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Rated: ASR · Poetry · Animal · #2068551
felines and canines mistreated for sport, box of tissues required

SWEET KITTEN and PUPPY: betrayed and cruelly mistreated for sport

This is a poem written based on what I was told about a video my friend was so sorry she saw. You need a huge box of tissue. The link to what I think is the correct video which, i believe is the one she saw and told me about is at the end of this poem. I haven’t been able to watch the video. As this was told to me, every fiber and molecule of my being was racked with major sadness and huge hurt, and I felt the pain of these animals deeply. Because of this I wrote the poem which I dedicate to all the animals who have ever lived on this earth, especially the kittens who are the focus of a story which should be told until this horriffic and tragic activity is ended completely and permanently forever and for all eternity. It was very, very difficult writing the poem because of all the emotions and feelings which flooded into and about my entire being. I shudder to think how I would feel if I were to watch the video.

You’re warm sweet and trusting
your black fur shines as you purr
young and just starting your life
curious and happy to explore the world

humans are huge and sometimes cruel
you had no idea what they had in mind for you
riding on a boat tossed in the waves
you don’t know what the future has to hold

Fishing a sport some enjoy and have thrills
the bate varied and not considered
alive and taking in breath moving air through lungs
no matter size or type of being have no idea

Hooks are tools which catch unweary
fish know not about the bates life
you born to be part of this world
a pet to give love unconditionally

betrayed by some who who hook you in
the strong line tossed out seeking fish for sport
struggling to stay above water gasping for breath
you loving kitty black glistening coat sinks into the depths

because you are black they care not for you
hated and dispised your thrown over board
like trash or dung for fish food
your trust broken you betrayed

please know I tear for you and your friends
who have experienced such a dreadful awful fate
my love for you and all other creatures too
I have hope humans are kinder and care

so that this fate and cruelty does not befall
animals your friends and mine too
we should consider the breath of life
given to everyone born on this earth

precious treasures animals birth
they breathe air just like we do
they bleed and hurt and have feelings within
to have a heart for them is a win and more win

I feel the emotions you had within now gone
before your life was snuffed out a fish did swim
your pain and fear gone for you are no more
God loves you and hugs you for ever all eternity

I was told about this video or some video and had to tell my friend to not say any more about this. I think if this isn’t the video talked about, it is another video showing the same kind of fishing with bate which suffers and is killed in a cruel and heartless manner.


Sadly I found and have not watched this video. I managed to get the url but can not bare to watch. Hearing about this and having the words haunt me regularly is too much. I can feel for these innocent loving creatures for whom tears flow and my body quakes under the heaviness of knowing they feel pain and have no idea why this is being done to them. I was told about black kittens, and now have discovered that puppies are facing the same or similar cruel fate each one doesn’t deserve.


The poem below is from finding that cruelty is also including canines as well as felines. I know from many years of living that there are people who are cruel to many different kinds of animals in many different ways. These poem and prose writings are dedicated to you for you and other generations who know not what has and continues to happen daily.


Humans who are capable of using animals in a cruel and painful way are capable to doing the same to each other.

You think you are superior
you think you have the right
you think that it doesn’t matter
you have no feelings toward loving creatures

Do you love yourself
I think and believe no
you have no love at all
you have no feelings

sport isn’t reason for cruelty
yet you continue repeating cruelty
you could have a loving kind devoted pet
yet you will not and do not

would you do this to your child
would you allow this cruelty for your child
the sweet kind creatures you abuse
are someones babies or someones parents

animals breath as humans do
they feel pain and have feelings like us
all they want s food water and shelter
love and affection from humans they adore

Mans best friend they are called
kittens pur for us and us alone, no other
why are they bait for sport placed on a cruel hook
is this the fate for our children or other unwanted

I have no idea about what other horrible acts of cruelty are perpetrated in the name of sports. I know not what else is done to animals or humans except history shows that when people do not care for animals they do not care for each other. When this happens the breath of life has no value. Spilling blood of any thing or any one is no big deal, then there is no feeling for anyone which results in much bloodshed and loss of life, any life for any reason. Everyone and everybody either is a son or daughter, or mother or father to someone or somebody in the human kingdom or, animal kingdom. Without love for all creatures great and small, no matter human or animal, we are doomed for love is the greatest charity. Charity is the gift which we can give even when we have no money or wealth/belongings. We need our hearts to give love through this earth and for all who breath and live on this earth. Our future is bleak unless we change for the better. Gifting love and uplifting each other is the very best gift we can give to ourselves, our animals, the trees and plants, and most of all for and from I AM THAT I AM, whom ever this is for you. Search the scriptures and other writings. Love is what is required and asked of us. Buda, Krishna, and many others have asked the same, love each other and all who live on this planet earth, even planet earth.
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