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126 Public Reviews Given
161 Total Reviews Given
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My goal is to give a detailed, organized review that highlights the positive characteristics of the work, while also touching on any areas that might benefit from some editing. All of my reviews are, of course, just suggestions and meant to be helpful to the author. I am always available via WDC email if more input is needed on any aspect of the review.
I'm good at...
I excel at analyzing spelling, grammar, punctuation, timeline continuity, and the flow of the story. I prefer to review fiction but can apply my knowledge to non-fiction as well. My knowledge of the fundamentals of poetry is very limited (at the moment at least!). My reviews of poems tend to be more along the lines of how it comes across to me, how it made me feel, and what I visualized when reading it.
Favorite Genres
Fiction, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance, Mystery, Comedy, Inspirational, Family, Military, Holidays
Least Favorite Genres
Non-Fiction, Horror
Favorite Item Types
Short stories, books, contest entries, blogs
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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Dragonbane , this is a review of "Truthsayer Chapter One.

Happy WdC Anniversary!

Overall: The title you chose is both eye-catching and also indicative of what type of plot might lay within your novel. The focal point of the story is intriguing. A young woman who either possesses the power to tell falsehood from truth or perhaps owns an item that gives her this power. The story unfolds at a party, which is a great opportunity to showcase your main character(s). Through their interactions with others, we begin to ascertain what paths lie before our protagonists and identify possible antagonists.

Technical Issues: There are some grammatical and punctuation errors throughout, which can be caught on editing: missing commas with dialogue, run-on sentences, and only one misspelling that I saw. None of these take away from the overall storyline and are expected with draft versions.

Favorite Parts: The moment that lasts in my mind was at the end of the chapter when Relana speaks to the sorcerer. It is sharp contrast with how she behaves while dancing with Michael and captures the reader's attention. As is appropriate, her demeanor is down-played until this point. It gives us an idea of what's to come, which helps pull us further into the story.

Congratulations on seventeen years here in this wonderful community!

*Snow2* Maddie

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Peter Parker , this is a review of "still in mind out of sight.

Happy WdC Anniversary!

Overall: Creativity and emotion are woven through your poem through the descriptions and actions. It unfolds as gently as the main character is awoken, peaks with the torment they experience, and then gently exits with the realization that life does move on, as will their heart. It is poignant and lingers like the last strains of a ballad.

Technical Issues: I am not familiar with the criteria for poetry, so I can only give generalized input here. These are based on the flow and grammatical guidelines but are just suggestions.
Line 2 - Maybe add a comma here - 'slowly, opened'
Line 13 - Maybe add a comma here - 'away, you'
Line 21 - Maybe add a comma here - 'again, turn'

Favorite Parts: The title (and words contained within as well) is my favorite part of this piece. The play on words for the commonly known phrase 'out of sight, out of mind' was very fitting for your poem and a clever application of the modified phrase.

Congratulations on twenty-one years here in this great community!

*Snow2* Maddie

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of The Storm Within  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Igor Skoglund , this is a review of "The Storm Within.

Overall: I enjoyed your piece of short contemporary fiction. It has distinct elements that set the scene and a conflict for the main character that is resolved by the end. There is a lesson for the reader to learn along the way, as well.

Technical Issues: Towards the end, there is a sentence that starts with 'Claire quickly assessed..." The verb 'take' isn't correctly used here. The sentence doesn't flow as well as the rest of your story. It is a run-on sentence and uses the word 'damage' twice close together.

Favorite Part(s): What I liked most was the description of how Claire felt uneasy right before the accident happened. We credit animals with having preternatural senses that can alert them to danger before it occurs, but humans can have the same feelings at times. Not always explainable but shouldn't be taken lightly.

Welcome to Writing.com! Thank you for sharing your post with us.

*Snow2* Maddie

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Dating Apps  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello 💙 Carly , this is a review of "Dating Apps.

Overall: I loved your short story! You have a great talent for making the reader feel as if they are inside the story. Your use of italics was perfect for the main character's inner thoughts. The flow of the descriptions and dialogue was smooth and mixed with clever, funny details that made me smile and laugh out loud at times.

Technical Issues: I didn't find any issues.

