Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1019541-George--Caroline
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1019541
Having only met once, George Augustus is intent on having Caroline of Ansbach.
Author's Note: This is a piece of historical fiction, inspired by the book, “QUEEN IN WAITING” by Jean Plaidy. It tells the story of George Augustus (George II of England) and his wife, Caroline of Ansbach.

"George and Caroline" picks up from
Royal Pretender  (13+)
Electoral Prince George Augustus meets the love of his life. (Historical Fiction)
#1008159 by SpookyBee
leaves off.


Hanover, 1705

Spring was in the German air. Baron von Eltz’s aging eyes drifted through the carriage’s window as he drank in the blooming flowers along the route to Ansbach. He was pleased that his former pupil, the Electoral Prince of Hanover, George Augustus, had found a suitable bride – Caroline of Ansbach. For the prince, he did not delay in his task. He may be old, but he was spry enough to go from Hanover to Ansbach twice in a week. The Elector’s prime minister, a man by the name of Count von Platen, who was just as gruff as the Elector, drew up the papers of marriage and had Baron von Eltz ride back down to Ansbach to procure the princess’s agreement.

George Augustus was thrilled to hear Caroline wanted to marry him. The minute von Eltz told him, he wrote her a passionate letter and entreated von Eltz to bring it to her.

“My dearest Caroline,
I owe you every imaginable obligation for permitting me the greatest happiness that I desire in my life. I hope to show you my respect and eternal affection. You alone can make me happy. I cannot wait until the distance of the days are over and we can be together as man and wife. – George Augustus.”

Von Eltz chucked as he delivered the letter to the young, pretty princess. He watched Caroline blush at the arduous prince’s words and she wrote him a letter back.

“My dearest George,
Sweet pilgrim, I have no doubt that these arrangements will be made as quickly as possible. I long to join you in Hanover. Until then, remember me fondly in your dreams. – Caroline.”

When von Eltz returned with Caroline’s written promise to marry George Augustus, he delivered his papers to the Elector and Count von Platen. George Lewis, pleased with Caroline’s quick acceptance, took the papers and marched to his mother’s apartments wanting to brag of his accomplishment.


Sophia Guelph, Dowager Electress of Hanover, woke up as the light of day broke over her window. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and let out a mild cough. Her cold was getting better, but she wished it hadn’t taken so long for her treatments to work. Then again, she was an old lady, in her sixties, and everything seemed to take twice as long to heal than it did when she was younger.

Her attendant came in, prepared her robe, and Sophia went to her antechamber to have her morning tea. The warmth of the beverage helped to heal her dry throat. The antechamber was filled with light from two windows, which faced the rising sun. The curtains and drapes were done in pastel orange and yellow. She loved to catch the fresh scent of flowers to start the day and every morning her attendant put a bouquet of them on her table.

As she sat down and savored her first sip, her son, George Lewis, threw open the door and pranced into the room. She couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. George never pranced unless he wanted to boast about something.

“Mother, I have a bit of sweet news I’d like to share with you,” George purred, sliding into the seat across from her. A cocky smile curved the corner of his lips.

“Oh?” she purred back in much the same tone he had used. “What would you like to gloat about, my son?”

George Lewis puckered his lips. If anyone knew how to take the wind out of his sails, it was his mother.

“George Augustus is getting married!”

Sophia was surprised. Her lips thinned into an even smile. What had her bullheaded son done now? Did he actually take her advice? Did he seek out Caroline of Ansbach or did he go after some other princess – one that was totally unsuitable?

She mustered up her courage and casually sipped her tea. “Really? To whom?”

“Caroline of Ansbach.”

With secret delight, Sophia but her cup down. “And have you sent the marriage papers?”

“Yes. She’s all ready accepted.”

“She has?” Sophia’s voice betrayed her surprise. “And has she met George Augustus?” Sophia was well aware of her grandson’s more unattractive qualities. For one, he favored using wigs and was nowhere near as smart as the princess.

“Yes, and she took quite a fancy to him. The wedding will be in eight weeks,” George bragged. “See what I can do without a woman’s help?”

Sophia crossed her arms. “It was my suggestion you pursue Caroline. You think you don’t need a woman in your life – oh, you do to satisfy your lusty urges, but it is despicable the example you’ve set for your children, locking their mother away in a tower.”

