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Review of Compass  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
Rainblossoms, this is so perfect, I wish I had thought of it. Thnx for sharing, and I hope I can live up to the messgae here. To find out why I am having trouble letting go of my tortured past, visit my port.

What would I change here? Nothing. WRITE ON!!!!!

Also, welcome to WDC, and yes I do so hope that you find a family here like I have. The members here are, for the most part, very decent and accepting. There may be some that may have a problem with what you write, but don't let them scare you away. I hope all of your experiences here are good ones, and that you meet some very nice friends here, you can actually call sister or brother.

With best wishes always,

your friend,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Review by Barbara
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
There are very many like him too Jen. It is too bad that the men in our lives are few and far between. Of course, with me, it is far between...giggles.

Anyway Jen, this is a very heartfelt and soulful write. Thnx for sharing...

BTW, HAPPY 3-0 BIRTHDAY, dear, and many, many more to come.

With best wishes always,

your friend and sister,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Review by Barbara
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
First. let me welcome you to Writing.com. I hope that your expereinces here are good ones, and that the people you meet are decent towards you. Second, let me say that this is a good start to a good story.

What would I change here? Nothing! This is absolutely perfect, at least in my very humble opinion. I am sitting on the edge of my computer chair, waiting for the next chapter. You are 16, and have the gift of a seasoned writer. Your first chapter draws the reader in, and then just at the right moment, you end it, making us want more. Thnx Pixie for sharing.

With best wishes always,

your friend,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Review of One Thing  
Review by Barbara
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Cherry, you get 5 stars for this revealing, heart wrenching piece. I too was betrayed, but by a mother who had no love in her heart for whatever I might have been suffereing. She never showed any remorse for her actions, even tho I still love her memory and always will. She passed away on Groundhog Day, 1997, and she never told me why she betrayed my innocence. I can guess, but that is all it is, is just a guess. It's too bad that those closest to us, will betray us, for their own selfishness. Thnx for sharing.

With best wishes always,

your friend,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Review of Personal About Me  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
Shy, you had a very good life, unlike me. You had family support, unlike me, you had a childhood, unlike me. Visit my port and you will find a sad child, mistreated, abused, anbandoned, lonely, and scared.

For many years I lost my faith in God, because I couldn't understand why He would let something like this happen to a decent child who only wanted to be loved and accepted by my mother who refused.

Then, in 2002, I regained my faith in God the Father, and His Son Jesus. My prayers have been answered, and I now have a loving and accepting family and friends, both in person and online.

The only thing is, I wish the hurt would go away, and God, through His Son Jesus, is helping me to cope with what I was forced to endure in my adolescence.

Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us.

Also welcome to WDC. I hope your stay and experiences here are all good ones.

With best wishes always,

your friend

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Review of I'LL BE BACK!  
Review by Barbara
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Thank you, Countrymom. This is just so precious, and should be read by small children also, because the lesson here is rooted in Biblical verses. In Genesis, Chapter 6, it says about the angels who came from Heaven and married the women of earth, and had children by them, creating men of renown.

Ok, so we know who was the leader of this mating raid. He was condemned to Abyss forever, and Lucifer has given over to human imagination of how he appears.

But, what happened to the lesser angels who followed him? Where are they?

They were stripped of their angel status, and placed in the bodies of men and women. As these souls go from life to life, they learn something new each time, and as they finally learn how to come back to God, by doing God's will, they will be redeemed, and given back their angel status.

I believe firmly in this, because Jesus died for our souls to be forgiven. We will learn to have a pure heart, and a decent soul. Then we will be redeemed in the eyes of our Lord God, who through His Son Jesus, shall be the sole the judge of how we have learned.

Thnx Countrymom for sharing this wonderful write.

With best wishes always,

your friend,
Review by Barbara
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
For sure C.L. This is such a basic selling principle, that most sales people forget how to sell these days. The "hi, may I help you," with a smile, is not looking you in the eye, but rather just a polite way of saying I can help.

I am an independent beauty consultant, selling Mary Kay cosmetics and skin care products. But, because of my limitations right now, that business has fallen off tot he side. But, I will get it going again. I know how to sell, because looking the customer in the eye, is the best to let them know you are for real.

