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This is the continuing part of A New Beginning. |
PREVIOUS CHAPTER "CHAPTER ONE LOSING SHIA" ![]() CHAPTER 2 THE RISE OF A LEGEND Morning found Broadus finishing his preparations; Remle had already made his introductions, and informed Broadus that they would be leaving shortly. Broadus had to see Kisto one more time; he wanted to make sure that she was okay with him leaving. Broadus stepped up to Kisto’s door, and peaked inside. “ Hello, are you here?” “ I am dressing, give me a minute.” Broadus pulled his head back, glancing over at Remle to see if he was still loading his cart. Kisto stepped out the door, her hair long and flowing over her shoulders, it made her eyes look even more beautiful than before. She grabbed Broadus hand, and pulled him around the nagoha, he was not sure what was going on, but he followed. She led him to a grove of fruit trees, stopped and turned to look him in the eyes. “ I want you to know that you are the only man that has ever treated me special, to everyone else I am simply an adolescent. My main purpose is to wait on the elder people, I feel so alive whenever I am with you, and I hope you feel the same. That is why I have brought you here.” Broadus stood staring into her beautiful brown eyes, almost oblivious to what she had said. He caught movement from the corner of his eye, he started to run, but Kisto held him firm. An older gentleman stepped from the shadows, and Kisto smiled. “ I want you to be my life long guardian. He is here to perform the wedding ritual.” Broadus was shocked, he cared deeply for her, and now he knew she felt the same towards him> Broadus agreed, and the ceremony began. It was short but fully of meaning, the two felt the connection deep down and knew that they were meant to be together. As the man instructed, Kisto took Broadus hand and slipped a small gold band on his third finger of his left hand, she raised her hand when the man began with Broadus half, and showed him the same gold band on her finger. When the ceremony ended the man told the two that they were now husband and wife. Broadus did not know what husband and wife were but he knew that he was now joined to Kisto for life. He swore to protect her from any harm even if it cost him his life, and she did the same. The two engaged in a passionate kiss, their first kiss as a legitimate couple. Relme watched as the two rounded the building, he motioned for Broadus. He had to get on the go; it was a long trip to Wolf Castle. Broadus kissed Kisto, now he did not care who saw. He saw the smile on her face, and her loving gaze. He started toward the cart; he had a long journey ahead of him. “ Take of yourself, I will kill you if you do not come back.” Broadus smiled. “ I promise, your love draws me like a beacon. It is like a light that guides me back to you from many miles, through any dangers and snares. I will return, I promise.” Kisto smiled, a tear rolled down her cheek. She had never heard Broadus speak so lovingly. She watched as he stepped into the cart with Remle and the two began to disappear into the early morning sunlight. The cart bounced and rocked, ringing and clanking as different metals clanked together. Broadus looked at Relme, his sun battered skin showed the many trips he had made from Wolf Castle to the Village in the Mist. He seemed almost to guide the horses with his eyes closed. “ I hear that you are heading to Wolf Castle for first time.” “ Yes sir, I need to finish something that a friend started.” “ Shia?” “ How did you know?” “ She talked about you a lot, she said that you were the one that would restore the ancient world to its former glory.” “ I hope that I can live up to her expectations.” Remle was an older gentleman, and not at all what you would expect a trader to look like. He had long dark hair that was always pulled back into a braid. The Braid ran the length of his back, always neat, and well kept. For an older man he was remarkably well built, Obviously from loading and unloading his wares. He dressed simple; deer hide pants, cloth shirt, and moccasins. Broadus took special interest in the shirt, it was not wool, but a tighter thread. It had a smoother texture than wool, and lighter. “ I hate to be nosy, but your shirt is a material I have never seen before, where did you get it?” Remle laughed, of all the questions he had been asked, this was a first. “ As you know I trade my services for what I need. I got this blouse at Wolf City. Illyiana the seamstress made it. It is made from cotton.” “ What is cotton?” “ Cotton is a plant, it grows these large fibrous flowers that Illyiana harvest and turns into a yarn. She pulls the fibers until the stretch real tight, then she spins them into a yarn type of thing, after that I really don’t know.” Broadus was now excited to see Wolf Castle; this would be the beginning of a new world for him. He could not wait to see Illyiana and watch how she made the cloth. He began to wonder what kind of people he would meet in Wolf Castle. Over the next few days Remle told Broadus of the three provinces, Wolf Castle