George Lewis abruptly stood up. “You take the pleasure out of everything, mother.”

Her eyes cut upward to meet his. “Son, I am the only one who has enough courage to tell you how it is. Release your wife from the tower so she can witness her son’s wedding.”

“I’ll do no such thing! I have no desire to listen to her and her ranting once I do!” George bellowed.

“Well, then, I pray your children forgive your boorish behavior,” Sophia replied sweetly.

George Lewis turned around and stormed out. That was the absolute last time he’d let his mother take his pleasure from him.


George Augustus stood in the fitting room facing the blooming gardens of the Leine Schloss, as the royal wig makers tried several wigs on him. He stood in front of the mirror proudly, pleased with how certain wigs gave him the appearance of height. He hadn’t quite decided which wig he’d wear for his wedding, but he wanted one that would give him the appearance that he was taller than Caroline.

“Oh come now, dear brother,” his sister said, walking into the room, “why don’t you wear a thick pair of shoes to give you inches instead of wig? I personally think you’d look more charming if you did.”

George Augustus spun around and came face-to-face with his sister, Sophia Dorothea. She was just as tall as he was, with long flowing tresses of black hair and her brown-hazel eyes shimmered in the sunlight.

“I want to look regal for my wedding,” George evenly replied.

“If Caroline is like me, she probably desists your penchant for wigs and would prefer to see you without one,” Sophia Dorothea continued.

“She has never seen me in a wig…”

“So, did she like you without it?” Sophia Dorothea pushed.

George pouted. “I believe she did.”

“Wear the shoes. You want to please her, don’t you?”

“I want to look like a royal prince – not a royal pauper,” George protested.

“Well, I would think you would want to please her,” Sophia Dorothea commented, before sitting down in the Persian chaise that was in front of the bay window.

The wig makers shuffled around, unsure of what to do next, and George waved his hand to dismiss them. Then he took the chaise across from his sister and kicked up his feet, leaning back, crossing his arms.

“And what do you know of a man’s pleasure?” George said, teasing his younger sister.

“Nothing, but marriage is in the air, Brother. Can I tell you a secret?”

“Of course!” George replied.

“The Crown Prince of Prussia is asking for me,” Sophia Dorothea squealed.

“Who else would he ask for now that Caroline is taken?”

Sophia Dorothea frowned. “You spoil all the fun, George Augustus. Fredrick finds me very exciting. He wants me. His father wanted Caroline for him, but he wants me. We’ll marry – you’ll see.”

“And when did the Crown Prince of Prussia tell you this?”

“He sent me a letter! He said he would make his father’s life unbearable unless he was allowed to marry me,” Sophia Dorothea smiled.

“Ha!” cried George. “And can you handle such a bold lover?”

“A bold lover is the only kind of lover I want!”

George chuckled. His sister was quite a handful. “You obviously favor father’s temperament.”

“Our father is an ass. Both us favor mother in looks. I wonder how she feels about your wedding,” Sophia Dorothea said, suddenly serious.

“Yes, I favor her in inches too,” George remarked, pursing his lips. “How should she feel?”

“She would want to see her son marry,” Sophia Dorothea replied.

George grew quiet. The bright sun made him feel uncomfortable. He glanced at the mirror and took a good, hard look at his reflection. Perhaps he should wear the thick shoes. His eyes cut to his sister.

“You know, I hate him for what he did to her – locking her in a tower. I will hate him until the day he dies.” His tone of voice was hard and firm.

“Grandfather Celle, mother’s father, is coming to congratulate you. Write mother a note and have him pass it to her,” Sophia Dorothea suggested.

“Perhaps I will.”

“We are lucky to pick our partners. At least we know we like them.”

“I don’t just like Caroline, I love her,” George defended, sitting up on the chaise.

Sophia Dorothea laughed. “And you’ll live in harmony forever?”

“Why wouldn’t we?”

“Who does? Our parents? No? Even Grandmother Hanover was unhappy in her marriage. She could barely tolerate our grandfather’s mistresses,” Sophia Dorothea said, wanting her brother to be realistic.

“Caroline will tolerate mine, I assure you,” said George, a bit too arrogantly for his own tastes.

“Right.” Sophia Dorothea rolled her eyes at her brother.

