Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1678426-Blood-Boy-The-Begining
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1678426
The beginning and the outlying story for Blood Boy.

    So there I was poised at the very edge of exsistance, staring out into the very distance into the classrooms of the local elementary school. Bad Blood was a bad place to live for anyone. Run down, gangs, and most importantly no one to protect the innocent. I took the very challenge into my own hands. I became Blood Boy.


    The days are long, and the hours are even tougher. Waiting is the only game you play when you are looking the greatest evil to ever roam this distant planet straight in the eye. This plant that Bad Blood is sitting on is one of the most beautiful places in the galaxy. I say galaxy because we are still on our way to the nearest one. Our planet, Masticur is one of the few places humans ever dared to roam. It took 200 years of hard fighting from the near planet of Parthinion to get to where we are now. The human population as we know is around 100 billion between all the 6 planets we inhabit, Masticur being the newest to be inhabited.

    I was born on Parthinion at the time of the great war. I was one of the few to that was allowed to stay on the Parthinion. I loved Parthinion but knew it was time to move on. Before leaving Parthinion I was united with the experimental body created with DNA of people of Masticur and humans I had used and I how am one with it and will never seperate. I have incredible strength and speed, which makes me an formidable foe to any villian or evil being that crosses me. I learn the ways of the natives of Parthinion and strengthened myself through hard work and dedication. I was now ready to fight for the innocent.

Chapter I:

    I look hard in the distance with my eyes straining to focus. I could see far and I could see well enough to determine if anything was happening, but not today. I hadn't slept all night and was struggling to stay awake. I tried many local shops for something to keep me awake but the best thing I could find was coffee and caffeen which were considered toxic to the bodies of the people of Masticur. I kept searching all morning and into the afternoon but figured it was rather useless to keep searching on this planet where the main inhabitants were human.

    The next day I went out into the woods outside of the City. The forbiden forest as it was called because so many lives had been lost in the long battle to obtain this planet. Many hostile tribes live here. All of them are humanoid races but with a very keen sense of direction, scent, hearing, and sight. They are a pail greenish yellow that are as tall as the people of Parthinion. They are strong and very capable to communication. Their language is far more advanced that that of the Humans. They are called the Martico pronounced Marr-tee-co. they have a very diverse culture and are very accepting of the people of Parthinion. I learned the language of the Martico people called martician. I became integrated into the tribe and was very well recognized and honored for my willingness to help them negotiate peace with the humans. 

    Tensions with the humans was high. Many of the humans in Bad Blood were suspicious of the Martico people coming into the city and killing locals day by day. I knew it wasn't any of the tribes that I worked with and was part of because they didn't put up with hainous killings. These killings, as much as the humans hated to admit were that of an even more technologically advanced race on Masticur. The Tricuno people pronounced Try-cOo-NU were a fierce and relentless race on Masticur that we never to fond of outer being like humans or even the people of the planet I was born on. They sought to be the dominant race on Masticur like the white humans tried to be in the earlier time on Earth as the stories I learned goes. I never really understood being a human but am more comfortable in the body I am in now. I had this connection to where I was born, to the planet I was raised on. I didn't have a connection to where my parents (if they were even my parent) came from. I had always felt different, and now I know why.

    I walked cautiously back into the city because I knew many of the humans didn't like me even though I had been helping keep the local streets clean from any being that may choose to hurt anyone. I had no respect from the locals except for a few who I had grown up with back home before coming to this wicked city. Most days while out searching for wrong-doers I dream of going back home, to be with the people I had become a part of and would always be a part of because I fought for them. I rode along side many great warrior there and watched many fall but knew it was how it was supposed to be. I had been injured in that battle but the great diety of the Masticur that connected all life allowed me to live in the body I used to help the research team.

