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Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Oh,my, siyo Radioshea, what a wonderful story you have written my granddaughters would love this. Deep lessons you are teaching as well, good lessons that make one think hard about how they treat the smaller children of Mother Earth. Sadly we see without "seeing" the "strays" of our world, those little animals with no home who become a "bother" when they rip apart the trash and scatter it in the yard. Instead of thinking, "why the poor thing is starving", we think of (and grumble about) the trouble it is to clean up. Why is that,eh? Why have we forgotten these small ones need our love and understanding? I have in my home a "Yorkie" that is 18 years of age, I found her one cold day on he gravel road along the river where I live, a tiny puppy she had been dumped there to die(and she nearly did), because I suppose she was more trouble to care for than owner expected. I cried reading your story, thinking of the sad truth you write here, how they love us these small "house" pets, and we, love them when we remember, at times take out our daily hurts on them, ignore them when we are busy with our own lives, and take for granted they are "grateful" for the scraps we throw them of care. I hope you turn his to many books for young people, perhaps they will recieve the lessons and think of the deeper meanings as they grow, absorbing the wisdom you have shared and be kinder to the small children that share their lives, those "fur babies" that bring such comfort to our spirits!

wado my friend from my heart!

Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (1.0)

O'siyo, perhaps it has not crossed your mind, BUT WHO exactly is the "illegal" in this country? Europeans came here UNINVITED, lied, stole, made treaties they NEVER honored or intended to honor. Murdered the Peoples already here, INCLUDING what you call "mexican". They are as much of the First Peoples of his land as the Souix,Cherokee(I am Cherokee),or Apache, their lands too were stolen by the Euros, they too were robbed, murdered, and lied to. They like we never invited any "illegals" here in OUR homelands, but they came, bloating our cities, stealing our resources,drew lines in our Mother Earth and called them "states" and countries like "America", Mexico, and Canada. Forced their language, religions, and customs on our Peoples by holding our children hostage(true terrorists those Euros), killing them and claiming they had a RIGHT to do so, after all we were simply "godless heathens", not even human really, RIGHT?? So convienent for you to forget those "Mexicans" once owned most the desert south west of this country, including California and Texas. Your racist vote has upset me, yes, you see I, am one those children taken away at age four, forced to learn English, beaten nearly to death when I refused, beaten when I refused to give up my own religion/spirit path, starved day after day, locked in the dark to weep silently for my grandparents, praying to be saved from these savages who so hurt me, who? Christians, oh,my yes, the worst hate filled humans to walk Mother Earth! I am beyond offended by this post, many of my own family are "Mexican" and THEY were here before YOUR kind knew there WAS a here! So, you want to "send" illegals" back where they came from, sounds good to me, but ONLY if we start with Euros!

Review of Spirit Dance  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)

HO' Vgilv, well done, so it is written, so it is done, and the grandmothers remember, for us all, for us all, they sing and we answer.
Each Solstice, it is true that coldest of nights, the "long" night, when all fires are extinguished, for a time, and the "Spirit Dance" drums
begin the "calling", begging Grandmother Sun return, give life to her children, and if she does, at her first glimmer the "new" fires are lit.
So goes the Circle, and we, remember to offer our grateful prayers that our ancients were there, Spirits Dancing out our prayers! From my heart I thank you for sharing this, for the memories it brings.

nvwato hiyadv
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Siyo OldWarrior, VERY well done, the real truth many humans will refuse to see, the animals are OUR Elders. They were here first, no matter WHO tells the story. They taught humans, to find shelter, build shelters, find safe foods, and to use the plants for both food and healing. But then, if humans accept that FACT, why then they must learn to "see" and respect the RIGHTS of animals, "horrifying thought" eh? That a bear, might have the RIGHT to defend home and cubs? A Wolf, might have a RIGHT to exist, raise their families, laugh and play, or hunt? Sadly, humans are so busy covering Mother Earth with their "houses", roads, and trash, these immature youngsters will not believe for one moment any other "living" thing has a brain!