Favorite Part(s): I could relate to Mavis through her personality: nodding she understood when she really doesn't, trying to keep the laughter from bubbling up, and then forcing herself not to apologize. The phrase 'plastic on a stick' is going to be tucked into the back of my mind, too. Great description!

This was a terrific contest entry and I hope you win! Thanks for sharing it with us.

*Snow2* Maddie

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Espero , this is a review of "Nightly Campsite Visitors.

Overall: I enjoyed your short story and can see why it won the Writer's Cramp for January 9th - congratulations! It has great visual descriptions that put the reader right there at the lake with the boys. The transition between scenes creates a smooth flow. The creatures are unique and startle the reader in this setting, but they also seem at home there, as well. It leads us to wonder about them, how they came to be and why they are there.

Technical Issues: I only saw one misspelling. The wolf 'barring' its teeth, should be 'baring'.

Favorite Part(s): You use a lot of action descriptions, which helps keep the story moving at a good pace and involves the reader in what is happening. I could relate to the part about how the boys used to chase the fireflies, but now just enjoy watching them. The teenagers sleeping through everything I can believe, too! I liked that the creatures were somewhat comical in their actions and didn't harm the boys.

Great story! Thank you for sharing it with us!

*Snow2* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Be The Poem  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Thewriterwitch , this is a review of "Be The Poem.

Happy WdC Anniversary!

What an inspirational and lovely poem to come across today! It was an excellent entry for the Writer's Cramp. It is insightful to point out that our only true home is our own body. If more people thought this way, maybe they would treat it better and be more forgiving of the imperfections they might see.

I have always valued my own health and understood that I should be grateful for what I have had and have now because everything changes over time. However, your words brought even more clarity to that line of thought for me and in a gentle, light-hearted way.

It is truly difficult to choose any one line or line(s) as a favorite part of your piece because they all resonate so well together and with the overall message. I will endeavor to pick a couple! The dreams, kindness, and trust on the mantlepiece that lack dust because they are so often used was such a creative use of beautiful imagery. The last two lines culminate the flow of the poem. I honestly felt like it was a song, and I could hear the echo of notes fading away after finishing it.

You have a wonderful way of weaving words together with images that presents a scene for your reader. I will have to pop back by and read more of your work. Thank you for sharing this poem with us!

Congratulations on nine terrific years in this wonderful community! You are approaching a whole decade of sharing your craft with everyone, what a great accomplishment!

*Snow2* Madelyn

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Spring Break Adore♥ , this is a review of "South Dakota girl!.

Happy WdC Anniversary!

Wow! This was a great word search! I have always been intrigued by South Dakota and hope to visit there one day, perhaps even move there, since we never know what life can bring us. I knew some of these details, but a lot of them had not occurred to me. It gives me a renewed sense of curiosity and desire to explore more about the state. I definitely need to see about manatees in SD! The puzzle was challenging and had enough details to keep me going without feeling overwhelmed. Your enthusiasm and love for where you live comes through in this fun activity. Thank you for sharing it with us!

Congratulations on nineteen wonderful years in this great community! You are knocking on the door of two whole decades of writing, reviewing, making friends and most of all - having fun!

*Snow4* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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for entry "Disasters
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello QPdoll , this is a review of "Miscellaneous Writings.

Happy WdC Anniversary!

Your commentary on frightening tragedy happening in the world, how it makes you personally feel, and your observations of other's responses made for a good essay. Your easy flowing structure starts with the statement of how you would feel if something happened to you and your family, then moves on to give examples of tragedies and ends on a positive note with details of how many people help others during these times.

You mention wondering what would happen if your family weren't all together during a disaster and how would you contact one another if you lost your phones, or if they were destroyed. That is such a valid question these days that I hope the younger generations take into account. It was not something we would have considered when I was a kid.

You cover the troubling issue of mental illness, which is a complicated situation on all sides. One that I think we can only hope to keep working on and maintain our diligence in keeping alert and trying to protect one another.

You touch on Ferguson and how you personally knew someone living through that fearful situation. Your compassion for them comes through in your writing. I hope that their family made it through that time with everyone ok. The first thought to my mind is to move, but that isn't always a possibility or even a desire. For many whose entire lives are rooted in one area, it is unthinkable to leave, even when the circumstances are dire.

