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Review of Memories of Past  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello LegendaryMask,

this is a moving account of memories associated with Christmas down the years. Your story tells a lot about love and the way it is conveyed through homemade gifts.
Home-made gifts are rare to come by and should be treasured. Your mom's people are obviously loving people and they saw to it that they send something special so you remember them for long. You showed the difference between expensive and homemade gifts.

The little girl's questioning is pretty reasonable and her mom's answer is convincing enough.

Christmas message that one should be happy at what God has given and then there is contentment. The examples given are apt.

Impressive language and style.

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The colorful glory of sunrise.

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Review of TANGERINES  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I can visualize the pleasure you had chewing on the tangerine. It is sweet and sour if I am right. Taste brings back all the associated memories you have had on Christmas of long ago. Positive memories always bring on a smile that stays in for sometime. It sets the mood of the day and with a a happy frame of mind one can achieve a lot in a day.

This flash is well written. Language and style are easy and spontaneous. They take me along the tangerine road and made me taste it along with the those celebrating Christmas.
"I remember the warmth, the joy, the love, and the wonder of Christmas Eve spent with my grandma and grandpa every time I smell tangerines."

A nice warm memory!

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Absolutely so. Sometimes we become unduly over concerned about a small matter. It is the situation that makes it so. Anticipating to be out of job or the woman friend deserting you are all part of our apprehensions.
" I’m the newest one, so I’m the first to go."

We do jump to conclusions based on what we know. Well, at times they happen, due to what we do not know.
Very few people remain cool even under fire. That is unimaginable for many including myself.

Events in the story unfurl gradually according to the sequence in which they happened. I remember sometimes the day is packed with unexpected and often shocking things. sometimes, it is full of happy tidings. We don't get it, but that's how it is.

Language and style blend well.

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Review of Wonder  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nature's marvels are unnumbered. Everyday is a day of wonder. Everyday is fresh and fragrant.
This poem only assures that for those who can read there are "books in brooks and sermons in stones."
As the poet affirms in nature "true magic thrives." golden words of priceless value. If there is one place full of wonder it is mother nature. Anyone can feel her hand of solace, anyone can experience her healing touch.

The poet highlights the golden feature of nature that it is where "Miracles appear in the ordinary."

Blessed are those who have affinity with nature, a bond that brings nothing but pleasure and beneficence.

This short verse has attractive nature imagery.
It flows well.

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Glorious and Joyful

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This rhyming poem contains strong appeal to fellow citizens to wake up and take notice of the beginnings of anarchy in the country. This is a country built on time tested democratic values such as freedom, brotherhood and equality.

"America, land of the free, our shining city on the hill."

But the very unity of the state is being hijacked by the internal gangs.
It comes from the poet's heart, full of patriotism and dedication to the values that caused a nation to rise to the highest peaks of prosperity and generosity.

It is true that the world watches the tragic events happening in the country and is awe stricken and sympathetic. It shows the vital importance of a right leader for a country, for any country for that matter.

"Countries watch as we cry in a land of mystery."

In the recent months, it has become a "land of mystery" as well as misery, partly due to failure to meet the threat of the pandemic.

I appreciate the candid expression of the feelings of a citizen. It is an inspiring poem, a kind of waking call to those who remained indifferent through the alarming situation.

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Glorious and Joyful

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am moved by this grief that you suffer from the loss of a dear one, whose love you miss desperately.
In an excellent free verse, the rhythm of which is in unison with your saddened heart, you conveyed your heartfelt feelings in a touching manner.

Personal loss is something that cannot be imagined or felt other than you. Yet, knowing the finality of death, one can make an effort to understand the state you are going through.

It is true that time can take away the pain, only the sharp edge. Otherwise, I don't think this loss can be ended.

Fine expression and apt word choices are impressive.

Imagery is from real life, so it reaches out.

It flows well.

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Glorious and Joyful

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Review of Lonely Times  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
By reading this poem, I understand that there is no loneliness if you have strong faith in God. This faith makes us talk to Him, and timely help is sent if you can understand the patterns in which life happens.

With good thoughts and good occupations, mind finds solace and that peace stays in there forever.

"Just look above and above the horizon
Think beyond the the sky where the sun has risen"

This is a great path finder to happiness. We need to direct our sensory organs in a manner in which we are constantly occupied with spiritual musings.

This poem is well-composed with meaningful metaphors and images.

It flows well.

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Glorious and Joyful

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I can see that all those missing wedding anniversaries bring memories back and add a little more fragrance of love to life.
The reminiscing shows the happy times the couple shared and cherished. Having been committed to marriage, the couple should face the ups and downs in life. If they share feelings life becomes all the more enjoyable. No wonder the husband wears his feelings on his sleeve about his loving wife.

" It was you who kept us together. It was you who made us what we are."

Wife is indeed, a stabilizing influence on the family. She deserves the credit given to her by her husband.

The letter is well written in the style of reminiscences and traveling down the memory lane, he is shown revisiting a happy past.
"My memories are strong enough to carry me back in time, ...."

