins to fly across the paper"

Reworking sentences for clarity.
Also for more improvement, reword sentences to make them clearer. Just a couple of examples: "Nellie and he were as opposite as anything could ever get and there kid was half of each of them" and “Told you so, they’re too snobby to let a bunch of bare footed men into their pretty little house"
“Hey, I’m going to be too snobby in a second if you don’t shut up!” Squeaked Nellie.

Punctuation, Spelling & Grammar:

Punctuation, spelling and grammar are areas that could use some alterations, and I strongly recommend going over your story with a spell checker. The first glaring example of this is the title. Thier Story should read Their Story. That word, along with a bus load of others, always tries to trip me up. The rule I use to remember how to spell it, is, you say THE I or THE EYE, the ownership meaning of this word.
And its worthwhile doing a course with one of the groups on Writing.com for help learning these skills.

The Paper Doll Gang Hannah ♫♥♫ that I am affiliated with has many helpful members, a library of information, forums where you can exchange ideas (and helpful reviews) plus courses that will help you grow as an author. Do yourself a favour and have a go at one of these. They are worth every minute of effort and your stories will improve and become more enjoyable to yourself, and others. If you wish, you can contact them by emailing using the link.

That, I feel, is why we are all on this site, sharing our writing whatever type it is, and whatever experience we have.

Words and the manipulation of them, are a great equaliser. Like Mathematics, they are usually right, or wrong and these skills can be learn't.
However, creativity and the interesting ideas, and direction you have generated in your story, cannot be taught. Congratulations for having that ability. Also your dialogue and the different conversations bring a colourful picture to my imagination.

In closing, I would say to you, your story does have voice, a camp fire / sitting around the log fire appeal, but there are lots of ways you can bring out the best in your work. Good luck. I'd like to see this piece after you've made some changes, and re-rate it. The potential is certainly there. Please keep writing. Chapter 2 is waiting to be written by you, and for us all to read!

*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece. My comments and suggestions are only intended to help you grow as a writer so please use them as you wish. As I look back over "Thier Story, I wonder if I come across as a bit too critical, in my efforts to advise? Please accept my apologies if you feel that way about this review. I know how hard it is to write a good story and have made many mistakes myself.
I'm also still learning the technique of reviewing. Please keep that in mind as you think about my comments.

Let's go forward into the future together as a literary team, helping one another.

THE PDG Rockin Reviewers Group
Paper Doll Gang image for signature
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

Words have more impact if they drip onto the page...

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
G'day jackneigut

I'm reviewing "God Knows and Sees All. as a student of "Invalid Item


Ok, I admit I came to the review list looking for gp's *Smile*
And when I saw "God Knows and Sees All. I wondered how I could review this without my own beliefs and passion rearing up and getting in the way? I suppose that's how it is with personal beliefs. There is a sense that "What I believe is the only version that could be right!" and thus, we become quickly argumentative and like to debate (sometimes loudly) about this subject probably more than politics...
So I decided to see what others had said in the 11 odd reviews of "God Knows and Sees All. and I was pleasantly surprised by the positiveness and general good stuff that people had nutted out about your piece, and I was influenced by this warmth and sensitiveness, to join them in reviewing this. I'll attempt to do this in an objective way!
Title & Blurb:
Your title is fitting to the prose, continues through it like a reminder, like a short prayer perhaps, or like saying "Amen" after each paragraph. It's almost as if you are wanting to reassure yourself that what you've said meets God's approval.
Narrative Hook:
I have to confess, I'm intrigued by your handle, sounds male and yet you begin in first person by saying "I was a happy mother". I wonder what your background is all about and the circumstances that brought you to write this. And your blurb states I hope you will enjoy. Well, I have enjoyed this poetry and the passion / zeal you obviously feel in writing it, in expressing bravely to all, your inner beliefs.
Story message:
That God knows and sees all. While not echoing everyone's beliefs I'm sure, you have put across your deep thoughts, that which is in your heart.
Using good description, you have described scenes tragedy, your acceptance of God's control over judgement and a lot of different
I feel that the setting is your life and inside your thoughts. Thanks for sharing that.
Linking / Flow:
The words "God knows and sees all" seem to be the writers shuttle in the loom of creativity, weaving this cloth of your experience together.
You step aside in characterising the mother, son or anyone else, in submission to your described God who "can comfort where there is pain", has "the majesty","has given", " believes in the sanctimony of man and woman and blesses their children" and many other colourful ways of describing this God. I say "this God" because of course, people's beliefs differ.
Your vocabulary is put to good use and a clear picture forms in my mind of what you describe. Example: "He opened the Red sea for his chosen people and left the undeserving to his wrath." and "Beautiful mountains abound, gigantic water falls. The trees full of fruit and seed lay before them."
A big positive with this poetry is that you haven't attempted to tell anyone to believe this, or believe that, do this or do that. You have written your own ideas and doctrine, but kept the overall message a positive gentle one. I applaud that technique. Your plot is a little unclear to me though, but isn't spiritualism like that? When dealing with invisible entities and unseen substances such as spirits and faith, is it any wonder that the edges of reality blur a little.

Story Strengths:

The good: *Cool*
You move along through your message, through the plot from the loss of the child, your personal angle or view of God and mankind's status making use of his earth, your own death experience and resurrection into paradise. There is a clear direction and you don't hesitate with your strong testimony. As Ida_Matilda_Wright Help said in Review of "God Knows and Sees All." "The testimony within your words are touching"
Sometimes, or often, in writing, when it can be got across simply, that is often the best way.
As others have already said, if you could clarify what happened to the son whose loss was felt so badly it would round out the piece into a more satisfying read. But sadly, perhaps this reflects life. There aren't always answers to everything, in spite of our feelings that they should be available all the time.
The bad: *Shock* Ok maybe not so bad!
Some of your sentences could be reworded a little, and I was a little confused sometimes with the wording order. Example:"Than I realized faith would give all and I would no longer have pain.", and "When they found my room I was dead"
Although passionate about what you have written, there is some confusion coming across, or some insecurity communicated I feel. Example:"The bible was mine to read and I would read it time and time again. Now another son became sick and I could not live with the sorrow of losing another. I have felt the majesty of God for he looks upon us like his children. They say that anything that happens is by the will of God and God alone"

Punctuation, Spelling & Grammar:

The ugly: *Sick*
Your piece does have quite a few grammatical errors,also syntax / Point of view confusion, and a bit of a shake down with a spell checker wouldn't go astray. Having said that, it's no mean feat to write such personal feelings down, get the passion into words and yet concentrate on stuff so banal and ordinary as SPELLING! *Smile*

*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece. My comments and suggestions are only intended to help you grow as a writer so please use them as you wish. As I look back over "God Knows and Sees All., I wonder if I come across as a bit condescending or whatever, in my efforts to advise? Please accept my apologies if you feel that way about this review.