The ending of your piece completes the circle that you started and reminds yourself, and the reader, that while there are uncontrollable forces in this world that can devastate us and those around us, there is also a common force of goodness and wellbeing that exists in the world. Some say that life is about balance, and I do believe that to the case. I think your essay illustrates that idea.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I wish the best for you and yours in 2023.

Congratulations on two wonderful decades in this terrific community!

*Snow2* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of A Moment In Life  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello ruwth , this is a review of "A Moment In Life.

Happy WdC Anniversary!

I enjoyed your description of washing dishes as time at the spa. *Smile* The details of the sounds, sight and touch brought a clear visual to mind of being in the moment experiencing the water and bubbles. The lesson of taking something that we can feel is a chore and turning it to our advantage is one that can benefit everyone. I find myself repeating often that it is all about perception.

My version of laundry and dishes comes down to creating order from chaos. There is the methodical sense of accomplishment for taking on those tasks that right our household and make it feel like home. It sets everyone more at ease and creates a happier living space. It also gives me time to daydream about writing topics!

Thank you for sharing this inspirational essay on a moment in life.

Congratulations on fourteen terrific years in this wonderful community!

*Snow2* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Christmas Time  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Sunny , this is a review of "Christmas Time.

Happy WdC Anniversary!

Overall: Your Christmas and New Year's wishes spread to all reflect your name! *Smile* In this coldest time of year, we all need some sunshine *Sun*, and you were sweet to provide it with your post! You covered all of the highlights about this season: we get to choose how to experience it, people are more friendly, we should celebrate one another and the Lord, and the season leads us right into the new year. I'll join you with wishing everyone a prosperous and joyful year, one where we remember to slow down and enjoy the good times and remember during the trying times that those too shall pass.

Technical Issues: I only saw one place where there might be a word missing. You mention 'spend some time with Him on his special too'. I think you might have meant to put 'special day too'. I could be wrong, and it took nothing away from the wonderful message.

Lasting Impressions: I will be carrying your warm wishes with me throughout the year and if there should be a day where the clouds seem too heavy to bear, I will think back to the sunshine that is waiting just beyond. Thank you again for your post!

Congratulations on nineteen wonderful years in this terrific community!

*Snow2* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of TV Tower  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Sumojo , this is a review of "TV Tower.

Overall: An expressive poem that fits the criteria for the contest and also the feeling you experienced when watching the video. I felt that this could either be how you felt putting yourself into the individual's shoes that had to change the lightbulb, or it could reflect your actual feelings if you had been the one to do it. I happen to be an acrophobic, so just watching the video made my stomach feel bad!

Technical Issues: There are a couple of things I thought to mention: 'agrophobe' should be agorophobe. (Just for clarification, this is a fear of crowded or open spaces, not heights.) Acrophobia is a fear of heights. I felt that the one you used worked just as well for this situation because I am not sure you can get more 'open spaces' than being 1500 feet above flat ground with just fields around! Also, I am not sure, but I think that your dialogue may need to have the 'that' capitalized.

Lasting Impression(s): You did a great job with the poem for this video. There was a smooth flow and a build up to the end expression. The beginning stated this 'simple' job that had been given to the technician, but when taking everything into account, it's in no way simple! It was surreal to just watch it be done, let alone experience it. What a remarkable person who can do that for a living!

Terrific contest entry!

*Snow1* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of TWAS THE NIGHT  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Penelope Moonbeam , this is a review of "TWAS THE NIGHT.

Congratulations on 1st place for the December 2022 Senior Contest!

I can definitely see why you won! This made me smile all the way through and laugh out loud quite a few times. It's descriptive and fun, the flow and rhyming work together, and the details painted the picture for me (one I won't soon forget about Santa and Sadie *Laugh*). My favorite parts were trying to find the glasses so I could finally see (boy, can I relate to that) and the pantyhose hung by the radiator vent - now there's a pair of stockings that Santa won't forget!

Previous to reading your poem, I had read quite a few more serious posts - all good ones - but I was thinking it might not have been a great idea to do right before bed. Like it was meant to be, your announcement about winning the contest popped up and here I am smiling now. Thank you for sharing this poem with us and for me, announcing it at just the right time, even if it was a coincidence!

