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by Ghost
Rated: GC · Chapter · Fanfiction · #2158976
Please read chapters 1, 2 and 3 to understand what's happening.
NOTE: I DO NOT OWN Aggretsuko or any of it's characters. This is fanfiction. This also a KINK STORY. If you dislike those kind of stores, DO NOT READ. END OF NOTE


Chapter 4

By Ghost

         "Hay Haida."
         "Yeah?" it was another day at the office, Haida was behind his desk as Fenneko started talking to him.
         "Have you seen Retsuko?" asked Fenneko, "I can't seem to find her."
         "Oh... well um... she's..." Haida tried to find the best way to say where Retsuko was, but Fenneko realized what was happening.
         "Really?" Fenneko stated, as Haida nodded his head.

         Sure enough, under Haida's desk was his bloated stomach and inside it was Retsuko. "Didn't she make you something before work so this wouldn't happen?" said Fenneko.
         "Well..." Haida paused and slowly moved his hand to rub about where Retsuko's head was. "This morning, when I got to work I found her in the elevator, she looked like she was about to pass out." he continued.

         "... so, instead of letting her go home, you offered to-" Fenneko started, but Haida stopped her.
         "No, in fact, she told me to swallow her." Haida stated, "I think she wanted to try and get better."
         Fenneko thought about it, "She must be short on cash this week."
         "Now that you say that-" Haida rubbed his chin, "has she been working harder this week then usual?".

         Fenneko took a moment to think about that, "Hmm, not really, but she has slowed down... did she go there?"
         Haida turned his head to look at Fenneko, "Go where?" he asked.
         Fenneko stared at him and slowly smiled, "You can ask her when you two get home, if I'm right, I don't want to spoil it." and walked away. He tried to call Fenneko back, but she was soon out of site.


         It was a challenge, but Haida managed to finish the rest of work without someone seeing his stomach. As he made his way down the halls he slipped into one of the storage rooms. "Okay Retsuko, " he said, "it's time to head home, I'm going to let you now, ready?" Haida felt Retsuko moving and starching his gut to respond, but all he herd was moaning.

         "Retsuko?" Haida asked, now a little worried.
         It took some time, but Retsuko managed to weekly say, "Can you... carry me?"
         "Oh man, you're that sick..." Haida was hoping Retsuko would be better by now, but it sounds like she's getting worse.
         "I can... try to-murth." she tried to speak more, but lost her strength to hold up Haida's gut.

         "It's okay," Haida said, "I'll get you home, just try and rest." Retsuko made a small noise in response to Haida, but he could not understand what it was. "Shhh, we'll be at your apartment in no time." he rubbed his stomach, about where Retsuko's back was. Retsuko passed out as this happened.

         Haida waited for most of the staff to leave then sneaked down the halls and stairs. 'If I can make it on to the streets, I'll be home free.' Haida thought as he got to the ground level. He peeked into the entertains, 'Okay, some stragglers talking in front of the doors, I'll just wait tell-' Retsuko suddenly starts thrashing about, causing him to let out a yelp.

         That was all the noise it took for the two stragglers to turn their attention to the stairwell doors. "Did you hear that?"
         "Yay, I think..."
         Haida heard the two talk as he tried to get Ratsuko to calm down. "Rats-ow, Ratsuko stop, you're saf-oof, safe, re-ahh, remember?" he whispered.
         "Hay, who's there?!" One of the two yelled, as Haida covered his mouth to stop making noise.

         The area was silent as the two near the entertains waited for a reply. Just as they were about to approach the stairs they heard something moaning. "What the hell was that?!"
         "I-I don't know." They started to argue as the moaning continued. As that was happening, Haida was freaking out as Ratsuko stared to moan vary loudly from his belly.

         'Oh crap, why is she doing that? At this rate wil-'
         "Oh god, it mite be a ghost!" Haida's thoughts where interrupted by that statement.
         "... what?"
         "We got get out of here!"
         "Hay, where are you going!" Haida heard footsteps moving away at a fast pace.
         After a little bit of silents, Haida let out a sigh of relief, "That was a close one." As Haida was about to finally leave, he felt Ratsuko start pushing up his belly.

         "Sorry, I forgot-" Ratsuko loses her strength and curls up, panting.
         Haida rubs his stomach, about where she is and finishes her sentences, "'Where you are?', it's okay, you saved my hide from getting cot." Hearing this, she tried to talk again, but feels his belly squeeze around her. "Sorry but, I know you want to try getting home yourself, but that's not going to happen." he stops hugging his own gut, letting her try to speak.

         After a few more pants, Ratsuko asks, "But wouldn't more people-murff." but once again loses her strength. Haida gently grips his gut to 'hold' her and gently rocks her.
         "Don't worry, once I'm outside and far from here, people will just think I had to much beer or am obese." He slowly lifts up his stomach. "They'll never realize I have a cute little red panda resting in my belly." He rubs about ware her head is.

         Ratsuko blushes as she is cuddled by Haida and soon returns to sleeping. Haida gently lets his belly fall and proceeds to leave the building. As he makes his way to the train station the people around him stare at his bloated stomach, but don't say or do anything about it. However, he had to duck into the alleyways a few times, because she started to toss and turn, which made them late for the last train.

         'Damn it!' Haida shouted in his mind, as the train pulled out of the station. He walked over to the public bathroom and locked himself inside. "Sorry Ratsuko, looks like I just missed it." He says to his stomach.
         "Murr murth mrr." Being the reply back. As he hugs his gut he realizes this, "I guess, I'm taking you home with me then."

         Ratsuko was about to shout 'what', but covered her mouth in time. Haida felt her squirm a little, "Shhh, it's not far from the here."
         She pushes up on his gut, "I kind of thought my first time over at your apartment would be more..."
         He rubs were her head is, "I know, I did too, but you need a place to sleep off... whatever you got."

         Ratsuko smiles saying, "If you think about it, I'm already in a nice comfy 'bed'."
         Haida's cheeks turn red, as he feels Ratsuko squeeze part of his belly from the inside. "T-thanks," he stammers, "I'll get us there in no time so you can rest soundly."
         Ratsuko curls up stating, "I took a nap at work and most of your walk to the station, I'm staying awake."

End of chapter 4
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