Please note that my spelling is Australian (if it's not misspelt that is, in case you wonder why I write "colour" instead of "color" for example.

I give you four out of five for this poetry because as a writer you "got it across" loud and clear as far as your zeal and solidness in your convictions about this God. Well done!

I'm still learning to do reviews, learning to write, just the same as all of us. With that in mind, let's go forward into the future together as a team.

THE PDG Rockin Reviewers Group
Paper Doll Gang image for signature
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

Words have more impact if they drip onto the page...

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
G'day AdamLeverz

I'm reviewing "The Beautiful Youth (Part 1) as a student of "Invalid Item

First up, I feel sure that I'm looking at material from a talented writer. Yes. Talented. You have a natural flare and I hear your "voice" in this story as if I was sitting in the same room.

With no bio set up, it's impossible to determine your age, and the further I read in this piece, the more I wondered if you aren't a lot older than the years / setting of your story. Yes I did enjoy your story very much. The title is fitting and graceful, well thought out; original.
Yet I read the bits such as "Internet" and "Instagram" that tell me you are in these years right now. Plus the blurb states it; This is my story, just a normal teenager, attempting to live life (Work in Progress)

I do note that this is a work in progress.

The part 1 in your title indicates to me that you plan to add more to this, to write more.

Please do us all a favour on this site and share more of your writing.

This story is enthralling, insightful and the sort of narrative that sounds more like a conversation with a close friend. Perhaps you have learnt that lesson and this story IS you talking to a close friend; yourself.
And it comes to me like a little light of realisation, that you ought to put yourself as "friend number one". You are a good friend. And like you said, there must exist vast opportunities to be a better friend to others.

As I mentioned in my email to you, I can relate 100% to the friendless status and I know that a lot of it in my case comes from not being a friend to others enough. It has taken me years to learn this.

I like the way you put a short quote after the chapter headings. This seems to set the scene right from the start, a sort of preview of what's coming, a puff of atmosphere then the storm.

You show a vocabulary that is encompassing and used appropriately. The entire story flows with most sentences leading on to the next, subjects changing like batons in a relay race.

Story Strengths:

I usually find it hard to review long pieces such as this (over 8300 words) because I get easily bored, find it difficult to concentrate for a long time and unless I get continual narrative hooks like a cat o nine tails then I tend to lose interest.

But that's not the case here!

Your story had me reading with growing interest right up until the final word. Well done AdamLeverz

Your subject is a common theme in sad "poor me" type scenarios and yet, YET I was so satisfied to come across the most positive of endings. Yes this is a strong reward for the reader and I feel that is a very important concept often overlooked by writers, even professional ones who have their books on shelves in the local libraries of wherever.

If entertaining, pleasing your reader, writing best-selling fiction to make a million dollars (ok pounds in Britain); if that is your aim then you want your reader to be hooked, to continue reading through and finally be rewarded towards the end of the story by some sort of satisfying positive outcome, a LESSON in your story. Perhaps defining it as "a moral to the story" is too clichéd, old fashioned and starchy, but you get the drift.
Well anyway, that is what I believe about writing.

You know, even if this piece was read as a piece of fiction, it comes across to me as being totally real. I'm not saying it's perfect ok? Every effort we writer's come up with surely needs some sort of improvement, some manipulation, some adjusting here and there.
However having said that, sometimes narrative in stories like this of life experience come across much more real when they aren't quite so perfect. Those quirks you mention, those small things that become characteristics separating us from the next guy.
WE ARE NOT CLONES and neither should our writing be that way.

I admire the honesty in this work. Just a couple of examples:"I honestly couldn't care. That's a lie. Of course I care, I always care." and "This means I am as much to blame as the next person."

But I have to point out that you're wrong with this part. "And I've been talking about myself without actually giving you anything interesting to read." The first chapter was interesting to read.

So please, don't beat up on yourself like that, I liked your story and I'm sure many many more will. On here, WDC, and around the globe. The general public, hey even celebrities probably read stuff on here where they can be anonymous, I bet they write on here too!
That's the good thing about online sites isn't it, you don't have to be seen if you don't want to, you can just be "that writer".


Please take these suggestions as just my attempt to help you grow as a writer. This is YOUR story, not mine.

1 / Before or after the quotes (under the chapter headings), you could put who said it, just to clarify that. I was a little mystified when I read them as to who was saying it. But perhaps that's your intention so that some thinking needs to take place by the reader? :)

2 / The sentences "The decisions we make became more and more important, and controversial. We were making choices that would affect our whole lives, our future. And yet we made them based on the impulses of the present day." seem to confuse tenses a little, or is it just me.

Punctuation, Spelling & Grammar:

Most of your story is really good far as spelling and stuff goes, but I did find this sentence probably needs fixing up a little. Minor stuff really.

"I was building an emotional set of standards within my head, so I know what it felt I've to feel normal."

And "But I have to, I can't let them win" probably needs a full stop sticking in there to make it two sentences.

Also this sentence could maybe do with less "and"s and a couple of commas instead. "I imagined a great life where I would be at a different party every night and be really confident and have loads of friends and a fun life"
Rewritten suggestion only: "I imagined a great life where I would be at a different party every night, be really confident, have loads of friends and a fun life"

You obviously already know this but I'll say it anyway. Always run a spell check over your work and if you plan on writing a lot in a serious fashion, which looks like you are, then please consider taking a course in grammar, short story writing, poetry and even reviewing. I have found that I learn a lot of valuable lessons reviewing other peoples stuff. As I try (at times lamely I have to confess) to help them it's me that's gaining experience. A bit of a sneaky benefit really. :)
I'm not saying your grammar is remarkably bad or whatever, just that I have had such a great experience doing the courses. And that's coming from a shy bipolar low self esteem person that I am, or have been.

The group affiliation at the bottom of this page is a link to those who run these free courses should you wish to be involved.
They are a caring bunch, even if a little odd :P (cough cough, they'll be reading this no doubt since it's a lesson lol but I'm only having my little joke)

I've rated this at 4 out of 5 but I'd like to revisit this should you make some changes and perhaps re-rate it then.