province, ruled by Anatak, the Plains province ruled by Tyler the Malevolent, and the Mountain Province controlled by the Mountain King. Remle also told him of all the outlying villages, and what he knew of the tribes that roamed the three provinces. He went on to tell him of the great city that lay on the trail to village of Wolwohs. It was a large city that once held thousands of people, now the only thing that could be found there were the wild animals, and the ghosts of the past. “ No one ever goes there they say that the breath of natas still lingers in the air,” Remle said, looking at Broadus face. He could see that even that would not deter him from going, but at least he would get to Wolf Castle first. Along the path to Wolf Castle Broadus started to notice more and more people, apparently they were getting close. The countryside was spotted with small stone buildings, with grass roofs, and small fields with different crops. As Remle brought the cart around a grove of trees a large stone wall steadily came into view. Broadus noticed that along the top of the large wall several men watched the coming and going of the peoples of the countryside. “ That is Wolf Castle, King Anatak himself walks the walls. He believes that an effective leader must be in the trenches with everyone else.” “ Is he a well liked man?” “ Yes, the people love him. They say that he evens helps harvest the crops in the fall.” Broadus had read about kings and rulers in the book that Shia had given him, and according to it the most well known was King Arthur, ruler of Camelot. He wondered if Anatak was anything like King Arthur. The cart passed through he gates carrying its cargo into the main walls of the castle. The cobblestone path made the hooves of the horses echo throughout the castle walls. Broadus noticed that the inside if the castle was more pleasant a place than outside the walls. “ Why do the homes inside the walls look better constructed than the simple homes outside?” “ That is because these are the homes of higher ranking people. Wolf Castle is home to many of the provinces rich families. Each one pays a heavy wage to live inside the walls. They get protection, notoriety, think that they can influence the kings decision making.” “ That does not seem at all fair.” “ It isn’t, but that is the way. Those who live outside the walls do not have to worry about paying taxes to the king, but are at a higher risk of robbery, murder, and the chaos of war.” “ Why would the king not protect the people who create the luxury that he enjoys?” “ Oh he will, but if it comes down to it then those who can afford it can escape to the inner court of the castle while those who work for a living are considered to be expendable.” “ So basically if you work, you are not worth protecting.” “ No, don’t get me wrong, the king knows that without those people the castle would fall to ruin, so he will protect them to the best of his ability. The castle is the center of the province, if it falls the province and all it citizens becomes the property of the victorious army. Therefore if the king defends the castle and fends off the invading army he protects the province. So in a sense he is protecting everyone here.” Broadus could not grasp this logic; it seemed to him that the people who worked the fields and ran the markets were nothing more than pawns in a game that only profited the king. Broadus thought deeply about the situation as Remle rolled the cart into the center of the market place. The hustle and bustle drug Broadus out of his deep thought. The smell of the market tickled his senses, different aromas drifted on the air, meats of all kinds cooking, fresh vegetables, and the occasional pungent odor of horse manure. Broadus listened to the crowd it was sort of a low roar, nothing really stood out, but at least it was the sound of humanity. He climbed down form the cart, and went around to help Remle unload the cargo. “ No, we don’t need to unload this, the slaves will do that.” “ What is a slave?” Remle explained what a slave was to Broadus, and then told him that he was free to roam the market. He would have to be back shortly so that he could introduce him to a friend of Shia’s. Broadus agreed and started down the main street of the market. He passed vendors of all kinds. Occasionally one would offer him a sample of their food, or produce he was not sure if he should take it, but noticed that several people took it, and did not have to pay for it, which was a good thing, because e he had nothing with to pay. As he walked past a meat vendor, the man thrust a small piece of meat out at him; Broadus smiled politely and took the meat. It was warm and tasted great, Broadus had not had anything freshly cooked since they left the village in the mist. “ Aye, that is some good meat there boy.” The man bellowed. “ Yes sir, it was quite enjoyable.” “ Gotta taste for dog do ya?” Broadus felt the color drain from his face, and that uneasy feeling began rumble in the pit of his stomach. He had never eaten dog; they were considered a pet not nourishment. He looked at the man who was by