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Written for the Dialogue Only contest. |
“Are there any spirits with me this evening?” Yes “How many spirits are here?” 1 “What is your name?” No “No? Why wont you tell me your name?” M-O-M-M-A S-A-I-D No “Your mother? Why would she say no?” S-T-R-A-N-G-E-R “Oh, you aren’t allowed to talk to strangers?” Yes “Well, I’m not a stranger. I’m a friend. What’s your name?” S-I-S-S-Y “How old are you, Sissy?” 6 “Do you have any brothers or sisters?” D-I-D “You don’t anymore? What happened?” D-R-O-W-N “Your brother or sister drowned?” B-O-T-H “You have a brother and sister who both drowned?” Yes “How long ago did they drown?” L-O-N-G T-I-M-E “Were they swimming?” No “Where did it happen?” B-A-T-H “I’m sorry, Sissy. Accidents happen.” No “It must have been an accident.” … “Well what happened?” D-R-O-W-N “I know they drowned, Sissy. Did your mother put them in the bathtub?” Yes “Did she leave them alone? Is that how they drowned?” N-O-T A-L-O-N-E “Were you there too?” Yes “Did you try to save them?” Yes “It was an accident, Sissy! It’s not your fault you couldn’t save them.” … “Sissy, did you drown too?” No No No No No “Do you know that it isn’t your fault they drowned?” Yes “It was no one’s fault.” No “Who’s fault was it?” M-O-M-M-A “Why was it her fault?” M-O-M-M-A A-N-G-R-Y “What did your mother do, Sissy?” H-E-L-D D-O-W-N “Held down? She held them under the water?” Yes “You were in the bathroom when your mother drowned your brother and sister?” Yes “Did you tell anyone?” No “Are you still in the bathroom, Sissy?” No “Then where are you?” C-LO-S-E-T “Why are you in the closet?” M-O-M-M-A “You’re hiding from your mother in the closet?” No “Is your mother in the closet with you?” No “Did your mother put you in the closet?” Yes “How long have you been in there, Sissy?” L-O-N-G T-I-M-E “Are you waiting for something?” M-O-M-M-A “Is your mother supposed to come let you out?” Yes “Well, why did she put you in the closet?” S-I-S-S-Y B-A-D S-I-S-S-Y S-A-W S-I-S-S-Y B-A-D S-I-S-S-Y S-A-W S-I-S-S-Y B-A-D S-I-S-S-Y S-A-W “Do you know where your mother is now?” No. N-E-V-E-R C-A-M-E “Why don’t you leave the closet without her?” N-E-V-E-R C-A-M-E “I know she didn’t come, but why don’t you leave the closet now?” N-E-V-E-R C-A-M-E “Do you need someone to open the door for you?” M-O-M-M-A “Sissy, what if your mom can’t come?” W-I-L-L C-O-M-E “You said you’ve been in there a long time. If she hasn’t come yet, what makes you think she ever will?” S-A-I-D S-O “I’m sorry, Sissy. I don’t think she’s coming.” W-I-L-L C-O-M-E W-I-L-L C-O-M-E W-I-L-L C-O-M-E W-I-L-L C-O-M-E “What if she doesn’t?” … “Sissy?” Yes “What if she never comes?” N-O-T K-N-O-W “Sissy, what if I told you that your mother sent me to get you out of the closet?” T-R-U-T-H “Yes, it’s the truth. Can you leave the closet if I let you out?” N-O-T K-N-O-W “We can try! What closet are you in? It isn‘t in this room is it?” Yes. “You can’t be in that closet! I’ve opened it lots of times.” O-T-H-E-R “Other? There’s another closet in here?” Yes. “Where is it?” S-H-O-W “Was that you knocking on the wall just now?” No D-O-O-R “But there is no door over there, Sissy! It’s just the wall.” L-O-O-K “All I see is wallpaper.” C-L-O-S-E-R “Sissy, you were right! I peeled off some of the wallpaper and got the door open.” … “Sissy?” … “Sissy? Are you there?” … |