*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece. I salute you for having the gizzard to put your stuff on here for others to view. I know first hand how hard that can be, to trust other's with your work.

THE PDG Rockin Reviewers Group
Paper Doll Gang image for signature
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

Words have more impact if they drip onto the page..

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Off Character  
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
G'day D.Alexander
I'm reviewing "Off Character as a student of "Invalid Item
I went straight to the "faves" button for this author.
D.Alexander you have a fan! :) And I had a laugh. Thanks!
This short story WAS fun as claimed in the sales blurb and must almost be a recording of all authors struggles at one time or another. Until I read this, I had no idea that character building or dialogue design was so difficult! lol.

I'm still explaining to my wife why I was sitting in the study, in the dark, laughing at my computer screen. Weird behaviour. That's writers for you eh? A strange lot of odd balls all grouped around pencils, pens or keyboards, or perhaps voice recording devices, and crunching out our thoughts for others to share. And laugh about.

Anyway I thoroughly enjoyed this story. For some reason I always have a preconception of comedy as a failure straight away. But this story was no disappointment.

I especially enjoyed the descriptions in the closing "thoughts" as the writer unsuccessfully tried to distance himself from all pleasurable activities he usually did, instead of writing. Maybe this is a lesson that people must like writing a lot to stick at it through all the negative stuff.
You're not a new writer, though new on WDC; that is plain to see. Your knowledge of writing and distractions, of political correctness and the finer points of what is good and what is bad, seems to me to be encompassing to say the least.
To cut to the chase, you are a good writer. So unlike your imaginary counterpart who gives up, please continue, 'cos its' entertainin'!

Story Strengths:
I was hooked from the first attempt at writing by the writer of this story about a writer who cant write. The bits you did write, or he wrote, were quite ok. The thoughts and arguments were believable and flowed easily.
You increased the distractions at a plausible rate until he gave up.
Your humour is funny. That obviously isn't always the case with comedy!

Being negative and picky here just like the arguments in your story :) but I would probably think about upping the rating from E to 13+ for the quoted reasons below. Maybe. Or not. Kids are fairly up on these subjects these days aren't they? You could probably ask a moderator or someone what they think. Maybe it's the "dadness" coming out in me eh? :)

"like they are whores or sex objects"
"She screamed of pure sex"

Punctuation, Spelling & Grammar:
Stick a comma in here might work better. A minor detail of course.
"called to me, pulling my attention"
Can't really see any other muck ups, you use a spell check that's obvious or are one of these people who have a natural gift at being a good speller. Unlike me.
I'd be intrigued to know more about you as a writer but on clicking on your bio this is what I saw;

This member has not set up their bio.
So there's something you could do, another distraction from sitting down to the nitty gritty of writing something!

*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece. Please take my comments as suggestions only, use them as you wish.

THE PDG Rockin Reviewers Group
Paper Doll Gang image for signature
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

Words have more impact if they drip onto the page..

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
G'day druid
I'm reviewing "The Long Wait, Part 2 as a student of "Invalid Item

It's a given that; you crank up my avid interest in your story, to a level of "must know more", in this chapter.
I came to the end of this item and enjoyed your timing of the end, when he opens the door to face his Internet friend of 10 years ago, and yet the reader STILL doesn't get to see her yet! It's good and the tension has ratcheted up, reader left hanging. If it was a novel I'd be ripping the page over to read the next bit.
I enjoyed the feeling you created at the lodge.
The Long Wait, Part 1  (18+)
Rekindling of an old flame, an Internet relationship.
#1908130 by druid
there is a huge expectancy, a corner stone of your story's foundation. Then when he arrives here, it's quiet. You extend that with all the descriptiveness, and set the obvious "lover's" scene, you create the desire in the reader to experience all this too. The lack of normal routine stuff that Ru has made his life for years, no cell phone, no Laptop etc, the trappings of modern social relationships ramps up the expectations and having Ru sleep, to awaken disorientated only makes it even more acute. Well done. It feels real.

Story Strengths:
I particularly liked this part, "The bag falls over and I look down at it, smiling suddenly". This detail and tiny incident are EXACTLY the sort of thing that happens, and prompts the person there to pause and yes, smile suddenly. You are indicating to the reader that Ru is IN LOVE, in capital letters, the vagueness, the examination of surroundings. Even the word "laid" and "romance" all contribute to imagining a joyful and intimate encounter that is about to unfold. Ru has done everything in his power to prepare and as a reader, I want to meet Myra as much as he does.
The scene is as perfect as you could imagine and makes me wonder if there isn't going to be a huge disappointment coming for Ru. Perhaps whoever is at the door is just a Pizza delivery to the wrong apartment / cabin!...:)

The first person POV works well, makes this experience more personal for the reader.
I shared in Ru's nervousness and I feel you worked this up very effectively. Thing is druid, you have described the lodge and all that's in it with such detail that your next part where she arrives, you see her etc. will have to be an atomic meltdown or this part #2 will steal the limelight. I'm confident you won't disappoint!

"leave the glass on the tabletop". You mention the water glass a few times, sitting it there before your rest, almost tripping on it and then leaving it. Is there something being set up here for the future? If not perhaps make it so, because it seems to trigger my radar a little, as if it has meaning. If it isn't intended to be a signal then perhaps detune a little. Picky maybe but just a little thing I noticed.
Incidentally, this same continuity of small details is an excellent trait and keeps that flow happening as you no doubt planned. So it's a strength but if over done can be a little bit itchy to read. I kept coming back to wonder about it.

Perhaps in the first few sentences of this second part, mention Ru and Myra's names again to remind us who it is. I suppose this wouldn't be necessary if read as chapters in a book. I'm reading these parts over a couple of weeks apart.
Again, unless you are setting the scene for some tangential future event, the part where you wrote "what seems to be the drinks cabinet" would probably still mean the same by saying "the drinks cabinet"

I was jolted into learning something about this myself by reading someone else's list of "words they never use, or avoid like washing the dishes" One of those words or terms is "seems to be" or "almost" or "just" so I tend to pass on this advice to others. A bit like the words "got" and "that" but you'd already know that stuff I guess. I'm just here poking at stuff trying to make mistakes fall out! :)

Can we have more dialogue please? Please? :) Ru thinking aloud perhaps, even just a couple of times. Just a thought.

Punctuation, Spelling & Grammar:
"but raises at" could be "but raised at" or "but rises at"
"and climbing to the balcony." perhaps should be "and climb to the balcony."

*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece.