adadoligi granny
Review of November 5, 2008  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Siyo J.A. Buxton, your story brought me to tears as it took me as well through those years that for me were much different. Your own journey was made with a heart wide open, and in that time it was a special thing, it could not have been easy for you to "hide" that you saw the world differently from parents raised as yours were. They were not bad people your parents, they were very simply a "product" of their own raising. It is sad that it has ever been that way in this world, but not "new" either, as each "conquering" people felt much the same in what ever country at the time. I often tell others do not hold grudge in your heart for who they were, but for the "cercomstances" that made them that way. Peer pressure is the hardest task master, especially for those of white people who have so lost touch with their own roots.
Imagine, not knowing ones ancestors, not being able to follow a heritage path as old as time, because when they fled here to escape the prjudices of their own home countries, they wanted to "forget" the past, and build a future for their own young. In the while, they also lost the most important thing, their OWN pre-Christian Cultures. Their very "connection" to Mother Earth was broken, and their hearts FELT the loss, trying to "find" that something that "grounds" them, they created "classes", religions", fads that led to "Jim Joneses", and "Waco's". When best suited, would have been finding out where they were from, which country, and dig into the past, embracing the TRUTH of who and what they are. You found a link, by being HUMAN, in a time ruled by "color" and hate, you, are a GOOD human, with a warm, open, loving heart!

Wado equa

Review of The Rose  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

~HOWA~ Well done, despair sneaks in at times to make us wonder "why", those who find the answer, find as well the peace to continue. We are here to learn, to grow, to teach in our turn, tending our Mother Earth, as she, will one day tend us. When begins our westward Journey, we will be greeted by those gone before, our "life song" will join theirs and a great light will kindle. For those like me, who believe you walk these paths many times, each time bring new lessons, each time brings the hope one day ALL mankind will be ready, for peace and gentle days! I like well the lesson you teach in these words, I count them a blessing that you have shared. Wado

adadoligi granny

Review of I Am Alone  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Siyo ixZak, I hear your cry, my heart answers the hurt within, you are never alone young friend. Once, I too felt these things, abandoned by parents who drank, though loving grandparents were there to take over the hurt of "not good enough" for some reason haunted my days. Anger was my way as well, to express the pain I faced, being a "brown" child in a "white" world in the days I was young was NOT a good thing. Anger, not tolerated from such as me. My grandmother taught me well, there is always hope, where there is life, when things are hardest, FIGHT. If you feel the whole world is against you, do not give them the satisfaction of thinking "they" win, taking your own life, or anothers, means just that, "they" win. Instead, reach down deep inside, and live a GOOD life just for spite!

adadoligi granny
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)

Siyo oginalii, wado equa for this beauty you share, I hear them still whispering those spirits, reminding us "why" SEVEN is the Sacred number. Your poem holds perfect the lesson, and I accept it with humble gratitude. Within you words rest the meaning of life, the gifts of Creator, without these there is NO life, water, warmth, planting/growing time, the nights coolness relief granted for resting, Awhaoli to remind us he carries our prayers to the very feet of Creator, our brother Sacred feather gifter. And, OUR duty, our gifting to Mother, Creator, the gift of smoke. Well done!

many blessings granny
Review of life  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)

Siyo Downgirl, my heart cries with yours, little sister there is MUCH to do,see,feel, in this life. Running "away", will not make better how you feel inside, learning to KNOW the self is the only way to make happy the sad heart. One can not like, others, until one first LIKES self. How? First learn to be honest with self, look into the mirror, you do not like what you see, change it, not for ANYONE else, but for YOU. Eat properly, diets do not work, and can damage ones body, eat balanced meals, small portions, LOTS of fruits, nuts,berries, drink milk if you can, have yogerts for any "snacks". Hair wrong? Get a good hair cut, to fit face shape, color if you want, you need only PLEASE self! Choose clothing that fit well,nothing tight, loose tops(but not baggy/big), fitted. Choose colors that are right for you, not what is "popular", be style setter,not a follower, and you do NOT have to have money to do these things, go to Thrift shops. Once the "outside" feels better to you, begin to find your "heart", if able, vollenteer helping elderly, or children, if able plant a garden, if not find pots, bowls, old buckets, fill with soil, plant something, tend it daily. Why? What will that help? It takes one outside of self, watching a thing grow,live beneath your hands gives peace to the spirit. What is our "purpose" reason for living? Lessons, learning to GIVE, not take, to see others with our hearts, to help others "see" with their hearts, that each human born is a gift, precious to Creator,UNIQUE, in all ways from every other human, and those who would make you feel "bad" about self? They feel worse about themselves inside, have "problems" they bare, that "skinny" beautiful model every man "seems" to desire, lives with health problems, starvatuion, and misery, she is no more happy about self than you, she lives in constant fear that someone else might "see" the REAL her, and find her unappealing. Continue PLEASE to write, what you feel,what you see, what you want, and, what YOU are doing to make these things happen!