*Snow2* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of An Unknown Legend  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Raygunner , this is a review of "An Unknown Legend.

Happy WdC Anniversary!

Overall: The categories you chose to list this piece under perfectly describe exactly what it is - personal, emotional and inspirational. I admire the flow of your work that feels as natural as if the reader is sitting down to listen to you speak of your father. Your way with words is captivating and doesn't just impart information to the reader, it also expresses the depth of emotion you feel getting to tell us about your father, your personal legend.

Technical Issues: I only found a few minor issues: a wrong word used that corrective software probably missed or lack of punctuation (a period missing, etc.). None of these took away from the feel of the piece.

I had the chance to read through quite a few of your posts. All of them were artfully written and exhibit a compelling force of thoughtful consideration and careful articulation. I only wish there were more recent works to read and hope you may post more again. I offer the best of thoughts for any circumstances that might have caused you to stop posting.

Congratulations on seventeen years of membership within the WdC community!

*Snow4* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Dave , this is a review of "The Festive Season.

Congratulations for winning the Honoring Our Veterans contest for December!

I was both moved and impressed by your poem.

The title drew me in and then was where I ended up. The emotions that your poem stirred had me going back to stare at that title with an aching heart.

You shed light on a heartbreaking problem that is prevalent in our country, but hard for some to acknowledge. You accomplished your point not by attacking and blaming those who aren't trying to help, but by including all of us - even yourself - in a universal group of individuals who need to do better in regard to those who have given of themselves to make our freedom possible. In my opinion, this point of view has the best chance of reaching the biggest audience and effecting the most change.

I am impressed with your mastery of the style you chose.
After reading through the guidelines for a Burns Stanza, I found no errors in your poem. I felt it was a perfect example of the style. I am beginning to explore poetry styles, and this is one that I will try and tackle in the future.

Thank you for sharing this poem with us and more specifically, reminding everyone of some of the most important, but perhaps least thought of individuals especially at this time of year.

*Snow2* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Sox and Sandals , this is a review of "Delete Button - Reboot.

Your blog post was full of insight and inspiration. We should all exercise our imagination muscles more. Maybe many of us see our writings as doing that, but it's not the same. Even when writing pieces for children to read, it is still from the mind of an adult.

Right before I got married, I cleaned out my things at home and formed a box of mementos to take with me. I found some of my old Barbies and dolls and actually lost a couple of hours putting them in their original outfits and then brushing the Barbies' hair, so it looked like it should. I was telling myself it was all for the sake of passing them down properly to the next generation... but really it was just plain fun sitting there with them again.

It certainly isn't easy and sometimes it can be impossible (depending upon what is happening in our lives), but it definitely would do us good to find that part of ourselves again, whenever we can.

Thank you for your thoughts.

*Snow1* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello StephBee , this is a review of "Christmas Song Word Search.

I love word searches, especially around the holidays! It reminds me of when I was young in school and we would have that day before break where we just did fun stuff, and these were always a part of that day. Great job with the songs that you picked! All family favorites for us!

Thank you for creating this puzzle for us.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a very Happy New Year!

*Snow5* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of ARE YOU MINE?  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Penelope Moonbeam , this is a review of "ARE YOU MINE?.

I love your Dutch Tanka. With just 21 syllables, I could see a person lying in bed at night yearning for the one they love but having to ask this painful question. I consider myself a hopeless romantic and this poem expresses the conflict that is in the best of romance stories (in my opinion). Though the happy ending is the goal readers are looking for, it is the conflict that draws them in and keeps them turning the pages. I could also see this as a verse in a classic rock ballad. (I'm a sucker for those, too!) This was a wonderful example of the poetry challenge. Thank you for sharing it with us.

*Snow5* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Night Bird  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Matthew Bronner , this is a review of "Night Bird.

Overall: I don't normally read works in this genre. I tend to lean towards action, mystery, romance, so that leads me to look for the markers of those genres in other pieces. While I found myself doing that with this piece, I was impressed that those feelings I normally have began to melt away as I was drawn into Bill's life. The overall tempo of the story was like a sad, blue cocoon that enveloped me and Billy's plight (and those of the assisting characters) drew me forward with a need to see how things might turn around for him. I was pleased with the ending. After showing the despair he was feeling, it was Billy's choice to reach out and grab that opportunity. It was one of those moment's a reader hopes to be able to cheer for and then has that satisfying clinch moment when finding it.

