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Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2208725
Part One Of Goddess Chronicles
As Ray got home from work, he was spent and ready to sit down. Sitting on his run down couch that he found on the street and carried back. He didn’t have the money to really afford one any better, In fact he didn’t have the money to afford anything.

His job payed him barely anything, which makes him really hate his choice to not go to collage. He worked at Cluck N Chuck. A place that serves disgusting chicken, and for some reason is proud of the fact that it makes people vomit. It paid barely anything, it was demeaning and he hated it. What could he really do about it though, he was poor as anything and job offers were not coming in.

As he walked up the stairs, he grabbed his key and opened the room. Looking inside, he hated this place. No electricity, no lights, no cooling. It was a shelter over his head, and that was literally everything someone could say about his home. He walks inside and collapses onto the couch.

Ray can’t wait to eat the terrible food in the fridge, and then sleep in the terrible bed, only to wake up and go to his terrible job. Man he hates it.

Which is why, today was going to be his best day. As he closes his eyes and gets ready for sleep, something happened. A faint noise could be heard, one that left him so confused. Was that, his shower running?

Ray got up from his couch and slowly walked over. Walking through the hallway to the shower as it was on! How does that even make sense? He doesn’t pay his water bill in this apartment. Whenever he wants a shower, he has to go all the way to the public ones. It sucked, but he had to stay clean. Plus, he could ignore everyone’s eyes on his ass.

He was left so confused, as he walked right up. Pausing as another thought went into his mind. Who was taking the shower?

Almost as soon as Ray thought this, the shower stopped and he froze, wondering what was happening. He paused for a while, ready to jump whichever Hobo Plumber got his shower working.

As it turns out though, it wasn’t someone he thought it was. Someone unexpected opened the door. Someone he would have never guessed.

To say she was beautiful would be an understatement. She looked about six or seven years older. With long, curly brown hair over her body. Her body glistened, her skin being as smooth as silk and even more flawless. Her body even though hidden under a white towel, was something he could literally worship. Not to mention her face, was more beautiful than any model Ray have ever seen.

She looked right at him, shocked and stunned. She wasn’t though, as she grew a simple smiled and talked to him.

“Hello Ray.”

“Y-You know my name?” He questioned as she walked through, right past him and into the living room. He followed confused, looking at her rear in her towel.

“Wow, I can’t believe it. Like I always knew you lived in trash, but I have never seen it for myself.”

“W-Who are you?” Ray questions back, looking over his shoulder. “And how did you get my shower running?”

“I’ll answer them. I just need to slip into something more comfy.” She said as she smiled. Her finger starting glowing, getting Ray to freak out a bit. Fingers, do not do that! She smiled as she pointed at herself and a light covered the view. When it came down, Alex was stunned to see what he was seeing. She wore a white dress, one that would make wedding dresses shameful. High heels down below as well a leaf crown on her head. She looked more beautiful than in the towel, and she was wet then!”

“There, I know it’s not proper for this time, but I still like it. Do I look good Ray? You like what you are seeing?”

“What the hell is going on!” He shouted, literally having a panic attack. Something that this woman found adorable. Moving over, she headed to the couch and sat down, patting the area next to her.

“Sit with me, and I can explain.”

“R-Right.” He said, as he needed answers. Ray goes over and sits next to her, gaining a smile. Right next to this woman, not what he was expecting.

“Well, how do I start this? You mortals are usually so hard to convince.”

“M-Mortals?” Ray picked up on as she laughed.

“Well, kind of gave it away there didn’t I. My name is Cyrathania. I am a goddess.”


“Just call me Cyra, it would be simpler for your mind.” She said as he was left confused.

“Uh... Okay Cyra?” he said as he could not believe it. “A goddess?”

“Well you did just see me put on clothes with quite literally a flash, so I hope you believe me.”

“No I do!” He said defending himself. This woman was a goddess, who knew what her power is. “But... which ones. Greek, Roman, Norse-”

“Please, those children.” Cyra said with a laugh, getting Ray even more worried. “They are just world gods, me... i’m an Omnipotent god. One that can literally bend reality.”

Ray has no reason why he said this, but he had to. “P-Prove it?”

Cyra of course grew a smile, as she lifted her hand. Spinning it around in an instant. Ray had no idea what was happening, until he felt himself falling.

He hit his roof hard, almost crashing through as he looked up. The couch was upside down and Cyra was looking up at him.

Or down? Cause she just flipped the entire home. Against gravity as she smiled. “Believe me now?”

“yes Cyra, just flip it back to nor- Wah!!”

He got cut off, as she did just that, and he crashed back onto the couch. Landing hard as she smiled and giggled. He got himself together and sat near her.

“Okay goddess! Let’s say I uh... believe that now. Why?”

“Why? Well I come from a powerful face across the stars around the big bang-”

“No I meant like, why are you hear?” Ray finished as he wanted to know. Of course putting some distance between him and the girl this powerful.

“You should be wise not to interrupt a goddess? I could do some serious damage to you.”

“Sorry!” he said quickly defending, as she then chuckled.

“I’m just joking. I can do literally nothing to you personally. At least yet.” She said with a wink as once again he was confused.

“Explain?” He said as he was needing a lot of questions right now.

“Well, you see my race while very powerful is hampered by one law. We can’t affect someone, who we don’t have a deal with. Sure, we can change reality, but not a person.”

“Oh... wait then how could you-”

“I can change reality easily. However change too much, and I get penalised by even stronger beings. That’s why goddesses usually stick with one person, and create disturbances and changes for that one person.”

“I’m... still confused.” Ray replied as Cyra got annoyed.

“If I make a deal with someone, I can create a reality for them while not disturbing the real one, and I can just place them back to the reality once i’m finished with them.”