many blessings dear one
Review of For my friends  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Siyo Humming Bird,your message says much of a heart that knows the true value of a friend, one who not only "sees" your pain, but is willing to share the load upon their own shoulders when that friend stumbles. We each know pain in some way through out our lives,hardships, and troubles, those dark days are when we need most to hear kind words of understanding, not "well if you had listened", or "if only you had made wiser choices", most times we know already the mistakes we made and need only the comfort of a caring heart. A reminder that our mistakes are human, we do not need reminders, we need hugs and love.

blessings granny

an add to your ending?

" Remember please, never forget
that warm hugs and a strong shoulder
are always waiting for you here"

Review of The Proud...  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Siyo Robin M. Miller, a beautiful poem, more beautiful the lesson you offer. We are Peoples of rainbow colors, and cultures, none better than the other just "different" enough to make interesting. It does not matter who we are or from where ones ancestors came, if we can not get past the "prejudices", we only wound ourselves from within. My Peoples welcomed sick, tired, hungry for more than food Peoples from many countries, and cultures, who were seeking freedoms here in our homelands.
Sadly, what those others were escaping, they in turn inflicted upon my own, now we have had nearly five hundred years to learn about and from each other. It is time, vgilv for us to come together as humans, to heal our lands, our hearts, our Peoples. Once the healing begins, we will find true peace for all our Peoples. We pray,eh?

adadoligi granny
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Siyo dinadanvtli,I LOVE Coyote stories, I love to hear the pack sing me to sleep beneath the desert skies. Coyote that beloved "Trickster", Sacred himself eh? A teacher beyond compare, we do not begrudge him his meal. Your poem brings such wonderful childhood memories, running the desert floors in Glenwood, Silver City,Demning,Bayard,Lordsburg,Truth or Consequenses, an Albaquerque.
Sitting at the feet of Hopi, or Apache Elders to hear Coyote stories told, making us laugh, cry, or think what lesson was Coyote teaching.Wado equa

Review of The Fall  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Siyo Kodachrome, wado equa oginalii, for this most beautiful song to the Circle, for this is what I see while reading. The ocean at sunset, "breathing",heart beating, a love beyond the speaking, chasing forever that elusive sight of something we know rests just beyond that rose tinted dream.
A time of peace within, calling ever on ward, and we in our hustle,bustle lives forget to breathe ourselves, just rest, relax, enjoy the gift of life. What fear chases you my friend, what teases just beyond your reach, yet rests within your spirit? When you write a little of your spirit escapes you know, to rest within the heart of those who read what you have offered, allowing them as well a fleeting brush of the painting of life you have shared.

adadoligi granny
Review of Contempt  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Siyo Kodachrome, while I understand your hurt and anger( each poem is our child),we each take these things differently eh? I like what you have written, it flows very well in my mind while reading.
Me, I get "critisism", but ask for it, I do not well know or speak English, so it helps me when others point to where I can make better those things I offer. Perhaps this one who hurt you, in fact did you a blessing, in your anger comes a free flowing thing of beauty that you now share. Passion, to me along with the "drum", MUST be a part of what is written, if it is not there it is very simply "rhyming" words with NO heart to beat them!
please keep writing

adadoligi granny
Review of No Ho Ho Here  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Siyo J.A. Buxton, you have said exactly how most of us feel I think,
those running for "office" supposedly as "public servants" but in truth hiding the greed in their own hearts. Telling "stories" about each other, rather than saying what is wrong that need fixed, and how they plan to help fix it. They make hollow promises they "think" people wish to hear, in my mind they are "saying" we are to ignorant to know the difference and I am offended. I do not "care" what they think of each other, I want to know what are their plan to help US fix the broken parts of our country. I want to know that they CARE about the children going hungry in THIS country, the elders who freeze to death each winter, have nothing to eat, or their medicine to stay alive(why can they not have BOTH, these are people who worked their whole lives paying taxes and being part of their community). I will vote, my People worked and died to win the RIGHT to vote, but it will be for the one who SHOWS me, they are AWARE of all that is wrong, willing to hear, and speak about these things and have plans to share for fixing them, not who did or did not go to war, or tells the best "story" about the other!

