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Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (4.5)
HI! *Smile*

*Note1* Overall

First I have to say, thanks for your entry for my contest "Invalid Item
This is a great item. It has a great and very inspirational message. I really loved the end. Great job!

*Note1* Spelling

I did my best, and didn't found spelling errors! Well done!

*Note1* Title/Description

Great choices for both of them! Well done!

*Note1* Suggestions

This are only some little suggestions for improvement. The only one that I have, is to make it longer. I know that you can develop a lot of more beautiful and inspirational things to add to this item. Go for it, and see what you end up with. Good luck!

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

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Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (5.0)
HI my friend! Hope you are doing fine!

*Note1* Overall

I really think that you deserve those 5 stars. You did an excellent job with this item. It's great! It kept me reading from beginnin to an end, and it's also interesting, and to see things, or the stars, and reviews from that point of view, is much better, and also, it can be like an inspirational piece, because you say, that doesn't matter if we receive that 1 star, we should get up again, not be discouraged about it again, and just keep on writing. Great message, Jotokai!!! *Smile*

*Note1* Spelling

Well, you know that my main language is Spanish, but I did my best, and I didn't found spelling errors. Well done!

*Note1* Title/Description

Great choices for both of them. They capture the eye of the reader and makes him want to read it.

*Note1* Suggestions

No suggestions at all! Great work!

*Note1* Keep on writing, and creating such great items for the whole community to read, and have such great advices. You did a great job!

Take care!
Tu amiga siempre!
Winnie *Smile*

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Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good night!

*Note1* Overall

First I have to say, Wow!! This is such a great poem. It's also kind of funny! *Laugh* But I really like that ending, and all that kind of attitude, and things that you say about each poet. Great job! Very original!!!

*Note1* Spelling

I did my best and didn't found spelling errors! Well done!

*Note1* Title/Description

Great choices for both of them. They capture the eye of the reader in an instant! Great job!

*Note1* Suggestions

No suggestions at all! Great work!

*Note1* Keep on writing this kind of poems. They are a great read!

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

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Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (4.0)
Good night!

*Note1* Overall

This is a good poem! Like the way you kind of unite all those senteces together, in just one huge sentece, or parts of the same sentence. A lot of thinkings, united by .... or just commas, and : Like the feelings you put on it, and the ending is great. Good job!

*Note1* Spelling

I did my best, and didn't found spelling errors. Well done!

*Note1* Title/Description

Great choices for both of them. The description, is the one who captures the eye of the reader. Well done!

*Note1* Suggestions.

No suggestions at all. Good job!

*Note1* Keep on writing!

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

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Review by Winnie
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Good night, and hope you are doing fine!

*Note1* Overall

Wow! This is such a deep, and great poem. I really liked it. Love the words you used all through the poem, and also that kind of mood that you put on it. Great job! It kept me reading from beginning to an end. I didn't expected that ending, but it's great.

*Note1* Spelling

My main language is Spanish, but I did my best, and 'didn't found spelling errors. Well done!

*Note1* Title/Description

Good choices for a title, and description. Even thou the theme of your poem, changes a little bit at the middle of it, till the end, (in my opinion) it goes well with what you wrote. Well done!

*Note1* Suggestions

The only suggestions that I have, is for you to use (.), (,) and capital letters where they are needed, not to start a sentence without it, and end it without a (.) Just a little suggestion for improvement. Beside that, you did an exellent job!

*Note1* Keep on writing!

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

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Review of A Self  
Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (4.0)
Good night, and hope you are doing fine.

*Note1* Overall

This is a good poem. Like the words you used, and even thou is a short poem, it is a great read, and keep you reading from beginning to end. Beautiful end!!

*Note1* Spelling

No spelling errors. Well done!

*Note1* Title/Description

Good choices for both of them. The description captures the eye of the reader. It makes you want to read it.

*Note1* Suggestions

No suggestions at all. It's good as it is.

*Note1* Keep on writing such pretty poems. You've done a beautiful job.

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

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Review by Winnie
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Good night, and hope you are doing fine.