Thnx for sharing this C.L. and thnx for your r&r of I Have Yelled At The Sky. Read some of my stories. I have two serials posted but may have to repost them, because they are not in order in the second serial called Home, Sweet Home. Chrissie is my signature series, and the one I hope to have published. It needs a little editing right now tho, but I hope to see it published. Chrissie is the life I feel I should h ave had, instead of the dark, cloudy one I did.

Anyway I hope you stop by my port again. Also, Welcome to WDC.

With best wishes always,

your friend,

Review of Oh! Sarah  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very touching, very romantic and nostalgic. Thnx for sharing. I didn't see anything to be changed, but then again I am just an incurable optimist...giggle.

With best wishes always,

your friend,
Review of Breathe Again  
Review by Barbara
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Delana, there is one line here that hit me the hardest:

Playing the hardest hand
you were ever dealt.

This line is so true for me, because I have not only my life to deal with, which is stressful enough, but all of the hatred that humans can devise against for their own shortcomings and insecurities.

"...but I'm still an embryo, with a long, long way to go, until I make my brother understand. ..." From the third verse of Helen Reddy's I Am Woman.

This line is still true today, over 30 years since the song was made, and human beings have not learned a thing. I'm not saying that I haven't met some very decent people here, and elsewhere online, but these are only the minority of the people. MOST people will never accept those like me, because they feel that if you are male you are a man and if you are female you are a woman. We know that is not necessarily true. There is a very large difference between gender and physical sexual characteristics. When people finally realize the difference, this will be a wonderful world. But not until. I can look forward, and I can let go of the past, but it is the present that I have to deal with everyday. Even tho I am happy to be me, I have a very nerve racking question. Why couldn't I have been born female?

Anyway Delana, this is a very heartfelt, very emotional, and very soulful write.

With best wishes always,

your friend,
Review by Barbara
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
OMG for sure...

With best wishes always,

your friend,
Review by Barbara
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello Foxlet, and welcome to WDC. Except for the drugs, fighting, and pulling the trigger, this brought back memories. Very dark, fog shrouded memories.

I am male-to-female transsexual, but I have not had my complete surgeries yet. I am still in transition, on hormones, and living 24/7 as the female I should have been at birth. My earliest memories of being female go back to when I was 3½ years old.

When I was in my pre-teens, I lived with the people who were my baby sitters in Des Moines, Iowa, where I was born. But they lived in Calumet in the upper peninsula of Michigan, when I began to remmember, from that point forward. They were decent, upstanding, understanding people, and I think if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have the attitude I do today. My mother was just the opposite tho. She always yelled at me, like everything was my fault. She kept telling me that I was a boy, when I knew I was a girl, deep inside. I tried to live my life the way other girls lived theirs. My mother had me see a psychiatrist, and when he asked me when were we going to talk about my problem, I asked him what problem, and he said about me dressing like a girl. I said I didn't conider that a problem, and he shouted so loud, they heard him in the waiting room. What he said was, "get out of my office! I never want to see you again!" I was 11 years old, and My mother told me not to worry about it, that she would take care of it. I never gave it another thought, and a year and a half later, I was being sent to the Wisconsin Child Center in Sparta, Wisconsin. They called it a residential treatment center, but it was nothing but a slave farm for kids. They then sent me to the Winnebago State Hospital (now the Winnebago Mental Health Institute), just 3 miles north of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 2½ years later, because the girls in Sparta, would sneak me clothes to wear in my room. That was when I was 15, and I was forced to stay at Winnebago until I was 18, because I had no legal parents. The superintendent tried unsuccessfully for 3 years to get my mother to rescind her decision to sign away her parental rights, and take me back home. She refused each time. I was allowed to go on home visits tho, and I usually did that by stealth. Dr. Treffert would ask me if I had my mother's permission, and I would say yes. I loved my mother, even tho she never loved me, and I still love her memory, not because of what she did, but because I look just like her. I am proud of that. I guess I always did forgive her, but she could not handle a transsexual child. That is too sad, because my sisters are following in her footsteps. Oh well, what's a girl to do? Anyway, if it weren't for these very decent people in Calumet, when I was in my pre-teens, I probably would have ended up like David.

Thnx for sharing Foxlet.

