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I like the unique concept behind this, and I can see Marty and David starting to become friends. I thought you did well setting up the suspicion David has of Marty, and I liked the details you included about all of his different clothes, and how the lizard shoots blood from his eyes. Is this something lizards can really do, btw? Just curious. I thought this was a good first chapter. I do have several suggestions, take them or leave them:
- On a thematic note, I think you could spend a little more time developing David's character. It's okay that we don't know much about Marty, since David doesn't either and you want him to be a little mysterious, but the reader should have a good sense of Marty's personality. Right now, I can't quite tell what he's like. Try to add in little habits or actions that give us clues to his character. For instance, if he's a nervous person, you could have him tapping his fingers or pacing the room as he waits for Marty. Just play around with him a bit, make him stand out in the reader's mind. Wink
Some editorial notes:
- The story was riddled with technical errors, and although I tried to list all of them I found, you should go back through yourself, as well as go through your other chapters and catch similar errors (for my sake, at least, LOL). Some common mistakes you made that you should watch out for are:
* dialog punctuation (when the tag is a vocal action, then a comma is used, not a period)
* when two phrases are connected by an "and" and the subject changes, a comma is needed)
- metropolis (of) Geltempo City.
- David('s) back was black(,) and (he had a) grey(-)striped coat. ("gray")
- Geltempo City was divided into two sections. (begin a new paragraph here, since you are no longer talking about David)
- Metal sidewalks with guardrails stretched out from building to building(,) forming complex lattice(s) throughout Upper-Level for those who were to(o) tired to, or couldn't(,) fly.
Under Upper-Level was Ground-Level Geltempo(,) were all the land(-)bound creatures, such as David, dwelled. ("were" should be "where")
(But) Today was not David's day. (adding this "but" would create a smoother transition)
- His girlfriend(,) no longer able to put up with his unemployment(,) had recently broken up with him.
- His left ear stood taller than his right(,) which looked like half of it had been hacked off.
- A strong(-)smelling cigar hung limply from his mouth(,) sending a lazy trail of smoke into the air.
- "I heard you were looking for a roommate." He said. (change period to comma and don't capitalize "he")
- If he could some how get behind himself, ("somehow")
- Realizing that he couldn't afford to be just scraping by on the (rent) every month,
- "Okay then, um.. Come in." He said (same as above...period should be comma and "he" doesn't need capitalized)
- "Marty Mask(.)"
- "David Wilkins(,)" David answered(,) accepting it.
- He winced a little when he felt Marty's viselike grip.("vice-like")
- "So what? This is what it'll be looking like if I start living here." Marty said(,) kicking aside a pizza box. (change period after "here" to comma)
- Then(,) sensing David's agitation(,) he smiled and said. "Don't worry, when you see how messy I am you'll be ready to kick me out. (change period after "said" to comma)
- The next week he began to move (h)is stuff in.
He had a box full of miscellaneous objects and a large oak desk. Looking at the clothes he usually wore, a faded t(-)shirt(,) and some slightly ragged(-)looking jeans, he didn't strike David as exactly a fashion fanatic, (change comma after "jeans" to semicolon)
- He had everything from very expensive tailor-made suits to dirty(-)looking holey clothes that looked like something only a street bum would be caught wearing.
- Marty's only responded by saying that he needed a wide variety of clothes to choose from in his line of work. (remove possesive - "Marty only responded...")
- David didn't know exactly what Marty's occupation was(,) but after a week or two he began to grow very curious.
- Very often beasts of various species knocked on his door(,) asking to talk with Marty Mask.
- He tried asking Marty about it(,) but he was again elusive in his answer by only saying that they were his clients.
- That was about around the time David woke up. About around ten o'clock after this morning ritual he began working. (use either "about" or "around," not both)
- After an hour or two(,) if it wasn't too late and he didn't get any more clients,
- Now(,) the crime rate all throughout Geltempo City was very high(,) especially around the area David lived in.
- the seemingly endless barrage of complaints that pored in every day. ("poured")
- There were plenty of gangs ravaging the streets at night(,) and there were even a few organized crime groups headed by much older and sinister beasts then the juvenile delinquents that only dealt in petty crimes. ("then" should be "than")
- David knew there was no place in Geltempo that was completely safe from crime(,) but David definitely wasn't going to share his apartment with a criminal.
- demand to know exactly just what his job was(,) but he had already left on his morning walk.
- "Look buddy, Marty said he doesn't talk to any clients before 10 o'clock(,) and I'll tell you another thing, I don't appreciate you banging on my door like that and spraying your slobber all over me(,) especially this early in the morn-"
- "Now you listen to me(,) fleabag, when that raccoon gets here,
- "Now you listen to me(,) reptile, I don't know who you are or what your problem with Marty is(,) but if you come here banging on my door
- "Ernie, what a pleasant surprise. You came you see me(,) I understand?"
- "You!" He shouted after he recovered from his surprise. ("you")
- "Well if that's what you're so worked up about(,) then I have some good news and no(t) so good news for you, (change comma to period)
- So you can rest easy, (change comma to period)
- When Marty said that last part(,) Ernie stepped back in surprise.
- "Well(,) I suppose that means you found out." Ernie snarled. (change period after "out" to comma)
- He pointed in Marty's face(,) who had just whirled around.
- "Alright(,) both of you get your paws up and get in the apartment now!"
- "I was just going to beat you up(,) but I see I'm going to have to do more than that now! Hey cat!" He said(,) pointing the gun at David. "Get those paws up." ("he")
- "Look I-I don't know w-what this is a-all about." David stammered quickly. (change period after "about" to comma)
- "Get your flea-ridden paws off me(,) you mammal scum!"
- The gun went with off a loud bang(,) but Marty was able to push Ernie's arm so that the bullet flew harmlessly to the right(,) breaking a lamp.
- With almost blurring speed(,) Marty picked the gun up(,) and before he knew it(,) Ernie was staring down the barrel of his own gun.
- "Make one move(,) and I put a bullet right through your head." Marty said. (change period after "head" to comma)
- Suddenly the door busted(,) and a doberman cop in plan clothes ("plain")
- "Alright(,) everyone freeze! GPD!!." The doberman shouted. ("the")
- , "Well Anya, You took your time getting here, as usual." Marty said to the doberman. (remove extra comma at beginning and change period after "usual" to comma)
- "Maybe I was hoping scale-face over here might plug you." Anya said(,) motioning for a golden retriever to put Ernie in cuffs. (change period after "you" to comma)
- The lizard knew that the game was up(,) so he initiated his body's most primitive defense mechanism, he hit the dog squarely in the face (change comma after "mechanism" to semicolon)
- but he never made it past Anya(,) who bought the butt of her gun down hard on Ernie's head.
- With a grunt Ernie fell over and crashed into David's glass coffee table(,) shattering it into a million tiny pieces.
- "Let's see if you can cuff him right this time." She growled at the retriever. (change period after "time" to comma, and it should be "she")
- "See," Marty said. "Told you I was messier than you are." (change period after "said" to comma, "told," and I would remove "are")
Overall, a good start to a story, but it could use a bit more work on character development, and some thorough editing. I look forward to reading more. Keep up the good work!
"Invalid Item" 
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