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Rated: E · Short Story · Contest · #1378718
For Writer’s Cramp contest: Will Maddie get her birthday wish?
Written for Writer’s Cramp assignment January 22, 2008: Birthdays are magical times when wishes come true. Write a short story or poem about a birthday wish coming true.

476 words

Maddie’s Birthday Wish

Madeline awakened to the sound of her brother singing in the bathroom. She rolled over in her bed, wanting to go back to sleep. She had never been a morning glory. (As her mother called people who were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the mornings.)

“Happy birthday, Maddie—time to get up and get ready for school,” her mother said, bending down to give her a wake-up kiss. “How does it feel to be 9 years old?”

“Oh, it is my birthday—do I have to go to school today, Mom?”

“You know you do, Honey. Besides, your teacher and friends at school will want to wish you a happy birthday too…and I would not be here this morning to stay with you anyway. Remember—today is my ultrasound. Hopefully we will find out today whether you are getting a baby brother or a baby sister,” Mom said.

“Baby sister—baby sister!” Madeline said. “I have prayed every day and night for it to be a girl, mom. I am going to keep my fingers crossed today.”

“Okay,” her mom said, “but don’t be too disappointed if it’s a boy. Boys are nice too.”

“Mom, do you remember what Alex did—do you remember that he ruined my book yesterday? I already have a brother, and I really, really want a sister.” She had wanted a sister when the last baby was born, but got Alex instead. He was okay, for a boy, but Madeline had always wanted a sister. She thought that this baby might be her last chance. Mom and dad said three children was all they wanted.

After her mother left the room Madeline said one more prayer, asking with all her heart that the new baby would be a girl. She then hopped out of bed and hurried through her morning rituals, ate breakfast, and left for school. As she walked to school she wished with all her might that the ultrasound would show a girl baby. "This will be the last day," she said to herself, "the last day that I will be hoping and wishing and praying for a girl."

Madeline’s day had not been special at all. She failed her timed test in math. She was the last runner across the finish line in physical education, and she had a falling out with her best friend forever—Morgan.

It was a dejected little girl that walked into her house at 3:45 p.m. on her birthday. Her brother had beaten her home and had claimed the television for his favorite video game. He made a face at her as she walked by.

Madeline went into the kitchen looking for her mother so she could tell her all about her horrible birthday. She spotted her mother at the stove stirring a pot of spaghetti sauce…homemade…Madeline’s favorite. A beautiful birthday cake sat on the counter with nine pink candles on it. Madeline began to feel better instantly. She looked at her mother’s face and thought there could not be a more beautiful sight. Her mother had a radiant look on her face.

“Madeline, you are going to get a baby sister.”

© Copyright 2008 msmoonbeam (msmoonbeam2001 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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