THE PDG Rockin Reviewers Group
Paper Doll Gang image for signature
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

Words have more impact if they drip onto the page..

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Tunnels  
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
G'day Michael Whitehouse
I'm reviewing "Tunnels as a student of "Invalid Item
I was ready for the girl pointing behind him, perhaps even expecting the Star of David mark of the Jews, definitely ready for Nazis.
But I was unprepared for his heart attack, and his broken smashed body in the bag, that somehow crossed time to be used in a modern era. This brings the reader to imagine the ghostly murderers without the writer spelling it out. Great stuff! And a story ending reminiscent of the old Wrigleys Beleive it or Not! horror. I read those as a kid and they still inspire fear after all these cynical adult years! :)

Story Strengths:
You write a clear imagery of scenes, details and local knowlege that make me feel like I'm "there". That is excellent. The setting of Amsterdam and the foreign words pull the reader in, give your story an immediate authentic flavour. Although you are a newcomer to WDC, I feel you are not a novice at writing! Not by a long shot.
You have all the stuff right! Fill in the gaps, go by the rules. Your paragraphs begin well, are bite sized and the flow moves along.
The action is believeable as are your characters.
The short sentence "Care must be taken" was a nice menacing touch.
"The girl was not pointing at the light, she was pointing behind him" is one of many examples where you are expertly bringing tension into the story.

My first impressions of this story were of a writer with extended vocabularly who has committed substantial effort toward the quality of this illustrious work.
So perhaps I could reword myself in this section of this review in simpler terms without losing the authority or meaning, and I could just say, "I enjoyed this story and overall, realise this writer has talent"
What I demonstrate is; while the story promises to be very good, I feel some of it could be simplified, made easier to read, without losing the essence of it.
In some parts it is too wordy and loses something, the reader labouring through long words.
For example "He proceeded to impart on me the circumstances which resulted in his precarious condition, of which I will relay to you now." could perhaps be written simply; I'll tell you Henke's crazy story now.

I feel the action could happen quicker, a nice "narrative hook" chunk of it a lot earlier. You could open the story with the meeting with Henke first. Paint a picture of the man jumping at shadows, sweating and dry lipped. And as you said before, he was a confident go getter who laughed at those claiming the existence of spirits etc.
Then after a paragraph of that little meeting launch into why you were there, who he is, who you are and all that other detail.
A lesson I have learned only recently myself is, work more dialogue and stuff that happens to them into the first few lines. Get it happening. THEN roll back to more of the stuff and detail. OK just saying this as it felt when I read it.
I suggest perhaps a few more short sentences where appropriate to break up the piece a little more, give the reader a jolt every so often.

Some of the places you tell of the future events could perhaps be ommitted as it gives away what will happen and the suspence that should be there has gone out the hole like a tyre with a puncture. For example;"He was to learn the limits of his bravery down in those oppressive tunnels, deep below the streets of Amsterdam". In this sentence you give your secret away. That's how I feel anyway. Its a spoiler, right at the beginning of your story.

You could bring more "show not tell" into the story for example, instead of just saying "Up his spine and from the very pit of his stomach fear gripped him, terror took him, and a horror so potent made him feel anxious, weak, and unsteady." this could be reworked without using the words fear, anxious, terror etc. Instead, try describing how he's sweating, tripping over things in haste, eyes wild and flicking around everywhere etc. Bring his thoughts to the fore, tell us, as readers, what he's thinking, and instead of him saying, I'm so scared" he's thinking, I feel sick, I feel the roof caving in on my, the darkness has eyes, etc etc. Then the reader is looking through his eyes, not just reading of what happened.
I've learned that whatever you want to emphasise in a story, try to avoid the actual word if possible. Tell their feelings, that they soiled their pants, wet themselves, whatever. But avoid saying fear, or scared etc.
It's the thoughts that make a reader part of your story. When a reader has to THINK it, then they are drawn into being "interactive".
Example of this? Alfred Hitchcock's horror stories. He seems to be able to make your skin crawl without even saying something is scary. He does this by prompting you to think certain things. "is there someone behind you right now? have you checked? check again! are you sure something didnt move just out the corner of your eye" etc.
Please take all these suggestions as you wish, reading back over it, perhaps you have used some of these already. I do think that the beginning could do with action earlier though.
Also another thought is, this story is more about Henke than anything, and explores ego relevent to spirituality. Perhaps you could rename it into a more sinister Title for example Henke: "She points! She points!"
Try more dialoge with your characters. I'd love to hear what they said in that meeting, the emotion, the old mates together, the astonishment at his condition, through their discussion rather than you telling me. Then I'll be submerged more fully into your story.

Punctuation, Spelling & Grammar:
Nothing major that I could see but there are far better qualified than me to scrutinise this.

*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece. My comments are only offered to be a help to you as a writer and encourage growth. Please just used them as you wish.

I'd like to revisit this piece in the future some time and re rate should you decide to do more with it. A very enjoyable read! Thank you.
THE PDG Rockin Reviewers Group
Paper Doll Gang image for signature
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

Words have more impact if they drip onto the page..

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Where I'm From  
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (5.0)
G'day Pepper
I'm reviewing "Where I'm From as a student of "Invalid Item
I feel as if I've sat and flipped through a family photo album of your past, reading this poem. I must say I've enjoyed the time spent, with each part snapping a collage of scenes and sticking them with those photo fixing corner thingumybobs, into my mind.
Until Paper Doll Gang classes I haven't known you so I have no idea of your background, your past or anything about you.
Perhaps this poem has shown me a broad sample of "where you're from" and I feel has reduced the "stranger-ness" quite a bit.
I could relate strongly to many parts. I had a quick glance at the link you refer to and have to agree, it is based on similar theme and does vibrantly chronicle your journey from a child to now.
Yes, I can see the poverty in the beginning, the struggles through those years, battles with the seasons. I can imagine your folks scraping by, the laughter and the tears, the joy and the sorrow. Yes this poem takes me back, turns my mind to my own childhood; ginger beer bottles exploding under the cobwebby veranda, slices of watermelon that made our ears wet from the curled up ends and Dad's old Fordson tractor that had to be "run started" down hill; the electrical system and battery hadn't worked for years.

