Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2323720-The-Mermaid-and-the-Genie
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #2323720
A Mermaid finds a Lamp with a Genie inside it.
Deep in the ocean’s depths swam a young mermaid she had blonde hair a blue tail and wore no clothing except for a bag she carried on her shoulder which contained many treasures she had discovered while salvaging the shipwrecks that morning, now she was heading home to the small grotto she lived in with her mother.

Upon entering her home she immediately emptied the bag on what one would consider to be the living room floor and began admiring the many human items she had procured that morning, but the one thing that stood out the most was a large golden brass Lamp she carefully picked it up and took a closer look at it that’s when she noticed what appeared to be writing on it yet was ever so small seeing a smudge of dirt covering some the words she instinctively wiped it off with her hand.

Without warning the Lamp began to shake until out of fear she let go of it but instead of dropping to the floor due its weight it appeared to just float as it continued to shake and then glow a bright orange color followed by a puff of orange smoke that spewed out of the tip filling up the room until the mermaid could not see anything around her,

Then just as quickly as it appeared it seemed to dissipate and she could see clearly again, the Lamp now on the floor and laying on its side had stopped glowing and shaking, the mermaid was still in shock to notice that now there was another person in the room with her,

A beautiful woman standing across from her arms crossed with a big smile on her face with orange hair that matched her orange eyes and even an orange top to cover her rather large ample bust on each of her wrists were two large gold bracelets and finally she had an orange tail that looked as if it was made of smoke but instead of leading to some orange fins it seemed to be coming from the lamp.

What seemed like a forever moment of silence ended when the Genie with a big smile spoke “Greetings Master what would you bid of me for your wish is my command”,
Still trying to comprehend everything that had happened the Mermaid could barely utter a syllable

finally she regained her composure adjusted her posture cleared her throat and said “Who are you” she gazed down examining the rest of the genie “what are you??”

The genie giggled a little and replied

“why I’m a Genie of course”

“Genie?” said the mermaid

“Yes Genie or Djinn whichever you prefer”

then memory came back to her and the mermaid asked if she had said something about wishes.

“That’s right master though I must caution you for each who has held the lamp only three wishes are granted upon you so you must choose carefully as they say be careful what you wish for”

the mermaid wanted to protest to being limited to three wishes but felt that three would be better than nothing
absently minded as if trying to change the subject she nonchalantly asked the genie If she could really do anything

In response the Genie raised both her arms above her head and orange sparks seemed to emerge from her hands
what followed next the room began to spin very fast until the mermaid could hardly see anything but herself and the genie
everything seemed black until in the distance she saw a bright light then another and another until dawned on her where they were in space

She had seen the night sky before when she came up to the surface but not like this
the Genie head looking upwards spoke again

“Phenomenal cosmic power I can do almost anything”

Then the genie began to grow in size then with both hands scooped up the tiny mermaid

she took the mermaid on an exciting trip one moment she was in the night sky the next she was shrunken down and placed in a fish bowl being carried by the genie as she walked through what looked like a human marketplace on land.

till finally they materialized back in the grotto

the mermaid clapped her hands and swished her tail in excitement at the thought of what she could do with the genie.

after the moments excitement wore off she began pondering on what she should wish for holding her hand under her chin she began to think?

many things came to mind a bigger home a fancy new comb for her hair till finally she remembered that boy she liked but who no matter how hard she would try didn’t seem to notice her.

she was about to open her mouth and speak her first wish when the genie surprised by her saying

“I am sorry master but I cannot affect free will ergo I cannot make people fall in love”

this came as a shock to the mermaid and with a hint of fear she stuttered

“G-G-Genie you can read my thoughts??”

the genie blushed then giggled then said

“No master that is usually the first thing someone wishes for”

“Oh Plankton”

the mermaid said with a measure of frustration in her voice.

she began to think again she wanted her crush to notice her but she couldn’t just wish for him to be in love her, she had to grab his attention he had to know she was there.