now laughing hysterically. Broadus tasted the salty taste of stomach bile in his mouth and choked it back down. Taking a couple of deep breaths he regained his composure. Broadus walked away quickly, fearing that he would vomit on some ones stands and offend them. He found a clearing near a large Palo Verde tree next to the castle wall. He could feel the muscles in his stomach starting to contract, followed quickly by the sting of the bile in his throat. He heaved several times before he could start to control himself. He wondered how could some one do that, how could they kill and cook a pet. “ Are you okay?” A voice asked from behind him. “ I’ll be fine, thank you.” “ I am Nella, son of Anatak, and knight of the Wolf Castle Province, and you are?” “ I am Broadus, from the great canyon,” He said wiping the vomit from his lips. “ I see Veela has given you the ‘ how’s the dog meat ‘ line. Believe me it is not dog, it is merely beef. He enjoys torturing newcomers.” “ Well believe me he got a good laugh from me.” Nella handed a small drinking device to Broadus. It looked like a stomach, but was covered in fur. Broadus placed the open end of the skin to his lips and squeezed. A sour liquid flooded his mouth, and he spit out. “ Not much of wine drinker are you.” “ No, I have never had wine.” “ Believe me it is an acquired taste. I have a skin of water of you would like that better?” “ Yes please this taste just will not go away.” Nella had Broadus a second skin and he rinsed his mouth, and then took a large drink. He returned the skin and thanked him. “ You said you were from the great canyon, that is near the village of the mist is it not?” :” Yes it is.” “ Wonderful, I was beginning to thank that the people from that area had gone.” “ No, the people of the great canyon are all but gone, the attack by the raiders left only a few young adults to fend for themselves. I decided that I would not stay, but follow the path that a friend of mine followed on her many trips from the canyon.” “Who is your friend if you don’t mind my asking?” “ Her name was Shia, she was a traveler.” Nella face lit up; apparently he too had known Shia. Broadus began to think now that maybe she was a lot wiser and more familiar with this place then she had ever let anyone know. “ Please you must join me in the castle, my father would love any news from Shia, even if it is that she has gotten to old to travel. She was a welcome friend here.” Nella spun and headed off expecting Broadus to follow. Broadus was not sure that he would be so greatly received once they heard the news about Shia. Nella looked back, and stopped. “ Well come on, I will see that you get something decent to eat, not some of this peasants DOG meat.” He said glaring at Veela. Broadus walked behind Nella, as he strolled toward the castle. He noticed that the crowd seemed to move out of his way without a word being said. I guess that is what it is like to be a knight, whatever that was. The large door to the castle was open and Nella stepped through into the shadow. Broadus could hear his brisk footsteps as he too stepped into the shadow of the castle. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, Broadus noticed that walls of the castle were decorated with large tapestries that depicted different epic battles. The ceiling towered above him; he almost lost his balance several times trying to see the top. He noticed that a walkway extended out into the middle of the room, and several doors could just be seen past the railing. By now Nella’s footsteps had disappeared, and Broadus did not know where he had gone. ‘ Better stay here,’ he thought. So he stood there, admiring the tapestries. He heard some one coming, but could not tell from which direction. He stood there, watching. A shadow appeared in a corridor, followed by a second shadow. The first shadow belonged to Nella, and the other by the man who hastily followed him. Both walked up to Broadus, the second figure stepped to him. “ I am King Anatak, welcome to Wolf Castle.” “ Thank you.” “ You are a friend of Shia?” The king asked, smiling. “ Yes, but I fear that what I know, you will not want to.” “ Let me be the judge of that young man.” “ Very well then,” Broadus told them the story of the attack and how she had protected him. However he did not tell them that he had the book, Odius voice resounded in his head, telling him that if people know that he had the book, his life would be in danger. He felt that it would be best to leave that bit of information out for the time being. When Broadus had finished telling the news the king stared blankly at him, as if contemplating asking the next question. “ Did the raiders find the book?” “ No, they rounded the villagers up and killed all those in the village after giving them a chance to surrender the book. No one knew of the book, so they all perished.” “ My child that book must never fall into the wrong hands. It would mean the end of the provinces.” The king guided Broadus to a large room, followed closely by Nella. In the middle of the room was a large table containing what appeared to be an exact