George Augustus frowned. “She will, you’ll see. She is docile and sweet and allows me to speak when I want to. She’ll listen to me.”

“You would honor her by having no mistresses,” pointed out Sophia Dorothea. “Especially if you love her.”

George got up and walked to window. His eyes ran over the garden. Rows of beautiful flowers, daffodils and daises, teased his view. He did love Caroline and he was loath to take a mistress. Only he would be joke of court if he didn’t have one. What could he do?

Sophia Dorothea got up and walked over to her brother. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on the back of his shoulder.

“I’m sorry if I upset you, brother. I did not mean too. I do want you to find happiness – happiness that was denied our mother,” she whispered, her voice trailing off.

“I want that too,” he replied. He knew he wasn’t perfect. There were things said about him that he didn’t want Caroline to hear. Some around court called him carefree, while others called him daft. His father refused to let him go into the army since he was his father’s only heir. Those who didn’t understand called him a coward. He was afraid Caroline might not marry him if she heard these rumors.


Caroline was excited. It had been a three-day journey from Ansbach to Hanover, and soon she’d see George Augustus. Her eyes withdrew from the green countryside and fell to the stack of letters she held in her lap – letters from him. She began to peruse them, drinking George Augustus’s sweet words of love.

“Caroline, are you nervous?” asked her brother, William, the Margrave of Ansbach. “That’s the fourth time today you’ve gone through his letters.”

“A little. We barely know each other. I only met him that one time,” she whispered.

“Relax, sister. I know you only saw him once, but I know from just watching him with you, he is in love. It will be all right, you’ll see,” counseled William gently.

Just then the carriage stopped and there was a knock on the door. William eyes narrowed with caution.

“Who is there?”

The door opened and a solider, dressed in Hanover’s regal red and gold uniform stood stiffly in front of them. “The Elector of Hanover, George Lewis, requests to meet the princess. He waits for you in the next town, Pattensen. I am to escort you there.”

Caroline’s eyes darted from the soldier to her brother. This seemed very unusual.

“We are honored,” William said evenly.

The soldier curtly nodded his head and after a few moments’ delay, the carriage began to move.

“William, why would he want to see me now?” Caroline asked.

Her brother reached over and lightly placed his hand over hers. “Do not worry. I’m sure he’s curious about his son’s future wife. I will be right by your side when you meet him.”

Caroline nodded her head and drew in a deep breath to settle her nerves. She hoped to find favor with George Augustus’s father.


George Lewis wanted to see the type of woman he was permitting his son to marry, so he arranged to meet Caroline a day before she was to arrive in Hanover. He did it in secret of course, because if his son knew, he would insist upon coming.

The Elector waited in a hunting lodge on the outskirts of a small village. His advisor, Count von Platen, was with him, seated on the couch, sipping on a glass of brandy. The royal guards surrounded the lodge. Finally, he spied Ansbach’s coach drive up the road to the lodge and from the window he watched the princess and her brother exit.

The sight of her immediately took George Lewis. The princess was tall for a woman, with long, golden blonde hair. Her blue eyes sparkled with intelligence. Her lithe frame and rounded hips gave him the impression that she was more than capable of giving his son children.

She is beautiful. No wonder George Augustus was so taken with her.

The door opened and George Lewis’s eyes cut to the young woman. She walked over to where he was standing and bowed before him.

“It is a pleasure to meet the Elector of Hanover,” she said, her voice shaking a little. “And my husband’s father.”

“Um,” said George Lewis, cupping his chin. With his other hand, he motioned for her to stand, looking in the direction of the door. “And you are the Margrave?”

“I am, your highness,” said William, joining Caroline.

“George Augustus speaks highly of Ansbach. In fact, he cannot stop talking of it…and you,” said George Lewis gruffly, his eyes raking over every inch of the princess. He noticed her uncomfortably swallow.

“Caroline is looking forward to seeing your son again,” William interjected.

“Cannot the princess speak for herself?” George Lewis quipped. “I understand when you were with my sister, Sophia Charlotte in Berlin, you met Leibniz, the scholar?”

“I did, my lord,” said Caroline hesitantly.

“Leibniz is here now, providing endless entertainment to my mother,” George Lewis added. “I see you will be a welcomed addition.”

“Leibniz is very learned,” Caroline added, shifting her eyes away from her intimidating future father-in-law.

