Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/spiritdancer
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Review of The Offering  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow! Great story. It flowed smoothly and had me on the edge of my chair until the end. It was easy to read and flowed from one paragraph to another. The vivid description you gave was fantastic. You transitioned from one scene to another effortlessly. You did a great job here!
Review of Carolina Morning  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Beautiful poem! Great job!! It flowed smoothly and you presented it nicely. Your description was impeccable. I could see what you were describing. I felt like I was there too. Well done!!!
Review of Living your Dream  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
This was interesting to read. I liked what you wrote. There is good information here. However, it tends to run together. If you put each step in a list with space between it would be easier to read.


Step 1 : Articulate a vision and mission for your life. What legacy do you wish to create? How do you want to be remembered? Who and what do you want to be? Ignore limitations believe that everything is possible.

Step 2: Identify the huge and stimulating goals and objectives that would manifest your vision.

I liked the information you presented and you did a nice job!
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
This was a nice story to read. It was descriptive and flowed nicely. I like the way the stars were described as diamonds. I liked the comparison of land women wearing them on their fingers, wrists and necks rather than watch them glisten in the sky. I also liked the bravery of Raeyna taking a chance to come out of the water to reach for the stars. Nice job!!!!
Review of My Calling  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.0)
I like this poem. It's short and sweet and to the point. That's how I feel when I write my poems. People may not like them but I do. This flows nicely. Good job!!!
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Excellent!!!!! This is a good deal of valuable information. I am impressed with the amount of information that is here in one place. Many times I have had some problems with grammar and the likes and this information was useful to me. I have added it to my favorites and will refer to it as needed.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
This was helpful to read. There is good advice here. Great info!!!
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Your portfolio is truly remarkable when it comes to links and tips. I read a few of your articles and was impressed. There is a great deal of information which would be quite helpful to all writers. I have added you to my favorites list so I can refer to the wealth of information that is here. Bravo to you!!! A note to other writers: you should read some of this if you haven't all ready. Keep on writing!!!!
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is the beginning of an interesting story. It captured my interest right away. Nice hook at the beginning. The description you used was done nicely. I could picture exactly the picture you were trying to paint. It was interesting to read clear through the end. I'm not sure what language the people in the story were speaking but it drove me crazy wondering what they were saying. This was done quite well. Keep up the good work!
Review of Witch Spells  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | N/A (Unratable.)
This was interesting to read. It flowed nicely and I like the way you broke it down so someone unfamiliar with the way would easily be able to grasp the information and do it themselves if they chose to. They are all very good spells and I enjoyed reading them.
Review of The Elven Wood  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Excellent first paragraph. It captivated me right away. That was a wonderful happy story. You kept me captivated all through the whole story. I was hoping that Rea would decide to stay in the forest. It was her home and she belonged there from the time she was born. I like the tragic end of the story too. First her mother lost her mind then her father. It almost seems like they were cursed from the beginning. Wouldn't it be great to find that manor in the forest, bring back the druids and set things right again? Fantastic job on this!!!!!!
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Excellent story. This was well written and flowed smoothly. Great description and good plot. I really enjoyed the twist at the end of it. I never would have guessed Isaac fell in love with the witch. Sadly though neither did she or she wouldn't have used the poison potion. A good read, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this!!! Good job!!!!
Review of My Project  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Excellent job on this one. It flows smoothly and is easy to read. Very good use of description, but not too wordy. It's short and to the point of how projects get put into action. It's step by step on how to follow through and put projects into motion. Great job on this!!!
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
I like this rant. I think it fits me to an extent especially the first paragraph. I can relate because I'm in the same situation. You put the work perspective in a nutshell. A person has to work to pay their bills which means that they have to put their dues in too. The last sentence is perfect, as long as you do your job the company is on your side.
Review of Sleepless Again  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Great poem that hits close to home for me. Many times I've been in that same situation and just recently too. My brain won't shut up and I feel like I'm going insane too and I just want to shut the voices out and go to sleep. It's always worse when something is on my mind like the relationship I'm in and wondering if it's going to work this time. Great job on this!!!!
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I enjoyed reading this. It was nicely done. It flowed smoothly and the description was excellent. You painted a nice picture in my mind and it was a nice memory to have. I also liked the symbolism you used associating the jeans with the coming of the school year and the end of freedom as you put it.
Excellent job!!!!
Review of Jasmine  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Excellent flash fiction. I liked the description you gave of the castle. I could even feel her hesitation as she stood before her doom so to speak. It would be awful to marry some stranger you don't know from Adam plus her dad was drunk when he made the bet. I felt her dread with every step she took. You did a great job on this. The best part was the end when I found out she was married to Aladdin. I got a chuckle out of that. You had me fooled clear to the end. Fantastic job!!!!!
Review of Kitty  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
That was a really good story and I enjoyed reading it. I thought Steve was rather ignorant when he judged the old man like he did and now I know why the cat hissed at him. I also liked the way you ended it with Kitty going to leave a message on his phone. I love stories about magic and mystery and you told this one well. It flowed nice and smooth and I think you did a really good job on it. It's sad though the grandfather couldn't use his magic anymore but it lives on in his shapeshifting grandchildren. Great job on this story!!! Keep up the good work!!!
Review of The Spider's Web  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This is a really good story. I enjoyed reading it. Cassandra seems to be sad with low self esteem. She likes to daydream and yearns for a happier life. She would rather go back to the world she visited when she was eight rather than stay in the world she's in. It makes one curious if she'll remember how to get back to that magical place. The story flows nicely and the description is excellent. Great Job!!!! Keep going!!!!1
Review of I- Things to Come  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is a really good story so far. Great beginning, it peaked my interest immediately. I liked the use of the griffin in the banner. Griffins aren't used near enough in my opinion. I like the description of the griffin and of the sword. You description of everything is really goo. Fantastic show of power by Azerus when reprimanding the captain. You have some typos that I wanted to mention.

1) Throne is spelled wrong in the 2nd para
2) In the para that begins with "one fortnight" you left the s off of days.
3) In the para beginning with "the court counsellor" faint is spelled wrong.
4) In the para describing Drynden pale is also spelled wrong.
You have a great story here and it is interesting. Keep going!!!!!
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Great job on this poem. It paints a lovely picture.
The rhyming and comparisons flow nicely!
Review of Rainblues  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
This paints a somber picture of how you felt when you wrote it. Rain has that makes me feel the same way to.
This is a good poem and definitely descriptive. It made me feel kind of lost like things are hopeless for a time and you don't know if you are coming or going.
Then with the final paragraph things lighten up when the sun peeks through and removes the shadows and doubt. Good job! I liked it.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Another fantastic story and I loved it too. It made me cry. I could visualize it as it happened. I wish I could have been there to see it!!!!
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Excellently written!!! This was a really good story. I love happy endings!! It really changes my views on Friday the 13th. Great job!!! Well done!!!
Review of SAVE OUR CHILDREN  Open in new Window.
Review by spiritdancer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Excellent rant!!!! You made some really good points in this rant and I agree 100%. I'm shocked that PBS is doing that, like you said he is the COOKIE MONSTER!

It is the parents responsibilities to monitor their child's eating habits as well as making sure they don't spend to much time on tv or video games. If parents don't teach their kids right from wrong they may turn out to be really bad kids.

All I can say is this was excellent and you did an outstanding job ranting!!!
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