replica of the world? Broadus had never known anything more than the great canyon, but looking at this the vastness of his journey now sank in. He realized that he had a lot of places to search, would he ever get back to Kisto? “ This is a map of the provinces, Shia found it and I helped her to bring it back to here. I have placed markers where the other rulers’ strongholds are. I need to find that book in order to protect it from them.” Something in that statement just did not sit right with Broadus. He felt that if Anatak got a hold on that book then he would be the one to end the provinces. Broadus listened to the king, and soaked in the important information that he needed. Anatak told him of the metal buildings that housed many of the destructive weapons that the ancient people had, and how that the knowledge to use them could only be found by following the book. Broadus realized then that the book was not just a book but also a map that would lead him on a journey that would forever change the face of the provinces. After a long session with the king and Nella, Broadus was excused and stepped back out into the outer courtyard. He spotted Remle and quickly sidled up beside, him he had just returned from Illyianas shop. Broadus reached under the seat of the cart and grabbed the bag containing the book. Remle handed Broadus a shirt, a pair of pants and moccasins. Broadus was not sure what was going on, but Remle Rushed into a hut. “ Quickly, you must change, the guards are looking for you.” “ Why, I was just in with King Anatak, and Nella? ” “ Precisely, did you mention the book?” “ No, but how did you know I had it?” “ I apologize, I am a naturally cautious person, so when you slept I went through your bag.” “ YOU DID WHAT? ” Broadus felt that he could not trust anyone anymore. He changed clothes and noticed that Remle handed his old clothes to a young man that resembled him. He sent the man back out of the hut with a bag. Broadus began to wonder what he had gotten himself into. “ Listen, Nella and Anatak have been searching for the book for several years. They heard Shia tell one of her stories, and decided that they would use the book to take control of the three provinces.” “ How am I going to get out of here?” “ Just stay quiet and do as I tell you and you will be okay. I will take Riaden out the gates; they will be looking for you dressed, as you were when we arrived. That was the reason Nella invited you to the castle, they wanted to frame you for thieving the book. They would then have you hunted down and imprisoned or sold into slavery.” “ But how will Riaden escape, he will be caught and imprisoned?” “ He understands the cost, so he was instructed to not get caught. He will do what ever it takes to evade capture, if he does get caught then he knows that he is on his own. We will try and get him out but after you are safely away from here.” Broadus now understood, he listened to the instructions that Remle gave him and watched as the two climbed on the cart and made a hurried exit out of the castle courtyard, and into the farmland. Broadus watched from the hut as King Anatak stepped to the balcony of the castle and called for everyone’s attention. Nella stood on his right dressed ready for battle. “ My people, a grave injustice has befallen your mighty kingdom. A young man form the Village of the Mist has stolen a precious artifact from my collection. Let it go out to the three provinces that I shall not rest until this artifact has been returned to its rightful place. Remle the trader was seen carrying the young man towards the valley of death, a handsome reward awaits anyone that brings this young man and the traitorous old wretch to me.” A large cheer went up from the crowd, and many people started for the gates. Broadus hoped that Remle would be okay; he knew that he now would not only be on a journey for knowledge, but a journey of discovery. As the mob headed for the gates, Broadus ducked into a small hole in the wall of the castle keep, and made his way through till he reached the end. The tunnel opened out into a large cornfield, the stalks were tall and green, providing cover for Broadus. He stopped and scanned as much of the horizon as he could see through the corn, and noticed that a tree line of to the east. He pointed himself in that direction and started off. He was not sure where he would be going, but at least it would not be to the castle dungeon. By the time Broadus had reached the tree line he was almost out of breath, he had ran for so long that his lungs burned, his side felt as if they would explode, and sweat ran into his eyes. The tree provide a little cover, but allowed him the comfort of not fighting tight growing stalks. He made much better this way, he walked away from the setting sun, Remle told him as long as he heads east then he will be closer to the first mark of the journey. Day turned to night and Broadus continued on, his fear of getting caught pushed him to put as much distance as was possible between him and Wolf Castle. By morning his legs were so tired that they had began to shake, and his stomach growled from not eating at all last night. He knew that he had to rest and recharge. The rising sun shot rays of gold across the azure sky, and Broadus thought he saw structures in the distance. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or the hunger causing delusions, but he knew he needed to stop. He sat down beneath the drooping limbs of a weeping willow tree, hopefully it provide enough cover to let him catch a little bit of rest. His eyelids felt heavy and began to droop, his muscles had been over exerted and the rest was a welcome friend. Broadus woke to the sound of hoof beats on the approaching road. He lay quiet in the cover of the willow and watched. A group of men dressed as Nella had been approached on of the huts he had seen. Realizing he had gotten closer to the structure than he initially thought he leaned in to listen at the conversation. “ Old man if you are lying and the thief is found in any of the huts, I personally will run you through and burn your entire village.” The elderly man stood by as the men dismounted and began to ransack each hut, the leader of the group sat on his steed and watched as each man immerged from the huts. He glared at the man in disgust, almost as if to say ‘ give me a reason’. Broadus felt some how he knew the man, but was not sure from where. He continued to watch the chaos unfold, suddenly an elderly woman ran from one of the huts, her dress torn and screaming in terror. She fell at the feet of the old man. “ Aeolian, why are they doing this, stop them please.” “ Kami my child I am helpless. They are looking for a thief that has stolen something from the king.” “ I hope it is his crown, that tyrant.” “ Silence she dog or I will cut you down where you stand,” the rider shouted as he drew back the large sword. The woman coward and started to whimper, she was battered and beaten in more ways than one. Broadus could see the small trickle of blood that ran down from her lip, and the large red mark on her cheek, he wanted to charge at the rider and take him off that horse. Suddenly the seen became all too familiar, the dismounted riders began to set the grass roof on fire, and Broadus flashed back to the night Shia had been killed. These were the raiders, they had been sent by Anatak to seize the book. Broadus felt the anger building inside him; he could no longer control it. He burst forth from the low hanging limbs of the willow faster than he had ever ran. He launched himself off of a large stone beside the rider and land midway of the man. The two crashed to the ground with a teeth-jarring thud. The man was caught completely off guard, his sword drove into the ground a few feet away, and Broadus picked up a large stone and began to repeatedly beat the man. Crimson liquid flowed from the mans skull ands the lifeless body lay in the mid morning sun. Broadus stared, panting over the man, unaware of the rest of the group now in a full run in his direction. “ Run,” the old man shouted. Broadus turned to see the men charging at him swords drawn, ready to kill him. Broadus bolted as quickly as he could, grabbing the sword as he passed it. He wished he had jumped onto the horse, but he had no time now. He ran towards the trees, if he could slow them down then maybe he had a chance. He darted into the thick dark trees, using the shadows to his advantage, he ducked in doubled back did what ever he could think of to throw them off his path. From the sounds of the footsteps it was working. Broadus stopped and ducked down behind a large rock. “ Do you see him?” “ No, no sign of him.” “ Well keep looking he could not have just disappeared.” Broadus slowly stepped from behind the rock, a clear path could be seen in front of him, it headed into a fairly good-sized crack in the side of what appeared to be a castle wall. Broadus decided that it was his only hope. He slipped into the crack, and into total darkness. Once inside the crack he noticed that the opening led to a dimly lit room. He felt around trying to find a door or another opening. “ This way,” a voice whispered in the dark. “ Who are you?” “ A friend of anyone that will stand against the king.” Broadus followed the sound of the voice. He felt a hand touch his arm, and he followed who ever it was. Slowly the darkness relinquished its grip on him and he could start to see outlines and shapes, as the person led him further and further into the light he could see that it was the woman from earlier. He could tell now that he was in some tunnel, and in front of them was a large courtyard type opening. “ If you stay here they will find you, you must leave. Go through the courtyard, to the far wall, there you will find a gate. It will lead you to safety.” “ Why are you helping me?” “ As I said I am a friend of anyone who stands against King Anatak. Now go.” The woman disappeared into the darkness, and Broadus found himself alone again. He crossed the Courtyard, found the gate and stepped through into a wall of foliage and vegetation. He knew he would be on the run again, for how long he did not know. NEXT CHAPTER "CHAPTER THREE ESCAPING SIN" ![]() |