Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322713-Life-Chapter-Two
by Prier
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Adult · #2322713
Character study- Man recently divorced attending a cocktail party.
Life Chapter Two

         Bert Thomas stood at the edge of the crowded living room; his fingers wrapped tightly around a half-empty glass of whiskey. The ice cubes clinked as he raised it to his lips, the amber liquid burning a path down his throat. He'd forgotten how overwhelming these gatherings could be after so long away from the social scene.

         The divorce had left him adrift, unsure of his footing in a world that seemed alien. Ten years of shared routines and familiar patterns had vanished, leaving him to navigate this sea of faces alone. Some were familiar, others strange, all blurring together in a kaleidoscope of noise and motion.

         "Bert! There you are, you old hermit!" A booming voice cut through the chatter, and Bert turned to see Dave Hawkins striding towards him. Dave's ruddy face was split by a wide grin, his jacket already discarded, and tie loosened. "Thought you'd fallen off the face of the earth!"

         Bert managed a weak smile. "Hey, Dave. Just... taking some time to myself, I guess."

         Dave clapped him on the shoulder, nearly spilling Bert's drink. "Well, it's good to see you out and about. Listen, there's someone you've got to meet--"

         Before Bert could protest, Dave was steering him across the room towards a small group huddled near the fireplace. As they approached, a petite woman with silver-streaked black hair glanced up, her eyes widening in recognition.

         "Bert Thomas? Is that really you?" She extended a hand, her grip surprisingly firm. "I'm Margaret Chan. We worked on the Hendricks account together, oh, must be five years ago now."

         Bert blinked, memories stirring. "Right, of course. The pharmaceutical launch, wasn't it?"
Margaret nodded, a wry smile playing at her lips. "What a nightmare that was. But we pulled it off in the end." She tilted her head, studying him. "You look... different. More relaxed, maybe?"

         Bert felt a pang of guilt at the lie he was about to tell. "Ah, well. Life changes, you know? New perspectives and all that."

         Bert's gaze drifted to the man standing just behind her. Tall and lean, with salt-and-pepper hair and wire-rimmed glasses, he seemed content to listen silently. There was something in his posture, a kind of quiet confidence, which made Bert envious.

         "Oh, where are my manners?" Margaret said, turning to gesture at the man. "Bert, this is Dr. Alan Forrester. He's a psychologist I've been consulting with on a new ad campaign."

         Dr. Forrester extended a hand, his grip cool and dry. "Pleasure to meet you, Bert. I understand you're in advertising as well?"

         Bert nodded, suddenly acutely aware of the wrinkles in his shirt, the scuff marks on his shoes. "That's right. Though lately, I've been... reassessing things."

         Something flickered in Dr. Forrester's eyes--understanding, perhaps, or curiosity. "A natural part of life's journey," he said. "We all reach points where we must take stock and decide which path to follow next."

         Before Bert could respond, a burst of laughter from across the room drew his attention. A young woman with vibrant red hair was holding court near the bar, gesturing wildly as she told some animated story. Her audience hung on every word, their faces alight with amusement.

         "That's Zoe Brennan," Dave said, following Bert's gaze. "New hotshot creative director at Mackenzie & Walsh. Kid's barely thirty and already making waves in the industry."

         Bert watched as Zoe finished her story with a flourish, earning another round of laughter. She caught his eye for a moment, flashing a brilliant smile before turning back to her admirers. Bert felt a twinge of... something. Nostalgia? Regret? He couldn't quite name it.

         As the night wore on, Bert drifted from conversation to conversation, never quite settling anywhere. He caught snippets of lives in motion--promotions earned, children born, travels taken. Each story underscored how stagnant his life had become.

         Eventually, he found himself alone on the balcony, the cool night air a welcome respite from the stuffy warmth inside. The city sprawled out before him, a glittering strand of lights and shadows. Bert closed his eyes, letting the distant hum of traffic wash over him.

         "Beautiful view, isn't it?"

         Bert turned to find Dr. Forrester standing beside him, hands clasped behind his back as he gazed out at the cityscape.
"Yeah," Bert mumbled. "It is."

         They stood in silence for a moment before Dr. Forrester spoke again. "You know, Bert, I couldn't help but notice you seem... a bit lost tonight."

         Bert bristled slightly. "I'm fine. Just... readjusting."

         Dr. Forrester nodded slowly. "Of course. But sometimes, readjustment can be its own form of stagnation. We convince ourselves we're moving forward when, really; we're just treading water."

         Bert looked at him, a mixture of irritation and curiosity lingering inside him. "What are you saying?"
The older man smiled gently. "Only that change--real change--requires more than just waiting for life to happen. It demands action, even when that action is terrifying."

         As if on cue, the balcony door slid open, and Zoe Brennan stepped out, her cheeks flushed from laughter or wine or both. "Oh! Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt."

         Dr. Forrester inclined his head. "Not at all. I was just heading back inside." He gave Bert a meaningful look before slipping past Zoe and disappearing into the party.

         Zoe leaned against the railing; her eyes bright in the moonlight. "So, you're Bert Thomas. I've heard a lot about you tonight."

         Bert felt a flutter of nervousness in his stomach. "All good things, I hope?"

         She grinned, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Mostly. Though I have to say, you're not quite what I expected."

         As Zoe plunged into a story about her latest creative breakthrough, Bert found himself truly listening for the first time that night. Her enthusiasm was infectious, stirring something long dormant inside him.

         And there, under the vast expanse of the night sky, Bert Thomas began to wonder if perhaps it wasn't too late to write a new chapter in his story after all.

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