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Glorious and Joyful

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there,

I really appreciate the points you made about prose and poetry. This review is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations and have a lovely day.

What I miss about the article is examples. Each aspect of a poem that you raised could be better understood and appreciated if there was an example of a line or two.

"Unexpected juxtapositions, linguistically linking two images that otherwise would appear to have nothing to do with each other can, ......"

Some of us may not understand "linguistically linked images" per se, but would definitely like to learn more about them.

You have given us a number of examples, yet ... you know what I mean.

Regarding Grandma's rocking chair, you showed the difference between describing it in prose and in poetry. Thank you for the fine analysis.

conclusion:writing poetry is not possible for all.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of Stolen  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
this is interesting and a bit puzzling no doubt.
I wonder what brings you out in the morning when the paper boy arrives. After throwing away the newspaper, why would you go back to sleep?

It started only recently, how about the previous days. of course you wouldn't know those details. I mean no sleepwalking?
"But for the last week, it’s been missing."

You put a mini story together in a nice manner. It entertains and it is also realistic. The thought of fixing a camera is convincing enough.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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Review of Changes  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
An engaging poem mirroring change overnight.
The whole family had undergone change. Rather strange. Emotions and expressions overtook the previous contrary behaviour.
"My brother, so quiet, now loud"

The refrain added to the effect of the poem.

Free verse- its rhythm is clear. Words reflect the change.
"My father, the head, the top
Spins round and round and round"

Definitely humorous.

Imagery shows family members showing stunning changes.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of Once best Friends  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)

I hope you were able to talk with your friend and found happiness again. This review is for your Wdc Account Anniversary. Congratulations on completing another year at the WDC. Have a great day.

This account of a friendship bond going astray is too painful. I wonder why it happened and if it happened why the friends haven't contacted each other.

Your feelings are well expressed and I can see the deep hurt you have suffered.
"You walked out of my life silently, abruptly."

But this world is full of people who could be your friends if you try. The world is a friendly place. Man is good by nature. You can make friends wherever you are. Like in school or at workplace or just the neighborhood. Anything is possible if you try.

Loneliness and disappointment are the key feelings and mood of this flash.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello there,

This poem looks like an extended metaphor. My review of it is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on completing a year of creative activity at the WDC. Have a wonderful day.

Clearly, the poem indicates one's return to a world of renewed joy and comfort. A person's journey from misery to bliss is shown in detail.

"Then God delivers, a soul set free,'

There comes a point when a soul lost hitherto finds the light at the end of the tunnel. All we have to do is to believe in God and let Him lead the way. It seems to have come true as shown in the poem.
"I exit shames gate to enter heavens door."
(I exit shame's gate to enter heaven's door.)

Imagery is from situations in life.

An appealing spiritual poem.
It flows well.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of Angst of Aging  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Marge,
I completely understand and appreciate the story. The contents show the way you discovered the meaning and making of "anger and resentment at being plunged into a care-giving role..."
Care giving is one of the toughest jobs in the medical field. It takes a lot of patience and sacrifice, plenty of mental strength to withstand the pressures and emotional strain and stress.

You have done wonders with your mother. Yet, you had shown your own dreams and plans for your bright future.
Unexpected change like being burdened with an aged mother is shown in clear terms. Handling a demanding job and a dependent sick mother are not easy to manage.

We don't understand anger and disappointment till we go through it. It is so true. One has to suspend personal plans and live for the well being of the other person. It could give tremendous contentment and joy.

I am deeply impressed by the language and style of this nonfiction item.

Thanks for sharing.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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Review of Frozen  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I found this poem, defining apathy quite interesting. My review of it is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on being an active member of the WDC for another year. Have a wonderful anniversary.

You have described apathy in great detail. That feeling of indifference is like pale sunlight, doing nothing for health or happiness.
Apathy as you say is more harmful than antipathy.
"but apathy stifles all hope."

It is difficult to remain apathetic unless a person's psyche is deeply affected and he remains like a stranger to his own self. Mind is sort of suspended.
" not even regret for what's lost.'

"frozen heart" is a rare metaphor of extreme shock.

Poetic style of this poem appeals to me.

Free style poem flows well.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of Thinking Of You  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Memories play a major role in this free style poem.

The Beloved haunts the poet from the beginning to the end of a day. He seems to draw inspiration and strength just by remembering her ways.
"I think of you as the sun rises
Thoughts of you brightens my days"

The feelings expressed here show true love. Images and metaphors fit the feelings and the beauty of the person close to the poet's heart.
"Your spirit consume my soul'
(consumes or consumed)

Man is capable of love as deep as described here.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary!

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of In Your Eyes  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Arakun,
This review is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations for being associated with the WDC for another active year. Have a wonderful anniversary.

These must be extraordinarily sensitive eyes. The person who has them must be as varied in his personality. All emotions are reflected here showing different occasions. (perhaps.)
Your world is in his eyes. They, those powerful eyes empower you to see the whole world in them. It is possible I suppose if you love the person to whom these eyes belong.