*Note1* Overall

This is a good poem. I find it a little confusing, because you play with a lot of words, and verbs at the same time. That makes it a little difficult to understand. But you did a great job, and it's a very good read! *Smile*

*Note1* Spelling

My main language is Spanish, I did my best, and didn't found spelling errors. Well done!

*Note1* Title/Description

Good choices for both of them, that last part of the title, ahead of nowhere, it's what catches the eye of the reader. Well done!

*Note* Suggestions

A little suggestion for improvement would be to use words that are more easy to understand, words not such complicated, not so hard to pronounce and to understand. I think it would work out better that way. For example, I mean, this kind of words in the same sentence: "strangely, stranger" etc. It's just a little suggestion for improvement, nothing more. Your poem is good as it is! *Smile*

*Note1* Keep on writing!

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

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Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good night, and hope you are doing fine.

*Note1* Overall

This is such a great item, great information, and very helpfull! It's easy to understand, and also it keeps you reading from beginning to an end. Great job! I'll include it on the public reviewing page for others to read it, and that it can be helpfull for them too.

I have a son, that has being diagnosted in the past with Asperger syndrome, and I just have to wait till he's 6yrs old, so they can repeat the test, and let me know by sure if he has the condition or not. This article of yours have helped me a lot. Thanks!

Here are some of my son's writings:
"Invalid Entry "Invalid Entry

*Note1* Spelling

I did my best, and I didn't found spelling errors. Well done!

*Note1* Title/Description

Great choices for title and description, they grab the eye of the reader, and make them read the entire article. *Smile*

*Note1* Suggestions

No suggestions at all. This article is great as it is, and should get more exposure for others to find the help they need. Well done!

*Note1* Keep on writing sugh great items!

Take care

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Review of Aspies on autism  
Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good night! Hope you are doing fine!

*Note1* Overall

*Exclaim* Sorry *Blush* for the long message/review. I posted it on the public reviewing page, for others to see such a great item, and also for the ones who can help me understand a little more about the syndrome, and my son behavior, and this article of yours, can please let me know. Thanks in advance! *Smile*