  I was never to cautious about going back to my house until the night I ran into this gang of angry mobsters. They were out to get me for a reward offered for me being brought in dead or alive. I only knew about this because of an incounter with one particular gang that gang that left a paper after I proved that I wasn't about to let someone take me in innocent. This socialist ravine was starting to get on my nerves and was causing mass hystaria all around Masticur. I can't walk around anywhere with out people looking at me, only waiting for someone to take me on. Many foolish people and gangs have tried but none have succeeded. It seems that my daunting size and strength is more than enough to scare anyone out of a fight with me. Except the city gaurd.

    The city gaurd was a fierce group of the low lifes in the city. they wanted nothing more than to kill the very people and being that killed their brothers and friends back where we came from. Most people here though hardly ever see the City guard. Not even I see them more than two or three times a year. The are cautious and careful not to show where they emerge from, their den of evil. I had all the few times I had encountered then gotten out with nothing more than a scratch. I wore nothing more than to conver up what was important and decent to cover up. No costume or mask of any kind, just the way I liked it. I didn't want people to think I was cocky at all but it sure seemed to push off that way.

    For the most part I stayed clear of the City. I laid on the out-skirts of the city patroling with my keen vision. I could on a good day hit a target downtown from my location outside of the city with extreme accuracy. I never missed, but I figured it was why many people thought I was the killer of the innocent.

Chapter II The Overlords life:

  "What do you mean that we can't set up the air modifiers?" "Sir there is just way to much danger out there to set them up. Plus with that crazy Vigilante roaming and killing our gangs, we don't know what he might do to the devices."

The Socialist overlord was much like the ones in the movies they played back on Parthinion, most of which were considered classics before humans ever left Earth. The overload General Toa who was of an Earthly origin, traveled at the request of the Partinion Co-operation Group to lead the people of the planet Masticur. The leaders of the Partinion Co-operation Group or  PCG had no idea what General Toa had in store for the planet. No one really knew his background or where he even came from, all they knew is he was a highly decorated general from the long battles that plagued the Earth before inevitable peace was made, at least that is how the story goes.

  We are supposed to "respect" his authority an show him un-warranted respect to him and his power to lead people. I was impartial to his tyranical ruling. From where I was standing he was just a weak leader with minor ability to get people to follow his orders, and the only reason they did is because he and the City Guard were hired under the Parthinion Co-operation Group.

  The Parthinion Co-operation Group was a business. they held trillions of dollars or what ever the currency is now, and they used it to control and employ the greatest masterminds of all time. The scored the galaxy looking for planets for humans to live on and drain of it's resources. The often promoted research programs similar to the one that I joined unknowingly of how destructive it would be. The Parthinion Co-operation Group isn't on Parthinion anymore because me and may strong warriors drove them off. I about died in the battle but was saved as I told you earlier.

  But going back to General Toa, he was cruel and weak not a very good combination for the people. was cruel enough to let gangs and mobsters run around the city and run it like it was nothing, and weak enough to go down to all time lows of anyone to prosecute anyone who opposed his power. I was one who couldn't be caught. State Television modules placed strategically around the city now were running his face against mine to se who was stronger. By consenting will the people chose him and were now against me.

Chapter 3: The struggle Begins

  Many days after roaming around outside the city I decide to go back into the forbiden forest to meet with the many tribes that I worked with and were part of. I felt at home with them because of the immense connection to the planet of Masticur and to Parthinion. Today was different though. I came into the village of the major clan and I was bound in ropes. In their language the said to me, "ahtuci krua cetri ouh", they think I killed one of my own, within the clan. Replying strongly I said to them "actuci! erstri neqwah! actuci!" I told them it was impossible because I had been away, impossible. Going back and forth I was able to calm them down and had them show me the wound on the now deceased clan member.

  I spoke softly but strongly to them saying "trecry sucra actuci guq beuqa!" Saying it was impossible because that wasn't from anything  I had. "sueq silck tuq euman" It was the humans. "Truquwa urkreh brekba euman?" Are you sure it was human the chief asked is a moderate tone.
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