“Okay? Kind of getting it now. Wait, then does that mean you are here-”

“To strike a deal with you.” She finished with a smile, sticking out her hand for a shake.

“Why with me?” He said as she frowned.

“Knew there would be some resistance.”

“Of course!!” Ray shouted. “Why do you want me? I mean, i’m not special in anyway. I have a boring apartment, a boring job, a boring life,” He said standing up and ranting. “It’s not like i’m good looking. I mean sure i’m not bad, but not on the level of where a goddess would want me! I don’t get it.”

“Well, you meet all my criteria” Cyra said back as he turned. “You know what really drew me to you. It was the fetish you have, how crazy is that.”

“I... how long have you been spying on me?”

“For a while, long enough to see what you like. Giant woman, I would have never guessed.”

“It’s called Giantess and... No what!” Ray said as this was blowing his mind. That was his own private time. Not even his family and his closet friends know about what he really likes.

“No, you are getting it wrong. I’m not judging you for it, in fact it peaked my interest. Such an unrealistic fetish. At least with others ones, they could somewhat live them out. A foot fetish, perv on a girls foot. A diaper fetish, convince your girlfriend to get drunk and hope she says yes. A pedophile, simply go to the park and-”

“I get it.” He said cutting her off as she smiled.

“Although, you like all of those as well.”

“Of course not! O-Only when they are giant.” Ray says back to her. He pauses for a while, until he was ready to. “Look, when everything is giant. All my thought goes out the window. Things that wouldn’t turn me on, suddenly do. I know I am a freak and a pervert but... I can’t help it.”

“Well I can help you.” Cyra said, standing up right in front of him. Still having her hand out. “I can get you those moments you’ve never had. You want to be small with giant girls around you, I can do that. Warp reality and put you in a Sorority. Got a thing for something a little more foreign, I can take you to japan. Like in those Anime you watch. I can do literally anything you want. Hell, I can create whole other realities just for you! One where you are the shrunken king, getting loved by giant woman. I can even make you do it with a giant version of your... what did you call it. Waifu?”

“I... Look Chun Li has amazing thighs okay.” Ray said defending your girl.

“All you have to do, is shake my hand. You know you want to. All you dreams will come true, and your life will become the one you always wanted.”

“I... i’m not sure.”

“Come on!” Cyra said stomping her foot. Something a goddess shouldn’t do. “What else do I have to offer?”

“What If I die?”

“I’ll bring you back to life. You will be under my power, so that is so easy.”

“I have a job, and family.”

“I can give you unlimited money and time with your family.” She said as Ray paused.

“Unlimited... money? Wait you can make me rich? Get me out of this dump.”

Cyra saw this, and decided to take full advantage. “You will never have to work again. You can just spend your time... with any sexy woman you want.”

There was a long pause, as Ray literally thought about this. Thinking about it hard until finally he gave out a long sigh.

“Fuck, I hope I don’t regret this.” And then, he leaned forward, and shook her hand. Shaking it as there was a sudden burst. The light lighting up as he was not prepared for this. Ray thought it would simply just be a handshake!”

“Keep your eyes on me, until it’s over!” Cyra said as Ray did just that. Staring right at her for a long while, until the light went down. The room went back to normal, and he pulled away from the shake. Looking at his hand, he could feel something run through it. Was that her power, or something like that? How powerful is she?

“There, now you are mine, and I am your goddess.” Cyra said with a chuckle. “And as promised.”

She then clicked her fingers, and Ray was confused about what she meant, until he finally realised something. His home, was getting so much bigger. His couch was towering over him, as well as all the walls and most importantly, Cyra.

Holy shit the sight he saw was something else. This woman towered over him, and the lust he felt from her was so much more powerful. He backed away, taking a couple of steps back as he landed down onto his rear.

“Oh, I see why you like this now. Seeing you so small, oh man.” She said with so much happiness and joy. She made her way over to him. taking just a couple of mere steps on her heels as she stopped right in front. Letting him see right under her glorious dress. He could not actually see far into it, but he knew what was happening and knew what was up there.

“So, you like this. My little Ray.”

“T-T-This is... wow...” He said as he of course knew not what to say. Cyra smiled and giggled above. She was about to have some real fun with you, no doubt about that. She hasn’t chosen on what she will really do, but she knows she will enjoy it. Ray, well that is on a different story. Her interest is of course the top priority. Ray’s is secondary. He is basically nothing but her toy right now. Sure he likes giant woman, and the fun will mostly be that but still... Cyra is curious to see at which point does his lust, turn to love.

After all, the del has already been struck. Ray’s is hers now.

“Cyra thank you!” Ray said, still on his rear. He figured out he was about one inch tall, which was something else. “Thank you so much! This is amazing!”

“If you like the mere sight of me,” She replied thinking about this. “Then you will love the sight of this.”

And with that, she pulled her foot back as she got her foot out of her heel. Ray of course kept his eye on this, seeing it rise out. He normally didn’t care about feet, but at this size it was really nice, he could worship them all night long.

He expected them to drop right down on him, but that is not what happened. Instead it raised high up. Very high above him as he looked at the giant sole of the goddess.

This sight was amazing, something he could only find images on the internet of. Ray could feel the power in his pants rise up, as she wore a giant smile. Wiggling her toes and seeing how much he was loving it.

“By the way.” Cyra said down to him. “You did make the wrong mistake.”

And with that, she lowered her foot right down. Dropping it down powerful as he flattened him into nothing but a red paste.

“Oh,” Cyra said with a devious smile. “The first death for you, little Ray. let’s bring you back, but where?”
© Copyright 2019 Lover Of All Giantesses (xkiba4lifex at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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