“I see you are, too. Take care not to embarrass my son. He avoids Leibniz like the plague,” George Lewis counseled sternly.

“Yes, my lord,” said Caroline, through tight teeth.

“You will stay here the night and come to Hanover early tomorrow afternoon. The royal family will wait for you at Leine Schloss,” instructed George Lewis. He walked toward the door. “Come, von Platen. There is work to be done.”

Count von Platen bowed before the Margrave and Caroline and left. Seconds passed before Caroline dared to speak.

“Did you see how he looked at me?!” she protested. “He ran his eyes all over me, like I was breeding mare!”

William walked over to his sister and hugged her. “Don’t worry, Caroline. You are not marrying him. His son obviously has better manners.”

Caroline trembled in her brother’s arms. The Elector was not a pleasant man. She had a feeling in her heart he would not make life easy for George Augustus and she.


When the page announced that the royal carriage from Ansbach was just minutes away from the castle, George Augustus, dressed in his finest suit, went to find his sister. He wore a shirt made of burgundy silk, and his knickers were burgundy as well. His jacket was also burgundy with gold trim. Upon his sister’s counsel, he wore a thick pair of shoes to give him inches, instead of a wig. He wore his thick, brown hair in a neat, short cut, the ends curling down at the nape of his neck. As he raced to the steps of the castle, he hoped his bride would find favor with him.

“Come here, boy,” barked George Lewis, indicating George Augustus would take the place on his right. On his left, stood his mother, Sophia. George Augustus stepped up to his father.

Sophia Dorothea squeezed George Augustus’s hand in a show of support. She knew how anxious her brother was in this moment.

The flags of Hanover and Ansbach were placed alongside the entrance to the castle. Trumpeters heralded the arrival of the coach. As soon as Caroline stepped out of her carriage, and her eyes found George Augustus. He felt like had gone to Heaven. She ascended the stairs with grace and dignity beside her brother.

“Welcome to Hanover,” George Augustus announced, bending at the waist before her. His heart beat wildly in his chest. He took her hand and brushed his lips against her knuckles. “I have longed to see you again, Caroline.”

“As I you, sweet prince,” she whispered.

“Caroline!” Sophia Guelph exclaimed, catching the princess’s attention. She walked up to the young woman and George Augustus graciously stepped away. The older woman wrapped her arms around Caroline and hugged her fiercely. “Welcome home,” she whispered.

Caroline hugged the dowager Electress tight. Despite the Elector’s lack of manners, she knew this was the direction she wanted her life to take. She would be happy in Hanover with Sophia…and she hoped, George Augustus.


It was late. A thin, taper candle burned on the nightstand, still the room was fairly dark. Caroline’s attendants had just left and she stood next to the window, anxiously awaiting her new husband, George Augustus.

The room smelled different. The air was thick with a masculine scent. The furniture in the room was made of oak and delicately handcrafted.

The marriage ceremony was simple. As the sun set, Caroline and George Augustus exchanged vows in the gardens of Leine Schloss. He looked incredibly handsome in his burgundy suit, his hair shining as the sun fell upon him. She much preferred him without a wig. He was a pleasure to look at, still, she was nervous. There was a loud noise outside the door. She heard loud drunk wishes spoken to her groom before the door opened and George Augustus walked inside.

“Caroline?” he whispered.

“I am here,” she replied, walking out of a dark shadow. She stopped beside the four-poster bed, looking down at the ground.

George Augustus walked up to her. He wore a simple white shirt tucked into his knickers. His fingers curved under her chin and he raised her head.

“Do not be nervous. I love you. There is nothing to fear,” he said gently. Their eyes held each other tight and George felt as if he were drowning in a sea of bliss.

“I…can only hope to please you, husband,” she whispered. “We only met once. How can I…”

George stepped into her, cupping her cheeks. “Have no doubts, wife. You have pleased me immensely this day by marrying me. We have a lifetime to get to know each other.”

“George, I…I am nervous,” she confided.

“Then I will sooth your nerves until you think only of me,” he replied, brushing his lips gently against hers until she gave way to him. “I will be gentle,” he added, between kisses.

Caroline’s heart quickly leapt in her chest. Like before, his lips were sweet and tender, yet exciting. She felt a sudden warmth begin to pool in her body as they continued kissing. George’s hands left her cheeks and slid down her back, coming to rest on her hips. She felt him pull her until she pressed against his body.