With best wishes always,

your friend,
Review by Barbara
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is just too terrible for me to comment on. I shouldn't have read this, because it brings back my own demons created in my soul, by an unloving, uncaring, mother who signed away her parentals to me, when I was only 12½ years old. The best part of that? I had done nothing wrong.

Wih best wishes always,

your friend,
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
My time is 12:34 but I am also recovering from surgery and a major TA (tachycrdia Arrhythmia). SO I am not as fast as I could be. Thnx for sharing.

With best wishes always,

your friend,
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
Perfect! I wouldn't change a word or line of it. Guy think we are just toys for their amusement, and when we find one that has respect, honor and treats us as ladies, then he is a reare find. He is a keeper. I have not found such a man yet, and maybe I never will. But I will forge ahead and be this woman in me, that I always have been and always will be, no matter what. No matter how much is in my soul, no matter how deep the emotional scars in my soul, I will be me, whatever it takes.

Thnx for sharing this very wonderful poem.


p.s. I am saving all of my GPs for my upgraded membership. I do hope that you unerstand.
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
Isa, even tho all my children are grown, I have grandchildren, and I am very much involved with their education. Your idea is sound. I hope that you succeed, and you must let me know when this book is published because I would love to read it.

I started reading Peter Cottontail to my children when they were younger. Then Alice In Wonderland. "Children should be children, for as long as they can." This is a quote from my poem Children.

Thnx for sharing, Isa.


p.s. Even though this deserves GPs, I must save every one I can get for my upgraded membership. I do hope that you understand.
Review of Searching  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
My empty memories of what could have been, makes me cry in the night, in the day, whereever I go. My teen years will never be again, but the one that should have loved me no matter what, betrayed me, and threw me away when I was only 12½ years. She never wrote me, but once and that was a letter giving me permission to smoke when I was 15, and telling me yes go ahead, smoke, kill yourself, I don't care. She also told me that she would not give permission for the state to make me physically female, a life goal I have had since I was 3 years old.

I search for the missing that was supposed to be my teens, but there is only a dark cloud in it's place, raining tears of sadness at their loss.

Thnx Vivian, for sharing this very heartfelt and emotional (at least to me) piece.

Review of Hiding Pain  
Review by Barbara
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Thnx Vivian for sharing this very heartfelt and deeply soulful piece. I am not good at hiding the pain that has been my life, but I know that for many years, all I did was cry, because of a part of me that will never again be, that was stolen from me by those who claimed they loved me.


p.s. I am saving all of my GPs for my upgraded membership. I do hope that you understand.
Review of strong woman  
Review by Barbara
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Stephanie, this gets a 5.0 for content and topic. This is just so beautiful. This should be on every woman's refrigerator, in her office, and by her computer, if she has one.

Thnx for sharing.


p.s. I need to save all of my GPs for my upgraded membership. I hope you understand.
Review by Barbara
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Emilie, this is a sad report. No one, male or female deserves to die this way. Whatever possessed a young man to throw his life away, no one can say. I bet even he doesn't know. So sad.


p.s. I need to save whatever GPs I can get right now for my upgraded membership. Thnx for understanding.
Review by Barbara
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Jenna, this is such a sad, sad story, and it did make me sick to my stomach, that a young woman could ever do this to herself.

I do have just one thing tho. This story doesn't have an ending. My questions would be...

Did Liz call an ambulance? Did Regina survive her ordeal? Did Regina die as a reasult of her cannabalism?

Anyway Jenna, the story plot is sound, the dialogue is sound, and the imagery is good.

Thnx for sharing.

I am saving my GPs for my upgraded membership. But I will give you the 4.5 rating.