Story Strengths:
The descriptiveness and honesty which make no bones about this being a story of the past, a kaleidoscope of past family meals, noisy shouting children, squabbling over the last bit of cake. If there was any cake.
There is a nostalgia for times gone by when there was no cell phone / mobile phone texting, no Facebook, no Internet (ooops no WDC!:( ) when families used to sit around playing board games and arguing over who had the most cards from the game "Memory"
Yes your poem brought back that healthy past, the good old days, pushing the wheelbarrow of good times along the vegetable garden of rich growing up years.
Your term "I'm from" repeats like a cattle grid or a level crossing where the train and road verge, sounding like an emphasis, like a rail-road car clanking over the joins.
It could even lull you to sleep but there is too much action to keep you prodded along the road to your education years, those changing times when your dear old father and sweet mother were perhaps left behind, necessary but deepening the lines on their hard worked faces, the character branding them deeply as they miss their children's hullabaloo around the crackling log fire.
"who were too old and too tired to raise a seventh" is the part I'm thinking of here.
More honesty with "poverty, and outhouses, and no bathtub" and "double dating for prom, and picking my husband out of a yearbook"
Then there is the sudden slap in the head and "wake up!" in the last part where you move from "I'm" to "I am" and you break stride from the past rhythm into the present "now".
I'm so very glad that it all worked out to what you are today, and your happiness and peace, the rewards of a companion and children. (more companions)
Perhaps this poem may be read by them, if not now, some time in the future, and they'll say, "SO THAT'S how mom (or mum) grew up, that's what happened back in those days.

Maybe there are more poems to be written to "team up" in your portfolio, from your husband and children. Perhaps they might like to join WDC and put their words with yours. The result might be surprisingly similar even though another generation. Your husband's past growing up years may make a fascinating read also.

Punctuation, Spelling & Grammar:
I couldn't find any errors.

In fact, what could I really criticize about this poem that would bring it back from a perfect rating?


*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece.

THE PDG Rockin Reviewers Group
Paper Doll Gang image for signature
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

Words have more impact if they drip onto the page..

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Space Holder  
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
G'day The StoryMaster
I'm reviewing "Space Holder as a student of "Invalid Item

First up, I'm fully aware that anyone with any brains would not even attempt to review this, as it's not a display of literary significance, right?
And the Review Tip#2 at the top of this tool screen tells me that "Honest Opinions are what help writers improve".

So, why am I here stubbornly typing up a review of this"Space Holder?
Well, here's the thing. Being a writer and a novelist, an activity I'd rather do than eat a square meal (mostly);I must be empty headed to continue being a dirt poor novelist too.

I decided on a review challenge;
What could I say about these few banal words, and the writer of this non existent place with the only comment being that it's giving the rest of the numbers a beginning.

The words that greeted my eyes when I nonsensically clicked on the link to this item# have an irony. And with the sad face backing up the statement I have to agree, it really is just a "Space Holder

But then I began to look around this immovable software entity, or whatever it is, and saw the intriguing dates of manufacture and the latest modification date. Now there must be a story behind this, please excuse the pun.

The item is rated E as you'd imagine is fitting, can't see anything pornographic or of graphic nature about it. The yellow face is a tad bright I guess, but...no that's within acceptable parameters.
The size is 0.45 KB; quite a tiny file I think.
Then we see that date, December 31st, 1969 at 7:00pm. 1969?
I'm not a computer nerd ok? Not quite THAT crazy :P

So, I asked the eminently intelligent Mr Google, "What happened on this date, please? And this is what he said!

The Unix epoch is the time 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. This is the reference point for all time stamps. When you use PHP's date/time functions, you're always working with the number of seconds since the epoch. Time 0 is the epoch, and you (or your web server) must be on the east coast of the US, which is 5 hours behind UTC time.

So apart from being the beginning of programming dates etc I know nothing more.
I'll leave it to those who know what they are talking about, instead of waffling on like I am here.

Story Strengths:
The strengths of this item are surprisingly mammoth. Enormous to unimaginable heights and depths. Almost as gigantic and far reaching as God's mercy, or his sea of forgetfulness that stretches as far apart as East is from the West.

We know this, (the strength of this item) because its still here.
It is still remaining an item and in its place since, well, since at least 2002 January 19th at 3:56pm, just like pi is still a number that goes on and on infinitely.

I'm overlooking the words "no longer needed" as I don't want to hurt this item's feelings, virtual or otherwise.

You could use politically correct terminology, instead of saying "old chap" and say aged British person. But that's possibly still political even though essentially correct.

And maybe I'm just trying to be clever and the whole thing is completely stupid, even trying to review this. Ok, I'll finish up soon then.

Punctuation, Spelling & Grammar:
All seems in order here, commas in better places than mine no doubt. I always get confused with where and how, consulting the punctuation helper link that Hannah gave us in the Newbie Paper Doll Gang class.

As far as commas go, all the advice is there but it's like knowing where the spark plugs and the windscreen wiper blades go but you still prang the car into the nearest power pole. Yes prang is a word, at least in Australia. There's another bone of dotty contention, American and British tables of punctuation e.t.c but no Aussie. Tsk Tsk I shake my mousey head.

Well, I digress and this review has already bored every reader to bitter recriminating tears of burning hatred.

Anyway, as a joke, this review is probably ridiculous but I couldn't go past saying something about this dusty little corner of WDC where I doubt many people would venture. Only bored idiots with nothing to do.

I give this item a perfect rating, unlike the other 91!(?)star givers I see, who thought it was less than perfect. Strange. Very strange place and oddish people those novelists and writers. A weird crowd...

On reading back over this review, I realised I haven't said anything about the writer. This is already over 4000 characters and information about the writer of this "Space Holder will have to wait until another time; that is another story and a long one no doubt.

I send gp's so that any outraged anger at this waste of everyone's time will hopefully be expunged. ex·punge [ik-spuhnj] Show IPA
verb (used with object), ex·punged, ex·pung·ing.
1.to strike or blot out; erase; obliterate.
2.to efface; wipe out or destroy.

*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece.

THE PDG Rockin Reviewers Group
Paper Doll Gang image for signature
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

Words have more impact if they drip onto the page..
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
G'day Ida_Matilda_Wright Help
I'm reviewing "Warning Read at you own RIsk as a student of "Invalid Item

This short story is so honest. Flash fiction is a good description because I feel like its a flash flood of cause and effect. Quick movements of scenery and action, the reader knocked out by the title and further drawn in with the large sign at the top Warning Read This At Your Own Risk

I felt this was honest because it doesn't try to make the attacker completely unattractive or the feelings of the person totally unaffected by the sexuality, even though terrified.
An example of this? "He had a soft touch" indicates that the victim is very aware of tactile sensations and does want this but not with this person.
This has opened my awareness for how confusing such an assault must feel to the victim. I've heard of people's guilt at feeling pleasure from rapists. But when you think about it, that's only a normal reaction of a healthy body. The victim should feel no guilt whatsoever at sending out mixed signals. Any pleasure the victim may experience does not excuse or justify the attack in any way.
The story states that the person imagines someone else, the perpetrator's son in face, and yet there is a repulsion at the same time, "This was not supposed to happen"

Story Strengths:
The spaces and single line paragraphs whether accidental or by design, enhance a feeling of numbness between each changing scene and event. It feels like the person has blacked out or their mind has retreated into a self protective blankness during those spaces.