Well done my friend, more should read this at this time, it makes you think HARD!

blessings granny
Review of Drums of healing  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Well done Lorinvincent, for me this speaks of connection, the "drum" is my life line, I can not speak without the "heart beat" of my Mother Earth to guide my tongue. So it is with hearts, when one loved is lost, child,parent, mate,sibling, or friend, the drum calls us to remember, they are only "waiting" a while in peaceful rest. When comwes our time to rejoin those gone before, their much loved voices will be heard singing to the beat of the "slow" drum, come, and we will guide you there!

many blessings granny
Review of Whispering Words  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

~HOWA~ Aislin, you are so very right, this does speak the heart of most who "write", be it story or poem. A pouring out of the secret heart, expelling the hurt, exploring the cause, and sometimes with tears, both healing and learning SELF. One can not love, and understand others, until one knows,loves, and understands SELF!

many blessings
and great thanks
Review of THE COUNTY FAIR  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Siyo OldWarrior, what a warm and wonderful story, such memories are the best part of life,eh? You tell the story very well, the sights,sounds,smells, and colors come blazing through, building an excitment to allow the reader to "share" the sweet memory
of being a child in a time where to "behave yourself", was the first law, and rudeness nearly unknown in a child. I did not attend many such "fairs" my kind were not welcome at most, but "Gathers" (now called by many "powwow") were much the same. Families of many Nations meeting to trade, share, tell "old" stories at the fire, and GOOT foods. Something that was a true "treat" for always hungry children,lol, fry bread, sweet or meat filled, fried chicken something we did NOT have often, but Buffalo, venison, Elk, (once bear),javalina, oh,my the smells would have you drooling,lol. From my heart I thank you for sharing your memories, and giving back my own.

adadoligi granny
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Siyo Dr. Taher, I like well your story, giving proper courage and heart to Creators "small" children. It brought tears to see through your words the heart of the Mole family, like all loving families trying so hard to help each other through a time they could not understand. Each time we are faced with such endings(the stories of my People hold many), all strive together to simply survive another day, sadly only then are we willing to help one another no matter human or animal. Only times of great trouble bring either the best or the worst in humans, but if ever you have seen a forest fire?, the animals will run together in peace, wolf and deer, bear and rabbit to reach safety as if "truce" is called until all are safe.

blessings granny
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Siyo Khalish, it is true we are most often too busy judging others to clear away our own mistakes. What in anothers is very obvious in our own spirit is quiet, sad are we humans in this blaming game. Better we all might be if we washed out our own eyes eh? Trying just a little harder to see the "good" rather than what is wrong with the other guy/girl, one might be quite surprised at the beauty so often over looked in the other wise thought plain.

adadoligi granny
Review of ROAD TO WINTER  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Siyo Khlish, I like this very well it speaks the seasons of life, as the Circle turns. When I read the work of others I seek within the "drum", the heart beat of Mother Earth to seek ones "connection". If it is not there, they have gifted no life, once words escape ones heart they becoming living things with a song of their own to share. It is up to the "writer", what those words will say to anothers spirit. I found your drum.

wado for sharing
many blessings granny
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Siyo Robin M. Miller, your verse though sad in its content, reads very well, good rythym, I could follow easily. I could feel the darkness, fear, and dampness of your surroundings. Your own terror of "taught" right and wrong indignation, the disbelief that your grandfather who you thought to know so well, had kept such a terrible( in your mind) secret. Nearly feel the "writer" tremble as the story is told, and the lasting horror held still to this day from the trauma suffered.
adadoligi granny
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)

Siyo J.A. Buxton, dtohitsu?(how are you), it is good to meet new friends, me, I think you say very well who you are, a strong woman who chose her own life path. You did not allow others to force you into the "expected" pattern of "womanhood" ,and "womanly" ways, rather you became something other will always envey, a PERSON. I know well the Beatles song "When I'm 64", and Neil Diamond is a favorite of mine as well, while "Brother Loves Traveling Show" is my favorite, "Shilo" speaks to my heart as no other song not in Tsalagi(Cherokee). The description of your family is very nice mostly, a little sad not being closer, and hurtful for he loss of your precious sister. NOT, having children is to me a personal choice, and one you need be honored for making, too many follow the "norm", and the children, not "truely" wanted, suffer as the mother finds herself resenting feeling "forced" to fit a "pattern" not cut for her.