Review by Barbara
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow, Cassie! This took my breath away, and also reminded me of the dark years I spent in 2 institutions between the ages of 12½ to 18. That was because, being male-to-female transsexual, I was wearing my friends dresses and skirt sets they had given me. My mother couldn't handle that, and so, she had me committed first, to a residential treatment center, in Sparta, Wisconsin, and they in turn, 2½ years later, they had me transferred to the Winnebago State Hospital (now the Winnebago Mental health Institute). My ward doctor had been named superintendent, but wouldn't take that office for another couple of months. When I first got o WSH, Dr. Darold A. Treffert, MD PHD, talked with me for about 2 hours. Then he told me, that being transsexual was not a mental disease, and I needed to be with my mother. When he got to the superintendent's office, he told the staff of Hughes Hall B section, that he was still my doctor, and I was still his patient. The staff didn't understand it, but for 3 years, he tried unsuccessfully to get my mother to take me back home, because he told her there was nothing wrong with me mentally, and I needed her love and protection. She refused each time. When we went to my last ever, children's court hearing, in 1966...uh huh, the year you mention in the story, and the year I turned 18. But when we went to my last court appearance, Dr. Treffert told the children's court judge that he had no idea why I was even there, and that the institution staff agreed I should be discharged. Today, the main street, when you enter the grounds of the Winnebago Mental health Institute, is named Treffert Drive, in his honor. Because this man did everything in his power to make sure I was treated like a normal teen...uhm, as normal as possible for a transgendered teen. I will never forget him or what he did for me, while I was forced to suffer for my mother's shortcomings.

I look just like my mother, and I have forgiven her for having me committed, and I am proud that I look just like her.

I have never seen any ghosties tho, but, I did cry, literally, for 5½ years. No one, but Dr. Treffert, could understand why.

Thnx for sharing this wonderful story.

I'm sorry to say that you deserve GPs for this, but I need every GP I can get for my upgraded membership. I do so hope that you understand.

Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
OMG Lori, this is just so precious. I don't get to smile or laugh to much any more these days, but this made me laugh. Thnx Lori, because I really needed this to bring a wide smile to my face.

What would I change? Nothing. This is perfect, in my very humble opinion. Thnx for sharing.

I'm trying to save as many GPs as I can for my upgraded membership.

Review by Barbara
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Well Hillary, Mary something or other, or maybe even Diana, Princess of Le...nah that won't do ether. lol. So see, you are not the only that can ramble, uhm yeah that's what I'm doing now, right?

Just what was it is was doing anyway? OH! YES! I was giving a review about something or other. Hmmmm, wait tho, it will come to me, I'm sure.

Thnx for sharing these very humorous ramblings of the inside of your brain. My brain is almost as, no wait, IT IS just as jumbled, senseless, and rambling. If I took the time, I could fill and encylpaedia with everything that I can ramble about. lol.

Review by Barbara
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Everything you say here is true. But ther is a however, tho.

However, if you give a child love, a good home, and mild discipline, as well as all the things they learn from school, and growing up, they will return that love 10 fold. It is almost the same with pets.

If you give a pet a decent home, love, affection, and food and water, they will be your constant guardian, without being concerned for their own safety.

I have 2 dogs, both shepard mixes, and one is a long hair, spayed female, and the other is a normal, short hair, male. These 2 are very inseparable.

hey go out 3 times a day; when I wake up, mid afternoon, and about 9:30 or 10:00 pm (central time). When I am gone for most of the day, I make sure that either my television or radio, or both are on, so they don't feel lonely. Pet trainers will tell you, that the sound of a human voice, while you are gone, goes a long way, so the pet doesn't damage the furniture. Now while they may leave hair on the furniture, a good dust buster will remove it.

I couldn't live without my pets. They are as important to me as my children and grandchildren.

While you may not want the responsibility of owning a pet, and caring for it for 15 or 20 years, I am just the opposite. My children have had pets all of their lives, and so have I. My first pet was a cocker spaniel.

Another important thing too is, never, ever, give your pet table food. Make sure they understand that their food is in their bowl, and so is their water. Even if they sit next to you at the table, and look at you expectantly, just ignore them, and eventually they will get the message.

We have our pet groomed every 6 weeks. And yes, I will go the expense of making sure they are vaccinated, groomed, fed, housed, and given love and affection. That love and affection is returned, without any more training, as protection, lying by your feet, or on the floor at the end of your bed.

My pets have always been treated as part of my family, and they always will.

Thnx for sharing your insights.

Review of Questions  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
All is not forgotten, tho. I remember every bad thing that has happened to me, because of the shortcomings of others. There was a time when I allowed my emotions to get the best of me, and I just sat and cried. I cried for 5½ years, because my mother abandoned me, only to invite me into HER home, when I was 18. I was 12½ when I was so abandoned. Any person who abandons a child (parent, guardian, relative), should themselves be given what they gave the child.

Thnx for sharing.

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