Technical Issues: I did not find any technical issues.
I do have an observation on the pace of the story at the end. The flow of the story from the beginning matches the feel of the piece. It is a sort of slow, meandering, sad walk through this character's life - a reflection of how he is experiencing his own hardships. The ending feels abrupt, especially compared to the majority of the story. This works for the piece, as it felt as though we were meant to see how quickly this one (seemingly simple and random) change for the main character was what made all the difference for him - the swift exorcism. It felt odd at the time to have this quick ending, but upon reflection I think you did a wonderful job illustrating that conclusion.

Favorite Part(s): The overall feel of the story is what will last with me. As the reader, I was transported to this place in time through Billy's eyes. Maybe other people see the same area as a happy, sunny place, but it's not that way for him. Through detailed, colorful descriptions, you were able to not only take me to this world, but also let me feel what the character felt.

Welcome to Writing.com! Thank you for sharing this short story with us.

*Snow2* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Julie Natale , this is a review of "The TV is Not Your Friend.

Happy WdC Anniversary!

Overall: Simple, straight to the point and so true either when it was written or today. The flow of the piece is smooth, and it builds to a positive, powerful message that inspires us to get away from the false existence that the tv encourages. I do believe in most things in moderation. Maybe a little bit of tv, but definitely not to the extent that it causes negative effects in our lives. It does feel sometimes as though the majority of programming is bent upon making us feel bad in one way or another.

Technical Issues: I didn't find any technical issues.

Favorite Part(s): One way to kill motivation is to be sad and your two lines that mention this are so right. I feel so much better when I work to create my own stories, poems, art, etc. I do have certain movies or episodes of tv that I love, and I choose to spend any time watching them, but more and more we just turn off the tv.

Congratulations on fourteen years here in this terrific community! Thank you for sharing this post.

*Snow4* Madelyn

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
Review of Down by the Water  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Dan I Am , this is a review of "Down by the Water.

Congratulations on winning the Writer's Cramp for 12/26/22!

Overall: I enjoyed your Breccbairdne! You nailed all of the requirements and you fit the theme to a subject that felt in tune with the country that produced the poem style. It definitely tugged at my heartstrings and was not a turn that I could see coming. I could hear it being read in my mind with an Irish accent.

Technical Issues: None! The syllabic requirements and rhyming were perfectly executed and the overall flow was smooth and pleasing to the ear.

Favorite Part(s): The part I enjoyed the most was the last stanza. It tied it all together for me and left me with the visual of this individual sitting beside the sea experiencing that ache of grief on the inside but shoring up their reserve with the knowledge that way lay in front of them is the future and the best part of what was lost.

I had fun trying this challenge and met the requirements, but when I read through your entry, I was so taken with how you took it and wove it together with Ireland and the roots there that I was cheering for you to win! And I am so glad you did! This was a beautiful piece, thank you for sharing it with us.

*Snow4* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Jane Gray , this is a review of "When Terror Reigns .

Overall: I stumbled upon this gem of a beginning chapter by clicking the ‘Read & Review’ link and I am so glad I did! You have set up what feels to be a grand undertaking of a story, which is something I love to find. The style in which you introduce your characters, the world, and the plot feel very natural and entice the reader into wanting to know more. Each little breadcrumb you drop is eagerly snatched up and has us looking for more. I am definitely wondering where the second chapter will take us.

Technical Issues: There are some issues, but editing will take care of those, and they weren’t enough to take away from the storyline. Most of the problems I found were with punctuation. Editing software (like Microsoft Word) or online programs (like grammarly.com) can help. They don’t always catch everything, especially if it is spelled correctly. For instance, when Jack is thinking that Toni could be going through her things, the word you used is ‘stifling’ but I think you were meaning to use ‘rifling’.

Favorite Part(s): My favorite part might be considered a little obscure. I loved that Nikolai had the right color (steel gray) to go with Jack’s dress – but they never discussed it (or at least it wasn’t mentioned). So, how did he know. Just coincidence or something else that might be woven into the story later? Or maybe just a little part that I’ll always remember *Wink*

Looking forward to seeing more of this story! Remember that you can always post on the community newsfeed to let people know when there is something new to read/review. If you like, you can email me and I’ll pop by to take a look, too.