As she was thinking on how to carefully gain what she desired most she started to study the genie up and down until it practically smacked her right in the face like seaweed or to put it more bluntly two very big double DD’s sized pieces of seaweed

she cleared her voice so as to speak clearly then as she pointed her finger directly at the genie’s ample bosom she said

“Genie I wish my breasts were as big as yours”

the genie smiled at finally able to live up to her purpose she stretched out her hands cracked her knuckles then bright orange magic seemed to emanate from her hands before she pointed them at the mermaid and shot straight at her covering the mermaid entirely.

she wasn’t sure if it would hurt so she closed her eyes but felt nothing finally she opened them and gazed down.

gone were the b cups she had just moments ago now there perched on her chest as if they had always been there stood two of the biggest orbs she had ever seen.

gone two was the top her mother had made for her from a shipwrecked sail they simply couldn’t contain the new figures and had broken off.

with a squeal of delight she cupped her new boobs they felt so thick and firm and at the same time so soft and smooth to the touch.

she immediately swam close and hugged the genie their massive breasts pressed against each other then finally she gave her a quick peck on the lips.

before being overcome with embarrassment blushing she swam back from her and softly spoke while twirling her tail.


the genie replied with an understanding tone

“there is no need to apologise master so long as you hold the lamp I am but your humble servant and are free to give in to your advances, you aren’t the first master I’ve had who has lain with me”

“really?” said the mermaid

“oh yes some of them were too dumb to realise they didn’t need a wish to have me”


looking around the grotto the mermaid decided on her second wish

with another excited twirl around the room she spoke

“Genie for my second wish I wish for this grotto we call home to be bigger”

the genie granted the wish and the inside of the grotto seemed to grow in size new cave rooms also appeared it was perfect.

after deciding to think about the third wish later she decided to have some fun first.

she seductively swam over to the genie and commanded her to remove her top and with a wave of her hand the orange top the genie wore vanished and too the mermaids surprise and arousal even her nipples were orange.

instantly she cupped both the genies breasts in her hands

“There so huge”

and captivating all the mermaid could do was fixate on the breasts till finally after a moments hesitation she placed her lips on the right nipple and began to suckle.

no milk came out but she still had a feeling of ecstasy filled her after having done that.

then without even thinking first before she spoke she said

“I wish could suckle them as if I were a baby again drinking the milk that comes from those wonderful orbs till my tummy is full and I fall asleep”

in an instant everything seemed to change the room seemed to get bigger again and she found herself face to face with the biggest nipple she had ever seen.

she knew who it belonged to, just before she could barely grasp them both in her normal sized hands, but now just one alone was bigger than her head!

Instinctively she clutched both sides of that massive teat with her now little tiny infant hands and placed her lips upon the sweet spot and felt a rush of warm milk enter her mouth and down into her tummy,

as she drank she felt two very large hands gently grab hold of her and held her close as she greedily guzzled all the milk she could,
till finally with a burp she stopped and looked up at the now gigantic genie’s face,

both smiled at each other as the genie shifted her over to the other breast and she happily drank from that one,

this went on for some time till finally she felt full and pulled her head away from the nipple followed by a big loud burp and then yawned and finally nodded off to sleep with a split second last thought when it finally dawned on her that-

that was her last wish.

the genie gently carried her into her room where a crib had magically appeared and placed her in it,
before giving her a soft kiss on the forehead then disappeared into her lamp ready to serve who ever rubs her lamp next.

The End


a short time later the mermaids mother returned home with a quite a tale to tell, one moment she was in the market place buying food when all of a sudden she felt a pain in her breasts as they grew in size and she began to lactate from her nipples as if ready to feed a newborn,

as she entered the grotto she was quite surprised to see how big there home was now,

even more surprised when she entered her daughters room to find a small infant fast asleep in a crib,

in all the confusion she almost didn’t notice the Lamp lying on the floor but soon swam near it and picked it up……
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