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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2282443
Someone was out to get her. Collina wanted to know who it was and why they were doing it.
#1038629 added October 4, 2022 at 10:48pm
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Professional Eliminators - The Third Day of October
Oct. 3: - "Character: Protagonist Profile" ▼
Draft a profile of your protagonist. Include detailed information such as name, age, physical attributes, occupation, education, culture, religion, family, relationship status, personality, likes, dislikes, strengths, weakness, motivations and desires. Use Google Images to find an image of your character. The point of this exercise is for you to get to know your character inside and out before you write your novel. If you don't know your character, how can you expect it of your readers? Flesh out your pre-story character in detail. Keep in mind that your protagonist will grow in some way during your story. For more serious character profilers, here is are two optional, very extensive templates: "Character Interview / Profile Sheet" and "(Another, Very) In-Depth Character Profile" . Also, here is a "Traits List" to draw from.

Name: Collina.
Age: middle to late twenties.
Physical Attributes: not very pretty.
Occupation: Professional Eliminator.
Education: unknown.
Culture: very well off.
Religion: not known of any.
Family: none that are known about.
Relationship Status: Roobic and Maveen are her lovers.
Personality: pleasant personality unless she’s mad.
Likes: eliminating TriLans.
Dislikes: not being able to eliminate TriLans.
Strengths: can use any weapons
Weakness: she can’t control herself sometimes.
Motivations: she is motivated by something, but we don’t what it is yet.
Desires: the same as motivations.

Name: Roobic.
Age: about the same as Collina.
Physical Attributes: average looking.
Occupation: Information Professional.
Education: unknown what it is.
Culture: not too well off, but not too bad either.
Religion: unknown
Family: don’t know about any family.
Relationship Status: one of Collina’s lovers.
Personality: Information is almost the most important to him.
Likes: information.
Dislikes: not being able to get the information he’s looking for.
Strengths: won’t give up until he gets what he wants.
Weakness: he’s not as good as he wants to be.
Motivations: to get better at getting information.
Desires: wants to be with Collina alone.

Name: Maveen.
Age: a little younger than Collina and Roobic.
Physical Attributes: tall and slim.
Occupation: Healthcare Professional.
Education: unknown how much he has gotten.
Culture: high above very well off.
Religion: no religion that is known.
Family: speaks of family a little bit.
Relationship Status: another lover of Collina’s.
Personality: gets along with everyone.
Likes: helping Collina
Dislikes: having to help Collina as much as he does.
Strengths: his skills as a Healthcare Professional.
Weakness: he isn’t as good as he wants to be.
Motivations: also, to get better at what he does.
Desires: to be the best Healthcare Professional on TriLan.

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