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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I can see you as a man of commitment for a job you take. That's commendable.

Congratulations on your WDC Account Anniversary.*Cake2*
Have a wonderful day.

There are some edits of which I showed a few with the hope that you might find them helpful in the present and future writing.

" I would fell"
( I would feel)

"countries call"
(country's call)

" joint'
( joined)

" i '
(I capital as first person singular)

(serve because you have referred to third person plural)

"branched on the military"
( branches on the military)

The second part of the story runs smoothly.

Interesting story.
Looking forward to your next story.

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Review of Storms  
Review by jaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Anthony,

It’s wonderful that I came across this rhyming poem with a number of thought-provoking thoughts.

To a child, storms are exciting, thrilling. They are equally so for an adult as well with a difference. The child’s innocence is lost in the adult’s experience of fear and danger.

You are right in your observation that,
“The storms today are a little scary…”

While agreeing with the feeling that “…it is an act of God”
I also read that man is responsible for natural calamities to a large extent. Correct me if that’s not so.

Deforestation, pollution and global warming are among other reasons that cause natural disasters. So I read.
As for beauty in a storm, a lot depends on the eye of the beholder.

These are just my thoughts.

I’d give eyeteeth to write with rhythm and rhyme that comes so spontaneously to you.

It flows well with visual imagery and wonderful word choices.

Happy WDC Account Anniversary! *Cake*

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Jessica.

I can relate to your fun on the Zippin Pippin! I too hung there for life in a similar way at a different part of the country. What thrill!

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on completing another creative year at the WDC.
Have a great day.

Amusement parks such as the one at Bay Beach are special because they break the monotony of daily routine. The rides and company renew the spirit and prepare us to face routine life with a fresh mindset.

Half the excitement is obviously meeting the pen pal and sharing fun. Your friendship bond might become stronger with the meeting in actual life.

Hope you will have more such visits to interesting places.

Thanks for sharing.

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Review of Camping Out  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
you have successfully introduced the reader to camping in the woods.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this nice occasion. *Cake*
Have a great day.

I like this poem because you told through rhyming couplets, all the details surrounding living outdoors.
Details are well worked out in well composed verses.

"Camping out is always fun,
Until we run out of hamburger buns."

It seems good to live without these regular foods at least for a while.

Imagery mirrors how you filled the day-out in the forest green.
The change from town to forest is shown. The feeling of freshness comes through.

Sounds enjoyable.

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Review of I Am New  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A very in depth poem!

Reflections on self as one grows not just physically but also from inside with precision.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations as you ring in a new year at the WDC.*Cake2*
Have a wonderful day!

The short crisp lines mirror the thoughts going on inside.
The wonder and dismay when one realizes " How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth” is shown by the Bard of England in Sonnet 7.

Yet, your observation that we refuse to realize the age factor is absolutely right.
But the body says something else when we can't run with the same speed anymore.

"Why does my mind,
Not realise,
That I am not
Who I was."

Imagery is vivid and appeals to mind.

Well done dear poet!

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Review of Seasons of Change  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This alliterative poem is a feat indeed.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on traveling this far at the WDC.*Cake*
Have a lovely day!

It is no easy matter to find the right words, rhythm, and rhyme simultaneously.
Kudos to you.
"Gangly grass grieves."

Each observation fits the season like a glove and so are the word choices. I can see your keen eye taking in the light and dark shades of nature as it progresses from spring to winter. The cycle is brought around in the most agreeable manner.

It flows very well.
Thank you for sharing.

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Review of Nomadic Musings  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
this story is completely absorbing.
my review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this occasion.*Cake*
Have a great day.

Relationships prove dangerous if one jumps to it blindly. I think it is also a matter of luck to get the right kind of partner.

The details are quite visually shown and graphically described. First person point of view and the narrative style draw me well into the story.

The fact that women are quite vulnerable to the charming men, who in reality are villains comes through clearly.
The tension she suffered from is conveyed in a convincing manner.

Language and style are spotless.

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Review of Forever  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Impressive haiku.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this wonderful occasion.*Cake2*
Have a lovely day!

I like this poem because it raises debate.
It is believed that what we sincerely work for is ours and that none can snatch it away from us.
Yet, it is known that what is yours is stolen in a skillful manner and that there is nothing you can do about it except shedding helpless tears.

It is also said that what you think yours is not really yours. This point shreds the fact of attachment to anything. In my culture it is discouraged to think that we have a right on anything materially gained.

Irrespective of the above arguments, the point in the poem is justified.

I enjoyed the poem because it gives me food for thought.

It flows well.