The passage that reads: "I have no where to go. He took his fingers and turned my face toward him. He places his lips on mine" probably should read "I had no where to go. He took his fingers and turned my face toward him. He placed his lips on mine"
But having said that, the alternation between present and past tense could be utilised here to emphasise the confusion of the victim. I believe that in traumatic circumstances a human will sometimes feel an "out of body" experience and so perhaps these changes to Point Of View might still work in this case. This is conjecture on my part and I'm just highlighting (as far as I'm aware), that these type of words usually need to be same tense, same POV.

Punctuation, Spelling & Grammar:
"was a open pocket knife" should read "was an open pocket knife"
"imaging" should be "imagining"

*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece.My comments are here only to help you grow as a writer. Please use them as you wish! *Smile*

THE PDG Rockin Reviewers Group
Paper Doll Gang image for signature
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

Words have more impact if they drip onto the page..

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Scent Of Love  
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
G'day jaya !

I'm reviewing "The Scent Of Love as a student of "Invalid Item, I offer these comments:
It was a pleasure to read your story about the lesson of love, and the experiences that led Reni, your character, to the final twist at the end of this story.
I note that you wrote this in a contest, in 2010 and appears on my screen last modified at 3:03am! There has been a lot of dedication and sweat gone into the writing of this item.
Although this is supposed to be a short story, I feel that you have a style suited to writing a novel. This has the feel of a first chapter. There is the descriptiveness, the details that build scenery, sensations, realism. It's all there.
I like how you portray such a contrast between poor Raj in a sad light, garnering sympathy from the reader and yet Dev has the attractiveness, maturity (it seems) and riches. This story must surely hold universal appeal.

Story Strengths:
You have a strong focus throughout the story on love and the mystery of cupid's arrows. Although you colour the different scenes with realistic dialogue and detail, the main theme continues, flows very well. I felt lead step by step towards the most pleasant conclusion. I was not disappointed, not just because it was a happy ending, but because the conflict at the beginning was still relevant and continued at the end.
The scenes, arguments, conflicts and resolutions all feel real. You have an author's voice clearly heard throughout your work here.

I hesitate to have the cheek to say much here, you are a preferred author! *Smile* but I want to make a real contribution to your work and not sit politely and waste your time.

There are a few ideas that might be of help. Often your sentences I feel are a little disjointed. There is a tendency to chop from one subject or scene to another that left me wondering what happened. When I re read it I could see then what you meant. So perhaps it's flow I'm talking about here.

When they are first in the cafeteria, have Reni unable to contain her enthusiasm for the debate on love and she's already speaking in the middle of ordering, creating a delay for other customers. This is how it may flow more, blend in to the next scene. You could even have some of them complain a little or roll their eyes.

“Thanks for being an angel Reni,” Raj patted her fondly. She waved goodbye to the lonely looking man, standing on the veranda.
Perhaps if you developed more transition between sentences and scenes it would read easier. Maybe you had a deadline or word count to adhere to with this story. *Smile*

"analysts at the Global Solutions" I would probably knock out "the" and just write "analysts at Global Solutions"

One part reads;
Dev, who was waiting on the front porch, received her.
“Hi! Seems you had no trouble finding my house,” said Raj, his expression, amicable

I think you mean it to be Dev,in both instances.

“Sorry, Reni, my stock of snacks just got over.” would probably sound better if you said "my snacks have run out" or something similar.

I browsed some reviews you have done jaya and you seem to often say in your reviews that you were glad to find the item in their portfolio. Well, same goes here, I'm glad I found this!

*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece. Please remember the comments I have offered are my opinion only and are intended only to help and encourage improvement and your growth as a writer. Use them as you wish! *Smile*


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Paper Doll Gang Rockin Reviewers Group

The Balaclava Joke  (E)
Radiation Oncology, Incurable Tumour, Life expectancy of hours. April Fools Day...
#1926251 by Sparky

Words have more impact if they drip onto the page...

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Distant  
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
G'day warriormom!

After reading (and enjoying) "Distant, I offer these comments:

It must be poem day for me today, another one to review. Well, I'm glad fate decided to stick this under my nose. Deliberately! *Wink*
First place in the A-Z Poetic Form Contest and the judge has good taste and an accurate eye for talent. Well, that's what I believe.

Story Strengths:
All those D words and yet, delivering no doubtful diatribe, no delusions or delinquently damaging dottiness. Ok, I haven't got it with poems! But you have Pat. There is a serious side to this poem that isn't lost in the delivery. It surely is an overview of someone in the increasing clutches of...I'm trying to remember but it's...as I get on in years it's harder and harder to recall...
Well, at least I still remember who you are Sandy, No! That's not it, its Peta, no no, that's not your name. Ah! Pat! Yes, now I remember your name, but still cannot think of the term. Alzheimer's disease! That's it! And how could we bear being unable to write? To remember? I'll have to write some more, review some more to put that awful though out of my mind!

None. I wont pretend to know anything about poetry.

It all looks good to me. When I really consider it, it's perfect like everyone else said...

*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece. Please remember the comments I have offered are my opinion only and are intended only to help and encourage improvement and your growth as a writer. Use them as you wish! *Smile*

Paper Doll Gang image for signature
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

Words have more impact if they drip onto the page...

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
G'day very thankful !

After reading (and enjoying) "Will You Be Mine or Go Away?, I offer these comments:

We're tossing and turning under the sheets
like we're running down the streets.

Sister of Mercy; the picture this conjures in my mind! The pedalling action of someone running while lying in bed.

I note you have chosen experience to describe this poem or events within the following verses.
You bring a spice of forbidden fruit into this work but tempered with the justification of the participant's flammable passion that will not be denied.
It would be a dishonest person, I believe, who would never have felt this in their own selves!