Wow!! Thanks for such GREAT and very helpful information. I was in need of it. I believe it's God who put it on my hands. I have a 3yrs & 10 month's old, (*Heart* He's the love of my life *Heart*) "Invalid Item & "Invalid Item and he had been "diagnosted" in the past with Asperger syndrome. But because he is so young, the dr said that they have to repeat the test when he's 6yrs old to know if he has it for sure or not. I really don't know much of this syndrome, to tell you the truth, that was the first time that I heard of it. Still I don't know that much about it, and all the information you provided here, it's of great value for me, because I can understand a little better about it.
After that dr said that about my son, and explained to me a "little" about what it was, and said some signs that I had to be aware of, I took him to an IQ test, and my son turned out to have a superior intellectual capacity, (as said by the dr.) with an IQ of 126. He also managed to do things that only a 6 yrs old child would do, etc. (he was only 3 1/2 yrs old when he took the test). Since he was 1 yrs old and 4 months he know the whole abc, (if you wrote the letter, and asked him what letter it was, he would tell you) and the #s 1-11. He is been writing since he was almost 2yrs old, and now he knows the #s from 1-100 and he writes and read a LOT of words. This is not what worries me, it's that he's OBSSESED with letters and #s, and that's one thing that the dr told me about this kind of syndrome. I just read the last link you added on this item, and it's great too, but it doesn't have information on #s and letters etc, and I still have some doubts about that syndrome.
For example, this are the characteristics of my son:
*Bullet* Obsessed with letters and #s to the point that he see letters in his food, (eating french fries, he began to write on the table words), on his hands (he uses his fingers to write letters), he also uses pices of ribbon, or even pieces of string to write with it letters, etc.
*Bullet* Believe it or not, he writes on the computer, (single words, and 2-3 words at a time, NO long sentences etc) and he know what enter is for, and know how to capitalize, and know how to erase, and the backspace, so he understand what he's doing, and he writes.
*Bullet* He has 3yrs and 10 months and he still don't talk that well. I've noticed that hes talking more lately, more clearly, and more quantity of letters, he's beginning to form larger sentences, etc, but still he doesn't understand me sometimes when I ask him something, or he even can't tell me clearly what he wants sometimes.
*Bullet* he's very hyperactive, he sleepst at 1am or even 4am (sometimes) and even without takind a nap in the whole day. He's ALWAYS jumping and running, ALWAYS, not just a little while, he's MOST of the time like that.
*Bullet* most of the time, he repeats what a person says, for example, if I say "The sky is blue" he'll say: "the sky is blue", If I say, "Jean, sit down" he'll say, "Jean sit down" and what bothers and worries me the most, is like for example, I say something to him today at 4pm, and later that night, like at 6pm, or the other day, you'll saw him, acting what happened the day before or hours before, excacly as it happened before, without forgeting a thing, and like it happened. For example, If he asked me: "mommy, turn on the tv." (in less words, and in Spanish, we are Spanish speakers) and then I reply: "no hunny, it's time to go to bed." then he'll act that same situation out, the next day, saying: "mommy, turn on the tv." and he'll reply to himself what I said to him, and using another kind of voice, like imitating me, "no hunny, it's time to go to bet." and then he'll climb to bed, and act what he did, and what I did to put him to bed, etc, even the prayers and all. This kind of situation is the one that bothers me the most, because it's kind of weird to see him act like that, and this is the one that keeps on telling me, that maybe there's something wrong. I hope not, but I really can't wait for him to be 6yrs old, to find out for sure, like the dr said. He's going to school in August, like advised by the dr, to know how he interacts with other children, and then we'll know more hints if there are any.
*Bullet* I think that he's problem is that he has been sick, he had the RSV when he was 1yrs old, and then since then, he had 6 pneumonias, and since then, he has been (by instructions of the drs) inside of the house, without socializing with other children, for more than 2 yrs. A couple of months ago, I took him for the first time to the park, and since then, I've been taking him out of the house etc, and I think that because of that, (inside the house) he don't talk that much, and he's like that, very hyperactive, because he was always inside of the house, etc, at least that's what I'm hoping for.
Hope everything works out fine. I'm also writing a story-novel about what had happened to my son, and me, all those weird situations, lol, like a fiction story-novel, with a twist, lol *Smile*
Thanks for all the information, and great item, and if you know something that can help me about all that I told you about my son, I'll be very happy to know. Thanks in advance! *Smile*

*Note1* Spelling

I did my best, and didn't found spelling errors. Well done!!

*Note1* Title/Description

Good choices for both of them! Only a little suggestion. You should add to the description, or title, the word Asperger, for the ones who don't know that kind of word, Aspies, or shorter word for the syndrome, like me, *Blush*

*Note1* Keep on creating such informative and helpful items for the whole community. It's a great job the one you are doing, and it can touch the life of a lot of people out there.

Take care and God bless
Winnie *Smile*

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Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is another review for the port raid you won on my auction "Invalid Item

*Note1* Overall

Another great corner, like all the other ones! I just don't know what else to say, they are all really great. Filled with a lot of great links and information. Great job! I would love to give you my Web Page # for you to include in here, but I'm still trying to figure out how can I create a web page, *Blush* LOL! *Laugh* When I have it all done, I'll send you the link for you to include, ok? Great job!

*Note1* Spelling

No spelling errors. Well done!

*Note1* Suggestions

Like before, I don't have any suggestions to give you. Your work is excellent!

*Note1* Keep adding more corners to the list. They are a great place to hang out! *Smile*

Take care!

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Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is another review for the port raid you won in my auction "Invalid Item

*Note1* Overall

Another great corner Jeanie. Wonderful job! You have a lot of great choices for us to enjoy. Thanks for sharing!

*Note1* Spelling

No spelling errors. Well done!

*Note1* Suggestions

I don't have suggestions. It's a great corner, and you did a great job, like in all the other corners.

*Note1* Keep it up! You are doing a Wonderful job!

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

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Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is another review for the port raid you won on my auction "Invalid Item

*Note1* Overall

Another great place, and this is lovely! A lot of items that you consider a good read! Great place to spend here the whole day reading, and reading all the items you posted. Thanks for all the suggestions and sharing them with the whole community. Great Job!!!