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Review of The Silver Wand  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Bren,

I wouldn’t miss this chance to review this touching poem. I adore my father too.

My review is also for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations as you welcome a new creative year at the WDC.
Have a lovely day!

The child, that’s you, felt happy at the simple way in which your Dad turned a ‘garden cane’ into a magic wand required urgently. Quite resourceful and ready to oblige the little girl.
That’s just about gives me a fair enough glance into the gentleman’s nature.

I can actually hear the proud moment you shared with friends.

This is exactly the kind of love and support that daughters need from parents.

Rhyme and rhythm are par excellence.

Thank you for sharing.

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Review of Circle  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Annipon,

breathing is indeed basic to life. You found a way to define life as a circle, circle of inhaling and exhaling.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on reaching a milestone at the WDC.*Cake2*
Have a great day!

I notice that the poem is shaped in a certain way, which to me appears to show the process of breathing.
Nice attempt!

Breathing takes place inadvertently.
But to be able to do it with attention can cure ailments of body and mind. This is called Pranayama, an important step in breathing.

Your poem is food for thought giving rise to a number of possibilities around breathing.

It flows well.

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Review of Tranquil  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

it's a completely different angle from which the new year is viewed in this poem.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this cheerful occasion.*Cake2*
Have a lovely day!

Personification is what made this poem special.
"Lay the year down softly,
As it waits to fear its death."

A year's birth and another year's death. One more to go down the wheel of time.
So the past is dead and buried giving way to the new.

what's gone is gone for good with all the troubles and regrets.

I like the imagery and the rhythm with which it moves.

It flows well.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I enjoyed this satirical short on fireworks on the 4th of July. You kept reality intact.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on stepping on another creative year at the WDC. *Cake2*
Enjoy the day.

Noise and crowds are the salient features of any community celebration. The problem is that they last for an unending number of hours.
It is the same common thing during celebrations of any kind in almost all countries.
Unless a legislation is in place, families and pets go on being miserable during such events as the 4th of July.

The quiet couple made the right decision. I hope the concerned authorities take note of it.
Details regarding caring for the pets show that it is no easy matter.

Thoughtless crowds and silent residents are well reflected in this story.

Thanks for sharing.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi there,

this is an impressive account of a Celtic harvest and the celebrations thereof. I enjoyed reading this story cum facts knit around the festival.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this nice occasion.*Cake*
Have a wonderful day.

Each culture has its own unique features and it is a pleasure reading about them.

This village festival is evidently a community affair where men and women mingle. This gives rise to romantic thoughts in them. I find this quite a common point in all cultures.
Falling in love with a preferred partner and later getting married to him is a fine way of leading life.

Both spiritual and mundane points are shown clearly. Blessings and prayer of gratitude take place side by side with the romantic forays made by young couples.

It is written in a pretty visual way. I am able to see the view unfolding before my mind's eye.

Great job!
Unique style and smooth transformations too!

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Review of Twisted Break In  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Truly a horror episode.

I am jaya and I am glad I came across this chilling short.
My review of it is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this important occasion.*Cake2*
Have a cheerful day.

Horror is effectively personified.
“…the sight of a slowly opening door”.

I felt the “cold breath” as well and I shuddered.

With consistently constructed beginning, middle and end I am convinced that here lies some rare writing.

Thank you for sharing.

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Review of Writing life  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
You are right. I felt the same way when I first stumbled on this beautiful site. It gives me freedom to write, to compete and review whatever I like.
The best thing that happened with me is the reviews given to my static items. They helped grow as a writer.
I am also delighted that we can practice writing in a number of janres as well.
I am getting more in tune with myself as a writer, thinker and reviewer.

Here is wishing you the best writing experience at this place.

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kids at play

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Review of Tears of Emotion  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A wonderful poem that makes me aware of the kind of tears every time I shed.

Hi penshadow, I am Jaya reviewing this sensitive poem for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this nice occasion. *Cake2*
Have a nice day.

Deep emotions seem to be the driving force behind our tears. No one can escape them. Deep-rooted relationships cause us to shed tears.
Insult and injury, love and affection, praise and derision touch us so when we can’t check tears.

I admire those, who never tear. They, sage-like, are above attachments, the cause behind sorrow.

It flows well with visual imagery.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Vaishali,

your story has rightly shown the effects being rash in jumping to unfair conclusions.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on completing a year at the WDC.*CakeB*
Have a delightful day!

I can see that space for doubt is created when there is lack of trust between husband and wife. So the first thing for a married couple to learn is to cultivate trust in one another.

Jealousy and doubt, the two most dangerous vices are beautifully dramatized in Othello by William Shakespeare.