Me, I am Cherokee(tsitsalagi - jee jah lah gee),dekanogi ulogilv daquado anisahoni(I am Singing Cloud, Blue Clan),mother of six(five living),my eldest son was killed four months before twenty first birthday for the color of his skin. I have three daughters, two sons left, eleven grandchildren, six brothers,three sisters,(big family, eh?). All my children/grandchildren live within two miles of my home, so I am inundated with little warriors at all times begging for stories,lol. I like how you tell about yourself, speaking plainly, I like the stories I have read of yours as well. I do not always spell very good, English is not my first language and very hard to learn well, so I too try to use spell check often. You said you like Sci-Fi, I as well,have you read Dragon Riders of Pern? Wonderful stories, that take you away to another world,yes and most of Ann McAfry stories are good. My own that I share here are life experience as a "brown" person in a white world, or the Old Stories of my People handed from my grandmother.

I wish to congratulate you for being published, you must be very excited, from the story you have shared I would say it was well deserved. It is a thought only, a question, do you often find music helps to write the story in your head? Setting the "mood" perhaps others would say, but in truth opening the "door" of insparation, releasing the spirit to wander and explore thoughts "blocked" by either the way we are raised, what is "nice" in others opinions? My own was a very "Traditional" (to Cherokee) and sheltered upbringing in many ways, though I was sadly exposed to prejudice at age four when they took me away to the "School" taught by he black robe "sisters", but true to my grandfathers words they did not keep me long, but sent me home as "unredemeably" Savage heathen,lol, my brothers were not so lucky, me I only had one broken hand, four broken ribs, and was a little hungry. My younger brother was molested by the "Father" who represent God on earth, so we were taught and not allowed to back talk or was sent to "closet" for hours of meditation of how lost were our souls. To this day I stutter without he "slow" drum beating to measure my words,(it was how grandfather retaught me to speak,lol) called so as it is the Heart Beat of Mother Earth.

I say again you speak well of who, and what, you are, you have done well by yourself and deserve the honor you recieve. Who ever was the "Newbie" who did not "understand" that you are satisfied with all you have done and become, it is their own loss they did not read what you clearly wrote. There is so much there, said, and unsaid, all very clear that you are a good person, a caring person, with a full and happy life.

adadoligi(many blessings) granny
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Siyo Lonewulf, you should make this a book,lol, I like well this kind of story. Far stranger things walk Mother Earth than many would believe,and you took a simple "prompt" to turn into a story well worth the read. I understand easily all that you wrote, seeing in my mind the story set, each charactor was made "real" to me,even their face expressions. My, how scared/angry/confused would be the face of the man cursed, LOL, nearly jumping up and down in discomfort, wanting to cuss, and wanting to run all at the same time(those kind do not LIKE to be bested by a "gasp" woman). Wado for sharing your good story!

many blessings granny
Review of "REST IN PEACE"  Open in new Window.
Review by granny Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)

Siyo allforone,your words make me sad, it sounds as if you fear death, do you not believe in the "other side"? There is pain yes,when we lose from THIS world those we love, but there is joy as well as we sing them home to the arms of loving ancestors waiting on the other side who will help them prepare for the next walk they must take on Mother Earth. I do not know what is your "faith" ,and it does not matter I respect both what ever you believe, and your right to believe so. Me, I am not Christian,but follow the ancient Traditions of my People, Aniyunwiyv,Cherokee you would say,we believe in ONE Creator,and the Circle that life follows. So saying, there is no fear of death,though I mourn MY loss of those I love,I know well I will be happy when the ancients begin my own Life Song.

many blessings granny
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