*Note1* Spelling

No spelling errors. Well done!

*Note1* Suggestions

No suggestions at all! Wow! This items is one of my favorites from your corner, a lot of great items here. They are definitedly a great read! Thanks Jeanie for sharing!

*Note1* Keep creating such great and beautiful items! Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

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Review of Groups Corner  
Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is another review for the port raid you won on my auction "Invalid Item

*Note1* Overall

Again! I think this is wonderful! You have another great place here. I have to accept that I didn't know that there were so many groups and so different from one another here. Thanks for sharing! You are doing a great job with all this corners! Keep it up!

*Note1* Spelling

No spelling errors! Well done!

*Note1* Title/Descriptions

Simple and to the point like all the others! Good choices!

*Note1* Suggestions

The only suggestion that I have, is the same I told you about the forums. If it gets too crowded, you can make a 2nd part for the corner for groups. But this is only a suggestion. It's great as it is!

*Note1* Keep it up! You are doing a great job in sharing with us all this wonderful groups, and items.

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

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Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is another review for the port raid you won on my auction "Invalid Item

*Note1* Overall

This is another great place to hang out for a long time, because it has a LOT of great forums added! Great job! And also thanks for adding my Noodles forum! I really appreciate it!

*Note1* Spelling

No spelling errors. Well done!

*Note1* Title/Description

Good choices. Simple and to the point!

*Note1* Suggestions

The only suggestion that I have, is that if this item get's too crowded in the future, (the list so long), you can create a 2nd corner for forums, like a Corner's Forum II, but this is only a suggestions, nothing more. If you like to continue adding more to the same list, that's no problem at all. You've done a great job!

*Note1* Keep on creating MORE corners! They are a great place to be at.

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review of Newbies Corner  
Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is another review for the port raid you won on my aution "Invalid Item

*Note1* Overall

Like all your other corners, this is also a great one! You've done a great job with this for all the newbies out there who need all that help. Great job!

*Note1* Spelling

I didn't found spelling errors. Well done!

*Note1* Title/Description

Good choices again. Short and to the point!

*Note1* Suggestions

No suggestions at all! *Smile*

*Note1* Keep on creating more and MORE corners for us to enjoy. They are beautifully decorated, and also filled with great informations. Great job!

Take care
Winnie *Smile*

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Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi! *Smile* This is a review for the port raid you won on my auction "Invalid Item
*Star* Congratulations!! *Star*

*Note1* Overall

First I have to say: WOW!!! Jeanie, this is such a GREAT item. I found it very helpful, specially for me, because as you know, I'm Spanish Speaker, and the items that you included there, can help a lot of members like me, and also others that already know a lot of English etc. Great job!!!

*Note1* Spelling

I did my best, and here is the only thing that I found. On the first line, you wrote:

..and here is the place where I'll be (place)
it should be "placing"
* And just a little suggestion. You wrote in that same line, that it was the place wher you'll be plac(ing)... My suggestion is, that because you have the word place before that verb in the sentence, you maybe can write the verb "adding" instead of the verb placing, so you don't have that word written twice in the same sentence, so close to one another. It's just a suggestion, nothing more. You did a great job!

*Note1* Title/Descritption

Good choices for title and descriptions. Short/Simple and to the point. Well done! *Smile*

*Note1* Suggestions

I don't have more suggestions for improvement. I think you really did a great job with your little corner.

*Note1* Keep on writing, and creating such helpful items for the whole community to find advices and a lot of help. Great job!

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

I didn't found nothing more. Well done!

Review of Nature's Gifts  
Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (4.5)
Another review for the port raid you won in my auction "Invalid Item

*Note1* Overall

This is another beautiful poem! I love the rhythm, and the beginning of it is beautiful. My favorite line of it is: "the wonders of nature, only poetry can describe." I'm with you on that, completly true! LOL! *Bigsmile* You've done a beautiful work. Great job!

*Note1* Spelling

No spelling errors. Well done!

*Note1* Title/Description

About your title, it's a great choice. And about your description, I don't know why you say that it might need work, I find it absolutely beautiful. Love the words you used, and the rhyme, etc.