Death and tragedy are the result of that drama just as it is in your story.

I enjoyed this story with a moral.

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Review of Sunset  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A beautiful telling poem on the fading embers of love!

Hi, I am Jaya, reviewing this poem ifor your WDC Account Anniversary.

Congratulations on welcoming another creative year to your account at the WDC. *Cake*
Have a delightful day!

What impresses me most about this poem is, first, expression of heartfelt thoughts and second, imagery.
Words like sunset, hushed, dying rays, lulling, buried, whispered and gentle ending indicate that this is the swan-song, or the last farewell. (Do tell me if I went wrong in understanding the content)

The end of good things makes us emotional. Love is such an emotional thing!

It flows well.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Clare,

This story tells that courage comes from within instead of from outside.

My review of this inspiring story is for your WDC Account Anniversary.

Congratulations as you usher in a new year of creativity at the WDC.*Cake2*

Have a lovely day.

The girl in the story is an example of many such in societies all over the world.

The heady stage of youth could land them in troublesome situations and then, before they knew things go out of control. A frightening time in life arrives sooner than expected.

The process of working through this grim stage is mirrored in detail in the story.
What happens after a fierce storm? We gather back things we need and restart living again.
That’s what we see the character doing here.

An inspiring and path showing story.

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Review of Man's Treasure  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Rose,

I find this poem interesting and heartening.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this nice occasion. *CakeB*
Have a delightful day!

True that woman needs to be treated cherished, loved and cared for.
Above all she needs to be understood, her sense and sensibility need to be recognized. Only then, she opens up completely and their life of togetherness comes to fruition.

“Whatever she’s become lies within him”
Cannot agree more.


I find it a novel way to have two opinions, two voices I.e. one objective and another subjective fused agreeably.

It flows well with imagery and rhythm in place.

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Review of Jill's Moon  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The tranquil moon shines through the night providing immense pleasure to the lucky viewer.

Hi, I am Jaya reviewing this nice poem with a rhyme and rhythm.

The night is visually evoked with a peacefully sailing silver moon with streaks of crimson.
Crimson streaks do not necessarily stand for an impending storm.

The sky is clear, the moon shines bright, shedding delight.

The poem ends on a note of the divine, where all good things begin and end.

It’s a simple and enjoyable poem.

It flows well.

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Review of Finding  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
What a lovely recovery! Wow!

Finding strength you lost is painted in an appealing poem.

My review of this poem is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this cheerful achievement. *Cake*
Have a great day!

The title is apt, for it suits the content you dealt with.

The joy of being back to yourself comes through quite transparently.
I could visualize the tremendous support and sympathy you were lucky enough to receive from your family and friends.

Both fate and providence seem to have offered a helping hand.

Anything is possible if you have a strong will power besides all the above.

It flows well with vivid imagery and fine word choices.

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Review of Modern mom  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I can hear the wail and scream of a modern day mother. We all need to ride many horses just to be afloat with body and soul kept together.

Hi, I am Jaya, reviewing this true-to-life story of a mom.
This review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this significant milestone.*Cake*
Have a lovely day.

Your language and style follow the pattern of your life. The way you keep up with small children who need care and love, a killing cycle of work everyday is well shown.

The condition of today’s mother is more desperate and saddening than that of those belonging to the last generation.

Your love for your children shines like a beacon in darkness. I am sure they are your solace and support.
Future is not bleak. Let’s hope things will get better in time.

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Review of Forever Is...  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Jeanette,

these verses flow like an immortal river of peace and wisdom. I love the evocative imagery representing “forever”.

My humble review of this gentle poem is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this cheerful occasion. *Cake3*
Have a lovely day!

Events connected to the mundane world mentioned in the first part of the poem are harmoniously in balance with those of the sublime.
That, I find is truly amazing.

This life which is a gift of God is fulfilled with life after death.
Thus there is equal importance given to the material life and that of the sublime.

Excellent feelings and thoughts are wrapped in touching metaphors and sensitive expression.

“Forever is never more a tear to shed.”

It flows well.

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Review of Shame  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
this a heartening story.
This revolves around a real life situation.

A baseless allegation or a misunderstanding leads a person to be judgmental. But this is a common error albeit serious.

I see the reason behind the title. Thoughts of inconsiderate nature often cause shame.

The story progresses well with a proper beginning. The middle part shows the benign effects of music and its delineation by the artist on a tired soul.

Yet, it has’t taken a moment to replace the good feeling with doubt and dismay. Mind is such thing of contradictions.

The story resolves on a note of probable regret and repentance.

Thank you for a great story.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary!

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