The situation's dire
Hearts are on fire

You are so very taken
love we shouldn't be makin'

Then I detect from the way you have written this, that there is not only stolen love happening here, but also I'm thinking a fallen member of the clergy? *Smile* I guess your username sort of nudges me in that direction somewhat, plus the bells ringing; church...?

We pay the tolls
can we save our souls?

This song I'm singing
as the bells are ringing.

Then there is the question posed at the end that leaves me thinking this won't be the last tryst, there will be more of these moments taken, however wrong.
Perhaps a tone of whimsy or regret at the inevitable loss that is coming, certain separation, if not in this life, then in the next.

Will you be mine today
or will you go away?

Story Strengths:

Tight wording and enjoyable emotions. To the point. Honest.
Romance and drama abounds.


None. I think it's excellent. Perhaps alter some words, but this is really a very personal piece. Yes a vivid experience shared in black and white medium, thanks to technology!

No glaring problems that I could detect.

*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece. Please remember the comments I have offered are my opinion only and are intended only to help and encourage improvement and your growth as a writer. Use them as you wish! *Smile*

Paper Doll Gang image for signature
Writing.Com Signature Image for Upgraded Registered Authors!

Words have more impact if they drip onto the page...

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
G'day LittleLexy !

After reading (and enjoying) "Alex's BIG Surprise - Part 1, I offer these comments:

I note you created this some time ago; 2007, and the next and previous item icon indicates to me that there are more chapters!
The chapter here is short but has action packed into it straight away. I like how you get things moving. There is an excitement introduced early, both characters as keen as mustard to get to the point quickly so to speak. This gels with the pace of your plot and, I think, the subject matter. It is rated 18 plus and designated Adult Fantasy so I get a strong impression that there will be some juicy bits to come. Your dialogue flows well, is believable if at times too wordy. It is something I struggle with also and find that if I re read it later, after a few days of leaving it alone, I see my errors of judgement very clearly, or more clearly anyway. So just running back over it all again, the action has good steps towards a small gift in the last sentence. I enjoy the humour behind the BIG surprise statement and can only imagine what comes next. Perhaps they should place a huge piece of cake there and then shrink both of themselves. Hmmm, ok back to the task at hand! *Wink*

Story Strengths:

I am a gadget person and like reading original ideas in stories so of course this story attracts me straight away. Also there's nothing like a naughty scene in the imagination to motivate someone to keep reading! This story sounds like the beginning of something BIG all right.
You have written clear description and loads of tactile and emotional prompts.

You could read through this again and rework some of what happens, toning down some of the double ups. For example reword Ren's physical description so that it doesn't sound like a cloned one of Alex. Another example is the hugging and kissing. It's one action shared by both people, but comes across as if one did it, then after a few seconds and some dialogue, the other carried out the same thing. The overall story is good, but stand back and see the flow. Rework it into what would happen. Relax about the spelling and grammar until you have the flow right.
I have to spend a lot of time nutting this out in my own pieces. I ask myself questions such as, what really happens when people do this or do that? What comes first? What next? Then re read what you've dictated in your story that your characters SHOULD do, and ask, is that really how it is? Often, it doesn't match with reality or, it comes across as a subconscious odd behaviour to the reader.
This I believe, is a skill that takes some mastering and a lot of self honesty. Yes, be your own worst critic, but keep relaxed. And please don't throw things at me for saying this stuff. *Smile* I may have your situation incorrect as this was five years ago.


"couldn't wait to see his friend Ren to come over" change to couldn't wait for his friend Ren to come over"
"Around 3 O'Clock PM the doorbell" would sound better as Around 3 PM the doorbell"
Put some spaces in your work, make paragraphs, dividing it into more easily read sections. Try making a new paragraph when something new is introduced into your story, that's what I do anyway.
Use a spell checker to correct a few odd punctuation errors will help ease things a little too.
As I said, I found this beginning chapter quite entertaining and with a little work here and there, a bit clearer in patches with more character building you will find it all falling into place.

*Star* Many thanks for sharing your work and your valuable efforts writing this piece. Please remember the comments I have offered are my opinion only and are intended only to help and encourage improvement and your growth as a writer. Use them as you wish! *Smile*

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Words have more impact if they drip onto the page...

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Thanks for an enjoyable ten minutes of my life. Because this story is GOOD.
Continue this please into a full blown novel.

I was hooked immediately and every paragraph backed up the beginning. I was kept on the edge of my seat (elbows bumping keyboard) and even my dog barking here suddenly at someone outside didn't get through for a while.
I could closely relate to some of this story, perhaps that demonstrates how good it is. The feeling that this is about me, or that I, the reader am in the story, not just seeing the words on my screen.

So what to say to improve it? Not much. There is a sentence or two that doesn't seem to be complete. But perhaps in a novel that's ok. I know the grammar function in Word carries on about some sentences and yet I've seen similar included in published books so you can't always believe that method.

The silence was excellent, strung out for way too long! :) Very well done there and also the ending I felt was just right.
And the breathless moments of combined laughter and tears when reunited all seemed so real.

Honestly this story reads like one of those that fall off your tongue / keyboard onto the page as if it belonged there in final edit form.
Sometimes I wish that WDC had a better space to put notes for reviewers of stories. I know they have a function like that. It would help a lot if there was some explanatory notes from the author, saying why they wrote it, where the background came from, if it was life experience etc. I guess novels dont have that though

I really cannot think of a reason to rate this anything other than five.


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of My Hook  
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I know very little of JR Tolkein but have seen some movies and read The Hobbit. I know of Bilbo Baggins and of course that worm creature.

So I read with interest this piece titled My Hook. I found it to be engaging with good descriptiveness, a constant pace with sentences an of appropriate length. The language of the item is of interest and the names fit the Genre and I feel, era.

Thoughts on improvements? Perhaps shorten some sentences a little where the actions described are of preparation for war. This may slow the rythym to the temp of 'smiths hammers banging to the metronome slashes of swords in the coming war.

"There was only one reason that the signal towers would be lit; it was their sole purpose" I felt this sentence sets up a tension that isn't really rewarded, maybe explain a little bit why this sole purpose was important.

" raised on a generation of stories of the last invasion" could be changed to legends

I can't see much more I would change except to introduce some early dialogue perhaps. But it is a "Hook" isnt it . These are just my thoughts and opinions! Peace! Peace! I come not to provoke to literary war or disapoint a neighboring realm with ignorant conjecture!

Accept this humble though well deserved rating I pray thee and I'll be off before I have a Grey Beard take my head.


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Apology  
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Dear Coconut Taffy.