*Note1* Suggestions

The only suggestions I have is that you don't have to always use capital letters. Try to use them only where they are needed. Just a little suggestions for improvement. If you like it like it is, is your work, and it's beautiful as it is. Well done!

*Note1* Keep on writing. It's been a pleasure to review your poems!

Take care!

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review by Winnie
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Note1* Overall:

Congratulations! You won second place on my contest "Invalid Item. Thanks for your entry. You did a great job! *Smile* You can add the awarded image to your items by adding this {image:975473}

*Note1* Spelling:

I didn't found spelling errors. Good job! *Smile*

*Note1* Title and Description:

Great choice of title and description. *Smile*

*Note1* Suggestions:

I don't have any suggestions, your acrostic it's great as it is. *Smile*

*Note1* Opinion:

I think that you did a great job, and keep on writing.

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*
Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi! *Smile*

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Note1* Overall:

First I have to say, Congratulations! You've won second place on my contest! *Smile* The image above is for you to use with your item, if you like, for all to see that it was awarded on my contest. All you have to do is add this link. {image:975473}

This is a beautiful and lovely acrostic. Thanks for your entry for my contest: "Invalid Item
Sorry for the delay, my phone was out of service. No dial tone. *Smile*
Love the ending of your acrostic.

*Note1* Spelling:

I didn't found spelling errors. Good job! *Smile*

*Note1* Title/Description:

Good title, and I love the description.

*Note1* Suggestions:

I don't have any suggestions. I think is beautiful as it is! *Smile*

*Note1* Opinion:

I think that you did a great job with this acrostic. Full of love and even thou it's a sad thing, (she been gone) you made them love each other, their love overpasses that, and the ending is awesom. Keep on writing! *Smile*

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

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Review of Pachyderms  
Review by Winnie
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
HI! *Smile*

Hope you are doing fine!

I really liked this acrostic. You did a great job! Very fun to read, and the message is great. Love the ending. It's all true.

No spelling errors, well done!

No suggestions, great as it is! *Smile*

Keep on writing!

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

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Review of Darkness Captures  
Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (4.5)
((((((((Joto-Kai))))))) Hi! *Bigsmile* Hope you are doing fine! *Smile*

*Note1* Overall:

This is a good poem! I really like the way you wrote that type of meditation, and then you change your mood, like in the middle of the poem, to a positive one. I really like the ending and the message you are sending with it. Good job! *Smile*

*Note1* Spelling:

As you know, My main language is Spanish, but I did my best, and I didn't found errors, Well done! *Smile*

*Note1* Title/Description:

Great title, and the description is also GREAT!

*Note1* Suggestions:

I don't have any suggestions, the only thing that I can think of, is to take out those () that you have at the beginning of the poem, but it's just my opinion. The poem is good as it is. *Smile*

*Note1* Opinion:

I think that you did a great job with this poem, and keep on writing and helping others with such good messages.

Take care!
your friend!
Winnie *Smile*

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

You won first place on my contest: "Invalid Item. Thanks for such a GREAT entry!

*Note1* Overall:

Great use of the prompt. I really liked the words you used, and the mood of your acrostic. You did a GREAT job!

*Note1* Spelling:

I didn't found spelling errors. Well done!

*Note1* Title/Description:

The title is perfec, and the description is awesom. I really liked that descriptions, because it's to the point, and it's exactly what the acrostic is all about!

*Note1* Suggestions:

I don't have any, you did a wonderful job, and I think it's fine as it is! *Smile*

*Note1* Opinion:

Thanks for such a great entry for my contest, it's a great item, and you deserved to win. Keep on writing!

Take care!
Winnie *Smile*

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Review of It Rains It Pours  
Review by Winnie
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Bigsmile* I just have to say that this story is GREAT! I can even relate to it, and I know that others too, because I'm always forgeting new ideas that I have for plots, or prompts, *Blush* I'm always forgeting the great dreams, and all, lol


My main language is Spanish, but I did my best here, and I think that you don't have spelling errors.


I love the title, and it goes well with the body of the item. Great choice!


Great ending, I LOL, and I know that others did too!

Keep on writing! *Smile*

*Exclaim* Review for involution's forum. Congrats!

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