"I see the whole world in your eyes.
The ocean deep, blue summer skies"

They enfold nature, love, and many other emotions, besides.

A bit puzzling. But everything is possible for love.

It flows well.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wise story about fishing. The atmosphere and the sport are well shown.

" Minutes went by in a timeless realm of complete absorption to one detail. Nothing changed and he entered another world."

Language and a unique style win my praise.

The boy learnt important things from his dad.
I used to wonder why people spend hours in fishing. As the boy was told all the dumb fish got caught and smart ones never surface, so he should be like the smart ones. great lesson.

Also, the fun is in the relaxation it offers.

Time, space and action are in in perfect balance.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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Review of Corona  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Indeed, "ignorance is still bliss." Those who do not test positive will never know the misery being the victim of the King, Corona.

This well flowing, free style poem brings home to us, the various angles and aspects of the new infection on the block including its disastrous effects.
"Spiked wings direct the tide
And the townsfolk drop like flies"

We have to stay away from positive people and stay away from negative people too. One takes a shower yet keeps washing hands.

I need to wear a mask and ask the teller for money in the bank. How very ironic!

The quintessence of life is well caught in the lines below,
"The three blind mice of the apocalypse:
Deceit, Denial, Dissonance."

Oh, what a web of confusion!

Thank you for a wonderful poem on the new King of Standstill.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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Review of Dreams  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
It is such an enigma, the dream and reality. As the poet so beautifully puts it,

" in the morning we try to grasp
the dreams we cannot find"

There is this clash between what we dream and the return to reality. Very few dreams follow reality and based on it.

I think night's undisturbed sleep brings out what lies beneath surface and makes us face either our fears or our joys.

"there are things we want to see
and sometimes things we fear"

There is something uncanny about the poet's words that dreams take us to places unfamiliar, yet the mind has way with it. It is so strange, but true nevertheless.

Wonderful poem with clear imagery and a spontaneous flow.

Have a lovely WDC Account Anniversary!

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of Christmas Vision  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Quite realistic, therefore credible.
Christmas time tensions are shown with good reasons. Most of them go through this. This is quite a common complaint.

"I want this! I want that! Work is a drag.
Greedy kids, bully boss, wife who’s a nag.'
Telling the wifie about your problems might ease up tensions.

Going out to find diversions of a doubtful kind might not be fruitful as in this case.
"Fantasy fades, hope goes up in flames.
The embers wink out as she’s walking away."

Good that the guy walked back to real life. At least there is somebody to rely on back home for keeps.

Humorous and well written with appealing imagery.

It flows well.

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Glorious and Joyful

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Review of When Love Dies  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
You are so right, Don.

What is life without love? Love binds us and keeps us feel secure and needed. There is comfort in the feeling that someone loves us.

Your poem reflects the how dejected it would feel if someone you love is no more. A kind of limbo descends on the one who lost the dearly loved person. Sentiments are well expressed.

Each day drags and everything around loses significance.
"When love dies, life stands still;
the Earth is slow to turn."

Imagery shows the mood as dreary and full of hopeless desperation.
But time heals all injuries, including death of a loved one.

The rhyming poem flows well

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Glorious and Joyful

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Merina

you have detailed the Canadian coast, mountain and grassy land in well chosen words and line endings.
I like the rhyme scheme, ABAB you have used in the poem. The rhythm is calm and collected like the vistas of Canada.
"All this splendor in Canada set forth."

Looks like it is a cool and clean country with the blessings of nature. Nature appears tranquil with untouched beauty.
Rivers and the ocean are left free of encroachment.
"Calm are the waters that rest in a lake,"

Imagery is drawn mostly from different aspects of nature. It appeals to my eye and heart.
It flows well.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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Review of Grand Opening  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Described in detail, it seems it was the first-time-ever experience of drinking Jack Daniels for the poet. I can see it going down rather painfully.
"My throat was warmed to a high degree."

Music, perhaps provided a much needed solace to drinking a burning spirit. Accompanying a "The grand opening" are the free shots of whisky that tasted shockingly exasperating.
" "No more!" was my weakly gasped decree."" I think it was a mistake to come under its sway.

"Of all the US whiskey brands, Jack Daniel’s has attained a decidedly cult-like status," I heard, and the poet's experience is a visible proof.

It flows well with fine imagery and an easy going tone and pace. Loved it anyway.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Interesting story.
Shows how the country's greats have worked their way up. Starting from the bottom line of attending college with all its attendant worries and hard work. "Happy to be a soldier and glad to be one" General Dwight Eisenhower was one of the brilliant leaders of the United States. Heard about his being one of the famous golfers. His work as an army general is remembered with pride. As the 34th President of the United States he had the right attitude to lead the country.

This little story, in a well written style shows young Eisenhower conducted himself on the train with patience and positive attitude; the edge that defines the difference.

Thanks for sharing.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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