I hear what you're saying in these costly words.

Whatever your reasons for writing this down, whoever you feel you have let down, or done hurtful things to; please!

Remember that you have written something easily understood, used "voice" to excellent effect and shown lateral thinking in the idea behind this piece of writing.

The amazing thing is, by sharing your experience and emotional outpouring on here, on WDC with fellow writers, you can lighten that burden of guilt, you CAN feel that your apology has truly been heard.

Perhaps as collective ears, this community, among many others, will read this apology and pass it forward, enriching not only those who receive yours, but the rest of humanity who join in the snowball effect.

As for healing? There is only One that I know of who can truly heal. He doesn't dwell in temples made with hands. He doesn't require someone of greatness to approach him. He already knows peoples failings and has forgiven. That's a given.

As a humble and hardly qualified reviewer, I have failed in taking an objective outside corrective view of your anxious communication. I have failed to tell you of things that could be improved in this writing.

But you haven't failed to get across to me this message of reaching out to your fellow human being.

That is far more important; that getting the message across, than spelling or grammar, syntax or punctuation ever was.


PS. Don't beat yourself up. I too have felt the same way as you have expressed here. But it's like trying to save the world full of poor people by giving your last $1. While noble, there will always be poor people.
He also said that...

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of wisdom  
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
How do I view such a handful few
of words that sit carelessly
on paper so thin plasticy

i'm not sure the memory
of distant short summary
comes up in my brain
soon flushed down the drain

but now don't be so sad
because honourable dad
whose child has been noted
on poem that he doted

the ending of review
is a struggle not new
but i see the lit hole
want to this poet stole

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sparky
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Pat,

I want to apply for the position you have displayed vacant and titled B-Item.
I note your award for outstanding community support and want to be utilized by your many writers.

You see, I've always wanted to be a fully qualified B-Item, and now I understand so clearly how to do this job from your "how to" instructions. I was so impressed with the simple outline here, and the step by step method shown, it hardly needs to be stated that my dream from this moment on is to attain to this position surrounded by braces!

If it was not for this instructional note that you compiled, I would stil be confused as to the difference between these lovely green braces, purple parentheses and plain old red brackets. (It has been quite some years, way too many, since I sat in a mathematics class)

The crescendo of your instruction manual is those tips point-formed next to the cute snowflakes.
"Do not use any symbols (like #) or letters (ID)" This tip was such a help because I used to try using the hash symbol and, well you can guess from that fumbling attempt that I was an apprentice at that time, not even a 4th year B-Item or tradie!

Being a relatively new inclusion on Writing Dot Com or WDC; as seems to be the customary designation, I want to tell you that my aim, yes, my entire life's vision, revolves around fitting in to each and every portfolio and enhancing peoples chances of obtaining an audience, readers, reviewers and contest judges...

I WANT TO BE a permanent full time B-Item. If you already have someone lined up for that job, then perhaps I could just be an image instead?

Yours Sincerely


*Serious note to Pat. Thanks for what you do Pat. I'm learning that this site and its supporters are such a help and so I want to return it in some small way, even if it is just a bit of humour. (aussie spelling)
Review of The Notice  
Review by Sparky
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I think I can recognise something as being first hand experience. And this is written like that. It has characters, descriptions and especially dialogue that could only be real. Yes, it is good.
What is the well used saying recently? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger? Well from reading this snapshot of someone's colourful life, I would tend to say, those difficult days will give you a gift others just do not have.
And that, is a huge stash of very real situations and material for writing.
Some of these happenings we obviously wouldn't choose. But there is a positive side of things and you know, the incident or event has happened so we might as well make something out of the pieces that are left. Do something to amplify the good things into steps of the future, progress.

Please keep writing, and thank you for sharing such vivid parts of your life. You remind me of that singer karyse who won the Australian Voice recently (ok last year) who was coached by Seal. You remind me of her a lot.

Review by Sparky
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The sadness and the worlds injustice have been captured here.

Is an addicted baby guilty? Does the situation although of innocent birth forfeit the right of the child to the same treatment as a baby found orphaned in a carboard box in public toilets; in an upper class suburb? As opposed to being found amongs what comes across as a city dump in amongst homeless people searching desperately for sustenance.

Why should I use big words for this calami- no, for this bad thing. Just plain bad.

So your small poem has evoked thought and weighing up of values in my mind.

For that you can be satisfied. As a writer you have done your job. Haven't you?

Yes. As I read it I have to say yes. There are no errors I can see of a trivial inspiration sapping nature. It's a five.

Review by Sparky
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, sunflower in Texas,
I saw you were given a badge for reviewing, so I figured to return the favour you have obviously given often to others.
I have less than five minutes to write this before the computer here shuts off.
My daughter has just received medication from a psychiatrist for this very problem.
I can see clearly, have read in the information you have here, so well written and vocabularised, that I took no convincing.
But then, the mention everywhere of BIPOLAR tweaked my antenna, because, sunflower, I too have an undiagnosed experience of that "surfing wave" over the last forty five plus years.
Thank you for all the information you have in your portfolio. This shall have real life results in my referring my daughter here to WDC.

If she comes here is another story completely! :)

You can lead a horse to water but...

Thanks again for your efforts.
And as you'd surely know, you are not alone, and writing helps tremendously! Oh yes. My time is almost up! Shriek!!

your new fan

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of zero point  
Review by Sparky
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
At first I thought you were referring to 9/11 and perhaps you are. The way you have kept the previous version is a good idea for a short piece I think.
Also using all lower case with no punctuation lends more of an atmosphere of debri, disconnected fragments of writing that have fallen in random chaos; the image of the aftermath of an explosion is real.
You show in your writing subject an insight and an understanding of the problems faced by humankind. (I still don't like politically correct stuff)
Perhaps in this poem you demonstrate an anxiety within you about the future.

Anyway I should stick to something helpful in this review I suppose. The only bit i thought could probably use a bit of a nudge along was the ending about the watery grave and turbid waters.
Maybe its just right. Only you know :)

Review of First taste  
Review by Sparky
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
wow Madison :)
I had to rein in my imagination with this short piece. I didn't for a second realise what was going on until the mention of blood.
It's to the point and clear, direct.
Your understanding and developement of the picture is good I feel. You explore the three tenses cleverly, "never once imagined" past, "is amazed" present and "makes her want to" future.
You could do more with tacticle sensation, how it smells, the colour and surroundings, but as a reader it is a spotlight on a tightly written scene and probably doesnt need any more.
I like it. :)
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