He was hard – all over. His chest was firm and rose deeply with each breath he took. His thighs were thick and muscular, and his whole body, his whole being, seemed incrediably vital.

His lips trailed down her neck and she felt him take her tender flesh between his teeth. He devoured her. She felt his hands part her nightgown and push it off her shoulders. Then with one hand bracing her hip, his other began to squeeze her breast through the flimsy fabric of her nightgown. The sudden pressure of his hands surprised her, adding to the inner warmth of her body. He teased her, finding her nipple and tweaking it between his fingertips until it grew hard for him. With reluctance, he seemingly tore his lips away from her neck. Their eyes locked.

“I want you to touch me,” George said huskily.

“Show me how,” she replied.

With a delighted grin, George took her hands in his and put them on his stomach. Her fingers trembled over the light fabric and he pushed them down past the laces of his knickers until they came to rest on his thick, engorged manhood.

Her eyes grew wide and she jumped at her discovery, but George held his hands firmly over hers.

“You did this to me. It is for you…only you,” he whispered. “Do you like how it feels?”

“It feels…dangerous,” she replied.

George laughed. “I assure you it isn’t.” He stepped away from her, undid the buttons of his shirt, and threw it on the ground. Then he pried off his shoes and undid his pants, until finally he stood naked before her, his muscle proudly jutting forth between them.

Caroline admired his body. He was a compact, muscular man. They were the same height, but in this moment it didn’t matter. His chest was lightly layered with a fine spread of hair and his stomach was incredibly tight. The muscles in his arms bulged with each movement.

George knew she liked what she saw and was pleased. He reached over, bunching her nightgown at her waist and lifted it over her head until she was naked. She took his breath away. Her skin was soft and milky white, her nipples stood at perk attention for him, and between her legs rested a golden patch of hair he wanted to claim for himself. He took her hand in his and led her to their bed.

Caroline couldn’t believe the pleasure he brought out in her. He kissed her lips and neck before exploring each breast with tenderness. His tongue laved sweet circles around her areola. The place between her legs began to feel wet to her and then she realized her hips were slightly moving underneath him in rhythm, pressing his hardness against the warmth of her inner thigh.

George lifted his head from her round, swollen breast and laced their fingers together, finding her eyes.

“You will feel pressure, my love, but no pain. If it hurts let me know.”

“George…? What?”

She felt the tip of his manhood between her legs. With light, gentle thrusts he went in and out until finally her warmth was replaced with his. His breathing became ragged and his eyes burned with desire. With one powerful thrust, he broke past her last defense and took her for his own.

“We are one. You are mine and I am yours. Forever,” he whispered.

Caroline could only nod her head as he began to move inside her. She felt his fingers squeeze hers tightly, his body moved at an incredible pace. He moved inside so rhythmically she felt a growing sensation of pleasure build up inside her until, with one final, deep thrust, he released it, sending her careening into a world of blissful oblivion.

His body shuddered over hers, and as her wave of pleasure began to fall, she felt a sudden warmth inside her body, the likes she’d never known before. He cried out her name, and she knew it was him giving way to his own wave of pleasure and delight.

He withdrew from her, snuggling her head so it rested on his chest. “I will always love you, Caroline. Always.”

“Oh, George, I will never forsake you,” she promised. In this moment there was him and only him.

He kissed the top of her head and fell asleep in her arms.


AUTHOR’S NOTE: In 1714, George Lewis, under the Act of Settlement, inherited the throne of England and became George I. At this time, George Augustus and Caroline became the Prince and Princess of Wales. In 1927, George Augustus became George II of England. He was truly devoted to Caroline; she bore him three sons and five daughters, and she actively participated in government affairs, before she died in 1737. George possessed three passions: the army, music, and his wife. He was exceptionally brave and has the distinction of being the last British sovereign to command troops in the field. He was known as a choleric little sovereign; shaking his fist in the face of his father's courtiers. He would often kick his coat and wig about in his rages; and called everybody thief, liar, rascal with whom he differed. George II died in 1760. – Notes taken from Britannia at http://www.britannia.com/history/monarchs/mon54.html

© Copyright 2005 SpookyBee (sgcardin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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