Happy writing!

*StockingG* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of The Pearly Gates  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Sailor M , this is a review of "The Pearly Gates.

Happy WdC Anniversary! It's been over a decade since you joined this great community!

Overall: I enjoyed reading your post of flash fiction. The scene you chose for the line prompt was engaging and an interesting glimpse into the lives of the characters. You did a wonderful job creating the story in so few words.

Technical Issues: I only found one. In Richard's recount, there should have been a comma after the first sentence of dialogue instead of a period.

Favorite Part(s): Larry seemed like he was at least aware of his problem on earth from the fact he stopped after what happened. George, never learning his lesson, should definitely enjoy that vodka fast.

Congratulations on thirteen years here at WdC! Thank you for sharing your story with us. Happy writing!

*CandyCaneG* Madelyn

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi BScholl , this is a review of "Late Scratch (1st Place).

Happy WdC Anniversary! In this case, thirteen is a very lucky number! *Smile*

Overall: This was a great piece of flash fiction for the given line. I had not read the prompt for the piece, so it came as a surprise to me. The end had that crushing 'oh no!' moment for me and then a follow up of 'she should have placed the bet herself!'. I loved that it was actually based upon a true story, as well. The grammar, spelling, punctuation and flow were all well done.

Technical Issues: I didn't find any technical issues.

Favorite Part(s): My favorite part actually didn't exist in the story. It was the ending that left us wondering what would happen after Billy tells Tasha. There are some pieces, like this one, that I enjoy an open ending where each reader can decide what happens. I choose to think she has a fit but ends up forgiving him. He feels bad, but ultimately stands with his decision not to take the risk for her.

Thank you for sharing this post with us.

Congratulations on over a decade here at WdC! Here's to many more years to come!

*CandyCaneG* Madelyn

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello winklett in the woods , this is a review of "The Top of the Beanstalk.

Happy WdC Anniversary! Wow – two decades! *Smile*

Overall: I really loved this version of Jack and the Beanstalk. It was clever, fun, and very heartwarming! From the beginning of the story when despair looms over them, to the end when everything has been set right again, the flow and rhyming scheme carries the reader through this magical world that turns out to be more relatable to us than we maybe thought at first. (The sugarplums dancing through Jack’s head was a nice touch, too.) The ending lines were perfect!

Technical Issues: I didn’t see any technical issues. I did appreciate how you would begin certain lines to anchor the focus on what was happening, along with using the italics (sparingly – too much can be a distraction).

Favorite Part(s): My favorite part was where he saw all the food, and it was before he saw their wings. It was an immediate reminder of his situation below and his mother who was still there. He didn’t have to ask for help, they readily offered it. They didn’t solve all their problems, just gave them the means to get back on their feet. It wasn’t money offered, but sustenance. I was left with a feeling of hope and that Jack and his mom would then be inspired to help others like the angels helped them.

Congratulations on twenty years here in this wonderful community! Here’s to many more!

*Ornament2G* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of That Chair There  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Axton Gard , this is a review of "That Chair There.

Overall: That Chair There was a very interesting and enjoyable read. I felt it played upon themes from Dr. Suess and Grimm's Fairytales, which was a great combination for this lesson. The child seems recalcitrant in the beginning, but shows they still have room to grow. The ending is sad, but it definitely will stick in a child's memory. Long ago, bedtime stories weren't just told for entertainment. They had meaning and were filled with necessary lessons for children to understand and retain. I think this poem achieves that purpose within a modern setting.

Technical Issues: I didn't find any technical issues, but please keep in mind that I am (admittedly) not familiar with the grammatical rules pertaining to poetry. I liked the flow of the piece. It had the rise and fall of tension in the right places to keep the poem moving forward.

Favorite Part(s): I most appreciated the overtone of the piece. It is for children and there isn't anything in it that a child cannot read or have it read to them. There definitely is a sinister and sad feeling to the tale as it draws to a close, but that is the point. The child had opportunities to learn the lesson, but did not and by the time they do, it is too late.

Thank you for sharing this poem with us.

*Ornament1G* Madelyn

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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